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论述了推行厂务公开工作的重要性,介绍了企业结合实际开展厂务公开的做法.通过开展这项工作,从制度上保证了职工群众真正参与、监督企业的各项决策和生产经营活动,增强了基层民主政治建设,提高了企业的凝聚力.  相似文献   

论述了推行厂务公开工作的重要性,介绍了企业结合实际开展厂务公开的做法.通过开展这项工作,从制度上保证了职工群众真正参与、监督企业的各项决策和生产经营活动,增强了基层民主政治建设,提高了企业的凝聚力.  相似文献   

厂务公开是加强基层民主政治建设的重大举措,是贯彻党的、全心全意依靠工人阶级”方针的基本要求,是加强企业廉政建设的重要制度,是促进企业两个明建设的有效措施。剖析厂务公开与“三个代表”重要思想的内在联系,指出具体实践中要加强厂务公开的规范性。  相似文献   

厂务公开是企业民主管理的一种表现形式,是职工群众在党的领导下当家作主的体现。近年来,在部分国有企业推行厂务公开的工作实践中,还存在着制度不健全等问题,要进一步推进厂务公开、民主监督工作,就必须采取必要的对策去认真解决存在问题。本文试从如下方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

迟才功  郭勇 《山东冶金》2002,24(6):60-62
开展厂务公开工作是企业建立母子公司体制后面临的新问题。文章论述了做好这项工作应采取的主要措施 :突出厂务公开的重点 ,统一对厂务公开工作的认识 ,把握厂务公开的内容与形式 ,加强对厂务公开的宣传、教育与引导工作 ,以促进母子公司管理水平的提高 ,适应现代企业制度的要求  相似文献   

中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日下发的《关于在国有企业、集体企业及其控股企业深入实行厂务公开制度的通知》指出 ,国有企业、集体企业及其控股的企业都要实行厂务公开。《通知》指出 ,目前还没有实行厂务公开的单位应尽快实行 ;已经实行的 ,要进一步深化 ,逐步使其内容、程序、形式规范化、制度化。通知要求 ,企业重大决策、涉及职工切身利益方面和与企业领导班子建设及党风廉政建设密切相关等问题 ,以及企业生产经营管理方面的重要问题需要公开。企业重大决策主要包括企业中长期发展规划 ,投资和生产经营重大决策方案 ,企业改革、改制…  相似文献   

企业管理中实现厂务公开,能够增强工作的透明度,密切党群干群关系,加强职工参政议政和民主管理、民主监督的意识,特别是对职工主人翁地位的落实和企业的改革、发展与稳定具有重要的推动作用。通过对实践的总结,要真正落实厂务公开就必须牢牢抓住三个关键环节:  相似文献   

近年来,庆元县总工会认真履行职责,积极表达和维护职工合法权益,不断加强基层职工代表大会(职工大会)制度建设和深化厂务公开寻工作,强化了企业的民主管理,有力地保障职工的经济利益和安全健康权益,实现了企业与职工利益的双赢.  相似文献   

中纪委、中组部、中央企业工委、国家经贸委、监察部、中华全国总工会近日联合发出《关于做好2002年厂务公开工作的通知》,要求各级厂务公开协调(领导)小组和广大企事业的干部职工,广泛深入地开展厂务公开。据了解,厂务公开开展3年来,全国实行厂务公开制度的企业达23万多家,18万多家事业单位也实行  相似文献   

推行厂务公开是近年来国家在总结一些企业强化民主管理,充分发挥广大职工民主参与、民主管理、民主监督的积极性,加快企业民主化进程经验的基础上提出来的一项推进基层民主政治建设的重大举措。其目的是全面贯彻落实党的全心全意依靠工人阶级方针。  相似文献   

本文就目前对国企领导干部有效的民主监督机制,提出推选厂务公开中存在的问题以及应采取的措施进行了论述。  相似文献   

The Association for the Advancement of Psychology (AAP) serves as the public policy arm of the American Psychological Association (APA). This article discusses the AAP's public policy activities as well as providing recognition for psychologists in public law and information on AAP internal affairs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Introduces this issue of American Psychologist, which calls attention to some of the issues related to psychology in the public domain and seeks to provide a background for thinking constructively about the role of psychology and psychologists in public affairs. The editor presents an overview of the papers contained in this special issue and expresses his personal appreciation to the contributors who so graciously permitted their papers, prepared for other purposes, to be included. In this complex area of public affairs, represented here are some of the many psychologists who are attempting to use reason in meeting society's demands and in articulating psychology's needs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports the minutes of the American Psychological Association (APA) for 1992, reflecting the official record of the actions of the Board of Directors and the Council of Representatives. Topics addressed include the minutes of meetings; elections, awards, membership, and human relations; ethics; the Board of Directors; divisions and state and provincial associations; organization of the APA; publications and communications; the Board of Convention affairs; educational affairs; professional affairs; scientific affairs; public interest; ethnic minority affairs; international affairs; the Central Office; financial affairs; and communications concerning outside organizations. (0 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports minutes representing the official record of the actions of the American Psychological Association (APA) taken during 1996 by both the Board of Directors and the Council of Representatives. The Board held 6 official meetings, discussing issues related to the following topics: (1) minutes of previous meetings, (2) elections, awards, membership, and human resources, (3) ethics, (4) the Board of Directors, (5) divisions and state and provincial associations, (6) the APA organization, (7) publications and communications, (8) convention affairs, (9) educational issues, (10) professional affairs, (11) scientific affairs, (12) public interest, (13) ethnic minority affairs, (14) international affairs, (15) the Central Office, and (16) financial affairs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

田兴仁 《中国锰业》2005,23(3):50-51
针对秀山县在资源开发上“八重八轻”的问题,提出政府要三管齐下提升文化品位等4个方面的对策,提出乡镇政府内部政务管理必须做到的5点和膏田乡要抓好的3件大事。  相似文献   

莱钢锻压厂为加强财务管理 ,采取了转变思想观念 ,提高财会人员业务水平 ,建立企业财务监督约束机制 ,实行财务预算控制制度 ,参与成本管理、节约挖潜等措施 ,使企业取得了显著的经济效益  相似文献   

These minutes act as the official record of the actions of the American Psychological Association (APA) taken during the year by both the Board of Directors and the Council of Representatives. The report contains sections on (1) meeting minutes; (2) elections, awards, and membership; (3) ethics; (4) Board of Directors; (5) Divisions and State Associations; (6) APA organization; (7) publications and communications; (8) convention affairs; (9) educational affairs; (10) professional affairs; (11) scientific affairs; (12) public interest; (13) ethnic minority affairs; (14) international affairs; (15) Central Office; (16) financial affairs; and (17) communications concerning outside organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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