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设计了一种新型的高非线性低损耗光子晶体光纤(PCF),在1.55μm处可获得35.78W-1·km-1的高非线性系数,损耗为2.5dB/km。提出了一种基于高非线性光子晶体光纤交叉相位调制的波长转换系统,当泵浦光波长为1 565nm、功率为0dBm,信号光波长为1 545nm、功率为10dBm,滤波器波长为1 565.2nm、带宽为0.1nm时,得到最佳的波长转换效应。  相似文献   

赵乃峰 《光电子.激光》2009,20(12):1561-1564
提出并实验了一种基于高非线性色散平坦微结构光纤的四进制光信号向二进制光信号的全光转换方案。由于自相位调制(SPM)效应,不同峰值功率的ps光脉冲经过微结构光纤传输后可获得不同展宽程度的输出频谱。基于以上原理,通过滤波可将1路10Gb/s的四进制信号转化成3路不同波长的10Gb/s二进制信号,再将3路信号进行适当的时延和衰减,最后耦合成为1路20Gb/s的二进制信号,实验获得的转换信号消光比达到3.2dB。  相似文献   

为了克服高比特率光信号实时取样时所面临的高速模数转换(ADC)限制,构建了一套基于高非线性光纤(HNLF)中四波混频效应的全光等效取样系统。全光取样系统主要包括取样脉冲信号产生、全光取样门和信号处理3部分,其中全光取样门为本系统的核心部分。取样脉冲和信号共同注入到HNLF中,基于四波混频效应实现全光取样。实验中,分别以10Gb/s、40Gb/s非归零OOK信号进行了取样实验验证。实验结果表明该取样系统可以实现高速光信号的取样过程。本文取样系统结构简单,且不受光信号速率的限制,可应用于更高速率的信号测量。  相似文献   

非线性光纤环形镜(NOLM)在不同抽运条件下具有不同的连续波开关特性,当单抽运NOLM在抽运峰值功率大于开关阈值功率时具有反转抽运脉冲峰的特点,在抽运脉冲上升与下降沿处各产生一个脉冲输出;当使用双脉冲抽运在两抽运脉冲除峰值功率和波长不同外其他参数一致时,透射输出由两个脉冲的峰值功率差决定,具有脉冲峰值功率比较作用。基于NOLM的这两个特性设计了全光分离两光功率水平信号的方案。利用光子学仿真软件进行了数值仿真,结果显示二光平信号被成功分离,并分别加载到不同波长上。实现了高功率级无基座脉冲输出,表明该方案也具有消除脉冲基座的能力。  相似文献   

详细介绍了多种全光波长转换(AOWC)的方法、原理、特性以及性能比较,分类介绍了目前常用的全光波长转换器(AOWC)的实现方案,并对其发展提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

利用光子晶体光纤实现全光波长转换研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作为自动交换光网络中的核心器件,全光波长转换器在网络中发挥着重要作用。重点介绍基于光纤参量放大器实现全光波长变换的进展和工作原理。提出利用光子晶体光纤的强非线性来实现全光波长转换,在未来光通信领域将具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于光子晶体光纤的全光再生理论和实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出了利用高非线性光子晶体光纤(PCF)的自相位调制效应(SPM),实现对高重复率皮秒脉冲全光再生的方案,理论分析了再生器的传输特性和滤波器参量对再生特性的影响。此外,利用一段80m的非线性光子晶体光纤进行了全光再生实验,通过调节入射光纤的功率和可调谐滤波器的参量实现了对高传输速率脉冲的全光再生,实验结果与理论分析结果一致。  相似文献   

董方  陈鹤鸣 《光电子技术》2007,27(4):264-267,280
研究了一种通过交叉相位调制(XPM)效应实现40 Gb/s信号全光3R再整形的方案,方案的核心是一个用超高非线性光子晶体光纤作为其中一臂的马赫-曾德仪,通过计算并调节这一臂的光子晶体光纤的长度,可以利用XPM效应使通过此臂的信号光产生π的非线性相移,所得光与另外一臂的光信号相干涉,实现对受噪声污染和色散影响信号净化和整形的作用.并用Optisystem对其进行了仿真实验.  相似文献   

数值仿真分析了利用高非线性光纤(HNLF)的交叉相位调制(XPM)效应实现归零(RZ)码到非归零(NRZ)码的转换,并讨论了RZ信号占空比、光纤色散对转换后NRZ信号Q因子的影响.数值结果表明:转换后NRZ码的Q值受输入RZ信号占空比的影响;而且RZ信号与连续的探测光之间的色散差也严重影响转换后NRZ信号的Q因子值.  相似文献   

详细介绍了多种全光波长转换(AOWC)的方法、原理、特性以及性能比较,分类介绍了目前常用的全光波长转换器(AOWC)的实现方案,并对其发展提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

新型无本振毫米波光纤无线通信上变频系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于低速信号注入法-珀(FP)激光器可实现无微波本振光纤无线通信(RoF)上变频技术,但是得到的微波本振频率受到FP激光器中四波混频效率的限制,难以直接实现毫米波载波的RoF上变频。在注入锁定FP激光器的基础上提出了一种新型的、低成本的在光域直接产生毫米波载波的RoF上变频方案。由于注入锁定FP激光器过程中的动态载流子特性,上变频得到的载波信号带有正啁啾,故可用负色散介质对载波信号进行脉冲压缩,从而增强高阶谐波分量以完成毫米波载波的无本振RoF上变频。实验中采用2 Gb/s非归零码注入实现了载波为13.9 GHz,用2.5 Gb/s注入实现了载波分别为13.9 GHz和15.4 GHz的RoF上变频,并采用上述方案分别实现27.8 GHz和30.8 GHz的倍频载波分量的增强。进一步实验验证了用本方案实现载波频率约60 GHz可调谐毫米波的无本振RoF上变频的可行性。  相似文献   

We propose and experimentally demonstrate the generation of baseband ultra-wideband (UWB) monocycle and doublet pulses using one dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder modulator. We further present a proof-of-concept demonstration of a 24-GHz UWB over fiber system based on frequency up-conversion. The performance of the up-converted UWB pulses after fiber transmission is studied.   相似文献   

汤军 《通信技术》2001,(4):44-46
描述了在短波信道上进行电子邮件(E-mail)通信的系统构成、提高短波E-mail传输效率的措施、短波E-mail的安全性以及今后的发展趋势等。  相似文献   

We propose and experimentally demonstrate an all-optical chromatic dispersion (CD) monitoring technique for phase-modulated signals utilizing the cross-phase-modulation effect between the input signal and the inserted continuous-wave probe. The probe's optical spectrum changes with the accumulated CD on the input signal, indicating that the optical power variations can be measured for monitoring. The experimental results show that this technique can monitor up to 120 ps/nm of CD for a 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) transmission system, with the maximum measured optical power increment of 16.5 dB. The applicability of this monitoring technique to higher bit-rate phase-modulated signals, such as 80-Gb/s RZ differential quadrature phase-shift keying and 80-Gb/s polarization-multiplexed RZ-DPSK, is also investigated via simulation.   相似文献   

The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate the extension of the modulation bandwidth of a single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). The aim is to reach the radio-frequency range of wireless access networks such as ultrawide-band systems with low-cost solutions. In this letter, we have studied optical microwave mixing using nonlinear direct modulation of a VCSEL. First, the nonlinear behavior of the VCSEL near the threshold has been analyzed and explained based on frequency-mixing measurements made with continuous-wave signals. Then, we have experimentally demonstrated frequency up-conversion of a quaternary phase-shift-keying signal and a wireless local area network IEEE 802.11a signal.  相似文献   

潘武  李柚  雷达  尹怡辉 《电视技术》2012,36(5):77-79
设计和仿真实现了在单信道中同时传输多种无线业务的光载无线系统,使用外调制器获得双边带调制方式的光毫米波信号,利用光纤布拉格光栅进行左右边带和载波的分离,通过选择边带和载波进行强度调制不同速率业务的信号来获得不同的系统方案。仿真结果显示,各个信号在光纤中传输50 km后,最大功率代价小于1 dB。证明了单信道多业务光载无线系统可以提高单一信道带宽的利用率,增加系统的灵活性。  相似文献   

陈罗湘  卢嘉  董泽  陈林  余建军 《中国激光》2008,35(12):1910-1913
研究了一种采用两个级联外部调制器基于光载波抑制原理产生四倍频毫米波的光纤无线通信(ROF)系统.在中心站利用电混频器产生副载波复用信号,通过第一个外部调制器产生两倍射频(RF)信号的光载毫米波信号,再通过第二个外部调制器产生四倍射频信号的光载毫米波.实验显示采用频率为10 GHz的射频信号源和2.5 Gbit/s的数据基带信号混频通过两个级联外部凋制器后产生毫米波的频率为40 GHz,并且在单模光纤中传输距离达20 km,功率代价小于2 dB.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种高线性度的全双工光载射频系统.该系统克服了下行链路三阶交调失真与周期性功率衰落的影响,同时对上行链路进行波长重用,简化了基站的成本和复杂度,实现了高线性度的全双工光载射频系统.实验结果表明,与基于单个马增调制器的常规系统相比,本系统下行链路中三阶交调失真得到明显抑制,克服了光纤色散引起的功率衰落,系统无杂散动态范围提高17dB,宽带信号的星座图和误差矢量幅度改善明显,另外,上行链路可以实现稳定的波长重用及宽带信号传输.  相似文献   

Radio Over Fiber for Picocellular Network Architectures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied RF transmission over various multimode fibers (MMFs) and a standard single-mode fiber, targeting picocellular networks for voice, data, and video applications. Bandwidth requirements of MMF links that are based on vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) have been extensively studied. The performance of the radio-over-fiber link is assessed in terms of the error vector magnitude. Also conducted was a full system analysis, including the investigation of an achievable dynamic range and a noise figure for different low-cost architectures. This was compared to coax-based RF transmission. The IEEE 802.11 a/b/g standard, as well as other applications like radio frequency identification tracking, was considered. For experimental investigations, we have used both commercial wireless access points and a vector signal generator as a signal source, with two types of directly modulated VCSELs - 850-nm sources and 1310-nm high-speed uncooled single-mode AlGaInAs/InP VCSELs. A robust system performance was demonstrated in both 2.4- and 5-GHz RF bands, and record multimode and standard single-mode fiber transmission distances were achieved. A transponder design that can meet system requirements in terms of sensitivity (< -90 dBm) and spurious-free dynamic range (> 95 dBldrHz2/3) for a dual-band wireless LAN (WLAN) fiber-radio picocellular network was developed. A full 14-cell experimental WLAN system with cells of 4-m radius was implemented to study networking issues such as handoff and cochannel interference.  相似文献   


Radio over fiber communication system technology modulation techniques are presented in this study in order to enhance the performance behavior of optical fiber communication systems. The proposed modulation techniques used to meet this aim mainly consist from a mixture of traditional modulation technologies. The proposed modulation technologies include merging modulation techniques such as pulse amplitude frequency modulation, quadrature amplitude frequency modulation, differential phase shift keying amplitude modulation, offset quadrature phase shift keying amplitude modulation and frequency phase modulation are applied on different optical communication system models. The different types of modulation techniques are illustrated and discriminated in current research paper that provides measured quantities details that namely received power, maximum Q-factor and minimum bit error rate regarding to simulation results. Optiwave Simulation Version 13 software is the basic tool which is used to study proposed models.


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