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skyline查询是近年来数据库领域的一个研究重点和热点.当系统中存在多个不同维空间上的skyline查询时,现有的工作均直接从底层关系表中获取这些skyline查询的结果集.显然,当底层关系表的基数较大且skyline查询的个数较多时,现有方法的处理效率极其低下.基于此,提出一种使用预存储的n个skyline集合{PR\\-1,…,PR\\-n}来回答用户提交的m个不同维空间上的skyline查询{SQ\\-1,…,SQ\\-m}的有效方法EAPSQ(efficient algorithm for processing skyline queries).算法充分考虑预存储的skyline集合的编码机制,采用经济学中边际贡献(contribution margin)的概念,使得m个用户提交的skyline查询在n个预存储的skyline集合间的分配达到最佳状态,从而显著提高了处理用户m个skyline查询的效率.实验评估表明,EAPSQ算法具有有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

高效多子空间Skyline查询处理算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Skyline查询应用的增多,子空间Skyline查询成为热点。针对实际应用中用户从多角度审视某一数据集的需求,充分研究了多子空间Skyline查询问题。在分析现有子空间Skyline查询算法解决该问题不足的基础上,提出了子空间立方体群(subspace skycube group,SSG)结构,并给出了基于该结构的同时计算任意多个子空间Skyline查询的MSSC(multiple subspace skycube)算法。该算法采用子空间候选集(subspace candidate sets,SCS),并充分利用了子空间立方体群结构中各子空间Skyline结果间的共享关系;在此基础上,算法采用求和过滤以及最大值过滤等方法,对数据集进行剪枝和过滤,从而进一步提高算法效率。最后,分别用人造数据和真实数据对算法进行实验,并与现有算法进行比较,结果表明MSSC算法可以高效地解决多子空间Skyline查询问题。  相似文献   

Skyline查询是近年来数据库领域的一个研究重点和热点, 这主要是因为Skyline查询在许多领域有着广泛的应用. 现有的工作大都集中于单处理机环境, 然而, 由于Skyline查询是CPU敏感的, 因此,在实际应用中, 现有的方法具有很大的局限性. 基于此, 提出一种有效降低处理Skyline查询时间开销的并行算法PAPSQ (Parallel algorithm for processing skyline queries). 算法有机结合多维数据对象的自身特性和通用多处理机系统的实施优点, 以Skyline查询搜索偏序格为底层结构, 利用多维数据对象的同胚评估值和偏序格加权技术来有效提高并行处理Skyline查询的效率. 实验评估表明, PAPSQ算法具有有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

We present the first efficient sound and complete algorithm (i.e., AOMSSQ) for optimizing multiple subspace skyline queries simultaneously in this paper. We first identify three performance problems of the na/ve approach (i.e., SUBSKY) which can be used in processing arbitrary single-subspace skyline query. Then we propose a cell-dominance computation algorithm (i.e., CDCA) to efficiently overcome the drawbacks of SUBSKY. Specially, a novel pruning technique is used in CDCA to dramatically decrease the query time. Finally, based on the CDCA algorithm and the share mechanism between subspaces, we present and discuss the AOMSSQ algorithm and prove it sound and complete. We also present detailed theoretical analyses and extensive experiments that demonstrate our algorithms are both efficient and effective.  相似文献   

Efficient Distributed Skyline Queries for Mobile Applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In this paper, we consider skyline queries in a mobile and distributed environment, where data objects are distributed in some sites (database servers) which are interconnected through a high-speed wired network, and queries are issued by mobile units (laptop, cell phone, etc.) which access the data objects of database servers by wireless channels. The inherent properties of mobile computing environment such as mobility, limited wireless bandwidth, frequent disconnection, make skyline queries more complicated. We show how to efficiently perform distributed skyline queries in a mobile environment and propose a skyline query processing approach, called efficient distributed skyline based on mobile computing (EDS-MC). In EDS-MC, a distributed skyline query is decomposed into five processing phases and each phase is elaborately designed in order to reduce the network communication, network delay and query response time. We conduct extensive experiments in a simulated mobile database system, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of EDS-MC over other skyline query processing techniques on mobile computing.  相似文献   

一种高效的分布式Skyline查询算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种新的分布环境中的Skyline查询算法--一种新的四阶段Skyline算法FDSL。现有的算法,如Distributed Skylining算法,在节点数m较大时会消耗大量的网络带宽。FDSL算法在任意数据集上只需要四次交互就能完成,并且通过剪除不必要的对象来减少网络带宽的消耗。本文通过模拟数据验证了FDSL算法的效率。实验表明,当节点点数m大于4时,FDSL算法的性能比现有算法提高了15%~30%。  相似文献   

基于位置的路网Skyline查询可根据用户的需求及用户所处的位置,从大量数据中快速返回给用户期望的数据,但已有的道路网络技术需要计算大量的路网距离及数据点间支配关系的运算,导致查询效率较低。提出一种基于路网数据点的倒排索引查询算法DSR。通过计算少量数据点的路网距离求得最终结果,减小路网距离计算的代价,从而加快数据点间支配关系的判定,提升查询效率。在此基础上,在数据点更新情况下给出算法的动态维护,仅通过维护少量数据,DSR即可以快速地计算出Skyline集合。实验结果表明,与SSI、BSS等算法相比,该算法具有较高的查询效率,且时间性能明显提升。  相似文献   

不同于传统的度量空间Skyline查询,提出了一种新颖的度量空间中的Skyline查询MkRS(metric top-k reverse skyline).MkRS从反向角度执行度量空间中的Skyline.给定查询对象q和单调参考函数f,MkRS返回k个包含m个数据对象的子集,以至于每个子集G的度量Skyline包含q.评估这种查询,需要执行从输入数据集P中n个数据对象里选择m个对象的穷举搜索以及每个排列子集的度量Skyline.这些计算由于巨大的搜索空间而需要极高成本.提出了基于排序机理的算法STS(sort and threshold skyline),它可以提前终止计算,仅需要检查很少部分的子集.然后,利用信息重用技术给出了基于重用的STS算法rSTS(reuse STS),进一步减少了STS中80%以上的I/O访问.大量的实验表明提出的算法有效、快速.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的限定性skyline查询理念,并给出了高效的处理技术。分支定界方法是当前skyline查询处理效率较高的技术之一,在一种不确定移动对象的索引策略TPU-tree之上,基于分支定界方法提出了B2CPS可限定性skyline查询处理算法。实验结果表明,提出的基于TPU-tree的B2CPS算法可以很大程度地提高限定性skyline查询的效率,在移动对象频繁更新的情况下亦能保持较高的查询性能,因此具有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   

多维空间的skyline 查询处理是近年来数据库领域的一个研究重点和热点.Vlachou 等人首次考虑如何在P2P 网络中有效进行子空间上的skyline 查询,并提出“扩展skyline 集合”的概念来减少预处理时的网络传输量.然而实验评估表明,扩展skyline 集合只能有限地减少子空间skyline 查询预处理的数据传输量.基于此,提出一种缩减处理时数据传输量的有效方法TPAOSS(three-phase algorithm for optimizing skyline scalar).TPAOSS 算法根据全空间skyline 集合与子空间skyline 集合间的语义关系分3 个阶段来传输必要的数据,其中第1 阶段发送全空间skyline 对象;第2 阶段接收种子skyline 对象;而第3 阶段基于Bloom filter 技术发送种子skyline 对象在子空间上的重复对象.为了降低第2 阶段的数据传输量,给出两种接收种子skyline 对象的有效策略.理论分析和实验评估结果表明,所给出的算法具有有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

Top-k相互Skyline查询返回相互Skyline查询中的前k个对象.这种查询是数据分析者寻找有意义对象进行决策支持的一种重要直觉工具.然而,这种查询还没有引起研究社区足够的注意力.介绍了几种新颖的算法,包括Topk-TBBS,Topk-dMBBS,Topk-wMBBS.主要的思想是信息重用和高效的修剪策略.特别地,Topk-wMBBS算法由于完全重用了搜索中的节点信息,并利用了最好优先BF搜索策略.因而它获得了最好的性能.同时证明了该算法有最优的I/O访问效率.最后,使用了2个真实数据集和4个服从不同分布的合成数据集进行了集中实验.实验结果表明,提出的算法无论是变化参数k的大小、数据集的尺寸和Cache尺寸都是有效的,且具有很高的效率,尤其Topk-wMBBS具有最小的I/O访问次数.  相似文献   

Pareto-optimal objects are favored as each of such objects has at least one competitive edge against all other objects, or “not dominated”. Recently, in the database literature, skyline queries have gained attention as an effective way to identify such pareto-optimal objects. In particular, this paper studies the pareto-optimal objects in perspective of facility or business locations. More specifically, given data points P and query points Q in two-dimensional space, our goal is to retrieve data points that are farther from at least one query point than all the other data points. Such queries are helpful in identifying spatial locations far away from undesirable locations, e.g., unpleasant facilities or business competitors. To solve this problem, we first study a baseline Algorithm TFSS and propose an efficient progressive Algorithm BBFS, which significantly outperforms TFSS by exploiting spatial locality. We also develop an efficient approximation algorithm to trade accuracy for efficiency. We validate our proposed algorithms using extensive evaluations over synthetic and real datasets.  相似文献   

Graphs are widely used for modeling complicated data such as social networks, chemical compounds, protein interactions and semantic web. To effectively understand and utilize any collection of graphs, a graph database that efficiently supports elementary querying mechanisms is crucially required. For example, Subgraph and Supergraph queries are important types of graph queries which have many applications in practice. A primary challenge in computing the answers of graph queries is that pair-wise comparisons of graphs are usually hard problems. Relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have repeatedly been shown to be able to efficiently host different types of data such as complex objects and XML data. RDBMSs derive much of their performance from sophisticated optimizer components which make use of physical properties that are specific to the relational model such as sortedness, proper join ordering and powerful indexing mechanisms. In this article, we study the problem of indexing and querying graph databases using the relational infrastructure. We present a purely relational framework for processing graph queries. This framework relies on building a layer of graph features knowledge which capture metadata and summary features of the underlying graph database. We describe different querying mechanisms which make use of the layer of graph features knowledge to achieve scalable performance for processing graph queries. Finally, we conduct an extensive set of experiments on real and synthetic datasets to demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of our techniques.  相似文献   

As stream data is being more frequently collected and analyzed, stream processing systems are faced with more design challenges. One challenge is to perform continuous window aggregation, which involves intensive computation. When there are a large number of aggregation queries, the system may suffer from scalability problems. The queries are usually similar and only differ in window specifications. In this paper, we propose collaborative aggregation which promotes aggregate sharing among the windows so that repeated aggregate operations can be avoided. Different from the previous approaches in which the aggregate sharing is restricted by the window pace, we generalize the aggregation over multiple values as a series of reductions. Therefore, the results generated by each reduction step can be shared. The sharing process is formalized in the feed semantics and we present the compose-and-declare framework to determine the data sharing logic at a very low cost. Experimental results show that our approach offers an order of magnitude performance improvement to the state-of-the-art results and has a small memory footprint.  相似文献   

一种基于HBase的高效空间关键字查询策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着移动定位技术的发展以及智能手机的普及,互联网中空间文本对象的数量正在急速增长,如何在规模庞大且动态增长的空间文本对象中进行高效的空间关键字查询成为了许多空间关键字查询应用所关心的问题.现有的方法通常利用基于R树和倒排索引的混合索引结构来处理空间关键字查询,然而,面对数量巨大而且不断增长的空间文本对象,这些方法往往难以为空间关键字查询的高效性和扩展性提供支持.对此,提出一种基于HBase的空间文本数据索引结构SK-HBase.SK-HBase以HBase作为数据存储,通过有效的数据分配策略对空间文本对象的空间信息和文本信息同时进行索引.在SK-HBase的基础上,本文提出了两种空间关键字查询算法,以保证不同空间范围下的空间关键字查询的高效性和可扩展性.实验证明,我们的方法能够在海量数据下进行高效的空间关键字查询并具有良好的可扩展性.  相似文献   

TwigStar——快速处理XML Twig查询中含通配符*的算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
XMLTwig查询可以表示为一棵带标签结点的查询树,它支持对XML文档进行带有复杂谓词的结构或内容查询.整体(holistic)Twig查询算法已经被公认为XML查询处理的核心算法.很多学者提出了大量基于整体处理的XML Twig查询算法.但是目前已有的算法都只适合于Twig查询中不包含通配符*的情况.而当Twig查询中包含通配符*时,一种简单而直接处理的方法就是,把被查询文档中的所有结点元素都读到内存,把这些元素都看做通配符*所对应的元素,然后按照已有的算法进行查询处理.显然这种方法是不合理的,它会增加大量I/O开销.因此提出了一种有效地支持通配符*的查询处理算法.通过建立索引,它可以很好地处理含通配符*的查询,从而可以避免不必要的I/O开销.最后通过实验证明,算法要明显好于已有的算法.  相似文献   

Continuous Skyline Queries for Moving Objects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The literature on skyline algorithms has so far dealt mainly with queries of static query points over static data sets. With the increasing number of mobile service applications and users, however, the need for continuous skyline query processing has become more pressing. A continuous skyline query involves not only static dimensions, but also the dynamic one. In this paper, we examine the spatiotemporal coherence of the problem and propose a continuous skyline query processing strategy for moving query points. First, we distinguish the data points that are permanently in the skyline and use them to derive a search bound. Second, we investigate the connection between the spatial positions of data points and their dominance relationship, which provides an indication of where to find changes in the skyline and how to maintain the skyline continuously. Based on the analysis, we propose a kinetic-based data structure and an efficient skyline query processing algorithm. We concisely analyze the space and time costs of the proposed method and conduct an extensive experiment to evaluate the method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on continuous skyline query processing  相似文献   

高效处理分布式数据流上skyline 持续查询算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙圣力  李金玖  朱扬勇 《软件学报》2009,20(7):1839-1853
基于非共享策略,围绕着降低系统反应延迟与通信负荷的目标,提出了一种分两阶段渐进求解的分布式算法BOCS(based on the change of skyline),并对算法的关键实现环节,如协调站点与远程站点间的通信、skyline 增量的计算等进行了系统优化,使算法在通信负荷与反应延迟上达到了较好的综合性能.理论分析证明,在所有基于非 共享策略的算法中,BOCS 算法通信最优.大量的对比实验结果也表明,所提出的算法高效、稳定且具有良好的可扩展性.  相似文献   

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