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Large-scale RNA sequencing and genome-wide profiling data revealed the identification of a heterogeneous group of noncoding RNAs, known as long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). These lncRNAs play central roles in health and disease processes in diabetes and cancer. The critical association between aberrant expression of lncRNAs in diabetes and diabetic kidney disease have been reported. LncRNAs regulate diverse targets and can function as sponges for regulatory microRNAs, which influence disease phenotype in the kidneys. Importantly, lncRNAs and microRNAs may regulate bidirectional or crosstalk mechanisms, which need to be further investigated. These studies offer the novel possibility that lncRNAs may be used as potential therapeutic targets for diabetes and diabetic kidney diseases. Here, we discuss the functions and mechanisms of actions of lncRNAs, and their crosstalk interactions with microRNAs, which provide insight and promise as therapeutic targets, emphasizing their role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic kidney disease  相似文献   

TRPA1, a nonselective cation channel, is expressed in sensory afferent that innervates peripheral targets. Neuronal TRPA1 can promote tissue repair, remove harmful stimuli and induce protective responses via the release of neuropeptides after the activation of the channel by chemical, exogenous, or endogenous irritants in the injured tissue. However, chronic inflammation after repeated noxious stimuli may result in the development of several diseases. In addition to sensory neurons, TRPA1, activated by inflammatory agents from some non-neuronal cells in the injured area or disease, might promote or protect disease progression. Therefore, TRPA1 works as a molecular sentinel of tissue damage or as an inflammation gatekeeper. Most kidney damage cases are associated with inflammation. In this review, we summarised the role of TRPA1 in neurogenic or non-neurogenic inflammation and in kidney disease, especially the non-neuronal TRPA1. In in vivo animal studies, TRPA1 prevented sepsis-induced or Ang-II-induced and ischemia-reperfusion renal injury by maintaining mitochondrial haemostasis or via the downregulation of macrophage-mediated inflammation, respectively. Renal tubular epithelial TRPA1 acts as an oxidative stress sensor to mediate hypoxia–reoxygenation injury in vitro and ischaemia–reperfusion-induced kidney injury in vivo through MAPKs/NF-kB signalling. Acute kidney injury (AKI) patients with high renal tubular TRPA1 expression had low complete renal function recovery. In renal disease, TPRA1 plays different roles in different cell types accordingly. These findings depict the important role of TRPA1 and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

A sizable part (~2%) of the human genome encodes for proteases. They are involved in many physiological processes, such as development, reproduction and inflammation, but also play a role in pathology. Mast cells (MC) contain a variety of MC specific proteases, the expression of which may differ between various MC subtypes. Amongst these proteases, chymase represents up to 25% of the total proteins in the MC and is released from cytoplasmic granules upon activation. Once secreted, it cleaves the targets in the local tissue environment, but may also act in lymph nodes infiltrated by MC, or systemically, when reaching the circulation during an inflammatory response. MC have been recognized as important components in the development of kidney disease. Based on this observation, MC chymase has gained interest following the discovery that it contributes to the angiotensin-converting enzyme’s independent generation of angiotensin II, an important inflammatory mediator in the development of kidney disease. Hence, progress regarding its role has been made based on studies using inhibitors but also on mice deficient in MC protease 4 (mMCP-4), the functional murine counterpart of human chymase. In this review, we discuss the role and actions of chymase in kidney disease. While initially believed to contribute to pathogenesis, the accumulated data favor a more subtle view, indicating that chymase may also have beneficial actions.  相似文献   

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower extremities is a chronic illness predominantly of atherosclerotic aetiology, associated to traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. It is one of the most prevalent CV conditions worldwide in subjects >65 years, estimated to increase greatly with the aging of the population, becoming a severe socioeconomic problem in the future. The narrowing and thrombotic occlusion of the lower limb arteries impairs the walking function as the disease progresses, increasing the risk of CV events (myocardial infarction and stroke), amputation and death. Despite its poor prognosis, PAD patients are scarcely identified until the disease is advanced, highlighting the need for reliable biomarkers for PAD patient stratification, that might also contribute to define more personalized medical treatments. In this review, we will discuss the usefulness of inflammatory molecules, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and cardiac damage markers, as well as novel components of the liquid biopsy, extracellular vesicles (EVs), and non-coding RNAs for lower limb PAD identification, stratification, and outcome assessment. We will also explore the potential of machine learning methods to build prediction models to refine PAD assessment. In this line, the usefulness of multimarker approaches to evaluate this complex multifactorial disease will be also discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder affecting millions of people worldwide that is characterized by fluid-filled cysts and leads to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The hallmarks of PKD are proliferation and dedifferentiation of tubular epithelial cells, cellular processes known to be regulated by Notch signaling. Methods: We found increased Notch3 expression in human PKD and renal cell carcinoma biopsies. To obtain insight into the underlying mechanisms and the functional consequences of this abnormal expression, we developed a transgenic mouse model with conditional overexpression of the intracellular Notch3 (ICN3) domain specifically in renal tubules. We evaluated the alterations in renal function (creatininemia, BUN) and structure (cysts, fibrosis, inflammation) and measured the expression of several genes involved in Notch signaling and the mechanisms of inflammation, proliferation, dedifferentiation, fibrosis, injury, apoptosis and regeneration. Results: After one month of ICN3 overexpression, kidneys were larger with tubules grossly enlarged in diameter, with cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, exclusively in the outer stripe of the outer medulla. After three months, mice developed numerous cysts in proximal and distal tubules. The cysts had variable sizes and were lined with a single- or multilayered, flattened, cuboid or columnar epithelium. This resulted in epithelial hyperplasia, which was observed as protrusions into the cystic lumen in some of the renal cysts. The pre-cystic and cystic epithelium showed increased expression of cytoskeletal filaments and markers of epithelial injury and dedifferentiation. Additionally, the epithelium showed increased proliferation with an aberrant orientation of the mitotic spindle. These phenotypic tubular alterations led to progressive interstitial inflammation and fibrosis. Conclusions: In summary, Notch3 signaling promoted tubular cell proliferation, the alignment of cell division, dedifferentiation and hyperplasia, leading to cystic kidney diseases and pre-neoplastic lesions.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is normally related to proteinuria, a common finding in a compromised glomerular filtration barrier (GFB). GFB is a structure composed of glomerular endothelial cells, the basement membrane, and the podocytes. CKD with podocyte damage may be associated with actin cytoskeleton reorganization, resulting in podocyte effacement. Gelsolin plays a critical role in several diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Our current study aimed to determine the connection between gelsolin and podocyte, and thus the mechanism underlying podocyte injury in CKD. Experiments were carried out on Drosophila to demonstrate whether gelsolin had a physiological role in maintaining podocyte. Furthermore, the survival rate of gelsolin-knocked down Drosophila larvae was extensively reduced after AgNO3 exposure. Secondly, the in vitro podocytes treated with puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) enhanced the gelsolin protein expression, as well as small GTPase RhoA and Rac1, which also regulated actin dynamic expression incrementally with the PAN concentrations. Thirdly, we further demonstrated in vivo that GSN was highly expressed inside the glomeruli with mitochondrial dysfunction in a CKD mouse model. Our findings suggest that an excess of gelsolin may contribute to podocytes damage in glomeruli.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing global public health problem. The implementation of evidence-based clinical practices only defers the development of kidney failure. Death, transplantation, or dialysis are the consequences of kidney failure, resulting in a significant burden on the health system. Hence, innovative therapeutic strategies are urgently needed due to the limitations of current interventions. Photobiomodulation (PBM), a form of non-thermal light therapy, effectively mitigates mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxidative stress, inflammation, and gut microbiota dysbiosis, all of which are inherent in CKD. Preliminary studies suggest the benefits of PBM in multiple diseases, including CKD. Hence, this review will provide a concise summary of the underlying action mechanisms of PBM and its potential therapeutic effects on CKD. Based on the findings, PBM may represent a novel, non-invasive and non-pharmacological therapy for CKD, although more studies are necessary before PBM can be widely recommended.  相似文献   

Decades of epidemiological studies have established the strong inverse relationship between high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentration and cardiovascular disease. Recent evidence suggests that HDL particle functions, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions, and cholesterol efflux capacity may be more strongly associated with cardiovascular disease protection than HDL cholesterol concentration. These HDL functions are also relevant in non-cardiovascular diseases, including acute and chronic kidney disease. This review examines our current understanding of the kidneys’ role in HDL metabolism and homeostasis, and the effect of kidney disease on HDL composition and functionality. Additionally, the roles of HDL particles, proteins, and small RNA cargo on kidney cell function and on the development and progression of both acute and chronic kidney disease are examined. The effect of HDL protein modification by reactive dicarbonyls, including malondialdehyde and isolevuglandin, which form adducts with apolipoprotein A-I and impair proper HDL function in kidney disease, is also explored. Finally, the potential to develop targeted therapies that increase HDL concentration or functionality to improve acute or chronic kidney disease outcomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Advanced multiomics analysis has revealed novel pathophysiological mechanisms in kidney disease. In particular, proteomic and metabolomic analysis shed light on mitochondrial dysfunction (mitochondrial stress) by glycation in diabetic or age-related kidney disease. Further, metabolic damage often results from organelle stress, such as mitochondrial stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as well as interorganelle communication, or “organelle crosstalk”, in various kidney cells. These contribute to progression of the disease phenotype. Aberrant tubular mitochondrial lipid metabolism leads to tubular inflammation and fibrosis. This review article summarizes updated evidence regarding organelle stress, organelle crosstalk, and metabolic derangement in kidney disease.  相似文献   

Increasing potassium intake ameliorates blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular (CV) prognoses in the general population; therefore the World Health Organization recommends a high-potassium diet (90–120 mEq/day). Hyperkalaemia is a rare condition in healthy individuals due to the ability of the kidneys to effectively excrete dietary potassium load in urine, while an increase in serum K+ is prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Hyperkalaemia prevalence increases in more advanced CKD stages, and is associated with a poor prognosis. This scenario generates controversy on the correct nutritional approach to hyperkalaemia in CKD patients, considering the unproven link between potassium intake and serum K+ levels. Another concern is that drug-induced hyperkalaemia leads to the down-titration or withdrawal of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASI) and mineralocorticoids receptors antagonists (MRA) in patients with CKD, depriving these patients of central therapeutic interventions aimed at delaying CKD progression and decreasing CV mortality. The new K+-binder drugs (Patiromer and Sodium-Zirconium Cyclosilicate) have proven to be adequate and safe therapeutic options to control serum K+ in CKD patients, enabling RASI and MRA therapy, and possibly, a more liberal intake of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have a higher risk of developing early cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although vascular calcification (VC) is one of the strongest predictors of CVD risk, its diagnosis among the CKD population remains a serious clinical challenge. This is mainly due to the complexity of VC, which results from various interconnected pathological mechanisms occurring at early stages and at multiples sites, affecting the medial and intimal layers of the vascular tree. Here, we review the most used and recently developed imaging techniques, here referred to as imaging biomarkers, for VC detection and monitoring, while discussing their strengths and limitations considering the specificities of VC in a CKD context. Although imaging biomarkers have a crucial role in the diagnosis of VC, with important insights into CVD risk, circulating biomarkers represent an added value by reflecting the molecular dynamics and mechanisms involved in VC pathophysiological pathways, opening new avenues into the early detection and targeted interventions. We propose that a combined strategy using imaging and circulating biomarkers with a role in multiple VC molecular mechanisms, such as Fetuin-A, Matrix Gla protein, Gla-rich protein and calciprotein particles, should represent high prognostic value for management of CVD risk in the CKD population.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) burden encompasses diabetic kidney disease (DKD), the leading cause of end-stage renal disease worldwide. Despite compelling evidence indicating that pharmacological intervention curtails DKD progression, the search for non-pharmacological strategies can identify novel targets for drug development against metabolic diseases. One of those emergent strategies comprises the modulation of the intestinal microbiota through fecal transplant from healthy donors. This study sought to investigate the benefits of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) on functional and morphological parameters in a preclinical model of type 2 DM, obesity, and DKD using BTBRob/ob mice. These animals develop hyperglycemia and albuminuria in a time-dependent manner, mimicking DKD in humans. Our main findings unveiled that FMT prevented body weight gain, reduced albuminuria and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels within the ileum and ascending colon, and potentially ameliorated insulin resistance in BTBRob/ob mice. Intestinal structural integrity was maintained. Notably, FMT was associated with the abundance of the succinate-consuming Odoribacteraceae bacteria family throughout the intestine. Collectively, our data pointed out the safety and efficacy of FMT in a preclinical model of type 2 DM, obesity, and DKD. These findings provide a basis for translational research on intestinal microbiota modulation and testing its therapeutic potential combined with current treatment for DM.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus represents a growing concern, both for public economy and global health. In fact, it can lead to insidious macrovascular and microvascular complications, impacting negatively on patients’ quality of life. Diabetic patients often present diabetic kidney disease (DKD), a burdensome complication that can be silent for years. The average time of onset of kidney impairment in diabetic patients is about 7–10 years. The clinical impact of DKD is dangerous not only for the risk of progression to end-stage renal disease and therefore to renal replacement therapies, but also because of the associated increase in cardiovascular events. An early recognition of risk factors for DKD progression can be decisive in decreasing morbidity and mortality. DKD presents patient-related, clinician-related, and system-related issues. All these problems are translated into therapeutic inertia, which is defined as the failure to initiate or intensify therapy on time according to evidence-based clinical guidelines. Therapeutic inertia can be resolved by a multidisciplinary pool of healthcare experts. The timing of intensification of treatment, the transition to the best therapy, and dietetic strategies must be provided by a multidisciplinary team, driving the patients to the glycemic target and delaying or overcoming DKD-related complications. A timely nephrological evaluation can also guarantee adequate information to choose the right renal replacement therapy at the right time in case of renal impairment progression.  相似文献   

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease, including end-stage kidney disease, and increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Although the treatment options for DKD, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, have advanced, their efficacy is still limited. Thus, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of DKD onset and progression is necessary for the development of new and innovative treatments for DKD. The complex pathogenesis of DKD includes various different pathways, and the mechanisms of DKD can be broadly classified into inflammatory, fibrotic, metabolic, and hemodynamic factors. Here, we summarize the recent findings in basic research, focusing on each factor and recent advances in the treatment of DKD. Collective evidence from basic and clinical research studies is helpful for understanding the definitive mechanisms of DKD and their regulatory systems. Further comprehensive exploration is warranted to advance our knowledge of the pathogenesis of DKD and establish novel treatments and preventive strategies.  相似文献   

Diabetic kidney disease is a microvascular complication that occurs in patients with diabetes. It is strongly associated with increased risk of kidney replacement therapy and all-cause mortality. Incretins are peptide hormones derived from the gastrointestinal tract, that besides causing enhancement of insulin secretion after oral glucose intake, participate in many other metabolic processes. Antidiabetic drug classes, such as dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists, which way of action is based on incretins facility, not only show glucose-lowering properties but also have nephroprotective functions. The aim of this article is to present the latest information about incretin-based therapy and its influence on diabetic kidney disease appearance and progression, point its potential mechanisms of kidney protection and focus on future therapeutic possibilities bound with these two antidiabetic drug classes.  相似文献   

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a debilitating disease associated with several secondary complications that increase comorbidity and mortality. In patients with CKD, there is a significant qualitative and quantitative alteration in the gut microbiota, which, consequently, also leads to reduced production of beneficial bacterial metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids. Evidence supports the beneficial effects of short-chain fatty acids in modulating inflammation and oxidative stress, which are implicated in CKD pathogenesis and progression. Therefore, this review will provide an overview of the current knowledge, based on pre-clinical and clinical evidence, on the effect of SCFAs on CKD-associated inflammation and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is a heritable renal disease that results in end-stage kidney disease, due to the uncontrolled bilateral growth of cysts throughout the kidneys. While it is known that a mutation within a PKD-causing gene is required for the development of ADPKD, the underlying mechanism(s) causing cystogenesis and progression of the disease are not well understood. Limited therapeutic options are currently available to slow the rate of cystic growth. Epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, are known to be altered in neoplasia, and several FDA-approved therapeutics target these disease-specific changes. As there are many similarities between ADPKD and neoplasia, we (and others) have postulated that ADPKD kidneys contain alterations to their epigenetic landscape that could be exploited for future therapeutic discovery. Here we summarise the current understanding of epigenetic changes that are associated with ADPKD, with a particular focus on the burgeoning field of ADPKD-specific alterations in DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most prevalent chronic liver disease which is characterized by extremely complex pathogenetic mechanisms and multifactorial etiology. Some of the many pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the development of NAFLD include oxidative stress, impaired mitochondrial metabolism, inflammation, gut microbiota, and interaction between the brain-liver-axis and the regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism. The new therapeutic approaches in the treatment of NAFLD are targeting some of these milestones along the pathophysiological pathway and include drugs like agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, sodium/glucose transport protein 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonists, probiotics, and symbiotics. Further efforts in biomedical sciences should focus on the investigation of the relationship between the microbiome, liver metabolism, and response to inflammation, systemic consequences of metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), a therapeutic type of ultrasound, is known to enhance bone fracture repair processes and help some tissues to heal. Here, we investigated the therapeutic potential of LIPUS for the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in two CKD mouse models. CKD mice were induced using both unilateral renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) with nephrectomy and adenine administration. The left kidneys of the CKD mice were treated using LIPUS with the parameters of 3 MHz, 100 mW/cm2, and 20 min/day, based on the preliminary experiments. The mice were euthanized 14 days after IRI or 28 days after the end of adenine administration. LIPUS treatment effectively alleviated the decreases in the body weight and albumin/globulin ratio and the increases in the serum renal functional markers, fibroblast growth factor-23, renal pathological changes, and renal fibrosis in the CKD mice. The parameters for epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), senescence-related signal induction, and the inhibition of α-Klotho and endogenous antioxidant enzyme protein expression in the kidneys of the CKD mice were also significantly alleviated by LIPUS. These results suggest that LIPUS treatment reduces CKD progression through the inhibition of EMT and senescence-related signals. The application of LIPUS may be an alternative non-invasive therapeutic intervention for CKD therapy.  相似文献   

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