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Numerous cell-based therapeutics are currently being tested in clinical trials. Human platelet lysate (HPL) is a valuable alternative to fetal bovine serum as a cell culture medium supplement for a variety of different cell types. HPL as a raw material permits animal serum-free cell propagation with highly efficient stimulation of cell proliferation, enabling humanized manufacturing of cell therapeutics within a reasonable timeframe. Providers of HPL have to consider dedicated quality issues regarding identity, purity, potency, traceability and safety. Release criteria have to be defined, characterizing the suitability of HPL batches for the support of a specific cell culture. Fresh or expired platelet concentrates from healthy blood donors are the starting material for HPL preparation, according to regulatory requirements. Pooling of individual platelet lysate units into one HPL batch can balance donor variation with regard to essential platelet-derived growth factors and cytokines. The increasingly applied pathogen reduction technologies will further increase HPL safety. In this review article, aspects and regulatory requirements of whole blood donation and details of human platelet lysate manufacturing are presented. International guidelines for raw materials are discussed, and defined quality controls, as well as release criteria for safe and GMP-compliant HPL production, are summarized.  相似文献   

Recently, we proposed a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)-compliant production process for freeze-dried mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-secretome (lyo-secretome): after serum starvation, the cell supernatant was collected, and the secretome was concentrated by ultrafiltration and freeze-dried, obtaining a standardized ready-to-use and stable powder. In this work, we modified the type of human platelet lysate (HPL) used as an MSC culture supplement during the lyo-secretome production process: the aim was to verify whether this change had an impact on product quality and also whether this new procedure could be validated according to GMP, proving the process robustness. MSCs were cultured with two HPLs: the standard previously validated one (HPL-E) and the new one (HPL-S). From the same pool of platelets, two batches of HPL were obtained: HPL-E (by repeated freezing and thawing cycles) and HPL-S (by adding Ca-gluconate to form a clot and its subsequent mechanical wringing). Bone marrow MSCs from three donors were separately cultured with the two HPLs until the third passage and then employed to produce lyo-secretome. The following indicators were selected to evaluate the process performance: (i) the lyo-secretome quantitative composition (in lipids and proteins), (ii) the EVs size distribution, and (iii) anti-elastase and (iv) immunomodulant activity as potency tests. The new HPL supplementation for MSCs culture induced only a few minimal changes in protein/lipid content and EVs size distribution; despite this, it did not significantly influence biological activity. The donor intrinsic MSCs variability in secretome secretion instead strongly affected the quality of the finished product and could be mitigated by concentrating the final product to reach a determined protein (and lipid) concentration. In conclusion, the modification of the type of HPL in the MSCs culture during lyo-secretome production induces only minimal changes in the composition but not in the potency, and therefore, the new procedure can be validated according to GMP.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) present a great potential for the development of new treatments in the biomedical field. To be used as therapeutics, many different sources have been used for EVs obtention, while only a few studies have addressed the use of platelet-derived EVs (pEVs). In fact, pEVs have been shown to intervene in different healing responses, thus some studies have evaluated their regenerative capability in wound healing or hemorrhagic shock. Even more, pEVs have proven to induce cellular differentiation, enhancing musculoskeletal or neural regeneration. However, the obtention and characterization of pEVs is widely heterogeneous and differs from the recommendations of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles. Therefore, in this review, we aim to present the main advances in the therapeutical use of pEVs in the regenerative medicine field while highlighting the isolation and characterization steps followed. The main goal of this review is to portray the studies performed in order to enhance the translation of the pEVs research into feasible therapeutical applications.  相似文献   

Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) is a chronic degenerative disease that is often characterized by progressive impairment of the temporomandibular functional unit. The aim of this randomized controlled animal trial was a comparative analysis regarding the chondroregenerative potency of intra-articular stem/stromal cell therapy. Four weeks after combined mechanical and biochemical osteoarthritis induction in 28 rabbits, therapy was initiated by a single intra-articular injection, randomized into the following groups: Group 1: AB Serum (ABS); Group 2: Hyaluronic acid (HA); Group 3: Mesenchymal stromal cells (STx.); Group 4: Mesenchymal stromal cells in hyaluronic acid (HA + STx.). After another 4 weeks, the animals were euthanized, followed by histological examination of the removed joints. The histological analysis showed a significant increase in cartilage thickness in the stromal cell treated groups (HA + STx. vs. ABS, p = 0.028; HA + ST.x vs. HA, p = 0.042; STx. vs. ABS, p = 0.036). Scanning electron microscopy detected a similar heterogeneity of mineralization and tissue porosity in the subchondral zone in all groups. The single intra-articular injection of a stem cell containing, GMP-compliant advanced therapy medicinal product for the treatment of iatrogen induced osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint shows a chondroregenerative effect.  相似文献   

Human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) are some of the most promising stem cell types for regenerative therapies given their ability to grow in the absence of serum and their realistic possibility to be used in autologous grafts. In this review, we describe the particular advantages of hDPSCs for neuroregenerative cell therapies. We thoroughly discuss the knowledge about their embryonic origin and characteristics of their postnatal niche, as well as the current status of cell culture protocols to maximize their multilineage differentiation potential, highlighting some common issues when assessing neuronal differentiation fates of hDPSCs. We also review the recent progress on neuroprotective and immunomodulatory capacity of hDPSCs and their secreted extracellular vesicles, as well as their combination with scaffold materials to improve their functional integration on the injured central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Finally, we offer some perspectives on the current and possible future applications of hDPSCs in neuroregenerative cell therapies.  相似文献   

The incidence of renal disease is gradually increasing worldwide, and this condition has become a major public health problem because it is a trigger for many other chronic diseases. Cell therapies using multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, hematopoietic stem cells, macrophages, and other cell types have been used to induce regeneration and provide a cure for acute and chronic kidney disease in experimental models. This review describes the advances in cell therapy protocols applied to acute and chronic kidney injuries and the attempts to apply these treatments in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are classified as advanced therapy medicinal products, a new category of GMP (good manufacturing practice)-compliant medicines for clinical use. We isolated MSCs from 5 bone marrow (BM) samples using human platelet lysate (HPL) instead of foetal bovine serum (FBS). We used a new method of HPL production consisting of treating platelet (PLTs) pools with Ca-Gluconate to form a gel clot, then mechanically squeezing to release growth factors. We compared the new HPL (HPL-S) with the standard (HPL-E) obtained by freezing/thawing cycles and by adding heparin. HPL-S had not PLTs and fibrinogen but the quantity of proteins and growth factors was comparable to HPL-E. Therefore, HPL-S needed fewer production steps to be in compliance with GMP conditions. The number of colonies forming unit-fibroblasts (CFU-F) and the maintenance of stem markers showed no significant differences between MSCs with HPL-E and HPL-S. The cumulative population doubling was higher in MSCs with HPL-E in the earlier passages, but we observed an inverted trend of cell growth at the fourth passage. Immunophenotypic analysis showed a significant lower expression of HLA-DR in the MSCs with HPL-S (1.30%) than HPL-E (14.10%). In conclusion, we demonstrated that HPL-S is an effective alternative for MSC production under GMP conditions.  相似文献   

This work describes the development of an injectable nanocomposite system based on a chitosan thermosensitive hydrogel combined with liposomes for regenerative medicine applications. Liposomes with good physicochemical properties are prepared and embedded within the chitosan network. The resulting nanocomposite hydrogel is able to provide a controlled release of the content from liposomes, which are able to interact with cells and be internalized. The cellular uptake is enhanced by the presence of a chitosan coating, and cells incubated with liposomes embedded within thermosensitive hydrogels displayed a higher cell uptake compared to cells incubated with liposomes alone. Furthermore, the gelation temperature of the system resulted to be equal to 32.6 °C; thus, the system can be easily injected in the target site to form a hydrogel at physiological temperature. Given the peculiar performance of the selected systems, the resulting thermosensitive hydrogels are a versatile platform and display potential applications as controlled delivery systems of liposomes for tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a significant health problem both in the United States and worldwide with over 27 million cases being reported globally every year. TBIs can vary significantly from a mild TBI with short-term symptoms to a moderate or severe TBI that can result in long-term or life-long detrimental effects. In the case of a moderate to severe TBI, the primary injury causes immediate damage to structural tissue and cellular components. This may be followed by secondary injuries that can be the cause of chronic and debilitating neurodegenerative effects. At present, there are no standard treatments that effectively target the primary or secondary TBI injuries themselves. Current treatment strategies often focus on addressing post-injury symptoms, including the trauma itself as well as the development of cognitive, behavioral, and psychiatric impairment. Additional therapies such as pharmacological, stem cell, and rehabilitative have in some cases shown little to no improvement on their own, but when applied in combination have given encouraging results. In this review, we will abridge and discuss some of the most recent research advances in stem cell therapies, advanced engineered biomaterials used to support stem transplantation, and the role of rehabilitative therapies in TBI treatment. These research examples are intended to form a multi-tiered perspective for stem-cell therapies used to treat TBIs; stem cells and stem cell products to mitigate neuroinflammation and provide neuroprotective effects, biomaterials to support the survival, migration, and integration of transplanted stem cells, and finally rehabilitative therapies to support stem cell integration and compensatory and restorative plasticity.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine is a new and promising mode of therapy for patients who have limited or no other options for the treatment of their illness. Due to their pleotropic therapeutic potential through the inhibition of inflammation or apoptosis, cell recruitment, stimulation of angiogenesis, and differentiation, stem cells present a novel and effective approach to several challenging human diseases. In recent years, encouraging findings in preclinical studies have paved the way for many clinical trials using stem cells for the treatment of various diseases. The translation of these new therapeutic products from the laboratory to the market is conducted under highly defined regulations and directives provided by competent regulatory authorities. This review seeks to familiarize the reader with the process of translation from an idea to clinical practice, in the context of stem cell products. We address some required guidelines for clinical trial approval, including regulations and directives presented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States, as well as those of the European Medicine Agency (EMA). Moreover, we review, summarize, and discuss regenerative medicine clinical trial studies registered on the Clinicaltrials.gov website.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death worldwide, with ischemic heart disease as the most significant contributor. Pharmacological and surgical interventions have improved clinical outcomes, but are unable to ameliorate advanced stages of end-heart failure. Successful preclinical studies of new therapeutic modalities aimed at revascularization have shown short lasting to no effects in the clinical practice. This lack of success may be attributed to current challenges in patient selection, endpoint measurements, comorbidities, and delivery systems. Although challenges remain, the field of therapeutic angiogenesis is evolving, as novel strategies and bioengineering approaches emerge to optimize delivery and efficacy. Here, we describe the structure, vascularization, and regulation of the vascular system with particular attention to the endothelium. We proceed to discuss preclinical and clinical findings and present challenges and future prospects in the field.  相似文献   

Chronic liver injuries lead to liver fibrosis and then to end-stage liver cirrhosis. Liver transplantation is often needed as a course of treatment for patients in critical conditions, but limitations associated with transplantation prompted the continuous search for alternative therapeutic strategies. Cell therapy with stem cells has emerged as an attractive option in order to stimulate tissue regeneration and liver repair. Transplanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) could trans-differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells and, moreover, show anti-fibrotic and immunomodulatory effects. However, cell transplantation may lead to some uncontrolled side effects, risks associated with tumorigenesis, and cell rejection. MSCs’ secretome includes a large number of soluble factors and extracellular vesicles (EVs), through which they exert their therapeutic role. This could represent a cell-free strategy, which is safer and more effective than MSC transplantation. In this review, we focus on cell therapies based on MSCs and how the MSCs’ secretome impacts the mechanisms associated with liver diseases. Moreover, we discuss the important therapeutic role of EVs and how their properties could be further used in liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Gingival regeneration aims at restoring the architecture and functionality of oral damaged tissue. Different biomaterials or biological materials have been tested for tissue repair, such as platelet concentrates such as PL. In this article, the use of extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from platelet lysate (PL) and their combination with hyaluronic acid biomaterials (HA) in an in vitro wound healing assay is investigated. EVs were isolated by size exclusion chromatography from PL. In addition, HA gels were formulated with PL or EVs. EVs or HA combined with EVs (HA-EVs) were tested in vitro in gingival fibroblasts and keratinocytes for biocompatibility (LDH activity and metabolic activity) and by an in vitro wound-healing assay and gene expression analysis. EVs and EVs-HA treatments were biocompatible in gingival fibroblasts and keratinocytes and showed an increase in wound healing in vitro compared to control. Moreover, changes in gene expression related to extracellular matrix remodeling were observed after the treatment with EVs. EVs can be combined with HA biomaterials, showing good biocompatibility and preserving their activity and functionality. Therefore, platelet-derived EVs could emerge as a new application for periodontal regeneration in combination with biomaterials in order to enhance their clinical use.  相似文献   

Since the first evidence that stem cells can provide pro-resolving effects via paracrine secretion of soluble factors, growing interest has been addressed to define the most ideal cell source for clinical translation. Leftover or clinical waste samples of human amniotic fluid obtained following prenatal screening, clinical intervention, or during scheduled caesarean section (C-section) delivery at term have been recently considered an appealing source of mesenchymal progenitors with peculiar regenerative capacity. Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSC) have been demonstrated to support tissue recovery in several preclinical models of disease by exerting paracrine proliferative, anti-inflammatory and regenerative influence. Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) concentrated from the hAFSC secretome (the total soluble trophic factors secreted in the cell-conditioned medium, hAFSC-CM) recapitulate most of the beneficial cell effects. Independent studies in preclinical models of either adult disorders or severe diseases in newborns have suggested a regenerative role of hAFSC-EVs. EVs can be eventually concentrated from amniotic fluid (hAF) to offer useful prenatal information, as recently suggested. In this review, we focus on the most significant aspects of EVs obtained from either hAFSC and hAF and consider the current challenges for their clinical translation, including isolation, characterization and quantification methods.  相似文献   

Bone-marrow-mesenchymal-stromal-cells (BMSCs)- and platelet-rich-plasma (PRP)-based therapies have shown potential for treating osteoarthritis (OA). Recently, the combination of these two approaches was proposed, with results that overcame those observed with the separate treatments, indicating a possible role of PRP in ameliorating BMSCs’ regenerative properties. Since a molecular fingerprint of BMSCs cultivated in the presence of PRP is missing, the aim of this study was to characterize the secretome in terms of soluble factors and extracellular-vesicle (EV)-embedded miRNAs from the perspective of tissues, pathways, and molecules which frame OA pathology. One hundred and five soluble factors and one hundred eighty-four EV-miRNAs were identified in the PRP-treated BMSCs’ secretome, respectively. Several soluble factors were related to the migration of OA-related immune cells, suggesting the capacity of BMSCs to attract lympho-, mono-, and granulocytes and modulate their inflammatory status. Accordingly, several EV-miRNAs had an immunomodulating role at both the single-factor and cell level, together with the ability to target OA-characterizing extracellular-matrix-degrading enzymes and cartilage destruction pathways. Overall, anti-inflammatory and protective signals far exceeded inflammation and destruction cues for cartilage, macrophages, and T cells. This study demonstrates that BMSCs cultivated in the presence of PRP release therapeutic molecules and give molecular ground for the use of this combined and innovative therapy for OA treatment.  相似文献   

Stem-cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have demonstrated multiple beneficial effects in preclinical models of cardiac diseases. However, poor retention at the target site may limit their therapeutic efficacy. Cardiac extracellular matrix hydrogels (cECMH) seem promising as drug-delivery materials and could improve the retention of EVs, but may be limited by their long gelation time and soft mechanical properties. Our objective was to develop and characterize an optimized product combining cECMH, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and EVs (EVs–PEG–cECMH) in an attempt to overcome their individual limitations: long gelation time of the cECMH and poor retention of the EVs. The new combined product presented improved physicochemical properties (60% reduction in half gelation time, p < 0.001, and threefold increase in storage modulus, p < 0.01, vs. cECMH alone), while preserving injectability and biodegradability. It also maintained in vitro bioactivity of its individual components (55% reduction in cellular senescence vs. serum-free medium, p < 0.001, similar to EVs and cECMH alone) and increased on-site retention in vivo (fourfold increase vs. EVs alone, p < 0.05). In conclusion, the combination of EVs–PEG–cECMH is a potential multipronged product with improved gelation time and mechanical properties, increased on-site retention, and maintained bioactivity that, all together, may translate into boosted therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

肝素化结合方式及本体材料的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要阐述了抗凝生物材料3种不同方式的肝素化方法——离子键合、共价键合和物理结合以及生物本体材料的研究及发展。同时,对各种方法进行了比较和评述。  相似文献   

The gingival tissue can be collected in an easy way and represent an accessible source to isolate gingival-derived mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs). GMSCs are a subpopulation of dental-derived mesenchymal stem cells that show the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) features, such as differentiation abilities and immunomodulatory properties. Dental-derived stem cells are also expandable in vitro with genomic stability and the possibility to maintain the stemness properties over a prolonged period of passages. Moreover, several preclinical studies have documented that the extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from GMSCs possess similar biological functions and therapeutic effects. The EVs may represent a promising tool in the cell-free regenerative therapy approach. The present review paper summarized the GMSCs, their multi-lineage differentiation capacities, immunomodulatory features, and the potential use in the treatment of several diseases in order to stimulate tissue regeneration. GMSCs should be considered a good stem cell source for potential applications in tissue engineering and regenerative dentistry.  相似文献   

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