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This study reports on an exploratory survey conducted to investigate the use of social media technologies for sharing information. This paper explores the issue of credibility of the information shared in the context of computer-mediated communication. Four categories of information were explored: sensitive, sensational, political and casual information, across five popular social media technologies: social networking sites, micro-blogging sites, wikis, online forums, and online blogs. One hundred and fourteen active users of social media technologies participated in the study. The exploratory analysis conducted in this study revealed that information producers use different cues to indicate credibility of the information they share on different social media sites. Organizations can leverage findings from this study to improve targeted engagement with their customers. The operationalization of how information credibility is codified by information producers contributes to knowledge in social media research.  相似文献   

Collaborative recommendation (CR) is a popular method of filtering items that may interest social users by referring to the opinions of friends and acquaintances in the network and computer applications. However, CR involves a cold-start problem, in which a newly established recommender system usually exhibits low recommending accuracy because of insufficient data, such as lack of ratings from users. In this study, we rigorously identify active users in social networks, who are likely to share and accept a recommendation in each data cluster to enhance the performance of the recommendation system and solve the cold-start problem. This novel modified CR method called div-clustering is presented to cluster Web entities in which the properties are specified formally in a recommendation framework, with the reusability of the user modeling component considered. We improve the traditional k-means clustering algorithm by applying supplementary works such as compensating for nominal values supported by the knowledge base, as well as computing and updating the k value. We use the data from two different cases to test for accuracy and demonstrate high quality in div-clustering against a baseline CR algorithm. The experimental results of both offline and online evaluations, which also consider in detail the volunteer profiles, indicate that the CR system with div-clustering obtains more accurate results than does the baseline system.  相似文献   

News recommendation and user interaction are important features in many Web-based news services. The former helps users identify the most relevant news for further information. The latter enables collaborated information sharing among users with their comments following news postings. This research is intended to marry these two features together for an adaptive recommender system that utilizes reader comments to refine the recommendation of news in accordance with the evolving topic. This then turns the traditional “push-data” type of news recommendation to “discussion” moderator that can intelligently assist online forums. In addition, to alleviate the problem of recommending essentially identical articles, the relationship (duplicate, generalization, or specialization) between recommended news articles and the original posting is investigated. Our experiments indicate that our proposed solutions provide an improved news recommendation service in forum-based social media.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Massive amounts of data are available on social websites, therefore finding the suitable item is a challenging issue. According to recent social statistics, we...  相似文献   

针对传统协同智能推荐技术的冷启动、数据稀缺性问题,为提高推荐算法的效率和准确性,提出一种基于社会化媒体情境的多维智能推荐算法模型。该模型将目标用户的属性特征、行为特征考虑到社会化媒体情境信息中,并动态实时捕捉用户在不同社会化媒体情境下的偏好倾向,利用联机分析处理(OLAP)技术对多维数据进行处理。该模型将用户间的社会化关系和所处的政治经济环境视为衡量用户相似的重要指标,同时使用皮尔森系数和云模型来计算用户间各特征的相似度,并以此为推荐基础向用户呈现更个性化和定制化的推荐结果。实验结果表明,该模型的推荐结果的平均绝对误差明显小于传统的协同智能推荐和单纯的基于云模型推荐技术。  相似文献   

近年来社交媒体越来越流行,可以从中获得大量丰富多彩的信息的同时,也带来了严重的"信息过载"问题.推荐系统作为缓解信息过载最有效的方法之一,在社交媒体中的作用日趋重要.区别于传统的推荐方法,社交媒体中包含大量的用户产生内容,因此在社交媒体中,通过结合传统的个性化的推荐方法,集成各类新的数据、元数据和清晰的用户关系,产生了各种新的推荐技术.总结了社交推荐系统中的几个关键研究领域,包括基于社会化标注的推荐、组推荐和基于信任的推荐,之后介绍了在信息推荐中考虑时间因素时的情况,最后对社交媒体中信息推荐有待深入研究的难点和发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Social media has evolved into one of the most important channels to share micro-videos nowadays. The sheer volume of micro-videos available in social networks often undermines users’ capability to choose the micro-videos that best fit their interests. Recommendation appear as a natural solution to this problem. However, existing video recommendation methods only consider the users’ historical preferences on videos, without exploring any video contents. In this paper, we develop a novel latent genre aware micro-video recommendation model to solve the problem. First, we extract user-item interaction features, and auxiliary features describing both contextual and visual contents of micro-videos. Second, these features are fed into the neural recommendation model that simultaneously learns the latent genres of micro-videos and the optimal recommendation scores. Experiments on real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposed method compared with several state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Current research has yet to examine the phenomenon of rape culture, particularly within social media forums. The present study investigated the attitudes about rape, rapists, and gender-based violence within the comments section of newspaper articles reporting about rape and sexual assault. Naturalistic observation was used in order to gather statements within the comment sections following newspaper articles posted on either the periodical website or the periodical’s Facebook page. Four themes and various sub-themes emerged from the data. The major themes include, Victim Blaming and Questioning, Survivor Support, Perpetrator Support, and Trolling Statements about Law and Society. Notable findings were found in the amount of victim blaming statements made in the comments responding to articles (25.8 percent) and perpetrator support comments were found responding to every article collected, except for one. The authors discuss the implications of rape culture within and outside social media and suggest future research to be conducted to further understand the impacts of rape culture within the online sphere.  相似文献   

Recommender systems elicit the interests and preferences of individuals and make recommendations accordingly, a main challenge for expert and intelligent systems. An essential problem in recommender systems is to learn users’ preference dynamics, that is, the constant evolution of the explicit or the implicit information, which is diversified throughout time according to the user actions. Also, in real settings data sparsity degrades the recommendation accuracy. Hence, state-of-the-art methods exploit multimodal information of users-item interactions to reduce sparsity, but they ignore preference dynamics and do not capture users’ most recent preferences. In this article, we present a Temporal Collective Matrix Factorization (TCMF) model, making the following contributions: (i) we capture preference dynamics through a joint decomposition model that extracts the user temporal patterns, and (ii) co-factorize the temporal patterns with multimodal user-item interactions by minimizing a joint objective function to generate the recommendations. We evaluate the performance of TCMF in terms of accuracy and root mean square error, and show that the proposed model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art strategies.  相似文献   

社交媒体是当下非常热门的一种互联网应用。在发生公共事件时,许多当事人雇佣公关公司在社交媒体上发布虚假信息来影响舆情。这部分为公关公司所服务的社交媒体账号称为水军。水军在当下的中国社交媒体中有泛滥的趋势。基于水军的群体行为分析社交媒体中的水军集团。定义了情感社会网络和情感社会网络中的团的概念;设计了一个分析框架,包括提出了情感社会网络中发现社区,以及从社区中发现对立的派别(称为团)的算法。从微博的评论数据构建情感社会网络,并发现情感社会网络中的团,可以识别水军,而且可以考察社交媒体中的水军集团的特性。采用人工标注的数据集进行了实验。  相似文献   

The present study examines young adults’ use of social media websites, such as MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube, to post public images and videos of themselves depicting alcohol consumption, inebriated behavior, or recreational marijuana use. A content analysis revealed that the majority of image and video representations of alcohol consumption depicted females in social gatherings while images and videos depicting marijuana use depicted solitary males. Videos typically were viewed frequently and gained positive ratings. Among a sample of college students, one-third of participants reported having posted a picture depicting substance use on a social networking site, with 97% aware that others engage in this phenomenon. Students’ perceptions of alcohol-related postings were generally positive or seen as a matter of individual choice while marijuana-related postings were generally viewed more negatively.  相似文献   

Identifying the key factors of the disaster-related information propagation process can provide decision support for disaster management. This study characterizes the effects of content types, location, and social capital of social media users on the virality of disaster-related information. We found through the Weibo dataset of the Yiliang earthquake that the virality of different types of information can vary on the basis of the social capital of users who post the information. This study fills the current research gaps by examining the individual and joint effects of the content and creator characteristics on the virality of disaster-related information.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Nowadays, the advent of social networks have revolutionised the traditional communication media. In recent years, the number of social media providers has...  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a real-time panoramic video streaming system with overlaid interface concept for social media. The proposed system provides real-time panorama images for smart displays such as smart TVs, smart phones, and tablet PCs. Panorama images are collected at sporting events via panorama cameras. Contents thus collected are sent to servers and then provided to smart devices via live sports video streams. Users select a panorama camera and choose their viewing angle and zooming factor for the selected panorama camera. The proposed system provides immersive and realistic views of live sporting events on users’ displays. Furthermore, an overlaid panoramic interface concept is proposed for immersive live baseball watching combined with tightly integrated social media experience.  相似文献   

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