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Several engineering programs around the country either require or encourage a cooperative education experience as part of their curriculum. In this paper, we examine the effects of cooperative education on grade point average, length of time in school, and starting salary. Statistical analyses show that cooperative education programs have significant effects on all three dimensions. These results are useful not only to students deciding whether to participate in cooperative education programs, but also to administrators in determining the role of cooperative education in the engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

The impact of the introduction of ICRP Publication 103 on neutron dosimetry was analysed by calculating effective doses in various operational neutron fields, using dose conversion coefficients derived from the recommendations given in ICRP 103 and ICRP 60. It was found from the analysis that effective doses based on ICRP 103 are generally smaller than those based on ICRP 60, mainly owing to the revision of w(R) assigned to neutrons. The results also indicate that H*(10) can provide a conservative estimate for ICRP 103-based effective doses in most neutron fields. These tendencies suggest that the radiological protection system currently adopted in accelerators and nuclear facilities can be maintained after the introduction of ICRP 103, with respect to neutron dosimetry.  相似文献   

社会资本的测量及其对就业结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先回顾了社会资本的各种测量方法,以及社会资本对就业结果的影响;然后指出,未来关于社会资本与就业结果的关系的研究,可以从社会资本的测量方法、跨文化比较研究和细化就业结果的测量指标三个方面人手;最后,文章针对社会资本测量方法中存在的缺陷,从心理测量学角度提出优化的测量方案。  相似文献   

李顺勇 《爆破器材》2019,48(4):33-37
利用水悬浮法将氟橡胶包覆在硝酸肼镍(NHN)表面制备出了NHN造型粉,并将其应用于基础雷管。通过DSC研究了NHN造型粉的热性能,测试了NHN造型粉的机械感度和火焰感度以及工业基础雷管的撞击感度和起爆能力。研究结果表明:氟橡胶包覆能够提高NHN的热稳定性,且热稳定性随着氟橡胶包覆量的增加而提高;NHN造型粉的机械感度均低于原料NHN,当氟橡胶包覆量(质量分数)为9%时,撞击感度下降幅度明显,可达142.9%;NHN造型粉用在基础雷管中做起爆药,可以降低基础雷管的撞击感度并保持其起爆能力。  相似文献   

For whole-body CT images of small rodents, a voxel resolution of at least 10(-3) mm(3) is needed for scale-equivalence to that currently achieved in clinical CT scanners (~1 mm(3)) in adult humans. These "mini-CT" images generally require minutes rather than seconds to complete a scan. The radiation exposure resulting from these mini-CT scans, while higher than clinical CT scans, is below the level resulting in acute tissue damage. Hence, these scans are useful for performing clinical-type diagnostic and monitoring scans for animal models of disease and their response to treatment. "Micro-CT", with voxel size <10(-5) mm(3), has been useful for imaging isolated, intact organs at an almost cellular level of resolution. Micro-CT has the great advantage over traditional microscopic methods in that it generates detailed 3D images in relatively large, opaque, volumes such as an intact rodent heart or kidney. The radiation exposure needed in these scans results in acute tissue damage if used in living animals.Experience with micro-CT is contributing to exploration of new applications for clinical CT imaging by providing insights into different modes of x-ray image formation as follows:Spatial resolution should be sufficient to detect an individual Basic Functional Unit (BFU, the smallest collection of diverse cells, such as hepatic lobule, that behaves like the organ), which requires voxels ~10(-3) mm(3) in volume, so that the BFUs can be counted.Contrast resolution sufficient to allow quantitation of:New microvascular growth, which manifests as increased tissue contrast due to x-ray contrast agent in those vessels' lumens during passage of injected contrast agent in blood.Impaired endothelial integrity which manifests as increased opacification and delayed washout of contrast from tissues.Discrimination of pathological accumulations of metals such as Fe and Ca, which occur in the arterial wall following hemorrhage or tissue damage.Micro-CT can also be used as a test bed for exploring the utility of several modes of x-ray image formation, such as the use of dual energy x-ray subtraction, x-ray scatter, phase delay and refraction-based imaging for increasing the contrast amongst soft tissue components. With the recent commercial availability of high speed, multi-slice CT scanners which can be operated in dual energy mode, some of these micro-CT scanner capabilities and insights are becoming implementable in those CT scanners. As a result, the potential diagnostic spectrum that can be addressed with those scanners is broadened considerably.  相似文献   

员工职业成长的结构及其对离职倾向的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对我国企业员工职业成长问题进行深入分析.并探讨了职业成长对离职倾向的影响作用.在有关研究的基础上,探讨了员工职业成长的结构,并编制一套适合我国实际的员工职业成长问卷.通过对50家企业879位员工进行了施测,通过探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和结构方程模型来处理调查数据.结果表明,员工职业成长的主要因素包括职业进展、职业能力发展、晋升机会3个方面.所提取的3个因素与构想模型拟合较好,测验具有较好的信度、效度.研究表明,员工职业成长三个因素对离职倾向均具有显著的负向影响,其中职业进展的作用最显著,晋升机会的作用最弱.  相似文献   

Small  Henry  Boyack  Kevin W.  Klavans  Richard 《Scientometrics》2019,118(3):1079-1092
Scientometrics - We report that the rate of hedging in citing sentences for biomedical papers is inversely related to the citations received by the papers as measured by the number of citances in...  相似文献   

The influence of the preferred learning styles and psychological types on academic performance have been assessed for engineering students. The subjects of the experiments were different groups of students taking the first and the second courses in the civil engineering department. A holistic teaching/learning approach was designed based on the fact that people have different psychological characters and learn in different ways. During the course, many teaching/learning techniques were introduced to foster the learning process for different learning styles and psychological types. The study explores the implications of the learning styles and the psychological temperaments on the academic performance for experimental and control groups. The Learning Type Measure (LTM) and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instruments were used to assess the psychological profiles and the learning preferences of the students. The paper will discuss the result of a comparison of the final grades of two groups of engineering students taught using two different instructional formats. As will be shown, the holistic teaching and learning environment helped those engineering students that are traditionally less successful.  相似文献   

Stability functions are an important analytical/numerical tool for appropriate design of conductor geometry and dimensions to prevent conductor losses under a transport current. While standard stability calculations following the Stekly, adiabatic, or dynamic stability models apply purely solid thermal conduction mechanism and derive results under (quasi) stationary conditions, the present paper investigates if, and to which extent, also radiation heat transfer, in addition to solid conduction, can exert impacts on conductor stability. Further, the full transient conductor temperature evolution after a disturbance is calculated. The analysis applies an interplay between Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations, to describe absorption of heat pulses and their distribution in the conductor, and a rigorous finite element method to calculate the resulting temperature field and stability functions. The results show that radiative heat transfer cannot be neglected in particular if periodic disturbances have to be considered that can arise, e.g., in a flux flow fault current limiter.  相似文献   

本文介绍了某核燃料运输容器跌落试验时有关的冲击振动测量技术,以及该运输容器和靶基础的冲击响应特性及试验研究方法。为了预估与分析试验结果,研制了运输容器撞击分析程序。对撞击过程中不锈钢-铅-不锈钢复合结构容器的弹塑性大变形情况进行了电算;并对跌落试验中冲击试验台的动力特性进行了有限元计算。将试验与理论计算结果进行了对照比较。  相似文献   

Technical Physics Letters - In this paper, we present the methodology and results of an experimental study on the effect of the surface tension coefficient and the initial volume of a water core on...  相似文献   

本文针对进口石脑油不合格项目,分析了对生产带来的影响。这些不合格项目会降低装置的处理能力、增加能耗、引发反应器内积炭与结焦、致催化剂性能变差、影响系统的反应条件与目的产品的收率;应限制不合格石脑油的进口。  相似文献   

The relationship between microstructure and dissolution rate of three-component granules was investigated. Granules were prepared by fluid bed granulation from sucrose spheres as model excipient, sodium chloride as model active ingredient, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as in situ melt binder. A novel method for controlling the distribution of active ingredient within the granule was developed, based on suspending its particles in the binder prior to granulation. Granule microstructure was varied by systematically changing the NaCl particle size and the active/excipient ratio in granules. The dissolution rate of granules in water was measured by conductometry. A minimum was found in the functional dependence of dissolution time on NaCl fraction in the granule, in line with earlier computer simulations. The primary particle size was found to influence dissolution time in a nonlinear way depending on the fraction of available particle surface immersed in the binder. The intrinsic binder dissolution can therefore be rate-controlling if primary particles of the active ingredient are totally coated by binder. This was confirmed by comparing the dissolution times of granules prepared with PEGs of different molecular weight.  相似文献   

The relationship between microstructure and dissolution rate of three-component granules was investigated. Granules were prepared by fluid bed granulation from sucrose spheres as model excipient, sodium chloride as model active ingredient, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as in situ melt binder. A novel method for controlling the distribution of active ingredient within the granule was developed, based on suspending its particles in the binder prior to granulation. Granule microstructure was varied by systematically changing the NaCl particle size and the active/excipient ratio in granules. The dissolution rate of granules in water was measured by conductometry. A minimum was found in the functional dependence of dissolution time on NaCl fraction in the granule, in line with earlier computer simulations. The primary particle size was found to influence dissolution time in a nonlinear way depending on the fraction of available particle surface immersed in the binder. The intrinsic binder dissolution can therefore be rate-controlling if primary particles of the active ingredient are totally coated by binder. This was confirmed by comparing the dissolution times of granules prepared with PEGs of different molecular weight.  相似文献   

C-S模型参数及对非接触爆炸仿真分析的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
依靠SHPB技术,建立了高强度船用钢的C-S模型.对承受冲击因子3.7水下非接触爆炸载荷的结构,基于流固耦合理论,利用6种C-S模型,分别建立动态有限元模型进行非接触爆炸数值仿真,研究了C-S模型参数对仿真结果的影响.研究指出:无论是通过冲击压缩试验还是冲击拉伸试验获得的C-S模型参数,均可获得满意的仿真分析精度;C-S模型参数正确与否,将严重影响结构抗爆性能评估结论的正确性.  相似文献   

百年留学潮对中国科技事业的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对清末以来130余年中国留学潮历史的回顾,溯觇了前八代留学生的经历和贡献;重点论述了20世纪50年代第九代留学生在中国现代史中的地位和作用;展望了改革开放以来第十代及以后留学生的走向;简要辑录了自辛亥革命至中华人民共和国成立期间在革命斗争中被反动派杀害、为国捐躯的成千上万归国留学生中的数十位代表;概括记述了归国留学生在上至领袖人物,下至各领域、各部门都占据的高比重。革命事业的成功与经济建设的伟大成就证明,历代留学生都起到了不可替代的作用。随着改革开放政策的更加宽松,派送留学生工作将会以更大的规模继续下去,成为中华民族继续前进,实现现代化,为人类的进步做出应有贡献的有力保障。  相似文献   

为了研究分级式冲击磨以及分级机的阻力特性,对LNI-610-30型分级式冲击磨进行了阻力损失的现场测试与研究。结果表明:在相同流量下,单独开启冲击磨或分级机,其各自的工作阻力损失随各自传动转速的增大而增大;同时开启时(两者转向相反),由于各自形成的涡流场的相互影响,其总体阻力损失小于二者在同转速下分别开启时的阻力损失之和,其差值随着两者转速的增大而增大。  相似文献   

A study was made to determine a more comprehensive method of estimating the impact of an air pollutant on a region's economy. To do this, a Leontief input-output model of Clinton County, Pennsylvania was employed. Economic and related changes were simulated with the model by making appropriate changes and/or additions to the parameters of the model, i.e., the technical coefficients and elements of the external income input vector. In this specific application, the technical coefficients were represented by Direct Cost Response Functions in which the technical coefficient was a function of pollutant concentration. These functions were derived for the coefficients of all sectors whose expenditure pattern was affected by the pollutant. With these functions, it was possible to modify the base model to reflect the effect of different levels of pollutant concentration in the region. Economic impact studies yielding the direct and indirect changes in expenditures in all sectors of the model were then carried out showing the cost of air pollution damages to the region.  相似文献   

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