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In this study, a soft-sensor modeling algorithm with adaptive partial least squares nonnegative garrote is developed by incorporating nonstationary disturbance. The approach is capable of monitoring the stationary and nonstationary behaviors of the process dynamics. The procedure of adaptive variable selection ensures that a compact and robust input–output relation is obtained online. Hence, in addition to simply tracking prediction, the model can be used for the detection of structural model change and the emergence of disturbance. The advantages of the proposed method are demonstrated with a simulation example and two industrial applications to predict the temperature of a blast furnace hearth wall and to estimate impurity composition of a distillation column.  相似文献   

《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(7):1068-1075
This paper developed a new variable selection method for soft sensor applications using the nonnegative garrote (NNG) and artificial neural network (ANN). The proposed method employs the ANN to generate a well-trained network, and then uses the NNG to conduct the accurate shrinkage of input weights of the ANN. This paper took Bayesian information criterion as the model evaluation criterion, and the optimal garrote parameter s was determined by v-fold cross-validation. The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared to existing state-of-art variable selection methods. Two artificial dataset examples and a real industrial application for air separation process were applied to demonstrate the performance of the methods. The experimental results showed that the proposed method presented better model accuracy with fewer variables selected, compared to other state-of-art methods.  相似文献   

现代工业过程建模中,生产过程的多变量、非线性及动态性会导致模型复杂度增高且建模精度降低.针对这一问题,将非负绞杀算法(NNG)嵌入长短期记忆(LSTM)神经网络,提出一种基于LSTM神经网络及其输入变量选择的动态软测量算法.首先,通过参数优化生成训练好的LSTM神经网络,利用其出色的历史信息记忆能力处理工业过程中的动态、时滞等问题;其次,采用NNG算法对LSTM网络输入权重进行压缩,剔除冗余变量,提高模型精度,并采用网格搜索法与分块交叉验证对其超参数寻优;最后,将算法应用于某火电厂脱硫过程排放烟气SO2浓度软测量建模,并与其它先进算法进行性能比较.实验结果表明所提算法能有效剔除冗余变量,降低模型复杂度并提高其预测性能.  相似文献   

The goal of this work is to present a causation modeling methodology with the ability to accurately infer blood glucose levels using a large set of highly correlated noninvasive input variables over an extended period of time. These models can provide insight to improve glucose monitoring, and glucose regulation through advanced model-based control technologies. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated using real data from a type 2 diabetic (T2D) subject collected under free-living conditions over a period of 25 consecutive days. The model was identified and tested using eleven variables that included three food variables as well as several activity and stress variables. The model was trained using 20 days of data and validated using 5 days of data. This gave a fitted correlation coefficient of 0.70 and an average absolute error (AAE) (i.e., the average of the absolute values for the measured glucose concentration minus modeled glucose concentration) of 13.3 mg/dL for the validation data. This AAE result was significantly better than the subject’s personal glucose meter AAE of 15.3 mg/dL for replicated measurements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential of support vector machines based regression approach to model the local scour around bridge piers using field data. A dataset of consisting of 232 pier scour measurements taken from BSDMS were used for this analysis. Results obtained by using radial basis function and polynomial kernel based Support vector regression were compared with four empirical relation as well as with a backpropagation neural network and generalized regression neural network. A total of 154 data were used for training different algorithms whereas remaining 78 data were used to test the created model. A coefficient of determination value of 0.897 (root mean square error=0.356) was achieved by radial basis kernel based support vector regression in comparison to 0.880 and 0.835 (root mean square error=0.388 and 0.438) by backpropagation neural and generalized regression neural network. Comparisons of results with four predictive equations suggest an improved performance by support vector regression. Results with dimensionless data using all three algorithms suggest a better performance by dimensional data with this dataset. Sensitivity analysis suggests the importance of depth of flow and pier width in predicting the scour depth when using support vector regression based modeling approach.  相似文献   

利用计算机视觉对环境进行建模是机器人环境感知相关研究的一项重要工作。提出了一种基于双目SLAM的建模方法。该方法的主要思想是利用双目SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,同步定位与地图构建)技术获取相机位姿,并利用双目相机直接获取场景的深度图,然后将二者融合成场景的点云地图。由于双目相机直接获取的深度图像误差点较多,因此提出了一种基于视线约束的点云滤波方法,来消除场景点云中的误差点。经过实验验证了建模的效果,以及视线约束点云滤波的有效性。  相似文献   

针对传统的偏最小二乘法只考虑单特征的重要性以及特征之间存在冗余和多重共线性等问题,将特征之间的统计相关性引入到传统的偏最小二乘分析中,构造了一种基于特征相关的偏最小二乘模型。首先利用特征相关度对特征进行评估预选出特征组,然后将其放入偏最小二乘模型中进行训练,评估该特征组是否可取。结合前向贪心搜索策略依次评价候选特征,并选中使目标函数最小的候选特征加入到已选特征。分别采用麻杏石甘汤君药止咳、平喘和UCI数据集进行分析处理,实验结果表明,该特征选择方法能较好寻找较优的特征组。  相似文献   

为研究室内定位技术在复杂环境中的应用,以楼梯和实验室为实验场景,提出了一种基于信道状态信息(CSI)与SVM回归的室内定位方法.该方法通过基于密度的空间聚类方法(DBSCAN)去除信号噪声,并用主成分分析法(PCA)提取贡献最大的指纹特征,同时降低CSI指纹的维度.通过SVM回归建立CSI指纹与目标位置之间的非线性关系...  相似文献   

融入深度学习的偏最小二乘优化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
偏最小二乘在多元变量分析中得到了广泛的应用。但偏最小二乘方法内部采用主成分分析,不能充分表达数据的非线性特征,对非线性数据的预测精度较低。提出了一种融入深度学习的偏最小二乘优化方法,该方法利用深度学习的稀疏自编码器对特征空间提取非线性结构,将提取的特征成分取代偏最小二乘中的成分,从而形成能适应非线性的模型。分别采用大承气汤、麻杏石甘汤、葛根芩连汤和UCI数据集的数据进行分析处理,实验结果表明,融入深度学习的偏最小二乘优化方法能较好反映中医药数据的特征。  相似文献   

为了有效地获取和利用领域知识,提高规划效率,分析了工作流模型和分层任务网络(HTN)规划领域模型的相似性,提出了一种采用工作流模型进行规划领域建模,对领域知识进行获取和表达的方法.工作流模型中的行动和工作流模式,转换为HTN规划中的行动和任务分解;另外,引入了循环(Loop)工作流模式,转换为HTN规划中的递归调用,扩展了工作流模式对规划领域知识的表达能力.在典型的几个规划领域中,引入领域知识后大大提高了规划器的求解效率,从而验证了应用工作流模型进行规划领域建模的有效性.  相似文献   

In an object-relational database management system, a query optimizer requires users to provide cost models of user-defined functions. The traditional approach is analytical, that is, it builds a cost model generated as a result of analyzing the query processing steps. This analytical approach is difficult, however, especially for spatial query operators because of the complexity of the processing steps. In this paper, a new approach that uses non-parametric regression is proposed. This approach significantly simplifies the process of building a cost model, while achieving highly accurate cost estimation. We demonstrate the simplicity and efficacy of this approach through experiments for three spatial operators—the range query, the window query, and the k-nearest neighbor query—commonly used in spatial databases, using both real and synthetic data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method, called large margin based nonnegative matrix factorization (LMNMF), to encode latent discriminant information in training data. LMNMF seeks a nonnegative subspace such that k nearest neighbors of each sample always belong to same class and samples from different classes are separated by a large margin. In the subspace, the local separation structure of data is explicit. The large-margin criterion leads to a new objective function, and a convergency provable multiplicative nonnegative updating rule is derived to learn the basis matrix and encoding vectors. Then, partial least squares regression (PLSR) learns the mapping from the original data to low dimensional representations in order to capture local separation information. PLSR offers a unified solution to out-of-sample extension problem. Extensive experimental results demonstrate LMNMF with PLSR leads significant improvements on classification than several other commonly used NMF-based algorithms.  相似文献   

胡丽莹  郭躬德  马昌凤 《计算机应用》2015,35(10):2742-2746
针对重叠社区中的重要节点(重叠节点、中心节点、离群节点)及其固有的重叠社区结构的发现问题,提出了一种新的对称非负矩阵分解算法。首先将误差逼近项和非对称惩罚项的和作为目标函数,然后基于梯度更新的原则及非负约束条件推导出该算法。对5个实际网络进行了仿真实验,结果显示所提算法能将实际网络的重要节点及其固有的社区结构发现出来。从社区发现结果的平均导电率和算法的执行时间看,所提方法优于非负矩阵分解社区发现(CDNMF)方法;从准确率和召回率的调和平均值的加权平均值看,所提方法比较适合较大数据集的重叠社区发现。  相似文献   

为提高定量构效关系(quantitative structure-activity relationship,QSAR)模型预测的精度,以支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)全局与局部核函数,发展出1种非线性组合方法GK-LK-SVR,其基本思路为:依均方误差(MSE)最小原则,分别基于SVR的全局与局部核函数筛选描述符后预测,实测值与不同核函数的预测值组合成混合样本,然后再依MSE最小原则基于SVR对混合样本实施核函数寻优及子模型筛选,最后以留一法完成预测。对2种化合物QSAR建模结果表明:GK-LK-SVR方法预测精度高,有望在QSAR研究中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering - The identification of important nodes in a power grid has considerable benefits for safety. Power networks vary in many aspects,...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Automatic text summarization is an exertion of contriving the abridged form of a text document covering salient knowledge. Numerous statistical, linguistic,...  相似文献   


针对机理模型难以刻画的热轧精轧生产过程, 采用基于数据子空间的偏最小二乘方法建立热轧轧制力数据模型, 并构建轧制力优化模型, 利用改进的粒子群优化算法对优化模型计算求解. 结果表明, 使用数据驱动方法建立的轧制力数据模型能够揭示精轧过程轧制力的机理规律, 可以替代机理模型在实际系统中的应用. 通过对整体优化模型的求解, 可以提高热轧精轧产品的质量, 降低能源消耗, 表明基于数据驱动的建模和优化方法在实际生产中具有较大的应用价值.


基于核模糊聚类的多模型LSSVM回归建模   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李卫  杨煜普  王娜 《控制与决策》2008,23(5):560-562
针对大规模数据采用单模型回归存在精度差和计算量较大的问题,提出一种基于核模糊聚类的多模型最小二乘支持向量回归建模方法.该方法首先使用基于条件正定核的模糊C均值聚类算法对数据集做出聚类划分;然后针对每个聚类做最小二乘支持向量回归估计;同时根据每个聚类内数据分布的特征,给出了一种简单的核参数选择方法.利用数值仿真实验进行非线性函数估计,实验结果表明了所提出的方法具有良好的精度和泛化能力.  相似文献   

Two-stage response modeling, identifying respondents and then ranking them according to their expected profit, was proposed in order to increase the profit of direct marketing. For the second stage of two-stage response modeling, support vector regression (SVR) has been successfully employed due to its great generalization performances. However, the training complexities of SVR have made it difficult to apply to response modeling based on the large amount of data. In this paper, we propose a pattern selection method called Expected Margin based Pattern Selection (EMPS) to reduce the training complexities of SVR for use as a response modeling dataset with high dimensionality and high nonlinearity. EMPS estimates the expected margin for all training patterns and selects patterns which are likely to become support vectors. The experimental results involving 20 benchmark datasets and one real-world marketing dataset showed that EMPS improved SVR efficiency for response modeling.  相似文献   

We present a texture analysis methodology that combined uncommitted machine-learning techniques and partial least square (PLS) in a fully automatic framework. Our approach introduces a robust PLS-based dimensionality reduction (DR) step to specifically address outliers and high-dimensional feature sets. The texture analysis framework was applied to diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis (OA). To classify between healthy subjects and OA patients, a generic bank of texture features was extracted from magnetic resonance images of tibial knee bone. The features were used as input to the DR algorithm, which first applied a PLS regression to rank the features and then defined the best number of features to retain in the model by an iterative learning phase. The outliers in the dataset, that could inflate the number of selected features, were eliminated by a pre-processing step. To cope with the limited number of samples, the data were evaluated using Monte Carlo cross validation (CV). The developed DR method demonstrated consistency in selecting a relatively homogeneous set of features across the CV iterations. Per each CV group, a median of 19 % of the original features was selected and considering all CV groups, the methods selected 36 % of the original features available. The diagnosis evaluation reached a generalization area-under-the-ROC curve of 0.92, which was higher than established cartilage-based markers known to relate to OA diagnosis.  相似文献   

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