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Previous studies about ensembles of classifiers for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring have been presented. In these studies, different ensemble schemes for complex classifiers were applied, and the best results were obtained using the Random Subspace method. The Bagging scheme was one of the ensemble methods used in the comparison. However, it was not correctly used. It is very important to use this ensemble scheme on weak and unstable classifiers for producing diversity in the combination. In order to improve the comparison, Bagging scheme on several decision trees models is applied to bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring. Decision trees encourage diversity for the combination of classifiers. Finally, an experimental study shows that Bagging scheme on decision trees present the best results for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring.  相似文献   

In the last years, the application of artificial intelligence methods on credit risk assessment has meant an improvement over classic methods. Small improvements in the systems about credit scoring and bankruptcy prediction can suppose great profits. Then, any improvement represents a high interest to banks and financial institutions. Recent works show that ensembles of classifiers achieve the better results for this kind of tasks. In this paper, it is extended a previous work about the selection of the best base classifier used in ensembles on credit data sets. It is shown that a very simple base classifier, based on imprecise probabilities and uncertainty measures, attains a better trade-off among some aspects of interest for this type of studies such as accuracy and area under ROC curve (AUC). The AUC measure can be considered as a more appropriate measure in this grounds, where the different type of errors have different costs or consequences. The results shown here present to this simple classifier as an interesting choice to be used as base classifier in ensembles for credit scoring and bankruptcy prediction, proving that not only the individual performance of a classifier is the key point to be selected for an ensemble scheme.  相似文献   

Using neural network ensembles for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring have long been regarded as critical topics and have been studied extensively in the accounting and finance literature. Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques have been used to solve these financial decision-making problems. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) network trained by the back-propagation learning algorithm is the mostly used technique for financial decision-making problems. In addition, it is usually superior to other traditional statistical models. Recent studies suggest combining multiple classifiers (or classifier ensembles) should be better than single classifiers. However, the performance of multiple classifiers in bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring is not fully understood. In this paper, we investigate the performance of a single classifier as the baseline classifier to compare with multiple classifiers and diversified multiple classifiers by using neural networks based on three datasets. By comparing with the single classifier as the benchmark in terms of average prediction accuracy, the multiple classifiers only perform better in one of the three datasets. The diversified multiple classifiers trained by not only different classifier parameters but also different sets of training data perform worse in all datasets. However, for the Type I and Type II errors, there is no exact winner. We suggest that it is better to consider these three classifier architectures to make the optimal financial decision.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of several systems based on ensemble of classifiers for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring.The obtained results are very encouraging, our results improved the performance obtained using the stand-alone classifiers. We show that the method “Random Subspace” outperforms the other ensemble methods tested in this paper. Moreover, the best stand-alone method is the multi-layer perceptron neural net, while the best method tested in this work is the Random Subspace of Levenberg–Marquardt neural net.In this work, three financial datasets are chosen for the experiments: Australian credit, German credit, and Japanese credit.  相似文献   

During the last few years there has been marked attention towards hybrid and ensemble systems development, having proved their ability to be more accurate than single classifier models. However, among the hybrid and ensemble models developed in the literature there has been little consideration given to: 1) combining data filtering and feature selection methods 2) combining classifiers of different algorithms; and 3) exploring different classifier output combination techniques other than the traditional ones found in the literature. In this paper, the aim is to improve predictive performance by presenting a new hybrid ensemble credit scoring model through the combination of two data pre-processing methods based on Gabriel Neighbourhood Graph editing (GNG) and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) in the hybrid modelling phase. In addition, a new classifier combination rule based on the consensus approach (ConsA) of different classification algorithms during the ensemble modelling phase is proposed. Several comparisons will be carried out in this paper, as follows: 1) Comparison of individual base classifiers with the GNG and MARS methods applied separately and combined in order to choose the best results for the ensemble modelling phase; 2) Comparison of the proposed approach with all the base classifiers and ensemble classifiers with the traditional combination methods; and 3) Comparison of the proposed approach with recent related studies in the literature. Five of the well-known base classifiers are used, namely, neural networks (NN), support vector machines (SVM), random forests (RF), decision trees (DT), and naïve Bayes (NB). The experimental results, analysis and statistical tests prove the ability of the proposed approach to improve prediction performance against all the base classifiers, hybrid and the traditional combination methods in terms of average accuracy, the area under the curve (AUC) H-measure and the Brier Score. The model was validated over seven real world credit datasets.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a new hybrid data mining model based on combination of various feature selection and ensemble learning classification algorithms, in order to support decision making process. The model is built through several stages. In the first stage, initial dataset is preprocessed and apart of applying different preprocessing techniques, we paid a great attention to the feature selection. Five different feature selection algorithms were applied and their results, based on ROC and accuracy measures of logistic regression algorithm, were combined based on different voting types. We also proposed a new voting method, called if_any, that outperformed all other voting methods, as well as a single feature selection algorithm's results. In the next stage, a four different classification algorithms, including generalized linear model, support vector machine, naive Bayes and decision tree, were performed based on dataset obtained in the feature selection process. These classifiers were combined in eight different ensemble models using soft voting method. Using the real dataset, the experimental results show that hybrid model that is based on features selected by if_any voting method and ensemble GLM + DT model performs the highest performance and outperforms all other ensemble and single classifier models.  相似文献   

在基于Stacking框架下异构分类器集成方式分析的基础上,引入同构分类器集成中改变训练样本以增强成员分类器间差异性的思想,提出融合DECORATE的异构分类器集成算法SDE;在1-层泛化利用DECORATE算法,向1-层训练集增加一定比例的人工数据,使得生成的多个1-层成员分类器间具有差异性。实验表明,该方法在分类精度上要优于传统Stacking方法。  相似文献   

In recent years, the multi-label classification task has gained the attention of the scientific community given its ability to solve problems where each of the instances of the dataset may be associated with several class labels at the same time instead of just one. The main problems to deal with in multi-label classification are the imbalance, the relationships among the labels, and the high complexity of the output space. A large number of methods for multi-label classification has been proposed, but although they aimed to deal with one or many of these problems, most of them did not take into account these characteristics of the data in their building phase. In this paper we present an evolutionary algorithm for automatic generation of ensembles of multi-label classifiers by tackling the three previously mentioned problems, called Evolutionary Multi-label Ensemble (EME). Each multi-label classifier is focused on a small subset of the labels, still considering the relationships among them but avoiding the high complexity of the output space. Further, the algorithm automatically designs the ensemble evaluating both its predictive performance and the number of times that each label appears in the ensemble, so that in imbalanced datasets infrequent labels are not ignored. For this purpose, we also proposed a novel mutation operator that considers the relationship among labels, looking for individuals where the labels are more related. EME was compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms for multi-label classification over a set of fourteen multi-label datasets and using five evaluation measures. The experimental study was carried out in two parts, first comparing EME to classic multi-label classification methods, and second comparing EME to other ensemble-based methods in multi-label classification. EME performed significantly better than the rest of classic methods in three out of five evaluation measures. On the other hand, EME performed the best in one measure in the second experiment and it was the only one that did not perform significantly worse than the control algorithm in any measure. These results showed that EME achieved a better and more consistent performance than the rest of the state-of-the-art methods in MLC.  相似文献   

Credit-risk evaluation is a very challenging and important problem in the domain of financial analysis. Many classification methods have been proposed in the literature to tackle this problem. Statistical and neural network based approaches are among the most popular paradigms. However, most of these methods produce so-called “hard” classifiers, those generate decisions without any accompanying confidence measure. In contrast, “soft” classifiers, such as those designed using fuzzy set theoretic approach; produce a measure of support for the decision (and also alternative decisions) that provides the analyst with greater insight. In this paper, we propose a method of building credit-scoring models using fuzzy rule based classifiers. First, the rule base is learned from the training data using a SOM based method. Then the fuzzy k-nn rule is incorporated with it to design a contextual classifier that integrates the context information from the training set for more robust and qualitatively better classification. Further, a method of seamlessly integrating business constraints into the model is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Credit risk and corporate bankruptcy prediction has widely been studied as a binary classification problem using both advanced statistical and machine learning models. Ensembles of classifiers have demonstrated their effectiveness for various applications in finance using data sets that are often characterized by imperfections such as irrelevant features, skewed classes, data set shift, and missing and noisy data. However, there are other corruptions in the data that might hinder the prediction performance mainly on the default or bankrupt (positive) cases, where the misclassification costs are typically much higher than those associated to the non-default or non-bankrupt (negative) class. Here we characterize the complexity of 14 real-life financial databases based on the different types of positive samples. The objective is to gain some insight into the potential links between the performance of classifier ensembles (BAGGING, AdaBoost, random subspace, DECORATE, rotation forest, random forest, and stochastic gradient boosting) and the positive sample types. Experimental results reveal that the performance of the ensembles indeed depends on the prevalent type of positive samples.  相似文献   

Hybrid mining approach in the design of credit scoring models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unrepresentative data samples are likely to reduce the utility of data classifiers in practical application. This study presents a hybrid mining approach in the design of an effective credit scoring model, based on clustering and neural network techniques. We used clustering techniques to preprocess the input samples with the objective of indicating unrepresentative samples into isolated and inconsistent clusters, and used neural networks to construct the credit scoring model. The clustering stage involved a class-wise classification process. A self-organizing map clustering algorithm was used to automatically determine the number of clusters and the starting points of each cluster. Then, the K-means clustering algorithm was used to generate clusters of samples belonging to new classes and eliminate the unrepresentative samples from each class. In the neural network stage, samples with new class labels were used in the design of the credit scoring model. The proposed method demonstrates by two real world credit data sets that the hybrid mining approach can be used to build effective credit scoring models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an approach for ensemble construction based on the use of supervised projections, both linear and non-linear, to achieve both accuracy and diversity of individual classifiers. The proposed approach uses the philosophy of boosting, putting more effort on difficult instances, but instead of learning the classifier on a biased distribution of the training set, it uses misclassified instances to find a supervised projection that favors their correct classification. We show that supervised projection algorithms can be used for this task. We try several known supervised projections, both linear and non-linear, in order to test their ability in the present framework. Additionally, the method is further improved introducing concepts from oversampling for imbalance datasets. The introduced method counteracts the negative effect of a low number of instances for constructing the supervised projections.The method is compared with AdaBoost showing an improved performance on a large set of 45 problems from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Also, the method shows better robustness in presence of noise with respect to AdaBoost.  相似文献   

The growing availability of sensor networks brings practical situations where a large number of classifiers can be used for building a classifier ensemble. In the most general case involving sensor networks, the classifiers are fed with multiple inputs collected at different locations. However, classifier fusion is often studied within an idealized formulation where each classifier is fed with the same point in the feature space, and estimate the posterior class probability given this input. We first expand this formulation to situations where classifiers are fed with multiple inputs, demonstrating the relevance of the formulation to situations involving sensor networks, and a large number of classifiers. Following that, we determine the rate of convergence of the classification error of a classifier ensemble for three fusion strategies (average, median and maximum) when the number of classifiers becomes large. As the size of the ensemble increases, the best strategy is defined as the one that results in fastest convergence of the classification error to zero. The best strategy is analytically shown to depend on the distribution of the individual classification errors: average is the best for normal distributions; maximum is the best for uniform distributions; and median is the best for Cauchy distributions. The general effect of heavy-tailedness is also analytically investigated for the average and median strategies. The median strategy is shown to be robust to heavy-tailedness, while performance of the average strategy is shown to degrade as heavy-tailedness becomes more pronounced. The combined effects of bimodality and heavy-tailedness are also investigated when the number of classifiers become large.  相似文献   

针对信贷行业信用评分业务中存在的样本类别不平衡问题,首先在信用评分各影响因素Fisher比率值分析的基础上确定主要评判指标;而后以基于支持度的过采样算法(SDSMOTE)为样例合成算法,支持向量机(SVM)为基预测器,Boosting算法为框架构建基于Fisher-SDSMOTE-ESBoostSVM的类别不平衡信用评分预测模型;并在基分类器训练结束后引入“淘汰策略”,删除未被正确分类的合成样例,重新生成正类样例并修正样例权重;最后以UCI数据库中德国信用数据集为实验样本,F-measure值和G-mean值为评价指标,对比分析Fisher-SDSMOTE-ESBoostSVM与其他集成学习算法的预测结果。实验结果表明,Fisher-SDSMOTE-ESBoostSVM算法应用到信贷行业客户信用评分预测中具有可行性和适应性,且预测准确率较高,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

In subset ranking, the goal is to learn a ranking function that approximates a gold standard partial ordering of a set of objects (in our case, a set of documents retrieved for the same query). The partial ordering is given by relevance labels representing the relevance of documents with respect to the query on an absolute scale. Our approach consists of three simple steps. First, we train standard multi-class classifiers (AdaBoost.MH and multi-class SVM) to discriminate between the relevance labels. Second, the posteriors of multi-class classifiers are calibrated using probabilistic and regression losses in order to estimate the Bayes-scoring function which optimizes the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). In the third step, instead of selecting the best multi-class hyperparameters and the best calibration, we mix all the learned models in a simple ensemble scheme. Our extensive experimental study is itself a substantial contribution. We compare most of the existing learning-to-rank techniques on all of the available large-scale benchmark data sets using a standardized implementation of the NDCG score. We show that our approach is competitive with conceptually more complex listwise and pairwise methods, and clearly outperforms them as the data size grows. As a technical contribution, we clarify some of the confusing results related to the ambiguities of the evaluation tools, and propose guidelines for future studies.  相似文献   

Both statistical techniques and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been explored for credit scoring, an important finance activity. Although there are no consistent conclusions on which ones are better, recent studies suggest combining multiple classifiers, i.e., ensemble learning, may have a better performance. In this study, we conduct a comparative assessment of the performance of three popular ensemble methods, i.e., Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking, based on four base learners, i.e., Logistic Regression Analysis (LRA), Decision Tree (DT), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Experimental results reveal that the three ensemble methods can substantially improve individual base learners. In particular, Bagging performs better than Boosting across all credit datasets. Stacking and Bagging DT in our experiments, get the best performance in terms of average accuracy, type I error and type II error.  相似文献   

Credit scoring models are commonly built on a sample of accepted applicants whose repayment and behaviour information is observable once the loan has been issued. However in practice these models are regularly applied to new applicants, which may cause sample bias. This bias is even more pronounced in online lending, where over 90% of total loan requests are rejected. Reject inference is a technique to infer the outcomes for rejected applicants and incorporate them in the scoring system, with the expectation that predictive accuracy is improved. This paper extends previous studies in two main ways: firstly, we propose a new method involving machine learning to solve the reject inference problem; secondly, the Semi-supervised Support Vector Machines model is found to improve the performance of scoring models compared to the industrial benchmark of logistic regression, based on 56,626 accepted and 563,215 rejected online consumer loans.  相似文献   

Credit scoring model is an important tool for assessing risks in financial industry, consequently the majority of financial institutions actively develops credit scoring model on the credit approval assessment of new customers and the credit risk management of existing customers. Nonetheless, most past researches used the one-dimensional credit scoring model to measure customer risk. In this study, we select important variables by genetic algorithm (GA) to combine the bank’s internal behavioral scoring model with the external credit bureau scoring model to construct the dual scoring model for credit risk management of mortgage accounts. It undergoes more accurate risk judgment and segmentation to further discover the parts which are required to be enhanced in management or control from mortgage portfolio. The results show that the predictive ability of the dual scoring model outperforms both one-dimensional behavioral scoring model and credit bureau scoring model. Moreover, this study proposes credit strategies such as on-lending retaining and collection actions for corresponding customers in order to contribute benefits to the practice of banking credit.  相似文献   

Neural nets have become one of the most important tools using in credit scoring. Credit scoring is regarded as a core appraised tool of commercial banks during the last few decades. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of neural nets, such as probabilistic neural nets and multi-layer feed-forward nets, and conventional techniques such as, discriminant analysis, probit analysis and logistic regression, in evaluating credit risk in Egyptian banks applying credit scoring models. The credit scoring task is performed on one bank’s personal loans’ data-set. The results so far revealed that the neural nets-models gave a better average correct classification rate than the other techniques. A one-way analysis of variance and other tests have been applied, demonstrating that there are some significant differences amongst the means of the correct classification rates, pertaining to different techniques.  相似文献   

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