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Design of adaptive hypermedia learning systems: A cognitive style approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past decade, a number of adaptive hypermedia learning systems have been developed. However, most of these systems tailor presentation content and navigational support solely according to students’ prior knowledge. On the other hand, previous research suggested that cognitive styles significantly affect student learning because they refer to how learners process and organize information. To this end, the study presented in this paper developed an adaptive hypermedia learning system tailored to students’ cognitive styles, with an emphasis on Pask’s Holist–Serialist dimension. How students react to this adaptive hypermedia learning system, including both learning performance and perceptions, was examined in this study. Forty-four undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the study. The findings indicated that, in general, adapting to cognitive styles improves student learning. The results also showed that the adaptive hypermedia learning system have more effects on students’ perceptions than performance. The implications of these results for the design of adaptive hypermedia learning systems are discussed.  相似文献   

In an adaptive and intelligent educational system (AIES), the process of learning pedagogical policies according the students needs fits as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem. Previous works have demonstrated that a great amount of experience is needed in order for the system to learn to teach properly, so applying RL to the AIES from scratch is unfeasible. Other works have previously demonstrated in a theoretical way that seeding the AIES with an initial value function learned with simulated students reduce the experience required to learn an accurate pedagogical policy. In this paper we present empirical results demonstrating that a value function learned with simulated students can provide the AIES with a very accurate initial pedagogical policy. The evaluation is based on the interaction of more than 70 Computer Science undergraduate students, and demonstrates that an efficient and useful guide through the contents of the educational system is obtained.  相似文献   

The design and development of web-based educational systems for people with special abilities have recently attracted the attention of the research community. However, although a number of systems that claim to meet accessibility needs and preferences are proposed, most of them are typically supported by hypermedia and multimedia educational content that is specially designed for the user targeted group. Such approaches prevent their user groups (both learners and their tutors) from accessing other available resources. Therefore, it is important to be able to built generic e-learning systems that would allow the reuse of existing learning resources in different accessibility demanding applications. To this end, in this article we propose a methodology for defining an accessibility application profile that captures the accessibility properties of learning objects in a standard form and we examine its application to the IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) standard.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper two observations are the starting points for a proposal as to how learning, rather than computing considerations, can be made the main focus in the development of Intelligent Educational Systems (IESs). These observations are: a) the predominant use of computers in education is for the running of general tool software; and b) the symbolic approach to Artificial Intelligence is being questioned from a situated cognition perspective.
Learning interactions are seen as consisting of a Task Level, and a higher-level Discussion Level comprising planning and evaluation of, and reflection about, Task Level activity. It is proposed that IESs should be developed by adding a module to support Discussion Level interaction with the learner. The Mayday project is described, in which expert human teachers are being studied as they support Discussion Level with a learner working at computer-based lexical activities. It is argued that such studies of human learning is a necessary step towards the development of the proposed IESs.  相似文献   

A huge number of studies attest that learning is facilitated if teaching strategies are in accordance with students learning styles, making the learning process more effective and improving students performances. In this context, this paper presents an automatic, dynamic and probabilistic approach for modeling students learning styles based on reinforcement learning. Three different strategies for updating the student model are proposed and tested through experiments. The results obtained are analyzed, indicating the most effective strategy. Experiments have shown that our approach is able to automatically detect and precisely adjust students’ learning styles, based on the non-deterministic and non-stationary aspects of learning styles. Because of the probabilistic and dynamic aspects enclosed in automatic detection of learning styles, our approach gradually and constantly adjusts the student model, taking into account students’ performances, obtaining a fine-tuned student model.  相似文献   

Implementing instructional interventions to accommodate learner differences has received considerable attention. Among these individual difference variables, the empirical evidence regarding the pedagogical value of learning styles has been questioned, but the research on the issue continues. Recent developments in Web-based implementations have led scholars to reconsider the learning style research in adaptive systems. The current study involved a content analysis of recent studies on adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) which addressed learning styles. After an extensive search on electronic databases, seventy studies were selected and exposed to a document analysis. Study features were classified under several themes such as the research purposes, methodology, features of adaptive interventions and student modeling, and findings. The analysis revealed that the majority of studies proposed a framework or model for adaptivity whereas few studies addressed the effectiveness of learning style-based AEH. Scales were used for learning style identification more than automatic student modeling. One third of the studies provided a framework without empirical evaluation with students. Findings on concrete learning outcomes were not strong enough; however, several studies revealed that suggested models influenced student satisfaction and success. Current trends, potential research gaps and implications were discussed.  相似文献   

This mixed-method case study examined the potential of computer-assisted, math game making activities in facilitating design-based math learning for school children. Sixty-four middle school children participated in Scratch-based, math game making activities. Data were collected via activity and conversation observation, artifact analysis, interviewing, and survey. The study findings indicated that participants developed significantly more positive dispositions toward mathematics after computer game making. The study also found that experience-driven game design processes helped to activate children's reflection on everyday mathematical experiences. Mathematical thinking and content experience were intertwined within the process of computer game authoring. On the other hand, children designers were involved in game-world and story crafting more than mathematical representation. And it was still challenging for them to perform computer game coding with abstract reasoning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to design an adaptive and intelligent individualized e-learning environment based on learning style and expert system named UZWEBMAT and to evaluate its effects on students’ learning of the unit of probability. In the study, initially, learning objects were prepared in three different ways in relation to Visual–Auditory–Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style for each subject of the probability unit. These were appropriate for secondary school mathematics curricula. Then, they were transferred into the digital environment. Each student may follow a different course, and the solution supports s/he will get may also differ highlighting the individual learning. The sample of the study consists of 81 10th grade students from two high schools in Trabzon, Turkey. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from students to answer research questions. Quantitative data were given as frequency distribution and percentages. Qualitative data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods. Results of the study indicated that opinions regarding UZWEBMAT are rather positive. Aiming at individual learning, UZWEBMAT provides the most appropriate environment for students. In addition, UZWEBMAT can be used as well to reinforce traditional classroom education.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2004,42(1):45-63
Although Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) provides EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students a dynamic environment for English learning, many courses in current markets still emphasize the presentation of domain knowledge but neglect how the students truly interact with the lessons. This article describes the development of Hypermedia-based English Learning system for Prepositions (HELP), which provides EFL students learning diagnosis and remedial instruction according to student confidence scores (CR). Details include how the system diagnoses students' error types in English prepositions and provides adaptive remedial instructions. This study also investigated the effects of two design factors: (1) student confidence ratings (CR) for answers, and (2) the provision of adaptive remedial instruction on EFL students' English prepositions learning in adaptive hypermedia. A pretest–posttest control-group experiment involving 88 EFL students was employed. Results of this study revealed significant effects of student confidence ratings (CR) and the provision of adaptive remedial instruction for English prepositions learning in hypermedia-based lessons.  相似文献   

ISCARE (Information System for Competition based on pRoblem solving in Education) is a new and innovative intelligent tutoring system that we have designed and implemented. This tool allows the competition among students for improving their learning process in a course. The tool takes some ideas from the Swiss-system widely used in chess and adapts them to the educational area. The competition is based on different tournaments and rounds. In each round, students are assigned in pairs of two, which compete one against another, and each pair receives different questions that students have to solve in a limit of time. Students can see their partial ratings after each round and their final rating after a tournament. A lot of knowledge from different disciplines was used to design, and implement this system, as ISCARE includes different functionality such as the students’ registration into the system, the creation of tournaments, the registration and assignment of students to tournaments, the management of each tournament life cycle (started, in execution, finished, etc.), the addition of the different exercises to tournaments, the calculation of pairs of students for each round with different algorithms, the assignment of exercises per round and pair, the scorings of the students per round and tournament, the management of the students’ ratings, or the visualization of information. This paper presents the ISCARE intelligent tutoring system, describing its different options, menus, or functionality as well as its architecture and the specific modeling to achieve the desired features.  相似文献   

本文是关于我们获得2020年度吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖主要工作的一个介绍。该成果针对自适应学习中面临的教学资源表示困难、学习状态诊断困难以及学习策略设计困难等关键技术难题,首先构建数据驱动的教学资源无监督表示新框架,提高了教学资源质量评估和内容检索的精度和效率。其次提出基于深度学习的学习者认知诊断新方法,突破了以量表为基础的教育测量理论研究范式。然后设计基于知识匹配的个性化推荐技术以及多目标匹配的自适应推荐技术,满足了智能教育场景的复杂约束与学习者的多样目标需求。最后,本文成果研发了面向基础教育的智能教育系统——智学网,已在全国推广使用,对我国智能教育发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Today's educational system increasingly integrates digital devices such as laptops and tablets in the classroom on the assumption that the use of these technologies will increase student motivation and learning. However, research shows that students often use technologies for distractive purposes like off-task activity and multitasking. Few studies address the processes involved in this activity. This article offers a postphenomenologically informed qualitative study of students' off-task use of technology during class. Building on interviews with students in a Danish business college about their off-task technology use, findings suggest that off-task activity is not always a conscious choice. Because of deeply sedimented bodily habits, students often experience habitual distraction in the form of prereflective attraction towards certain frequently visited websites (e.g., Facebook). Laptops are experienced as endowed with an attractive allure that “pulls you in”. Students sometimes go as far as closing the lids of their laptops to avoid this habitual distraction. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an electronic collaborative learning environment based on Interactive Instructors of Recreational Mathematics (IIRM), establishing an alternative approach for motivating students towards mathematics. The IIRM are educational software components, specializing in mathematical concepts, presented through recreational mathematics, conceived as interactive, recreation-oriented learning objects, integrated within the environment. We present the architecture of the learning environment which integrates communication services that support the interaction processes of the learning community, through instant messaging, chat rooms, and multi-player math games. Through the environment’s interface of their personal workspace, students have access to several easy-to-use mechanisms that allows them to customize its content, its layout, and its appearance. At internal levels, the functionality of IIRM is enhanced with features supported by the environment infrastructure. We evaluated different aspects of the learning environment in three short, motivation-oriented math courses given to Mexican high-school students. The results indicate that the use of the IIRM-based electronic learning environment, positively affects student attitudes towards mathematics. We believe that this approach has the potential to promote the mathematics learning process, basically on its motivational aspects.  相似文献   

Computer games that adaptively adjust difficulty are used to continuously challenge players according to their abilities. The adjustment of difficulty occurs automatically in response to a game's ongoing assessment of a player's performance. This approach to difficulty adjustment is likely to be of value in educational computer games as a means of scaffolding learning for students. However, there is limited research evaluating the effectiveness of educational computer games with adaptive difficulty adjustment when compared to non-adaptive difficulty adjustment. To expand on this research a quasi-experimental study was designed to isolate the impact of the difficulty adjustment game element on motivation and learning. A total of 234 secondary school students were allocated to one of three activities involving learning about Spanish cognates: an adaptive difficulty adjustment game, an incremental difficulty adjustment game that was non-adaptive, and a written activity. The three learning activities were designed following the same learning and motivation theories. The two games were identical apart from the difficulty adjustment mechanism. The results for motivation indicated that all students experienced high levels and there was no significant difference between the three learning activities. The pre- and post-tests results for learning indicated that significantly higher learning outcomes were achieved by students who played the adaptive game. Analysis of a game log recording the correctness of students' responses indicated that the adaptive difficulty adjustment game, in contrast to the non-adaptive incremental difficulty adjustment game, provided a scaffolding structure to enhance student learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: An evaluation study was conducted to answer the question of which system properties of night vision enhancement systems (NVESs) provide a benefit for drivers without increasing their workload. BACKGROUND: Different infrared sensor, image processing, and display technologies can be integrated into an NVES to support nighttime driving. Because each of these components has its specific strengths and weaknesses, careful testing is required to determine their best combination. METHOD: Six prototypical systems were assessed in two steps. First, a heuristic evaluation with experts from ergonomics, perception, and traffic psychology was conducted. It produced a broad overview of possible effects of system properties on driving. Based on these results, an experimental field study with 15 experienced drivers was performed. Criteria used to evaluate the development potential of the six prototypes were the usability dimensions of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction (International Organization for Standardization, 1998). RESULTS: Results showed that the intelligibility of information, the easiness with which obstacles could be located in the environment, and the position of the display presenting the output of the system were of crucial importance for the usability of the NVES and its acceptance. Conclusion: All relevant requirements are met best by NVESs that are positioned at an unobtrusive location and are equipped with functions for the automatic identification of objects and for event-based warnings. APPLICATION: These design recommendations and the presented approach to evaluate the systems can be directly incorporated into the development process of future NVESs.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Nowadays, there is an increased interest in using computer games for educational purposes. Educational computer games attempt to increase the students’...  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions and experiences of a teacher and students in a Shanghai public primary school when digital games were used in a second-grade math class. The participants included one teacher and 45 students. Data collection methods included classroom observation, focus-group and individual interviews, and document analysis. Digital gameplay, when used once daily over a 6-day period, was found to enhance student engagement and interest in learning; many students, however, were concerned about its effect on academic achievement and eyesight. The teacher employed a “making thinking visible” approach using pencil and paper and problem-solving strategies to help students understand the game's mathematical principles and master mathematical knowledge. Obstacles included large class size, difficulty evaluating learning outcomes, balancing fun and learning, and effective game–classroom integration. This study found that exam-oriented education and traditional teacher-centred teaching in China influenced participants' perceptions and experiences of digital game-based learning.  相似文献   

Japan's educational system has some major problems. The most important among these concerns is the basic concept of the educational process and the goal of education. The old concept of public educational systems has become outdated in today's Japanese society, although this concept had supported social and spiritual faith, economic success and selfless devotion to one's country for more than 100 years. Now, Japanese people need a new concept of the educational process and the goal of education for the twenty-first century. The paper proposes a value chain of educational and learning systems aimed at building a network consisting of multiple fields for fostering future human resources.  相似文献   

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