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Functional neuroimaging studies in schizophrenia have often been confounded by various factors including medication status. To explore the effects of antipsychotic medications on relative regional cerebral perfusion, we scanned a group of 33 persons with schizophrenia twice, while receiving a stable dose of antipsychotic and after being off antipsychotics for 3 weeks, using technetium-99m hexamethyl-propyleneamine oxime single photon emission computed tomography (Tc-99m HMPAO-SPECT. We found that antipsychotic significantly increased the mean relative cerebral perfusion in the left basal ganglia. Additionally, patients receiving thiothixene (n = 9) had a significantly greater increase in relative cerebral perfusion in the basal ganglia than patients receiving haloperidol (n = 12). These findings indicate that antipsychotics lead to regional increases in cerebral perfusion and that antipsychotic status must be controlled for in functional neuroimaging studies. Functional neuroimaging techniques such as SPECT may be useful in furthering our understanding of the mechanism of antipsychotics.  相似文献   

Systematics of the genus Arvicanthis, the African unstriped grass rat, are somewhat controversial. Most recent taxonomic revisions list five to six species but the definition of some of these (Arvicanthis dembeensis, Arvicanthis nairobae, and Arvicanthis niloticus) is uncertain. The complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was sequenced for 20 specimens from throughout the range of the genus to determine the intrageneric genetic structure, construct a molecular phylogeny, and evaluate classical taxonomies. Neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses yielded identical phylogenetic trees that identify two major lineages: the first one (1) is composed of specimens usually referred to A. niloticus but representing several distinct species, and the other (2) is a complex including "true" A. niloticus from Egypt and northern West Africa as well as Arvicanthis abyssinicus, Arvicanthis dembeensis, and Arvicanthis somalicus. An analysis on a 357-bp fragment of the cytochrome b including published data on A. nairobae indicates that this taxon is part of clade (1). Calibration of the number of 3rd position transversion changes with the murid fossil record suggests that clades (1) and (2) diverged approximately 5 Myr ago. Arvicanthis niloticus as currently recognized is a paraphyletic association and this name should be restricted to the Egyptian and northern West African sample. We also suggest referring to A. dembeensis as A. niloticus, as our cytochrome b data do not support its recognition as a distinct species. Clade (1) is subdivided in three lineages, geographically corresponding to southern West, Central, and East Africa. The high genetic divergence detected between the Central African lineage and the other two lineages suggests that they probably represent separate species. Clade (2) experienced rapid cladogenetic events during the late Pliocene, with the A. somalicus lineage being the first to emerge, followed by the ancestor of A. abyssinicus and A. blicki. This period was characterized by significant climatic and environmental changes, such as the extension of open habitats, which might have provided a stimulus for speciation in this savanna-dwelling genus. Confrontation of our molecular results with chromosomal data shows a high degree of congruence between the two datasets.  相似文献   

The evolution of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, was examined in several eutherian mammal orders, with special emphasis on the orders Artiodactyla and Rodentia. When analyzed using both maximum parsimony, with either equal or unequal character weighting, and neighbor joining, neither gene performed with a high degree of consistency in terms of the phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The phylogenetic inconsistencies observed for both these genes may be the result of several factors including differences in the rate of nucleotide substitution among particular lineages (especially between orders), base composition bias, transition/transversion bias, differences in codon usage, and different constraints and levels of homoplasy associated with first, second, and third codon positions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the molecular systematics of mammals, especially as they relate to recent hypotheses concerning the polyphyly of the order Rodentia, relationships among the Artiodactyla, and various interordinal relationships.  相似文献   

Two sulfur compounds have been identified in the anal gland secretions of captive-raised adults of the striped polecat (Ictonyx striatus), an African mustelid. 3-Ethyl-1,2-pentanedithiolane was observed in the secretions of an adult male and an adult female. 1,3-Pentanedithiol was observed in the male; this compound has not previously been reported from mustelid anal glands.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the family Lacertidae was derived from mtDNA gene sequence data. Seventeen species, representing 16 currently recognized genera and subgenera, were included in the analysis. A total of 954 bp was obtained and aligned from 12S and 16S partial gene sequences. A preferred tree was selected based on weighted parsimony and functional ingroup and outgroup analyses. Decay analysis, bootstrapping, and permutation tail probability were used to evaluate support for the recovered nodes. The genus Gallotia was resolved as the basal taxon and the sister group of all remaining lacertids. Takydromus branched off next. All African lacertids grouped together and formed a monophyletic clade with the Eurasian genera Eremias and Ophisops. The remaining Eurasian lacertids sequentially branched off near the base of the tree in a "comb-like" fashion. The basal position of Gallotia and the monophyly of African lacertids are consistent with previous hypotheses. The European-origin hypothesis of lacertids is favored, and the distribution of lacertids in Africa is likely a Miocene dispersal event. Most of the extant European lacertids probably arose after the Eocene. The classification of the family needs to be revised.  相似文献   

On the basis of nucleotide sequences of the coding region and their predicted amino acid sequences, 58 glycoprotein hormone subunit genes were compared, aligned and used to construct phylogenetic trees for this family. The analysis included 17 alpha-subunits, eight TSH beta-, six FSH beta-, 17 LH beta/CG beta-, four fish gonadotropin (GTH)-I beta-, five fish GTH-II beta- and one additional fish GTH beta-subunit. The reliability of the phylogenetic trees was probed with the bootstrapping test. Our results indicated that: both the alpha- and beta-subunits of the family diverged from a common ancestral gene about 927 million years ago, the initial precursor of the beta-subunit duplicated to give rise to the LH beta and a second hormone, the latter then duplicating to FSH beta and TSH beta, so that FSH beta is related more to TSH beta than to LH beta; and bony fish GTH-I beta is highly related to mammalian FSH beta, whereas the bony fish GTH-II beta is more related to mammalian LH beta. For scientific consistency and convenience, we propose that the following nomenclature be adopted, all fish gonadotropins of type I be classified as FSH and all type II be classified as LH hormones. In addition, on the basis of results from this and other studies, we propose an evolutionary history for this glycoprotein hormone family. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of this family would not only provide clues to understanding thyrotropin and gonadotropin functions, but would also allow further revision of the present nomenclature of the gonadotropins in fish.  相似文献   

We report a phylogenetic analysis of primate malaria parasites based on the gene encoding the cytochrome b protein from the mitochondrial genome. We have studied 17 species of Plasmodium, including 14 parasitic in primates. In our analysis, four species were used for rooting the Plasmodium phylogenetic tree: two from closely related genera (Hepatocystis sp. and Haemoproteus columbae) and two other Apicomplexa (Toxoplasma gondii and Theileria parva). We found that primate malaria parasites form a monophyletic group, with the only exception being the Plasmodium falciparum-Plasmodium reichenowi lineage. Phylogenetic analyses that include two species of non-Plasmodium Haemosporina suggest that the genus Plasmodium is polyphyletic. We conclude that the biologic traits, such as periodicity and the capacity to relapse, have limited value for assessing the phylogenetic relationships among Plasmodium species. For instance, we found no evidence that would link virulence with the age of the host-parasite association. Our studies also reveal that the primate malaria parasites originated in Africa, which contradicts the presently held opinion of Southeast Asia as their center of origin. We propose that the radiation of Asian monkey parasites is a recent event where several life history traits, like differences in periodicity, appeared de novo.  相似文献   

The entire mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene was compared for 11 species of the artiodactyl family Cervidae, representing all living subfamilies, i.e., the antlered Cervinae (Cervus elaphus, C. nippon, Dama dama), Muntiacinae (Muntiacus reevesi), and Odocoileinae (Odocoileus hemionus, Mazama sp., Capreolus capreolus, C. pygargus, Rangifer tarandus, Alces alces); and the antlerless Hydropotinae (Hydropotes inermis). Phylogenetic analyses using Tragulidae, Antilocapridae, Giraffidae and Bovidae as outgroups provide evidence for three multifurcating principal clades within the monophyletic family Cervidae. First, Cervinae and Muntiacus are joined in a moderately-to-strongly supported clade of Eurasian species. Second, Old World Odocoileinae (Capreolus and Hydropotes) associate with the Holarctic Alces. Third, New World Odocoileinae (Mazama and Odocoileus) cluster with the Holarctic Rangifer. The combination of mitochondrial cyt b and nuclear k-casein sequences increases the robustness of these three clades. The Odocoileini + Rangiferini clade is unambiguously supported by a unique derived cranial feature, the expansion of the vomer which divides the choana. Contrasting with current taxonomy, Hydropotes is not the sister group of all the antlered deers, but it is nested within the Odocoileinae. Therefore, Hydropotes lost the antlers secondarily. Thus, the mitochondrial cyt b phylogeny splits Cervidae according to plesiometacarpal (Cervinae + Muntiacinae) versus telemetacarpal (Odocoileinae + Hydropotinae) conditions, and suggests paraphyly of antlered deer.  相似文献   

The cytochrome b gene of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), Hume's Tawny Owl (Strix butleri) and the African wood owl (Strix woodfordii) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and partially sequenced (300 base pairs). Sequences differ substantially (9 to 12% nucleotide substitutions) between these taxa indicating that they represent distinct species, which is also implicated from morphological and biogeographic differences. Using cytochrome b sequences of S. aluco, S. butleri, S. woodfordii, Athene noctua and Tyto alba phylogenetic relationship were reconstructed using the "maximum parsimony" principal (PAUP 3.1.1) and the neighbour-joining method (MEGA).  相似文献   

The current framework of the eukaryotic phylogeny is based on the analysis of a comprehensive set of sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA. However, phylogenies based on protein-encoding genes are not completely congruent with this picture. Since congruence between different markers is the best tool to determine evolutionary history, we focused on Hsp70 (heat-shock protein of 70 kDa), a chaperone protein which is highly conserved and is a potentially reliable phylogenetic marker. We used a PCR-based approach to sequence Hsp70s in two distinct classes of Ciliates. Seven Hsp70s were identified from Paramecium tetraurelia (Oligohymenophora) and six Hsp70s from Euplotes aediculatus (Hypotricha), encompassing orthologous genes for all major Hsp70 classes of Eukaryotes, i.e., those localized in cytosol, in endoplasmic reticulum, and in mitochondria. Three independent phylogenies of eukaryotes, based on each set of orthologous genes, have been constructed using different tree reconstruction methods. A significant advantage of Hsp70s is the existence of outgroups close to Eukaryotes for these major classes, reducing the long-branch attraction artifact due to the outgroup. The monophyly of Ciliates is supported by good bootstrap proportions in the phylogenetic reconstructions, and this phylum is generally a sister-group of Sporozoa, forming the expected Alveolates clade. The Hsp70 seems to be a suitable phylogenetic marker since it recovers all the monophyletic groups, undoubtedly defined by morphological criteria. The Hsp70 trees are, however, notably different from the rRNA ones and do not show two aspects of the classical topology, i.e., the successive emergence of deeply branching groups and the vast assembly of the major eukaryotic groups, emerging at the tip of the tree, i.e., the "terminal crown". More precisely, the Hsp70 trees do not resolve the relationships between the major groups of Eukaryotes with confidence, in keeping with the hypothesis that all these groups emerged in a great radiation that occurred at the origin of all the extant Eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The heavy and light chains of IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can be shown to be heterogeneous, with respect to isoelectric points, when analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). The molecular basis for this charge heterogeneity has not been clearly defined but it has been suggested that it could be due, in part, to differences in glycosylation. To investigate this possibility we have compared the 2-DE pattern of glycosylated and aglycosylated forms of the mouse IgG1 mAb (1B7-11), produced in vitro in the presence and absence of tunicamycin. Charge heterogeneity was shown not to be a consequence of glycosylation status. Intracellular and secreted IgG mAbs were also analyzed to investigate the time course of change in charge properties of the heavy and light chains. The charge heterogeneity was found to be generated intracellularly, and alterations in charge properties could be induced during incubation under physiological conditions. Semilogarithmic plots of the density of the principal heavy and light chain spots against incubation time showed linear relationships, suggesting that the charge shifts result from a first-order reaction. The semilogarithmic plot for the light chain correlated well with the time after IgG synthesis. These results suggest that the charge heterogeneity of an IgG mAb is due to intra- and extracellular modifications of the polypeptide chains which reflect "aging" of antibody molecules.  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome is the most frequent hereditary form of mental retardation. This X-linked disorder is, in most cases, caused by an unstable and expanding trinucleotide CGG repeat located in the 5'-untranslated region of the gene involved, the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Expansion of the CGG repeat to a length of more than 200 trinucleotides results in silencing of the FMR1 gene promoter and, thus, in an inactive gene. The clinical features of male fragile X patients include mental retardation, autistiform behavior, and characteristic facial features. In addition, macroorchidism is observed. To study the role of Sertoli cell proliferation and FSH signal transduction in the occurrence of macroorchidism in fragile X males, we made use of an animal model for the fragile X syndrome, an Fmr1 knockout mouse. The results indicate that in male Fmr1 knockout mice, the rate of Sertoli cell proliferation is increased from embryonic day 12 to 15 days postnatally. The onset and length of the period of Sertoli cell proliferation were not changed compared with those in the control males. Serum levels of FSH, FSH receptor messenger RNA expression, and short term effects of FSH on Sertoli cell function, as measured by down-regulation of FSH receptor messenger RNA, were not changed. We conclude that macroorchidism in Fmr1 knockout male mice is caused by an increased rate of Sertoli cell proliferation. This increase does not appear to be the result of a major change in FSH signal transduction in Fmr1 knockout mice.  相似文献   

We used a SCID mouse xenograft model to study the in vivo growth patterns of primary leukemic cells from six patients with newly diagnosed B-cell precursor (BCP) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), including two patients with t(1;19) ALL, two patients with t(4;11) ALL, and two patients with t(9;22) ALL. Leukemic cells from these six patients caused overt leukemia in SCID mice with extensive multiple organ involvement. Leukemic BCP from SCID mice xenografted with leukemic cells from two t(9;22) ALL patients expressed very high levels of both VLA-4 and VLA-5 regardless of the tissue of origin. By comparison, in SCID mice xenografted with leukemic cells from the two patients with t(1;19) ALL and two patients with t(4;11) ALL, leukemic BCP from the bone marrow samples expressed high levels of VLA-4 as well as VLA-5, whereas the vast majority of leukemic BCP in the liver or spleen samples expressed neither of these adhesion molecules at significant levels. These results suggest that the expression of VLA-4 and VLA-5 on t(1;19) or t(4;11) leukemia cells likely determines their binding capacity to bone marrow stroma and may affect their migration to extramedullary tissues. Our findings are in accord with and extend previous studies which demonstrated that extracellular matrix and integrins influence development, compartmentalization, and migration of BCP during B-cell ontogeny. The described SCID mouse model system provides a unique opportunity to study the adhesion receptors which regulate the selective homing of human leukemic BCP to specific SCID mouse organs.  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of a lecture scheduled for the opening of the 10th European Bioenergetics Congress. In this lecture I plan to first reflect on the accomplishments of some of the individuals who were involved in research on the ATP synthase during the past 50 years. Then I will give a brief view of the present information about rotational catalysis by the ATP synthase. This will be followed by a discussion of some results from my laboratory that call for additional experimentation. Finally I will direct attention to other questions about the ATP synthase that should be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequences of the gyrB genes (DNA gyrase B subunit genes) of 15 Acinetobacter strains, including the type and reference strains of genomic species 1 to 12 (A. calcoaceticus [genomic species 1], A. baumannii [genomic species 2], Acinetobacter genomic species 3, A. haemolyticus [genomic species 4], A. junii [genomic species 5], Acinetobacter genomic species 6, A. johnsonii [genomic species 7], A. lwoffii [genomic species 8], Acinetobacter genomic species 9, Acinetobacter genomic species 10, Acinetobacter genomic species 11, and A. radioresistens [genomic species 12]), were determined by sequencing the PCR-amplified fragments of gyrB. The gyrB sequence homology among these Acinetobacter strains ranged from 69.6 to 99.7%. A phylogenetic analysis, using the gyrB sequences, indicates that genomic species 1, 2, and 3 formed one cluster (87.3 to 90.3% identity), while genomic species 8 and 9 formed another cluster (99.7% identity). These results are consistent with those of DNA-DNA hybridization and of biochemical systematics. On the other hand, the topology of the published phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA sequences of the Acinetobacter strains was quite different from that of the gyrB-based tree. The numbers of substitution in the 16S rRNA gene sequences were not high enough to construct a reliable phylogenetic tree. The gyrB-based analysis indicates that the genus Acinetobacter is highly diverse and that a reclassification of this genus would be required.  相似文献   

Nuclear sequences of the 1.8 kilobase (kb) long intron 1 of the interstitial retinol-binding protein gene (IRBP), previously determined for 11 of the 16 extant genera of New World monkeys (superfamily Ceboidea, infraorder Platyrrhini), have now been determined for the remaining 5 genera. The maximum parsimony trees found, first with IRBP sequences alone and then with tandemly combined IRBP and epsilon-globin gene sequences from the same species, supported a provisional cladistic classification with the following clusters. Subtribes Callitrichina (Callithrix, Cebuella), Callimiconina (Callimico), Leontopithecina (Leontopithecus) and Saguina (Saguinus) constitute subfamily Callitrichinae, and subfamilies Callitrichinae, Aotinae (Aotus), and Cebinae (Cebus, Saimiri) constitute family Cebidae. Subtribes Chiropotina (Chiropotes, Cacajao) and Pitheciina (Pithecia) constitute tribe Pitheciini; and tribes Pitheciini and Callicebini (Callicebus) constitute subfamily Pitheciinae. Subtribes Brachytelina (Brachyteles, Lagothrix) and Atelina (Ateles) constitute tribe Atelini, and tribes Atelini and Alouattini (Alouatta) constitute subfamily Atelinae. The parsimony results were equivocal as to whether Pitheciinae should be grouped with Atelinae in family Atelidae or have its own family Pitheciidae. The cladistic groupings of extant ceboids were also examined by different stochastic evolutionary models that employed the same stochastic process of nucleotide substitutions but alternative putative phylogenetic trees on which the nucleotide substitutions occurred. Each model, i.e., each different tree, predicted a different multinomial distribution of nucleotide character patterns for the contemporary sequences. The predicted distributions that were closest to the actual observed distributions identified the best fitting trees. The cladistic relationships depicted in these best fitting trees agreed in almost all cases with those depicted in the maximum parsimony trees.  相似文献   

The purpose of this 30-month study was to explore the effectiveness of a caries-preventive regimen in lowering the salivary mutans streptococci level in pregnant women and, subsequently, in inhibiting the growth of these bacteria in their young children. Beginning at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy and continuing until delivery, subjects rinsed daily with 0.05 percent sodium fluoride and 0.12 percent chlorhexidine. The authors monitored the salivary mutans streptococci levels during the last six months of pregnancy and every six months thereafter for 24 months. They also measured bacterial levels in the children every six months until they reached age 24 months. The results show that treatment significantly reduced salivary mutans streptococci levels in mothers and delayed the colonization of bacteria in their children for about four months.  相似文献   

Human prothrombin, factor IX, and factor X have been idolated in high yield and characterized as the their amino-terminal sequence, molecular weight, amino acid composition, and migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An additional human plasma protein, called protein S, has also been purified and its properties have been compared with those of prothrombin, factor IX, and factor X. Prothrombin (mol wt 72 000), factor IX (mol wt 57 000), and protein S (mol wt 69 000) are single-chain glycoproteins, while factor X (mol wt 59 000) is a glycoprotein composed of two polypeptide chains held together by a disulfide bond(s). The amino-terminal sequence of the light chain of human factor X is homologous with prothrombin, factor IX, and protein S. The heavy chain of human factor X is slightly larger than the heavy chain of bovine factor X and differs from bovine factor X in its amino-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

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