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Wu S  Birnbaumer M  Guan Z 《Analytical chemistry》2008,80(15):6034-6037
Phosphorylation plays vital roles in the regulation and function of the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is responsible for maintaining water homeostasis in the kidney. Through a combination of immunoaffinity purification, immobilized metal affinity chromatography, and nanoflow liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, we identified a novel phosphorylation site (Ser(255)) in the third intracellular loop of human V2R. We showed that the third intracellular loop could be phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase A, but not by Akt kinase, although sequence motif analysis predicated otherwise. The analytical procedures and methodologies described in this study should be generally applicable for identifying the endogenous phosphorylation sites in other GPCRs, overcoming the limitations of conventional approaches such as sequence motif analysis and site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Three different conformations of the ligand binding domain of the human estrogen receptor (ER-LBD) are observed for the native state when binding an agonist and when binding an antagonist. By conjugating ER-LBD conformation specific peptides to CdS nanoparticles, the three different states can be identified by anodic stripping voltammetry. This electrochemical sensor can detect and distinguish the binding of different ligands to the human estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

Beigi F  Wainer IW 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(17):4480-4485
Opioid receptors are members of the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Liquid chromatographic stationary phases containing either the human mu or kappa opioid receptor subtypes have been developed to study the binding between the opioid receptors and their ligands. The receptors were obtained from Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with human mu or kappa receptor subtypes. The receptors were isolated through partial solubilization with sodium cholate detergent, and the partially purified receptor complex was immobilized in the phospholipid analogue monolayer of an immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatographic stationary phase. The resulting phase was packed into a glass column (1.8 x 0.5 (i.d.) cm) and used in the on-line chromatographic determination of drug/ligand binding affinities to the immobilized opioid receptors. Preliminary on-line binding studies employing frontal chromatographic techniques were conducted with the known mu antagonist (naloxone) and a kappa agonist (U69593). The calculated dissociation constants (Kd) were 110 nM for naloxone and 84 nM for U69593. The results indicate that the immobilized receptors retained their ability to specifically bind ligands and were active for 1200 column volumes applied over two weeks. Zonal chromatographic experiments were also conducted, and competitive displacements of the marker ligands were observed. The results suggest that the immobilized opioid receptor stationary phases can be used to qualitatively assess the binding affinities of compounds to the immobilized receptors and represent the first example of the use of immobilized GPCRs in a chromatographic system.  相似文献   

We describe a capillary electrophoresis (CE) assay to detect G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-stimulated G protein GTPase activity in cell membranes expressing alpha2A adrenoreceptor-Galphao1 wild-type (wt) or C351I mutant fusion proteins using a fluorescent, hydrolyzable GTP analogue. As no change in total fluorescence is observed by conversion of substrate to product, CE is used to separate the fluorescent substrate (*GTP) from the fluorescent product (*GDP). Using the assay, the alpha2a adrenoceptor agonist UK14,304 was shown to simulate specific production of *GDP in membranes from HEK293T cells expressing receptor-G protein fusion to 525% of basal levels with an EC50 of 0.48 +/- 0.20 microM. The EC50 increased to 9.4 +/- 5 muM with addition of the antagonist yohimbine. Nucleotide hydrolysis was increased further over agonist-stimulated levels with addition of the in vivo modulator protein RGS (regulator of G protein signaling). It is envisioned that this technique could be used for screening for novel GPCR ligands or other G protein signaling modifiers.  相似文献   

Methods for the absolute quantification of a membrane protein are described using isotopically labeled or unlabeled synthetic peptides as standards. Synthetic peptides are designed to mimic peptides that are cleaved from target analyte proteins by proteolytic or chemical digestion, and the peptides selected serve as standards for quantification by LC/MS/MS on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The technique is complementary to relative quantification techniques in widespread use by providing absolute quantitation of selected targets with greater sensitivity, dynamic range, and precision. Proteins that are found to be of interest by global proteome searches can be selected as targets for quantitation by the present method. This method has a much shorter analytical cycle time (minutes versus hours for the global proteome experiments), making it well suited for high-throughput environments. The present approach using synthetic peptides as standards, in conjunction with proteolytic or chemical cleavage of target proteins, allows mass spectrometry to be used as a highly selective detector for providing absolute quantification of proteins for which no standards are available. We demonstrate that quantification is simple and reliable for the integral membrane protein rhodopsin with reasonable recoveries for replicate experiments using low-micromolar solutions of rhodopsin from rod outer segments.  相似文献   

Elbs M  Brock R 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(18):4793-4800
Confocal laser scanning microscopy was employed for the determination of binding constants of receptor-ligand interactions in a microarray format. Protocols for a localized immobilization of amine containing substances on glass via GOPTS (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane) were optimized with respect to the detection of ligand binding by fluorescence. Compatibility with miniaturization by nanopipetting devices was ensured during all steps. The interaction of the tripeptide L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala with vancomycin immobilized on glass served as a model. To minimize consumption of ligand, binding constants were determined by stepwise titration of binding sites. The binding constant of the unlabeled ligand was determined by competitive titration with a fluorescently labeled analogue. The determined binding constants agreed well with those determined by other techniques, previously. Labeled ligand bound stronger than the unlabeled one. This difference was dye-dependent. Still, binding was specific for the tripeptide moiety confirming that ligand and fluorescent analogue competed for the same binding sites these results validate the determination of binding constants by competitive titration. The protocols established for confocal fluorescence detection are applicable to axially resolved detection modalities and screening for unlabeled ligands by competitive titration in general.  相似文献   

Nonspecific binding is a universal problem that reduces bioassay sensitivity and specificity. We demonstrate that ultrasonic waves, generated by 5-MHz quartz crystal resonators, accelerate nonspecifically bound protein desorption from sensing and nonsensing areas of micropatterned protein arrays, controllably and nondestructively cleaning the micropatterns. Nonsensing area fluorescent intensity values dropped by more than 85% and sensing area fluorescent intensity dropped 77% due to nonspecific binding removal at an input power of 14 W. After patterning, antibody films were many layers thick with nonspecifically bound protein, and aggregates obscured patterns. Quartz crystal resonators removed excess antibody layers and aggregates leaving highly uniform films, as evidenced by smaller spatial variations in fluorescent intensity and atomic force microscope surface roughness values. Fluorescent intensity values obtained after 14-W QCR operation were more repeatable and uniform.  相似文献   

Gao T  Rothberg LJ 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(20):7589-7595
We report an interferometric method to detect chemical binding at an interface. The interference layer consists of the thin native oxide on silicon, and we utilize nearly opposite phase shifts of light at the oxide/water and oxide/silicon interfaces to achieve near-complete destructive interference. We measure selective binding of thrombin in solution to DNA aptamers covalently bound to the oxide. The technique can be used to detect and quantify surface binding of less than 1 A of material, sensitivity similar to that of surface plasmon resonance imaging or arrayed imaging reflectometry. Results are in quantitative agreement with what is predicted theoretically. The method is very convenient to implement since it utilizes unmodified silicon wafers as substrates and is extremely insensitive to both probe light bandwidth and collimation.  相似文献   

A high-affinity, binary Eu(3+) receptor site consisting of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,7-diacetate (DO2A) was constructed with the goal of improving the detection of dipicolinic acid (DPA), a major component of bacterial spores. Ternary Eu(DO2A)(DPA)(-) complex solutions (1.0 microM crystallographically characterized TBA x Eu(DO2A)(DPA)) were titrated with EuCl3 (1.0 nM-1.0 mM); increased Eu(3+) concentration resulted in a shift in equilibrium population from Eu(DO2A)(DPA)(-) to Eu(DO2A)(+) and Eu(DPA)(+), which was monitored via the ligand field sensitive (5)D0 --> (7)F3 transition (lambda(em) = 670-700 nm) using luminescence spectroscopy. A best fit of luminescence intensity titration data to a two-state thermodynamic model yielded the competition equilibrium constant (Kc), which in conjunction with independent measurement of the Eu(DPA)(+) formation constant (Ka) allowed calculation of the ternary complex formation constant (Ka'). With this binding affinity by competition (BAC) assay, we determined that Ka' = 10(8.21) M(-1), which is approximately 1 order of magnitude greater than the formation of Eu(DPA)(+). In general, the BAC assay can be employed to determine ligand binding constants of systems where the lanthanide platform (usually a binary complex) is stable and the ligand bound versus unbound states can be spectroscopically distinguished.  相似文献   

In an effort to investigate the extraordinary photoelectrochemical characteristics of nanostructured CdS thin films in promising photovoltaic device applications, the patterned CdS microarrays with different feature sizes (50, 130, and 250 μm in diameter) were successfully fabricated on indium tin oxide (ITO) glass substrates using the chemical bath deposition method. The ultraviolet lithography process was employed for fabricating patterned octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) as the functional organic thin layer template. The results show that the regular and compact patterned CdS microarrays had been deposited onto ITO glass surfaces, with clear edges demarcating the boundaries between the patterned CdS region and substrate under an optimal depositing condition. The microarrays consisted of pure nanocrystalline CdS with average crystallite size of about 10.7 nm. The photocurrent response and the optical adsorption of the patterned CdS microarray thin films increased with the decrease of the feature size, which was due to the increased CdS surface area, as well as the increased optical path length within the patterned CdS thin films, resulting from multiple reflection of incident light. The resistivity values increase with the increase of feature size, due to the increase of the relative amount of gaps between CdS microarrays with increasing the feature size of patterned CdS microarrays.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop stochastic models of receptor binding by a bivalent ligand. A detailed kinetic study allows us to analyse the role of cross-linking in cell activation by receptor oligomerization. We show how oligomer formation could act to buffer intracellular signalling against stochastic fluctuations. In addition, we put forward the hypothesis that formation of long linear oligomers increases the range of ligand concentration to which the cell is responsive, whereas formation of closed oligomers increases ligand concentration specificity. Thus, different physiological functions requiring different degrees of specificity to ligand concentration would favour formation of oligomers with different lengths and geometries. Furthermore, provided that ligand concentration specificity is taken as a design principle, our model enables us to estimate parameters, such as the minimum proportion of receptors, that must engage in oligomer formation in order to trigger a cellular response.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a promising alternative energy carrier that can potentially facilitate the transition from fossil fuels to sources of clean energy because of its prominent advantages such as high energy density (142 MJ kg(-1); ref. 1), great variety of potential sources (for example water, biomass, organic matter), light weight, and low environmental impact (water is the sole combustion product). However, there remains a challenge to produce a material capable of simultaneously optimizing two conflicting criteria--absorbing hydrogen strongly enough to form a stable thermodynamic state, but weakly enough to release it on-demand with a small temperature rise. Many materials under development, including metal-organic frameworks, nanoporous polymers, and other carbon-based materials, physisorb only a small amount of hydrogen (typically 1-2 wt%) at room temperature. Metal hydrides were traditionally thought to be unsuitable materials because of their high bond formation enthalpies (for example MgH(2) has a ΔHf~75 kJ mol(-1)), thus requiring unacceptably high release temperatures resulting in low energy efficiency. However, recent theoretical calculations and metal-catalysed thin-film studies have shown that microstructuring of these materials can enhance the kinetics by decreasing diffusion path lengths for hydrogen and decreasing the required thickness of the poorly permeable hydride layer that forms during absorption. Here, we report the synthesis of an air-stable composite material that consists of metallic Mg nanocrystals (NCs) in a gas-barrier polymer matrix that enables both the storage of a high density of hydrogen (up to 6 wt% of Mg, 4 wt% for the composite) and rapid kinetics (loading in <30 min at 200 °C). Moreover, nanostructuring of the Mg provides rapid storage kinetics without using expensive heavy-metal catalysts.  相似文献   

The protein binding characteristic of 2'-Benzoyloxycinnamaldehyde (BCA) was investigated, which has demonstrated a potent antitumor effect against several human solid tumor cell lines and in human tumor xenograft nude mice. Protein binding of BCA in human serum was 86 +/- 0.91% and the predominant binding protein of BCA was fatty-acid-free human serum albumin (HSA) (81 +/- 0.91%). The binding of BCA to HSA was outlined by one class, and Ka and n of BCA were 1.65 x 10(5) M(- 1) and 0.374, respectively. Displacement studies with fluorescence probes suggested that BCA mainly binds to site I on HSA, and BCA-induced enhancement in site II binding. The limited drug-drug interaction experiments suggested that BCA influences both site I and site II drug-HSA bindings via different mechanisms; a competitive displacement and a probable allosteric conformational change in HSA, respectively.  相似文献   

Among the factors which restrict the large-scale utilization of magnesium-based hydride as a hydrogen storage medium,the high operating temperature,slow kinetic...  相似文献   

An electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) method for quantifying protein-ligand complexes that cannot be directly detected by ESI-MS is described. The proxy protein ESI-MS method combines direct ESI-MS binding measurements with competitive protein-ligand binding. To implement the method, a proxy protein (P(proxy)), which interacts specifically with the ligand of interest with known affinity and can be detected directly by ESI-MS, is used to quantitatively monitor the extent of ligand binding to the protein of interest. A mathematical framework for establishing the association constant (K(a)) for protein-ligand binding by the proxy protein ESI-MS method, implemented with a P(proxy) containing a single ligand binding site, is given. A modified form of the proxy protein ESI-MS method, which accounts for real-time changes in ligand concentration, is also described. The reliability of these methods is demonstrated for the interactions between the 180 kDa wildtype homotrimeric tailspike protein of the bacteriophage P22 and its endorhamnosidase point mutant (D392N) with its ligands comprising two and three O-antigen repeats from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium: octasaccharide ([α-Gal-(1→2)-[α-Abe-(1→3)]-α-Man-(1→4)-α-Rha](2)) and dodecasaccharide ([α-Gal-(1→2)-[α-Abe-(1→3)]-α-Man-(1→4)-α-Rha](3)). A 27 kDa single chain antibody, which binds to both ligands, served as P(proxy). The results of binding measurements performed at 10 and 25 °C are in excellent agreement with K(a) values measured previously using a fluorescence quenching assay.  相似文献   

This article describes a novel nonisotopic receptor assay for benzodiazepines with fluorescence detection. As labeled ligand (coumarin-labeled desethylflumazenil, CLDEF), a metabolite of the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (desetheylflumazenil, Ro15-3890) has been coupled to a coumarin fluorophore, via a spacer. CLDEF had a Ki of 6.5 nM. To avoid the interference of the background fluorescence of the receptors in the measurement step, the bound CLDEF was dissociated from the receptors after the filtration step. This dissociation was achieved by incubating the CLDEF-bound to the receptors on the filters-with a weakly acetate buffer. The second filtrates then contained the previously bound CLDEF, which was then quantitated with a RP-HPLC system with a fluorescence detector. The results with a fluorescent receptor assay were very similar to those with a radioreceptor assay, in that the IC50 values of lorazepam were 7.2 +/- 0.5 and 6.6 +/- 0.7 nM, respectively.  相似文献   

Described here is a mass spectrometry-based covalent labeling protocol that utilizes the amine reactive reagent, s-methyl thioacetimidate (SMTA), to study the chemical denaturant-induced equilibrium unfolding/refolding properties of proteins and protein-ligand complexes in solution. The protocol, which involves evaluating the rate at which globally protected amine groups in a protein are modified with SMTA as a function of chemical denaturant concentration, is developed and applied to the analysis of eight protein samples including six purified protein samples (ubiquitin, BCAII, RNaseA, 4OT, and lysozyme with, and without GlcNAc), a five-protein mixture comprised of ubiquitin, BCAII, RNaseA, Cytochrome C, and lysozyme, and a yeast cell lysate. In ideal cases the folding free energies of proteins and the dissociation constants of protein-ligand complexes can be accurately evaluated using the protocol. A direct MALDI-TOF readout is demonstrated for analysis of purified protein samples. Bottom-up proteomic strategies involving gel-based and/or LC-MS-based shotgun proteomic platforms are also demonstrated for the analyses of complex protein samples. Analysis of proteins in a yeast cell lysate suggests the SMTA-labeling protocol expands the peptide and protein coverage in chemical modification- and shotgun proteomics-based strategies for making thermodynamic measurements of protein folding and stability on the proteomic scale.  相似文献   

Described here is a new technique, termed SPROX (stability of proteins from rates of oxidation), that can be used to measure the thermodynamic stability of proteins and protein-ligand complexes. SPROX utilizes hydrogen peroxide in the presence of increasing concentrations of a chemical denaturant to oxidize proteins. The extent of oxidation at a given oxidation time is determined as a function of the denaturant concentration using either electrospray or matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Ultimately, the denaturant concentration dependence of the oxidation reaction rate is used to evaluate a folding free energy (DeltaG(f)) and m value (deltaDeltaG(f)/delta[Den]) for the protein's folding/unfolding reaction. Measurements of such SPROX-derived DeltaG(f) and m values on proteins in the presence and absence of ligands can also be used to evaluate protein-ligand affinities (e.g., DeltaDeltaG(f) and Kd values). Presented here are SPROX results obtained on four model protein systems including ubiquitin, ribonuclease A (RNaseA), cyclophilin A (CypA), and bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCAII). SPROX-derived DeltaG(f) and m values on these proteins are compared to values obtained using more established techniques (e.g., CD spectroscopy and SUPREX). The dissociation constants of several known protein-ligand complexes involving these proteins were also determined using SPROX and compared to previously reported values. The complexes included the CypA-cyclosporin A complex and the BCAII-4-carboxybenzenesulfonamide complex. The accuracy and precision of SPROX-derived thermodynamic parameters for the model proteins and protein-ligand complexes in this study are discussed as well as the caveats of the technique.  相似文献   

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