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Internet流量工程是控制流量怎样流经Internet网络以优化资源利用和网络性能的过程,是确保端到端QoS的重要技术。本文归纳出了Internet流量工程的通用加工模型,流量预测采用的方法和格式,并对域间流量工程的实现技术进行了探讨。 相似文献
Internet流量工程是控制流量怎样流经Internet网络才能优化资源利用和网络性能的过程,是确保端到端QoS的重要技术。本文归纳出了Internet流量工程的通用加工模型以及流量预测采用的方法和格式,并对域问流量工程的实现技术进行了探讨。 相似文献
Internet流量工程演进透视 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对传统Interant在流量工程方面的不足和越来越多新业务对流量工程的需求,分析了Interant流量工程演进中出现的重叠模型和集成模型及其相应的技术方案在流量工程上的特点,阐明MPLS是Interant流量工程的理想技术选择并提出其发展策略。 相似文献
Internet流量工程是近年来互联网理论研究和实际应用的一个重要方向,主要研究IP网络的测量、建模、控制和优化问题,其目的是经济有效地利用现有网络资源,提供有容量规划和QoS保证的IP网络服务。本文介绍了Internet流量工程的原理和应用,分析了其未来发展趋势。 相似文献
MPLS流量工程技术的研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对MPLS中的流量控制与管理机制进行讨论,提出LER与LSR基本汉控功能的实现框图,并对流量工程中的核心技术-基于约束的路由选择进行了深入探讨。 相似文献
Internet网络流量的测量与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
要更好地管理网络和改善网络的运行,网络管理需要知道其网络的流量情况和尽量多的测量信息。比如.网络管理可以通过HP OpenView等工具察看某一网段的负荷情况,等到某一网段的负荷过重时,就可以决定在此网段采用更高速的介质或将这一网段划为两个网段。但是,网络管理不知道哪些应用导致了流量的增长,如果流量的增长只是因为更多的人在WWW上浏览.那么在这一网段增加个代理服务器比把这一网段分为二更好些;另一个方面是对网络流量进行长期的监测,通过分析历史趋势,更好地规划网络。 相似文献
混沌时间序列的判定方法研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在提取时间序列的混沌特征之前,首先要考虑该时间序列是否存在混沌.如果没有经过检验就事先假定实验数据是混沌的,直接用相空间重构理论等方法提取时间序列的特征,进而进行建模和预测,得出的结果是不可信的.围绕混沌系统可以由混沌吸引子的存在诊断,讨论了混沌时间序列的判定方法. 相似文献
Nonlinear feedback induces oscillation, whereas dynamic equilibrium between positive and negative nonlinear feedback generates rhythm. Physiological rhythms are central to life. No absolutely stable or periodic rhythm exists in living tissues. It has been extensively reported that many rhythms in human and animal organs, such as the heart and brain, are, in fact chaotic. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the migrating myoelectrical complex (MMC) of the stomach was chaotic. The study was performed in eight healthy female hound dogs (15-22 kg), implanted with four pairs of bipolar electrodes on the serosa of the stomach along the greater curvature. After the dogs were completely recovered from the surgery, one complete cycle of gastric MMC was recorded from the serosal electrodes. Using Takens' embedding theorem, two parameters reflecting chaotic behavior, the attractor and the Lyapunov exponent of the myoelectrical recording, were reconstructed and computed, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed to investigate the difference in the Lyapunov exponents among different phases of the MMC. The results show that the MMC of the stomach is chaotic. Different phases of the MMC are characterized with different shapes of the attractors and different values of Lyapunov exponents. The characteristic chaotic behavior of the gastric MMC may be utilized for the identification of different phases. 相似文献
Abdechiri Marjan Faez Karim Amindavar Hamidreza 《Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing》2018,29(4):1643-1659
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing - This paper introduces a new method to exploit chaotic attractors of nonlinear dynamics. The method decreases both the correlation and the noise of... 相似文献
Making sense of a complex world [chaotic events modeling] 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Addresses the identification of nonlinear systems from output time series, which we have called dynamic modeling. We start by providing the mathematical basis for dynamic modeling and show that it is equivalent to a multivariate nonlinear prediction problem in the reconstructed space. We address the importance of dynamic reconstruction for dynamic modeling. Recognizing that dynamic reconstruction is an ill-defined inverse problem, we describe a regularized radial basis function network for solving the dynamic reconstruction problem. Prior knowledge in the form of smoothness of the mapping is imposed on the solution via regularization. We also show that, in time-series analysis, some form of regularization can be accomplished by using the structure of the time series instead of imposing a smoothness constraint on the cost function. We develop a methodology based on iterated prediction to train the network weights with an error derived through trajectory learning. This method provides a robust performance because during learning the weights are constrained to follow a trajectory. The dynamic invariants estimated from the generated time series are similar to the ones estimated from the original time series, which means that the properties of the attractor have been captured by the neural network. We finally raise the question that generalized delay operators may have advantages in dynamic reconstruction, primarily in cases where the time series is corrupted by noise. We show how to set the recursive parameter of the gamma operator to attenuate noise and preserve the dynamics 相似文献
Dynamos是含有复数向量的混沌系统,为了考察Dynamos混沌系统的动力学行为,结合该系统的复数动力学方程,首先将该系统转化为实数动力学方程,并利用Simulink具有的图形可视化和参数易调节的特点,对该系统进行了电路模拟仿真。仿真结果显示,该系统在特定参数下能够表现出混沌行为,并且同一向量下面的两个实变量具有同步的特点,这表明该系统还具有十分丰富的动力学行为。 相似文献
分形理论是非线性科学的三大理论前沿之一,迄今为止尚未出现比分形几何学描述自然形态更好的几何学,因此分形在众多领域应用广泛,但是分形算法具有较高的理论深度,使传统的理论教学显得捉襟见肘.本文基于VisualStudio 2005实现了典型分形算法的计算机模拟,并提供一定的交互功能.结果表明,该平台为师生研究分形算法提供理论背景和实验平台,并对提高教育教学质量起到明显的推动作用. 相似文献
永磁同步电动机是工业领域中常见的电机,它在特定条件下能表现出十分丰富的动力学行为。针对该系统在某些参数下会出现不确定现象,首先用数学方法分析了该系统的数学特征,并在MATLAB环境下,构建了永磁同步电动机系统仿真模型,并对其进行了仿真研究,仿真结果表明该系统在特定条件表现出混沌行为。 相似文献
基于混沌时间序列的短期电力负荷预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对电力系统负荷的复杂性及非线性,提出了结合混沌的思想,充分利用数据信息,在重构相空间的基础上对负荷进行预测.结合混沌理论,采用加权一阶局域法建立了电力负荷预测模型,并进行了实际预测,取得了满意的结果. 相似文献