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Working memory encompasses the short-term store of information and operations on that information. We review functional neuroimaging studies that have attempted to determine cortical areas involved in working memory functions. Current research suggests distinct systems for verbal information, visual objects, and spatial locations. Passive storage buffers appear to be located in posterior brain areas, whereas active maintenance of the information involves ventrolateral prefrontal areas. More complex, executive operations appear to recruit dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. The possible involvement of reciprocal circuits including frontal cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus is also discussed.  相似文献   

Flat-bed scanning as a tool for quantitative neuroimaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to compare three different imaging techniques which are used to provide data on the laminar structure of the human cerebral cortex. Region V1 of Brodmann's area 17 stained with cresyl violet was investigated, and a conventional semi-automatic morphometric evaluation, the videomicroscropic procedure and a new transparent flat-bed scanning technique were compared. The results of each digitizing method were converted into normalized profiles which allow the laminae in the striate cortex to be displayed. It was found that major laminar patterns can be detected by the scanning technique, but that subsidiary laminations are more clearly displayed by morphometry and videomicroscopy. For magnifications up to × 400 a high resolution transparent flat-bed scanner may be used in place of the videomicroscopy technique.  相似文献   

管理作为影响系统失效的重要因素,是达到安全必不可少的手段。功能安全管理贯穿于整体安全生命周期的所有阶段之中,有其独到的思想方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察量子降脂仪对自然衰老小鼠的抗衰老作用,为其进一步的应用提供实验依据。方法 :20只6周龄雌性小鼠为对照组,80只11月龄雌性小鼠分为4组。模型组普通喂养、阳性组以维生素E灌胃、低强度组、高强度组量子降脂仪治疗,强度功率输出为65 uw/cm~2,高强度组治疗时间增加。末次治疗结束后,各组进行跳台试验和水迷宫试验;观察小鼠体质量变化,计算脏器指数;测定小鼠血清及肝脏组织中抗氧化指标和性激素指标。结果 :与模型组相比,阳性组、高强度组能明显延长小鼠第1次跳下平台的时间,缩短逃避潜伏期,血清和肝脏中的SOD、GSHPx、CAT、MDA含量及血清中端粒酶含量差异均具有统计学意义。高强度组能提高水迷宫试验的路程百分比和时间百分比,与模型组差异具有统计学意义。结论 :量子降脂仪通过提高自然衰老小鼠学习记忆能力,抑制脂质过氧化,延缓端粒缩短,发挥其抗衰老作用。  相似文献   

讲述执行安全功能的软件如何实现功能安全的要求.  相似文献   

Different versions of reference articles and specific features of their use for testing the working capacity of materials for penetrant nondestructive testing are described. The reasons and specific features of degradation of reference articles over time are considered. Gradual contamination of crack holes by traces of the materials for nondestructive testing and by products of metal corrosion and oxidation are the main reason for deterioration of the quality of articles. Specific features of the accumulation of contaminants, oxides, and oxidation products in crack holes, as well as the content of these substances, are presented.Translated from Defektoskopiya, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 60–66.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Glazkov.  相似文献   

概要介绍在安全仪表及设备的功能安全认证前准备阶段常用的安全例证方法  相似文献   

Globally, automotive manufacturers are faced with the challenges of expanding product variety and high customer service provision. They increasingly face a flexibility driven, time-based competition. This demands effective knowledge management to develop more effective processes. In other words, there is a need for knowledge-driven innovations that can offer business process improvements in the new business environment. One innovative response to these challenges is postponement, also known as “delayed differentiation”. Such a strategy calls for redesigning products and re-engineering processes so that the stages of the production process in which a common process is used are prolonged. This product/process re-engineering should allow a flexible option to defer the point of differentiation. The manufacturing industry motivation to focus in this direction can be encouraged through relevant demonstrative models capturing their existing processes. In this paper, we develop such a model that captures the costs and benefits associated with postponement strategy that is implemented through business process re-engineering. We apply this model to analyze a real case in an automobile manufacturing plant. Our findings are that there are enormous opportunities for cost-effective postponement strategies in automotive manufacturing sector through a knowledge management (KM)-based process re-engineering. We also note that as the number of differentiated models and variability in demand increase, the cost of process re-engineering can be recovered through value of postponement (VOP), in as short a time frame as 1 year. It is also suggested that for practitioners and researchers working in the KM context, the sharing of the tacit knowledge amongst different professionals managing the various processes must be continually emphasized. This is increasingly important to deal with flexibility challenges.  相似文献   

Gradual clogging of crack holes with products of metal oxidation and corrosion is one of the reasons for deterioration of the quality of specimens intended for penetrant testing. Specific features of the accumulation of oxides and oxidation products and their content are presented. Ways to increase the service life of specimens are proposed.Translated from Defektoskopiya, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 67–73.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Glazkov.  相似文献   

Value steam mapping (VSM) is a lean manufacturing technique and it has emerged as the preferred way to support and implement the lean approach Grewal (Int J Manuf Technol Manag 15:3–4, 2008); Singh and Sharma (J Measuring Business Excellence 13:58–68, 2009). VSM is different than conventional recording techniques, as it captures the information at individual stations about station cycle time, up time or utilization of resources, set-up time or change over time, work in process inventory, man power requirement and the information flow from raw material to finish goods. It covers both value adding as well as non-value-adding activities. This paper covers the review and classification of literature on VSM, as there is hardly any paper on literature review of VSM, so it will be very beneficiary for both academician and industry people. Applications of VSM are also presented by a case study of a small manufacturing Indian industry and reduction in lead time, processing time, work in process inventory and manpower requirement at individual stations are noticed  相似文献   

Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys are a class of smart materials that exhibit a unique combination of large strains and fast response when exposed to magnetic field. Accordingly, these materials have significant potential in motion generation applications such as microactuators and sensors. This article presents a novel experimental system that measures the dynamic magnetomechanical behavior of microscale ferromagnetic shape memory specimens. The system is comprised of an alternating magnetic field generator (AMFG) and a mechanical loading and sensing system. The AMFG generates a dynamic magnetic field that periodically alternates between two orthogonal directions to facilitate martensitic variant switching and to remotely achieve a full magnetic actuation cycle, without the need of mechanical resetting mechanisms. Moreover, the AMFG is designed to produce a magnetic field that inhibits 180 degrees magnetization domain switching, which causes energy loss without strain generation. The mechanical loading and sensing system maintains a constant mechanical load on the measured specimen by means of a cantilever beam, while the displacement is optically monitored with a resolution of approximately 0.1 microm. Preliminary measurements using Ni(2)MnGa single crystal specimens, with a cross section of 100x100 microm(2), verified their large actuation strains and established their potential to become a material of great importance in microactuation technology.  相似文献   

为了保证氙灯安定器的出厂质量,设计了该老化台.该设备可以同时对200台安定器进行常亮和定时热启动两种方式老化,并可以将每台老化的安定器的输入电流、输入电压和灯电流数据实时上传到工控机.  相似文献   

阐述功能安全理论中几种典型的表决结构及其分析应用方法,通过对不同表决结构的比较,确定其在实现安全功能的安全完整性和可用性上的差异。  相似文献   

The etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves a significant inflammatory component as evidenced by the presence of elevated levels of a diverse range of proinflammatory molecules in the AD brain. These inflammatory molecules are produced principally by activated microglia, which are found to be clustered within and adjacent to the senile plaque. Moreover, long-term treatment of patients with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been shown to reduce risk and incidence of AD and delay disease progression. The microglia respond to beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposition in the brain through the interaction of fibrillar forms of amyloid with cell surface receptors, leading to the activation of intracellular signal transduction cascades. The activation of multiple independent signaling pathways ultimately leads to the induction of proinflammatory gene expression and production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. These microglial inflammatory products act in concert to produce neuronal toxicity and death. Therapeutic approaches focused on inhibition of the microglial-mediated local inflammatory response in the AD brain offer new opportunities to intervene in the disease.  相似文献   

Microdynamic systems have been studied for a number of years. Only limited work, however, has been completed on integrating microdynamic components into systems that satisfy mechanical tasks on macroscopic scales. In this paper, we describe microdynamic components needed to produce a surface which is actively deformable on local scales. In particular, we consider the design and demonstration of smart journal and thrust bearings capable of using embedded sensors and actuators to change dynamically the surface geometry. The ability actively to deform bearing surfaces allows for the design of bearings which are less prone to failure, the design of bearings with greater load-carrying abilities, and a fundamental study of the effect of surface geometries and fluid conditions on bearing performance, such as start-up and shut-down conditions. Some results of our new bearing designs are presented, focusing on numerical bearing models, sensor and actuator design and fabrication, and physical experimentation.  相似文献   

Cryo-fixation followed by freeze-substitution without aldehyde or osmium fixation has been investigated as a method for preparing biological specimens with a view to minimizing antigenic alteration. Samples of both solid tissues (mouse small intestine and human kidney) and a human tumour cell line grown in vitro were rapidly frozen by impact (slammed) onto a copper block cooled with liquid nitrogen. They were freeze-substituted at ?80°C in methanol, and embedded at low temperature in Lowicryl K4M or HM20. Resin blocks were polymerized by ultraviolet light. Well-preserved ultrastructure was observed in the outer 10–15 μm of all samples. Positive immunocytochemical localization of fixation-resistant and fixation-labile antigens was obtained on sections of human kidney and the human breast tumour cell line ZR-75-1 at both light and electron microscope levels.  相似文献   

功能安全评估(FSAs)是在传统的安全生命周期活动如验证,确认和功能安全审核之外进行的。其目的在于独立地确保功能安全在机构特定的供货范围内得以实现。FSA要求由有能力且独立的个人和/或机构来进行。本文叙述了ABB为其分布在全球的、致力于安全仪表系统设计及工程的安全执行中心(SEC)的功能安全评估员开发的资制计划。  相似文献   

The geometric and information parameters of the page-oriented holographic memory are optimized with allowance for the cross-talk influence on the recording density and on the bit error rate.  相似文献   

<正>High performance electromechanical equipment is widely used in various fields,such as national defense,industry and so on[1].In addition,the technical level of high performance electromechanical equipment is the embodiment of the national level of science and technology.There are two types  相似文献   

Advances in technology and treatment have resulted in a growing population of very old and very young people whose lives are technology dependent. These people are being cared for in increasing numbers in their homes by care-givers inadequately trained for the task. The unintended negative consequences and the positive effects of such care are examined, and ethical concerns are raised.  相似文献   

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