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We have reviewed the results in 34 patients (39 operations) following simple excision of the trapezium for osteoarthritis of the basal joint of the thumb. The average age at operation was 57 years and the average follow-up was 6 years. All the patients were graded clinically and radiologically and were asked their opinion of the procedure. There was dramatic relief of pain following this procedure. Stability of the thumb was not compromised. When compared to the unoperated side, thumb length, thumb abduction and first web span were similar. There was a reduction in pinch strength (operated 8.1 k.p.a., non-operated 9.6 k.p.a.) and grip strength (operated 15.5 k.p.a., non-operated 19.5 k.p.a.) and an increase in MIP extension (operated 5.4 degrees, non-operated 2.9 degrees) following this procedure but the differences were not statistically significant. 11 patients (32%) had scar hyperaesthesia on testing but this was a clinical problem in two patients only (5%). Simple excision of the trapezium is a satisfactory procedure for the majority of patients with this disorder, but has a long post-operative rehabilitation period.  相似文献   

Nine patients with osteoarthrosis of the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb were treated surgically with the metacarpo-trapezial silicone rubber prosthesis designed by Kessler. Patients with pantrapezoidal changes were specifically excluded. All patients at follow-up had chronic synovitis and in five the prosthesis was dislocated. In three patients who had revision operations the previously inserted prostheses were found to be badly torn.  相似文献   

Recent studies using animal models of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) have reported a reduction in both surfactant (SF) phospholipids and proteins in CDH lungs compared to controls, resulting in biophysical and physiologic impairment of SF function in the hypoplastic CDH lung. Furthermore, SF replacement has been shown to improve physiological function in CDH lungs. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a polypeptide whose overproduction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of pathological conditions, such as neonatal and adult respiratory distress syndrome. TNF-alpha has been shown to selectively inhibit the de-novo synthesis of SF phospholipid components in type II pneumocytes. It has been demonstrated that TNF-alpha is synthesized locally in lung and functions in an autocrine/paracrine mode. The aim of this study was to investigate TNF-alpha messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in hypoplastic CDH lung using in-situ hybridization histochemistry, to determine the molecular basis of the SF deficiency in the hypoplastic CDH lung. Lung-tissue samples were obtained at autopsy from 7 full-term newborns (age range: 1-21 days) with CDH and 4 stillborns with CDH. Normal lung tissue from eight infants with sudden infant death syndrome (age range: 5-30 days) acted as controls. In-situ hybridization was performed using TNF-alpha specific and digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probe and visualized by nitroblue tetrazolium staining. In control lung tissue, mRNA expression of TNF-alpha was absent or weak in type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages. In contrast, mRNA expression of TNF-alpha was markedly increased in both type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages in hypoplastic CDH lung. Our findings of up-regulated TNF-alpha gene expression in CDH lung suggest that the SF deficiency observed in hypoplastic CDH lung may be the result of increased local production of TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

The inner surface of 25 thumb metacarpophalangeal joints were investigated and the arrangement and structure of different folds protruding into the joint cavity at the level of the joint cleft studied. At the ulnar and radial sides, compact wedgeshaped folds are found consisting of collagenous fibres, which connect with the fibrous layer of the joint capsule. The circularly arranged fibrous tissue is covered by a thin layer of cartilaginous cells. From a structural and functional point of view they are comparable to the menisci of the knee joint. In contrast, a different kind of tissue is found at the palmar and dorsal circumference of the joint cleft: typical synovial folds, consisting of loose connective tissue and small fat lobules. These are suggested not to fulfill a particular mechanical function but to act as a malleable spacer which is able to conform to the requirements of joint mobility.  相似文献   

In a one-to-one matched case control study, 37 cases with rhizarthrosis (31 female, 6 male) and 44 cases with osteoarthritis in the finger joints (35 female, 9 male) were compared to their matches equal in sex and age regarding occupational strains. For calculating the odds ratios matching was maintained. In females the risk of rhizarthrosis was elevated for typists (OR 5.0, CI 1.27-19.59) and for work involving dexterity (OR 2.0, CI 0.77-5.23). In both sexes an elevated odds ratio for osteoarthritis in the finger joints was found for repetitive work (OR 3.8, CI 1.52-9.49).  相似文献   

Reconstruction of a Blauth type-IIIB hypoplastic thumb with use of a free vascularized metatarsophalangeal joint was performed in four patients (four hands). Several tendon transfers also were performed, either primarily or secondarily, to mobilize the reconstructed thumb. Three patients (three hands) were followed for at least two years after the reconstruction; the results for these three patients were compared with those for four patients (six hands) who had been managed with pollicization of the index finger because of a similar deformity of the thumb. The patients were evaluated with regard to grip strength, key-pinch strength, and the range of motion of the joints of the thumb in the operatively treated and contralateral hands as well as with regard to skill in performing activities of daily living as assessed with use of the Kobe hand-function test. Although the appearance of the thumb was closer to normal in the group that had had the pollicization procedure, total function of the hand and grip strength were greater in the group that had had the transfer procedure. We believe that reconstruction of an unstable hypoplastic (Blauth type-IIIB) thumb with use of a vascularized metatarsophalangeal joint is an acceptable alternative to pollicization of the index finger.  相似文献   

McWharter first described volar carpometacarpal dislocations of the fifth digit in 1918. Since then, 14 cases have been reported in the medical literature. Berg and Murphy were first to report a case of ulnopalmar dislocation that was successfully treated with closed reduction and immobilization. Previously reported cases required internal fixation with or without open reduction. We report a fifth carpometacarpal ulnopalmar dislocation, treated with closed reduction and casting.  相似文献   

The combined thin wrap-around flap from the big toe and the proximal interphalangeal joint of the second toe is characterized by (1) a single vascularized joint, which is used to preserve the second toe with a free iliac bone graft, (2) a thin wrap-around flap, which allows the pulpal fatty tissue on the remaining bone of the big toe to be retained and accept a skin graft, (3) a wrap-around flap with a partial distal phalangeal bone, and (4) a microplate for firm fixation at the proximal bone union and early joint motion. The advantages of this method are (1) the cosmetic appearance is excellent with use of the thin wrap-around flap; (2) there is joint motion in the reconstructed thumb with strong pinch and vice pinch; (3) the vascularized joint with a microplate allows for early postoperative motion; (4) bone grafting from another donor site is unnecessary; (5) bone growth is possible in children with open epiphyses; and (6) the big and second toes are preserved with minimal donor-site morbidity. This method is indicated for thumb losses at a level distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint or at the level of the proximal phalanx.  相似文献   

Joint incongruity and cartilage thickness have been shown to determine the contact stresses and the load partitioning between the solid and fluid phases of articular cartilage. Matrix stresses, which are relevant in the development of osteoarthrosis, can, however, not be determined experimentally but must be calculated using numerical methods. The aim of the present study was to quantify the incongruity and cartilage thickness of the human hip, in order to allow for the construction of morphologically accurate finite element models. Twelve cadaveric specimens (34-86 years), two fresh and ten fixed, were investigated. The loading configuration was based on in vivo measurements of hip joint forces during midstance. The incongruity and contact areas were determined using a polyether casting technique, in the minimally and the fully loaded state. The cartilage thickness was measured at identical coordinate points with an A-mode ultrasonic system. Generally, the contact started at lower loads at the edge of the lunate surface, and the joint space increased towards its central aspects. In some specimens the contact started in the acetabular roof, leaving a joint space of up to 2 mm in the horns of the lunate surface. In others, the initial contact was observed in the anterior and posterior horns of the lunate surface with a joint space width of up to 0.75 mm in the acetabular roof. The size of the contact areas increased from about 20% of the lunate surface to 98% at higher loads. The articular cartilage thickness ranged from 0.7 to 3.6 mm, the maxima being located in the ventral aspects of the femoral head and acetabulum. These quantitative data on joint space width, contact, and cartilage thickness in the human hip joint may be used to construct and validate finite element models which are required to elucidate the mechanical factors involved in osteoarthrosis.  相似文献   

Two cases are described, one of replantation of an amputated thumb, the other of late reconstruction by toe transfer. A possible reason for the good results in thumb replantation is mentioned, and the advantages of toe transfer in thumb reconstruction are discussed. Suggestions are made as to the course of action to take when confronted with a patient with an amputated thumb.  相似文献   

The triphalangeal thumb is a rare congenital malformation, but not as rare as the literature would imply. Forty-two patients with 68 triphalangeal thumbs, represent an incidence of about 3 per cent of a population of upper extremity abnormalities. Although little is written about the details of treatment, surgery is frequently necessary. Age makes a great difference as to hom the extra phalanx should be treated. The associated abnormalities present major surgical problems that must be treated early.  相似文献   

Forty-five flexor carpi radialis (FCR) tendon interposition arthroplasties of the trapezium for the treatment of carpometacarpal osteoarthritis were reviewed. The average follow-up period was 103 months (range, 22-213 months). Pain was reduced in 42 (93%) of the cases. Mobility was equal to that of the unoperated side. Key pinch and grip strengths compared to the unoperated thumb measured 86% and 90%, respectively. The mean distance between the scaphoid and the base of the first metacarpal bone was 7 mm (range, 2-12 mm). Function was improved in 39 (87%) of the cases, and in 42 (93%) of the cases the overall results were satisfactory. The results of this study show that FCR tendon interposition arthroplasty gives satisfactory long-term results.  相似文献   

The case of a 51-year-old man with Ewing's sarcoma of the thumb is presented. The tumor involved the distal phalanx of the right thumb, associated with an impressive extraskeletal mass. Histology revealed a round cell sarcoma with a positive immunoreactivity with monoclonal antibody O13. Five years after disarticulation at the metacarpophalangeal joint, the patient is alive without recurrence or metastasis.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphics of six patients with absence of thumb are described. Two specific abnormal configurations were seen in the palmar area. In the first, there was no axial triradius and the course of the ridges in the proximal part of the palm was transversal. In the second, a peculiar distal loop on the radial border was present with a palmar triradius. These abnormal patterns are probably due to the absence of a thenar volar pad or the presence of an abnormal one when the ridges are formed.  相似文献   

We treated a 72-year-old woman by excision of the right thumb sesamoid which contained a giant-cell lesion. Nine years later she had normal function and no evidence of other lesions, recurrence or metastasis. We recommend that the diagnosis of giant-cell reparative granuloma and giant-cell tumour be considered when a bony mass in a sesamoid bone is discovered. Surgical excision at least in our one case was definitive treatment.  相似文献   

Palmaris longus contributes to the anteposition and pronation of the thumb under circumstances. It is however restricted by its medial tendon which runs into the palmar aponeurosis. The diversion of this tendon and the mobilisation of the muscular head of the abductor pollicis brevis arising from its lateral tendon will substantially accentuate the r?le of palmaris longus as a muscle of the thumb.  相似文献   

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