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Optical wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) networks often include optical cross-connects with multigranularity switching capability, such as switching on a single lambda, a waveband, or an entire fiber basis. In addition, it has been shown that routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in an arbitrary mesh WDM network is an NP-complete problem. In this paper, we propose an efficient approximation approach, called Lagrangean relaxation with heuristics (LRH), aimed to resolve RWA in multigranularity WDM networks particularly with lambda and fiber switches. The task is first formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem in which the bottleneck link utilization is to be minimized. The LRH approach performs constraint relaxation and derives a lower-bound solution index according to a set of Lagrangean multipliers generated through subgradient-based iterations. In parallel, using the generated Lagrangean multipliers, the LRH approach employs a new heuristic algorithm to arrive at a near-optimal upper-bound solution. With lower and upper bounds, we conduct a performance study on LRH with respect to accuracy and convergence speed under different parameter settings. We further draw comparisons between LRH and an existing practical approach via experiments over randomly generated and several well-known large sized networks. Numerical results demonstrate that LRH outperforms the existing approach in both accuracy and computational time complexity, particularly for larger sized networks.  相似文献   

Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is the most concern in wavelength routed optical networks. This paper proposes a novel binary quadratic programming (BQP) formulation for the static RWA problem in order to balance traffic load among a network links more fairly. Subsequently, a greedy heuristic algorithm namely variable-weight routing and wavelength assignment (VW-RWA) is proposed to solve the developed BQP problem. In this method, the weight of a link is proportional to the link congestion. Performance evaluation results for different practical network topologies show that our proposed algorithm can decrease the number of required wavelengths in the network, blocking rate and variance of used wavelengths in each link. Besides, it is shown that the number of required wavelengths to establish call requests for a given network topology can be reduced at lower cost compared to other heuristics.  相似文献   

For the purpose of reducing the complexity and cost of optical large-scale cross-connect, wavelengths are grouped into wavebands or fiber to be switched as a single entity, which is called multi- granularity switching. However, it introduces more complexity into the routing and wavelength assignment problem. In this paper, we propose a novel graph model for describing the states of the multi-granularity switching WDM networks. Based on the model, the dynamic routing and wavelength assignment problems for multi-granularity traffic can be solved jointly, and different on-line wavelength grooming policies can be achieved simultaneously. By simulation, we compared the performance of our algorithms under different policy and different percent of fibers for fiber switching. The result proved that our algorithms yield better performance than those deal with the routing and wavelength assignment separately. This work was supported in part by NSFC Project No. 90104003, 60272023, 60372025 and National 863 project No. 2005AA122310.  相似文献   

WDM网络中支持QoS的路由与波长分配算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对波分复用(wDM)网络中的路由与波长分配问题。提出了一种支持服务质量(QoS)的约束搜索算法。基于多目标规划模型,这种搜索算法可为网络各节点创建路由表,根据路由表信息求出非支配路径集合,从而一次性完成寻找路由和分配波长两项任务。仿真实例证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

On the routing and wavelength assignment in multifiber WDM networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in multifiber WDM networks with limited resources. Given a traffic matrix, the number of fibers per link, and the number of wavelengths a fiber can support, we seek to maximize the carried traffic of connections. We formulate the problem as an integer linear program (ILP), and show that the lightpaths selected by this formulation can indeed be established by properly configuring the optical switches. An upper bound on the carried traffic can be computed by solving the linear programming (LP)-relaxation of the ILP formulation. It is shown that this bound can be also computed exactly, and in polynomial-time, by solving a significantly simplified LP which considers only one wavelength. The bound can, thus, easily scale to an arbitrarily large number of wavelengths. Furthermore, we demonstrate that any instance of the RWA problem is also an instance of the more general maximum coverage problem. This allows us to take a greedy algorithm for maximum coverage and obtain an algorithm which provides solutions for the RWA problem that are guaranteed to be within a factor of (1-(1/e)) of the optimal solution. Each iteration of the greedy algorithm selects a set of lightpaths that realizes, using one wavelength, the maximum number of connection requests not previously realized. Computational results confirm the high efficiency of our proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of wavelength assignment in reconfigurable WDM networks with wavelength converters. We show that for N-node P-port bidirectional rings, a minimum number of /spl lceil/PN/4/spl rceil/ wavelengths are required to support all possible connected virtual topologies in a rearrangeably nonblocking fashion, and provide an algorithm that meets this bound using no more than /spl lceil/PN/2/spl rceil/ wavelength converters. This improves over the tight lower bound of /spl lceil/PN/3/spl rceil/ wavelengths required for such rings given in if no wavelength conversion is available. We extend this to the general P-port case where each node i may have a different number of ports P/sub i/, and show that no more than /spl lceil//spl sigma//sub i/P/sub i//4/spl rceil/+1 wavelengths are required. We then provide a second algorithm that uses more wavelengths yet requires significantly fewer converters. We also develop a method that allows the wavelength converters to be arbitrarily located at any node in the ring. This gives significant flexibility in the design of the networks. For example, all /spl lceil/PN/2/spl rceil/ converters can be collocated at a single hub node, or distributed evenly among the N nodes with min{/spl lceil/P/2/spl rceil/+1,P} converters at each node.  相似文献   

IP over WDM网中的策略路由算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
业务量工程允许管理者通过赋予业务主干不同的业务量工程属性来体现一定的管理策略,在为业务主干建立标记交换路径(LSP)时也应该考虑这些策略的影响,该文讨论了业务主干具有不同优先权属性时的 LSP建立问题,针对中断 LSP个数最少和中断业务量最小两种指标,分别提出不同的解决策略:最小连接数中断法(MCNIM)和最小连接带宽中断法(MCBIM),并在不同负载的动态业务下对所提算法进行了仿真研究,给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

该文首先探讨了抗毁WDM网中支持QoS的分层图模型,在此基础上提出一种抗毁WDM网中支持QoS的选路和波长分配算法。该算法根据上层业务不同的QoS要求,对其光路建立请求区别对待,以满足它们不同的阻塞率和恢复率要求。计算机仿真结果表明该算法既满足了上层业务不同的QoS要求,同时又充分利用了有限的网络资源,使全网的平均阻塞率降低。  相似文献   

The scheduling and wavelength assignment problem in optical WDM networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We consider a scheduling problem, which we call the scheduling and wavelength assignment (SWA) problem, arising in optical networks that are based on the wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) technology. We prove that the SWA problem is NP-complete for both the preemptive and the nonpreemptive cases. Furthermore, we propose two efficient approximation algorithms. The first is for the preemptive case and is based on a natural decomposition of the problem to the classical multiprocessor scheduling and open-shop problems. For the nonpreemptive case, we prove that a naive implementation of list scheduling produces a schedule that can be m times far from the optimum, where m is the number of processors (equivalently, WDM channels). Finally, we give a more refined version of list scheduling and we prove it to be a 2-approximation algorithm for both the off-line and the on-line contexts.  相似文献   

WDM网络中的一种波长分配算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了动态业务下,采用固定选路和备用选路的波分复用光传送网中的波长分配问题,提出了一种波长分配算法-相对最小影响算法。与己朋的利用全网信息分配波长的算法相比,该算法能更精确地描述波长分配对全网状态的影响,使网络资源的充分利用成为可能。计算机仿真表明,该波长分配算法性能较好。  相似文献   

We study the problem of multicast routing and wavelength assignment (MC-RWA) in multi-hop optical WDM networks with respect to several target functions. Specially, we first study the MC-RWA problem under the target of minimize maximum hops, an efficient MC-RWA algorithm was proposed for that case. But for the objective of minimizing the total number of wavelength conversions, problem turns out to be NP-hard, we proposed a new approximation MC-RWA algorithm based on group Steiner tree. At last, combining the two objectives, a bi-factor approximation algorithm was introduced to minimize the both targets in the system simultaneously.  相似文献   

The bandwidth of a wavelength channel in WDM optical networks is very high compared to the user’s requirements for various applications. Therefore, there is a scope for better utilization of channel bandwidth by traffic grooming, in which several user’s channels are multiplexed for transmission over a single channel. Several research works have been reported on traffic grooming routing and wavelength assignment (GRWA) for static and dynamic traffic pattern under centralized environment. Distributed dynamic grooming routing and wavelength assignment (DDGRWA) is a new and quite unexplored area in WDM optical mesh networks. This article introduces the concept of distributed traffic grooming in WDM mesh networks which also includes virtual topology construction, reconfiguration, routing and wavelength assignment in the distributed environment assuming incoming traffic to be dynamic in nature. We have also presented simulation results of our algorithm on dynamically generated traffic under various network topologies.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new approach for routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) for permanent and reliable wavelength paths (WP) in wide all-optical WDM networks with wavelength continuity constraint. Given a number of available wavelengths on each optical fiber, for each simple link failure of the network, we seek to maximize the number of satisfied requests for connections. This is known as RWAP problem. In our algorithm, called RWA with Minimum Loaded Link for Permanent and Reliable wavelength paths (MLL-PR), routing is based on the search for the optimal path while trying to minimize the maximum load on the links of the network in order to minimize the maximum link capacity and then minimize the number of dropped lightpaths after any link failure. The wavelength assignment is based on a graph coloring method using tabu-search. A series of experiments using two well-known networks (ARPANET and NSFNET) have been carried out in order to evaluate the performance of our approach, in terms of the number of blocked demands, for different failure scenarios. Generally, our results are better than those provided by the current solving approaches taken as reference.
Zouhair GuennounEmail:

This letter proposes a tabu search heuristic for solving the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem in optical WDM networks, considering the wavelength continuity constraint and a given set of connections to satisfy. For a number of available wavelengths on each link, this algorithm attempts to maximize the number of routed connections. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on NSFNET and EONNET networks and comparisons have been done with other algorithms in terms of the blocking rate. Generally, the results obtained with our tabu search heuristic are better than those provided by these algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper studies-the off-line wavelength assignment problem in star and ring networks that deploy multiple fibers between nodes and use wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) for transmission. The results in this paper show that the ability to switch between fibers increases wavelength utilization. In particular, sharper per-fiber bounds on the number of required wavelengths are derived for the multifiber version of the assignment problem in star and ring networks. Additionally, the complexity of the problem is studied and several constrained versions of the problem are also considered for star and ring networks. A summary of contributions is provided  相似文献   

We develop on-line routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms for WDM bidirectional ring and torus networks with N nodes. The algorithms dynamically support all k-allowable traffic matrices, where k denotes an arbitrary integer vector [k/sub 1/, k/sub 2/,... k/sub N/], and node i, 1 /spl les/ i /spl les/ N, can transmit at most k/sub i/ wavelengths and receive at most k/sub i/ wavelengths. Both algorithms support the changing traffic in a rearrangeably nonblocking fashion. Our first algorithm, for a bidirectional ring, uses [(/spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup N/ k/sub i/)/3] wavelengths in each fiber and requires at most three lightpath rearrangements per new session request regardless of the number of nodes N and the amount of traffic k. When all the k/sub i/'s are equal to k, the algorithm uses [kN/3] wavelengths, which is known to be the minimum for any off-line rearrangeably nonblocking algorithm. Our second algorithm, for a torus topology, is an extension of a known off-line algorithm for the special case with all the k/sub i/'s equal to k. For an R /spl times/ C torus network with R /spl ges/ C nodes, our on-line algorithm uses [kR/2] wavelengths in each fiber, which is the same as in the off-line algorithm, and is at most two times a lower bound obtained by assuming full wavelength conversion at all nodes. In addition, the on-line algorithm requires at most C - 1 lightpath rearrangements per new session request regardless of the amount of traffic k. Finally, each RWA update requires solving a bipartite matching problem whose time complexity is only O (R), which is much smaller than the time complexity O(kCR/sup 2/) of the bipartite matching problem for an off-line algorithm.  相似文献   

With the developments in multimedia and other real-time group applications, the question of how to establish multicast trees satisfying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements is becoming a very important problem. In this paper, multicast routing and wavelength assignment with delay constraint (MCRWA-DC) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks with sparse wavelength conversions is studied. We propose a colored multigraph model for the temporarily available wavelengths. Based on this colored multigraph model, two heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the MCRWA-DC problem. The proposed algorithms have the following advantages:(1) finish multicast routing and wavelength assignment in one step; (2) the total cost of the multicast tree is low; (3) the delay from the source node to any multicast destination node is bounded; and (4) locally minimize the number of wavelength conversions and the number of different wavelengths used to satisfy a multicast request. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms work well and achieve satisfactory blocking probability.  相似文献   

In this article we define and analyze the routing and wavelength assignment problem by applying a virtual topology for both the optical network and the light paths. We introduce our developed algorithm to solve offline RWA problem. First the light path requests are constrained to repeated uniform distributed traffic. The reason is that this constraint permits us to study and analyze the behavior of the RWA problem. In addition, this constraint could be used as a benchmark to compare different algorithms. Then we relax the requests constraint to be non-uniform traffic. We show that the maximum number of assigned wavelengths depends on the number of traversed links, not on the shortest path length. Theorems are derived with proof to justify our algorithm. The effect of adding supplementary links to the WDM optical network is also explained to show how this approach could be used in the future planning for online operation. Finally, the result shows significant different in the number of wavelengths used compared to a recent backbone implemented network.  相似文献   

IP/MPLS over WDM网中的动态选路和波长分配算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文研究了IP/MPLS over WDM网中,利用综合路由法为到达的业务流建立标签交换路径(LSP)时,如何选择是在WDM层为它新建一条光路,还是利用现有的逻辑IP链路来满足其要求,提出一种带宽碎片消除的策略,该策略在决定是否利用逻辑IP链路来建立LSP时,总是尽量减少造成带宽碎片,从而可以有效提高全网的资源利用率,仿真结果表明带宽碎片消除策略可以进一步改善综合路由算法的性能。  相似文献   

基于节点功能的WDM光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了一种具有节点功能区分的WDM多波长光网络模型,根据节点功能将其分为A、B两类,在此基础上提出了波长等价弧和等价网络等概念,并根据此类多波长光网络模型的节点和网络结构特点以及相应的选路和波长分配策略,提出了一种基于节点功能的多波长光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法——BONF算法,证明了算法的可行性,分析了算法的计算复杂度,比较了此算法与其它同类型算法的区别,指出了BONF算法的优点和不足。  相似文献   

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