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Editor’s Note     
With the increasing impact of software systems on everyone’s daily work and life,it is becoming increasingly important that software engineers produce software systems with high confidence.In the past decade,many efforts have been devoted in research on technologies to achieve higher confidence in soft-  相似文献   

Editor’s Note     
《World Wide Web》2021,24(5):1729-1729

We study the merging process when Kruskal’s algorithm is run with random graphs as inputs. Our aim is to analyze this process when the underlying graph is the complete graph on n vertices lying in [0,1] d , and edge set weighted with the Euclidean distance. The height of the binary tree explaining the merging process is proved to be Θ(n) on average. On the way to the proof, we obtain similar results for the complete graph and the d-dimensional square lattice with i.i.d. edge weights.  相似文献   

In 1834 Jacobi gave a method for approximating dominant roots of a polynomial. In 2002 Mignotte and Stefanescu showed that Jacobi’s method works only when the dominant roots are simple. In this note, we show that Jacobi’s method can still be useful even when the dominant roots are not simple, if we use it for approximating the “distinct” dominant roots.  相似文献   

从旧金山的金矿到伦敦的哈克逊广场(Hoxton Square),Levi’s品牌都是一流的。现在看看Graeme Aymer是如何解析这一品牌的发展过程的.[编者按]  相似文献   

Boersma’s (1997, 1998) Gradual Learning Algorithm (GLA) performs a sequence of slight re-rankings of the constraint set triggered by mistakes on the incoming stream of data. Data consist of underlying forms paired with the corresponding winner forms. At each iteration, the algorithm needs to complete the current data pair with a corresponding loser form. Tesar and Smolensky (Linguist Inq 29:229–268, 1998) suggest that this current loser should be set equal to the winner predicted by the current ranking. This paper develops a new argument for Tesar and Smolensky’s proposal, based on the GLA’s factorizability. The underlying typology often encodes non-interacting phonological processes, so that it factorizes into smaller typologies that encode a single process each. The GLA should be able to take advantage of this factorizability, in the sense that a run of the algorithm on the original typology should factorize into independent runs on the factor typologies. Factorizability of the GLA is guaranteed provided the current loser is set equal to the current prediction, providing new support for Tesar and Smolensky’s proposal.  相似文献   

Let’s 读图     
在各种媒体狂轰乱炸的今天,生活节奏越来越快。现代人已经进入了这样一个时代:过多的文字已经让人厌倦,需要强烈的视觉图像不断刺激我们的眼球,激发我们的求知欲望并触动我们麻木的神经。——这就是读图时代。本期就为大家推荐几款读图应用。这是一场视觉的盛宴!  相似文献   

Ideas similar to Leonardo’s for lattice structures can found many later practical applications (Buckminster Fuller’s domes, the Zome geometry of Steve Baer from the Whole Earth days, the Tensegrity structures based on the sculpture of Kenneth Snelson, as well as the Catalan vaulting traditions of Gaudi and the Guastavinos.  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
正Along with the flourishing development of information science,the Internet has realized the interconnections among the ubiquitous entities in the cyber space.It brings the unceasing expansion of the interactive data,information,knowledge,and services.The frontier information science is expected to imitate the heuristic intelligence,including human cognition(e.g.attention,emotion,and wisdom)and natural attributes(e.g.,dynamics,and self-adaptability),to promote the evolution of the information techniques.Accordingly,Cybermatics(i.e.,cyberscienceand technology)emerges as an interdisciplinary involving three main aspects:the Internet of Things(IoT),cyber,physical and social computing,and green computing and communications.  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
正Because modern communication networks are expected to deliver increasingly high data rates at a decreasing cost per bit,the spectral efficiency of communication systems must be further improved to facilitate emerging ubiquitous services.Furthermore,because future communication networks will comprise a large  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
The rapid progress in information technology has provided huge opportunities to fully utilize all kinds of information resource.Materials,energy,and information are the three indispensable  相似文献   

An algorithm for directly obtaining the canonical state-space model corresponding to the Cauer third form of continued fraction expansion (CFE) from a given general state-space model is presented. The algorithm can be used to determine the transfer function of linear time-invariant system from its state-space model as well as to obtain the reduced order models..Two new similarity matrices, one transforms a state-space equation from a general form to a Cauer third CFE canonical form, and the other transforms a state-space model in phase-variable form to a state-space model in a Cauer third CFE canonical form, are derived. Using these matrices an approximate relationship between the original state vector and the state-vector of reduced model obtained by the method of Cauer third CFE is established  相似文献   

电子商务中的很大一部分内容是为客户提供一个在线的世界。但是电子商务并不意味着你必须从头开始重新做起。许多年来,新闻稿一直是一种非常好的向客户和员工传播信息的方法。对于这种交流方式,Web站点总是提供一个What′s New链接或其他类似的东西。但是新闻稿则更进一步,它搜集新闻和信息,并用一种精美的布局和容易认别的方式来展现企业的文化特征。  相似文献   

SincethejobasamemberoftheEditorialbordtakestimeandeffOrt,fOllowingageneralrule,membersoftheEditorlalbordofthisjournalserveontheboardfortwo-yeartermsofatmosttwoterms.ItismypleasuretointroduceProfessorsWeiZhao,JieWu,Sy-YenKuo,whojoinourEditorialfoardeffectivelyfromMay2000.Theirbiographicalsketcheslisttheirareasofexpertiseandinterests.Theywillhavebigshocstofill,butthesenewmemberswillbemorethanuptothetask.Ifeelfortunatetohavetheprivilegeofworkingwiththem.MINYinghua,ExecutiveEditor-in-Chie…  相似文献   

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