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当前,我国城镇化进程正处于快速转型阶段,能否科学理性地对待城镇化问题中动态性、多样性和复杂性将直接决定着我国未来的城乡发展格局。2006年,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》首次将城镇化作为重点研究领域,从而标志着我国的城镇化研究正式进入国家战略层面。"十一五"国家科技支撑计划"城镇化与村镇建设动态监测关键技术"项目,通过21家国内科研单位长达5年时间的共同努力已通过验收进入应用推广阶段。该项目在基础数据采集、信息系统优化、城乡综合预警、政策调控支撑方面做出了关键性突破,填补了城镇化科技支撑方面的国家空白。  相似文献   

This study explores the link between the consumption of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and development in Africa. It operationalizes development in terms of the human development index (HDI) and includes as utility services, the mobile phone, fixed phone, broadband internet and wireless internet. The data on utility services came from the online database of the International Telecommunication Union; while those on the HDI originated in the UN Development Programme. The results from logarithmically transformed bivariate (r2 between 0.50 and 0.60) and multiple regression analyses (R2 = 0.72) confirmed the hypothesized positive link between ICT and development.  相似文献   

Despite Portugal's neutrality in the Second World War (1939–1945), the subsequent new world order meant that the Portuguese Government felt obliged to revise its overseas policies. A new regional awareness could be seen in the Six-Year National Development Plans launched by Estado Novo from 1953 until the revolution of 1974. The territory and its strategic potential were emphasized in the context of national policies of overseas urbanization. Interventions in Cape Verde are visible particularly in the First Development Plan, which was based on equipping the province's public facilities. The methodology of intervention involved setting up missions aimed at planning a set of specific public works which were essential to the development of existing settlements. A sharp increase in the development of the territory through the work of specialized brigades took place in the Third Development Plan, when a set of public works on road, hydraulic and electricity networks was undertaken. The planning of infrastructures that was undertaken in these years was essential to the development of the archipelago and the resulting regional and urban land-use planning of the various islands.  相似文献   

城镇化是现代化的必由之路,有着发展的客观规律,不能简单地把城镇化作为拉动经济、促进内需的政策工具。就城镇化研究的有关观点及中央的政策精神,针对我国城镇化发展中出现的“结构性失衡”现象,从结构角度和微观角度探讨和解释其成因机制;提出“新型城镇化”的本质诉求是经济、社会、资源环境的协调发展;从“结构性失衡”到“均衡”将是我国城镇化发展的必由之路,城镇化的目标确定和制度设计要顺应这个大趋势。  相似文献   

A revised presentation of the SfB system has just been published by CIB's SfB Development Group as CIB Report No. 22. In this article Ingvar Karlén, director of the SfB Bureau and co-ordinator of CIB Working Commission W58 – SfB Development Group, discusses the development of the system as an international ‘common language’ for the co-ordination, storage and retrieval of information relating to building operations, nationally and internationally. The new CIB report includes revised Basic Tables which form the ‘core’ of the system, and these tables are supplied as an enclosure with the present issue of ‘Building Research and Practice’.  相似文献   

In China, the Beautiful Countryside Development is a prototype of New Countryside Construction whose development mechanism is closely related to the urbanization level of the region. Regarding the consumption space production of the metropolis amid the accelerating process of urbanization since the 1990 s, the declination of traditional villages is just inevitable. Thus, under the circumstances of new urbanization, the development of traditional villages is more and more related to the expansion of urban consumption space and the modernization of agriculture, as proved by the formation of a concentric-radial pattern of rings of consumption spaces in the rural area surrounding Hangzhou. Taking three villages around Hangzhou as a typical example of the Beautiful Countryside Development, this paper puts forward a Beauty Index System to evaluate their development characteristics and analyzes their development mechanisms respectively. It proves that the three villages are all characterized by the integrity of both production space and consumption space, yet with different attributes in terms of human settlement, society and culture, and industrial structure. It concludes that this is the result of various driving forces which also result in the formation of a concentric-radial pattern of rings in rural areas amid urbanization.  相似文献   

发展小城镇是中国特色城镇化战略的重要内容。快速城镇化地区是区域范围内的人口和产业聚集高地,由于城镇发展速度快,普遍存在着城镇发展与区域发展不协调、土地紧张与浪费并存、城市建设对资源环境破坏大等诸多问题,不利于地区城镇化的持续推进。本文以福清市龙田镇为例,从总体规划的角度,探讨快速城镇化地区发展问题的解决策略。  相似文献   

在1950至1970年代的城市化快速发展时期,法国在城市边缘和郊区进行了以大型住区为主要形式的大规模社会住房建设,虽然有效缓解了战争破坏和人口增长带来的住房短缺,却因廉租性社会住房在城市特定地区的大量集聚,以及大型住区本身存在的选址远离中心、建筑形式单调、空间尺度夸张、建设质量低下、设施配套缺失等不足,在1960年代末和1970年代初引发了居住空间的社会分化现象,并在1980年代随城市社会经济结构转型而不断加剧,迫使法国城市不得不从社会、经济、环境、设施和住宅建设等多方面入手,通过实施一系列城市政策和项目计划,对其进行综合整治和更新改造,以抵制社会排斥,鼓励社会混合,促进城市整体和谐发展。文章通过梳理法国社会住房的发展历程,特别是城市快速发展时期社会住房的建设发展,总结其中的经验教训,旨在为当前处于快速发展时期的中国城市的社会住房建设提供有益的启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

以2000年以来江苏人口城市化历程为研究基础,针对其非均衡、不充分、难稳定和质量有待提升的特点,系统分析了江苏人口城市化发展的特征与问题,借鉴国际经验比较,对未来发展趋势进行判断及预测,以期对沿海经济发达地区的城市化发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

开发区是发展经济的一种特定的组织形式。开发区创设的结果之一是 ,极大地推进了所在区域及城市的城市化进程。本文通过对位于长江三角洲地区内的各开发区城市化发展过程的分析 ,提出以开发区为先导带动区域整体发展是当代中国极富特色的城市化模式之一。  相似文献   

Alberto Arecchi 《Cities》1985,2(3):198-211
Dakar, bridgehead of the colonial penetration into West Africa and capital of the French Empire, is still today an example of ‘dominated’ town planning. According to the French Captain Mauléon it was founded to become ‘the big commercial town and the seat for the general government of all our settlements in the African West Coast… the centre of military and naval operations, in a word the capital of all our African settlements' (Report 1.1 1856 in Foundation de Dakar, Laroze, Paris, 1958, p 92). The supply of important infrastructures, such as the St Louis and Bamako railways, the deep-water port and the airport with its strategic position on the South American routes, are the base of its development. The military basis made it an outpost for the French military penetration. The rapidity of its growth is a characteristic common to all African towns whose economies can be defined as ‘dominated’ and extrovert. The growth rates of such towns range from 6% per year, ie a doubling of the population every 12 years, to 10%, and sometimes to 15% (doubling every five years). Both colonial domination and international trade have encouraged rural exodus and urbanization.  相似文献   

This article is based on research undertaken in three ‘popular settlements’ in Allahabad, India by staff from the International Institute for Development Research. (The term ‘popular settlement’ covers all forms of the housing submarket through which low income groups find accommodation.) It is part of a wider research programme undertaken in four different Third World cities to establish how and why low income, illegal and quasi-legal settlements develop, the extent to which they provide shelter for the city's population and the problems faced by their inhabitants. This article concentrates on three illegal and essentially self-built settlements in Allahabad, looking at the growth and development of Allahabad and the settlements within it; the findings of case studies in the three settlements; and the findings of a survey on the health problems faced by the inhabitants.  相似文献   

The mystery of the lack of a positive relationship between growth and urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa has been raised in a number of studies. A recent paper by Barrios et al. (Journal of Urban Economics 60:357–371, 2006) provides a compelling explanation for why this occurs. Exploiting a new data source, they show how climate change, specifically the reduction in rainfall, has driven people from the increasingly impoverished countryside to the city. They also show that while this is an important factor explaining urbanization in sub-Saharan African countries it does not affect urbanization elsewhere. Their explanation for this important difference is differences in the patterns of rainfall, as well as the composition of soil in most sub-Saharan countries. In a word, geographical factors have dominated the unusual pattern observed in the world’s most rapidly urbanizing continent. In this paper, we extend the work done by Barrios et al. to include more observations and more detailed geographic variables. We first replicate their results and extend the number of observations to more recent periods. Then we consider the effects of a range of specific country geographical characteristics, relying on data developed by other researchers. After discussing our results, we focus on the implications of our findings for policy formulation, particularly for sub-Saharan African countries. The results indicate that geographical circumstances place significantly more important constraints on maximization processes. In other words, urbanization in these countries takes place in a profoundly “second-best” world. We consider what this kind of context implies for the sequencing and implementation of economic reforms which would allow for an urbanization process that would be more conducive to economic growth.  相似文献   

丁奇  杨琦  祖广伟 《城市建筑》2014,(30):48-48
我国城市群的发展都还停留在基础建设阶段,在能够推动实质性的经济发展方面还存在严重不足,多数城市群其实只是在空间分布上相对集中的“一群城市”,而不是具有核心竞争力的“城市群”。在新型城镇化过程中,提升小城镇之间的勾连效率、提升城市群的核心竞争力是推动我国城镇化发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

Processes of urban expansion at the turn of the twentieth century have generally been described in terms of ‘regional planning’. However, in the Belgian context, and in Antwerp more specifically, the concept of the ‘agglomeration’ was put to the fore rather than the ‘region’, and ‘urbanization’ was a more common practice than ‘planning’. This paper shows how a ‘programme of urbanization’ centred on pertinent ‘urban questions’ shaped the contours of the Antwerp Agglomeration. In adopting this perspective of ‘programmatic urbanization’, the paper seeks to place the development of Antwerp extra muros within a different lineage, outside of the quest for comprehensive planning. Recomposing an eclectic catalogue of five pertinent ‘urban questions’, this paper investigates how and to which extent the Study Committee for the development of the Antwerp Agglomeration and its prominent engineer August Mennes, tried to master the urbanization process as it unfolded. Urbanization, then, is framed as a collective practice that generates positive agglomeration effects and surplus values that could not have been produced by individual actors. As such, the paper expands the understanding of urbanization from a random process of capital accumulation to a project that includes the building of social and cultural capital.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the Crete Development Plan, prepared in the mid-1960s by a team of Israeli and Greek planners and funded by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in the context of post-Second World War development. It discusses the export of professional knowledge in the micro-/macro-political contexts of national and international processes. Analysis of controversies within the Israeli team draws attention to incongruities and dissonances between regional concepts and their applications. It emphasizes how professionals interested in democratic and participatory processes used data sources to guide implementation, but also had to rely on mediated information, were removed from actual decision-making and thus were not directly responsible for the implementation of such decisions. The paper highlights the political role of expertise in post-Second World War development, and the ambivalent position of international experts serving both their countries’ and their own professional goals.  相似文献   

魏衡 《山西建筑》2012,38(29):25-26
对当前我国城市化水平快速发展进行了分析,从土地资源利用的角度出发,对传统粗放式城市化发展模式进行了研究,从土地集约利用的目标要求提出了我国城市化转型的方向和措施,以期推动城市化发展。  相似文献   

在梳理近200年来世界城镇化发展历程的基础上,总结城镇化发展的得与失,以此作为中国城镇化发展的经验与启示。基于我国多民族的、大国的基本国情和政府主导公共事务的管理架构等特征,提出了符合中国特色的新型城镇化内涵,包括以人文本、“四化”互动、生态文明、布局合理、弘扬文化5个方面。最后,基于未来全国层面的城镇化发展格局,提出了沿海城镇发展带布局格局下上海及浦东的发展定位和推进新型城镇化的战略举措。  相似文献   

城镇化新形势下的城乡(人口)划分标准讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市和乡村的划分以及城乡人口的统计是我国城镇化快速发展阶段的基础性工作。科学的城乡(人口)划分标准对于我国城镇化相关研究和政策制定具有重大意义,对于城市人口和用地发展规模预测、空间布局安排以及经济社会发展有非常重要的实践价值。一直以来统计部门都是以"城乡行政地域"和(或)"城乡实体地域"为基础来划分城乡(人口),并在此基础上对城乡划分标准进行不断的调整和改进。实际上城镇化本身的内涵非常广泛,除了空间上的城镇化转变,还包括人口的生活方式和生活环境的转变,这在城乡(人口)划分上应该给予重视,以顺应转型时期城镇化发展的诉求。考虑到我国城镇化发展的双重性特点,以及居委会和村委会在人口构成、职能、土地权属、行政关系和人口职业等方面的城乡差异特征,建议固化城乡(人口)划分标准,以"居委会和村委会所辖地域(常住人口)"作为划分依据,这样今后不需要频繁改动城乡划分口径,需要做的只是改进居委会的设置程序和标准,完善"村改居"相关的农村集体经济资产处置、农村优惠政策延续和村(居)民社会福利以及土地权属转变等相关政策和制度体系。新的简易城乡(人口)划分标准也有利于真实反映转型时期我国城镇化数量的提升和质量的改善。  相似文献   

C Pugh 《Cities》1995,12(6):381-398
Cedric Pugh argues that past efforts to tackle rapid urbanization and its related problems and constraints have been inadequate, and that the rate and scale of likely urbanization over the next couple of decades pose challenges which require very different and innovative approaches. The bulk of his paper describes the evolution of policy over the past 30 years within the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the UN Development Program, and the UN Center for Human Settlements, the leading international lending and development agencies concerned with Third World economic and urban policy issues. Pugh argues that these institutions have learned much from their own experience and that far more flexible and realistic policy changes have been adopted since the late 1980s. They move away from orthodox neoliberalism and give greater attention to social programs, and emphasize public-private partnerships and the creation of an enabling environment rather than direct state involvement. Pugh criticizes a considerable number of academic writers for being unduly ideologically driven in advocating statism along socialist lines or a quasi-Western welfare state. He declares himself an advocate of the New Political Economy, discusses this school of thought, and considers experiences in the Asian NICs, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania.  相似文献   

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