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Joris J. C. Remmers Garth N. Wells Ren de Borst 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2003,58(13):2013-2040
In this contribution a new finite element is presented for the simulation of delamination growth in thin‐layered composite structures. The element is based on a solid‐like shell element: a volume element that can be used for very thin applications due to a higher‐order displacement field in the thickness direction. The delamination crack can occur at arbitrary locations and is incorporated in the element as a jump in the displacement field by using the partition of unity property of finite element shape functions. The kinematics of the element as well as the finite element formulation are described. The performance of the element is demonstrated by means of two examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A numerical model for layered composite structures based on a geometrical nonlinear shell theory is presented. The kinematic is based on a multi-director theory, thus the in-plane displacements of each layer are described by independent director vectors. Using the isoparametric apporach a finite element formulation for quadrilaterals is developed. Continuity of the interlaminar shear stresses is obtained within the nonlinear solution process. Several examples are presented to illustrate the performance of the developed numerical model.List of symbols
reference surface
convected coordinates of the shell middle surface
coordinate in thickness direction
thickness of layer i
- Xo
position vector of the reference surface
position vector of midsurface of layer i
- t
orthonormal basis system in the reference configuration
orthonormal basis system of layer i
- iW
axial vector
- Ro
orthonormal tensor in the reference configuration
orthonormal tensor of layer i
Cauchy stress tensor
First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
vector of interlaminar stresses
vector of stress resultants and stress couple resultants
components of the normal vector of boundary
stress resultants and stress couple resultants of First Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
stress resultants and stress couple resultants of Second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
strains of layer i
- K
transformation matrix
- uo
displacement vector of layer 1
local rotational degrees of freedom of layer i 相似文献
A. SILVA M. J. MOREIRA DE FREITAS 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2003,26(6):543-549
ABSTRACT Delamination is one of the most frequent failure modes in laminated composites. Its importance is crucial, because a delamination can occur in the interior of a panel without any noticeable damage on the surface, drastically reducing its strength and stiffness. A study has to be made on critical dimensions of delaminations and their shape, through the calculation of the strain energy release rate (SERR), G. This study was performed numerically, for a given geometry, with varying loads and shapes of delamination, in pure and mixed‐mode propagation. All numerical values were obtained with three‐dimensional finite element (FE) analyses from a commercial package. The use of three‐dimensional analyses in simple geometries helps establish the basis for the more complex ones, and the correspondence with the usual analytical or numerical bi‐dimensional plane‐strain analysis. The conclusions were (a) G is not constant along the crack tip, even for mode I propagation and straight crack tip; (b) the mean value of G obtained from a three‐dimensional analysis equals the value obtained in bi‐dimensional plane‐strain analysis; (c) in mixed‐mode propagation, the method exhibits a good correlation with experimental results and (d) the shape and mode partitioning of the SERR depend not only on the loading, but also on the shape of the crack front. 相似文献
Finite element modeling of textile composites 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
E. A. Wilson B. Parsons 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1970,2(3):387-395
A technique of differential displacements is presented whereby problems involving elastic contact are solved by the finite element method. The technique is applied to axisymmetric situations in which statically indeterminate conditions occur and is shown to provide a means for resolving these conditions in terms of contact stresses. Three typical engineering problems are analysed to demonstrate the technique in cases where body forces, thermal gradients and external applied forces are acting. 相似文献
Finite element simulation of delamination growth in composite materials using LS-DYNA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper, a modified adaptive cohesive element is presented. The new elements are developed and implemented in LS-DYNA, as a user defined material subroutine (UMAT), to stabilize the finite element simulations of delamination propagation in composite laminates under transverse loads. In this model, a pre-softening zone is proposed ahead of the existing softening zone. In this pre-softening zone, the initial stiffness and the interface strength are gradually decreased. The onset displacement corresponding to the onset damage is not changed in the proposed model. In addition, the critical energy release rate of the materials is kept constant. Moreover, the constitutive equation of the new cohesive model is developed to be dependent on the opening velocity of the displacement jump. The traction based model includes a cohesive zone viscosity parameter (η) to vary the degree of rate dependence and to adjust the maximum traction. The numerical simulation results of DCB in Mode-I is presented to illustrate the validity of the new model. It is shown that the proposed model brings stable simulations, overcoming the numerical instability and can be widely used in quasi-static, dynamic and impact problems. 相似文献
P. J. Sunder C. V. Ramakrishnan S. Sengupta 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1983,19(8):1183-1192
The results of the finite element analysis of 3-ply laminated conical shells with light core for linear panel flutter are presented and certain advantages of such shells discussed. 相似文献
A finite element method is used to study the interface delamination and buckling of thin film systems subject to microwedge indentation. In the formulation, the interface adjoining the thin film and substrate is assumed to be the only site where cracking may occur. Both the thin film and the substrate are taken to be ductile materials with finite deformation. A traction-separation law, with two major parameters: interface strength and interface energy, is introduced to simulate the adhesive and failure behaviors of the interface between the film and the substrate. The effects of the interface adhesive properties and the thickness of the thin film on the onset and growth of interface delamination and the film buckling are investigated. 相似文献
A purely numerical method for the treatment of instability problems of parametric resonance is presented. The proposed way of solution, which is applicable to all types of structures, is based on the finite element discretization of an incremental variational principle. After the derivation of the theoretical background linear and quadratic eigenvalue problems for the critical excitation-frequencies of undamped and damped systems are presented and numerical procedures for the computation of the instability charts are established. Finally the efficiency of the developed algorithms is demonstrated by means of several shell responses. 相似文献
This paper presents a 4-node facet type quadrangular shell finite element, based on a layerwise theory, developed for dynamic
modelling of laminated structures with viscoelastic damping layers. The bending stiffness of the facet shell element is based
on the Reissner–Mindlin assumptions and the plate theory is enriched with a shear locking protection adopting the MITC approach.
The membrane component is corrected by using incompatible quadratic modes and the drilling degrees of freedom are introduced
through a fictitious stiffness stabilization matrix. Linear static tests, using several pathological tests, showed good and
convergent results. Dynamic analysis evaluation is provided by using two eigenproblems with exact analytical solution, as
well as a conical sandwich shell with a closed-form analytical solution and a semi-analytical ring finite element solution.
The applicability of the proposed finite element to viscoelastic core sandwich plates is assessed through experimental validation. 相似文献
Finite element modeling of the filament winding process 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A finite element model of the wet filament winding process was developed. In particular, a general purpose software for finite element analysis was used to calculate the fiber volume fraction under different process conditions. Several unique user defined subroutines were developed to modify the commercial code for this specific application, and the numerical result was compared with experimental data for validation. In order to predict the radial distribution of the fiber volume fraction within a wet wound cylinder, three unique user defined subroutines were incorporated into the commercial finite element code: a fiber consolidation/compaction model, a thermochemical model of the resin and a resin mixing model. The fiber consolidation model describes the influence of the external radial compaction pressure of a new layer as it is wound onto the surface of existing layers. The thermochemical model includes both the cure kinetics and viscosity of the resin. This model analyzes the composite properties and tracks the viscosity of the resin, which is a function of the degree of cure of the resin. The resin mixing model describes the mixing of “old” and “new” resin as plies are compacted. Validations were made by comparing image analysis data of fiber volume fraction in each ply for filament wound cylinders with the FEM results. The good agreement of these comparisons demonstrated that the FEM approach has can predict fiber volume fraction over a range of winding conditions. This approach, then, is an invaluable tool for predicting the effects of winding parameters on cylinder structural quality. 相似文献
An elastic-plastic thin shell finite element suitable for problems of finite deformation in sheet metal forming is formulated. Hill's yield criterion for sheet materials of normal anisotropy is applied. A nonlinear shell theory in a form of an incremental variational principle and a quasi-conforming element technique are employed in the Lagrangian formulation. The shell element fulfills the inter-element C
1 continuity condition in a variational sense and has a sufficient rank to allow finite stretching, rotation and bending of the shell element. The accuracy and efficiency of the finite element formulation are illustrated by numerical examples. 相似文献
Finite element interface models for the delamination analysis of laminated composites: mechanical and computational issues 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
G. Alfano M. A. Crisfield 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2001,50(7):1701-1736
The finite element analysis of delamination in laminated composites is addressed using interface elements and an interface damage law. The principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics are indirectly used by equating, in the case of single‐mode delamination, the area underneath the traction/relative displacement curve to the critical energy release rate of the mode under examination. For mixed‐mode delamination an interaction model is used which can fulfil various fracture criteria proposed in the literature. It is then shown that the model can be recast in the framework of a more general damage mechanics theory. Numerical results are presented for the analyses of a double cantilever beam specimen and for a problem involving multiple delamination for which comparisons are made with experimental results. Issues related with the numerical solution of the non‐linear problem of the delamination are discussed, such as the influence of the interface strength on the convergence properties and the final results, the optimal choice of the iterative matrix in the predictor and the number of integration points in the interface elements. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Finite element procedures for the nonlinear dynamic stability analysis of arbitrary shell structures
The objective is the development of numerical algorithms for the dynamic stability analysis of strongly nonlinear shell structures subjected, in particular, to parametric excitations. The finite-element discretization is achieved by displacement models of high accuracy. The basis for the stability analysis is Ljapunow's first approximation equation obtained from a finite-rotation shell theory by a variational method. The operator formulation used for this purpose shows the mathematical requirements imposed on consistent formulations. In close connection with Floquet's theory, a semi-analytical criterion is finally given for the stability analysis of parametric instability phenomena. The numerical results presented demonstrate the efficiency of the numerical algorithms. 相似文献
Won I. Hong Yong H. Kim Sung W. Lee 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2001,52(4):455-469
Bubble function displacements are used in conjunction with the assumed strain formulation to construct efficient triangular solid shell elements tailored for shell analysis. Two versions of 36‐DOF triangular elements are presented with different bubble function displacements and the corresponding assumed strain fields. In the first version the bubble function displacement is independent of the thickness while in the second version the bubble function varies linearly in the thickness direction. The assumed strain fields are carefully selected to alleviate locking effect. The first version models curved shells with flat triangular elements. The second version is effective in alleviating the membrane locking and thus allows more accurate modelling of curved shells. Various numerical examples demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the present assumed strain formulation elements with the bubble function displacements. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
K. Loganathan S. C. Chang R. H. Gallagher J. G. Abel 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1979,14(9):1413-1420
In the light of recent contributions by Batoz1 and Hibbitt,2 two aspects of finite element formulations for shell stability analysis are examined. The first is the consistency of the shell strain-displacement equations employed; the second is the proper representation of ‘follower forces’—pressures that are always normal to the deforming surface. Numerical studies of an arch indicate that improper representation of either of these factors can have a significant effect on predicted buckling loads. Numerical studies of an arch indicate that improper representation of either of these factors can have a significant effect on predicted bukling loads. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a finite element investigation of delamination growth in a conventional Mode I double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen and in an edge-delaminated version of this specimen. The investigation was performed using a recently developed FE model for delamination growth prediction to which an approximate contact area detection method has been added. The results of the FE analyses are used to evaluate the existing data reduction techniques for calculation of interlaminar fracture toughness. It is shown that the conventional DCB data reduction schemes can be applied to the edge delaminated specimen but the results are dependent upon the difference between the measured apparent delamination length and the actual length being constant. An alternative data reduction method is presented in which the critical energy release rate is determined by comparison of the experimental data with finite element results and does not require measurement of the delamination length. 相似文献