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文件是指存储在磁盘上的数据集合,每个文件必须有唯一的文件名,应用程序通过文件名对文件进行访问。VB的文件系统控件具有强大的对文件系统操作的能力,用户可以很方便地访问文件系统。VB包含三种文件系统控件:驱动器列表框、目录列表框、文件列表框,利用这些控件,可以组成文件操作对话框,对计算机上的文件信息进行浏览和处理。  相似文献   

This program, written in Turbo-C, version 2.0, permits the user to enter data from several earth-resource satellite systems, determine corresponding radiances (using published calibration data) and plot chromaticity coordinates on the usual chromaticity diagram. If the user enters the digital numbers (DNs) in three spectral bands for a dark object selected by the user, the program will use these values to perform the dark object subtraction technique for adjusting for the effects of atmospheric scattering, and plot chromaticity coordinates for both original and corrected values. The program allows the user to enter values from the screen, or from a file that records several sets of DNs. Calibration data also can be entered by the user, to allow for use with revised calibration data, or with systems other than those discussed here.The program also allows the user to apply a modified dark object subtraction technique as proposed by P. S. Chavez in 1988. The user selects a scattering model, based upon an assessment of prevailing atmospheric conditions, and selection of one of the visible bands to be used as a base for calculation of corrections to be applied to other bands. The chromaticity technique permits the user to examine the spectra of features before and after application of the correction, to assess if the adjustment is satisfactory.  相似文献   

A BASIC program has been devised for the hydropathic analysis of protein sequences according to the method of Kyte and Doolittle (1982). The program uses sequence data from input files that are created with a word processor and produces two types of output file: one contains a bar graph of the hydropathic profile in a format that can be easily edited; the other is a tabulation of hydropathic indices along a protein's sequence that can be used as input by the program for the production of a bar graph or as input into other graphics and analysis software. An MS-DOS microcomputer, operating under IBM BASICA or GWBASIC and a dot matrix printer with block graphics capabilities are the only hardware requirements for graphic display of hydropathy profiles. The program is capable of unattended analysis from a list of up to 15 input files.  相似文献   

A computer program for cycle-by-cycle analysis and quantification of biological rhythms, written for an Apple II microcomputer with 48k RAM is described. The program comprises 4 steps: (1) file constitution suitable for biological data collecting; (2) signal digitalization at a sampling rate up to 1 kHz with storage in central memory; (3) determination of each cycle's limits (delimitation parameters being defined by the user; following delimitation, cycles may be dropped or saved for further analyses); (4) cycle-by-cycle harmonic analysis (fast Fourier Transform algorithm). The program is written in BASIC Applesoft, hardware-dependent functions (analog inputs, graphic display and random access disk storage) are implemented in subroutines (partly assembler) which may be easily modified. The program, consisting of 4 chained procedures is run interactively, although procedure (4) may be run automatically. Analysis of human ventilatory airflow signal with this program is given as an example of cycle-by-cycle shape analysis of a biological rhythm.  相似文献   

A microcomputer program for analysis of radioimmunoassays has been developed for use on microcomputers which operate under MS-DOS system software. The program messages are contained in an ASCII text file in French, English, and Spanish and can be modified by the user. The parameters and data can be entered manually into screen tables, or read from external files. An unweighted log/logit transformation is used for regression analysis of the standard curve. Provision is made for correction of the sample measurements for procedural losses (recovery). All results are written to an ASCII text file which can printed and/or reduced in order to pass the sample concentrations to other programs.  相似文献   

《Computers & Geosciences》2006,32(8):1156-1168
WinClastour is a Microsoft® Visual Basic 6.0 program that enables the user to enter and calculate structural formulae of tourmaline analyses obtained both by the electron-microprobe or wet-chemical analyses. It is developed to predict cation site-allocations at the different structural positions, as well as to estimate mole percent of the end-members of the calcic-, alkali-, and X-site vacant group tourmalines. Using the different normalization schemes, such as 24.5 oxygens, 31 anions, 15 cations (T+Z+Y), and 6 silicons, the present program classifies tourmaline data based on the classification scheme proposed by Hawthorne and Henry [1999. Classification of the minerals of the tourmaline group. European Journal of Mineralogy 11, 201–215]. The present program also enables the user Al–Mg disorder between Y and Z sites. WinClastour stores all the calculated results in a comma-delimited ASCII file format. Hence, output of the program can be displayed and processed by any other software for general data manipulation and graphing purposes. The compiled program code together with a test data file and related graphic files, which are designed to produce a high-quality printout from the Grapher program of Golden Software, is approximately 3 Mb as a self-extracting setup file.  相似文献   

介绍了基于物联网的智能家居监管系统,通过Zig Bee无线网络实现对室内环境进行信息采集和控制。利用基于libev的服务程序采集来自各传感器模块,如温度传感器、湿度传感器等的数据,在液晶显示器上通过Qt图形用户界面显示数据采集情况。同时生成XML文件,传递到基于Go Ahead的嵌入式Web服务器,使用户可通过网络实时了解室内的环境情况。  相似文献   

应用程序中存在的大量问题是用户在使用程序中的理解问题。应用程序过程跟踪器是这个问题的一个解决方案。这是一个帮助用户找出问题所在的强有力的工具,并使远程在线技术支持成为可能。使用应用程序过程跟踪器的主要目的是极大地减少用户和专业技术人员在寻找问题上所花费的时间和费用。任何事件通过一组由用户设定的配置文件来触发过程跟踪器,并在日志文件里写入一条记录。就是这个由事件查看器来找出问题所在是本文的要点。  相似文献   

应用程序中存在的大量问题是用户在使用程序中的理解问题。应用程序过程跟踪器是这个问题的一个解决方案。这是一个帮助用户找出问题所在的强有力的工具,并使远程在线技术支持成为可能。使用应用程序过程跟踪器的主要目的是极大减少用户和专业技术人员在寻找问题上所花费的时间和费用。任何事件通过一组由用户设定的配置文件来触发过程跟踪器,并在日志文件里写入一条记录。就是这个由事件查看器来找出问题所在是本文的要点。  相似文献   

考虑到如何在应用程序中有效地指定数据文件的路径 ,不管应用程序安装在何目录或数据文件存放在何盘 ,使程序都能找到数据文件的路径的问题 ,讨论了VB程序设计中指定数据文件路径的方法 ,以便实现程序安装目录与程序数据文件存放路径无关。  相似文献   

A FORTRAN program, called AUTOSCAN, is described. This program permits the collection of photomicrographic data from serial sections to be semiautomated. In essence the user defines a box around a microscopic field of interest. Then the program drives the stage incrementally in the x and y directions, taking photographs of contiguous subfields. The box is defined by the use of a joystick and the "return" key. That is, movements of a joystick cause the stage to translate in the x and y directions. When a corner of the object is reached, as defined by cross-hairs in the microscope eyepiece, the user hits the return key. Repetition of this process at each corner defines a "box" within which photographs are to be taken. AUTOSCAN then calculates the step size and the number of frames to be taken from the user-defined values for the magnification. The actual movements of the stage in the x and y directions and the photography are fully automated. Each frame of film has the x and y coordinates of the center of the subfield being photographed imprinted in one corner, along with other relevant data. The x and y coordinates permit the resultant information to be assembled correctly into a two-dimensional montage.  相似文献   

三维图形数据的压缩与网上浏览   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管互联网上存在着大量的压缩图像,但互联网上的三维图形数据却很少,其中一个重要原因就是三维图形数据的数据量比较大,所以要进行高效的压缩,以节约存储空间和网络带宽。文章结合Edgebreaker连接关系编码算法、平行四边形顶点坐标预测以及算术编码,来实现三角形网格的压缩,得到了50倍左右的压缩比;然后设计了一种存储压缩三维图形数据的eb文件格式,实现了一个支持网上浏览压缩三维图形数据的IE浏览器插件,可用于三维网页、数字博物馆等应用中。  相似文献   

Many design problems can be formulated in terms of a number of nonlinear equations and inequalities. A solution of such equations is called a design. In the present paper a method is given for the random generation of a large number of designs, which can be ordered according to some criterion. Using highspeed computer calculation, a large number of random designs is generated from which the designer can make a choice. A trend in selecting certain designs can be imposed: A requirement can be optimized or an optimal compromise between two or more conflicting requirements can be determined. An arbitrary number of variables can be specified. An interactive program has been written and implemented on a number of interactive computer graphics systems. Using the graphic functions, search areas in which the optimum is expected to lie can be modified interactively, thus increasing the speed of convergence. Information about the equations can be given either interactively or in a file, therefore equations can be given either interactively or in a file, therefore relieving the user from the task of programming. The program has been applied to the design of gear pairs, steam condensors, and bearings.  相似文献   

DXF(Drawing Exchange File) 文件的图形元素通常是无序排列的,其图元数据在激光加工过程中无效行程多、效率低下。以DXF文件中记录的图形元素为对象,用面域作图技术将零散的加工图形尽可能编组为连续的封闭图组,从原点开始贪婪地选择到下一个图组起始点的最短路径,直至得到整个图纸的优化路径。算法时间复杂性为O(n2)。实验证明该算法应用到激光雕切加工中能减少光头的空走行程和开关光次数,提高加工效率。  相似文献   

A series of interactive terminal-based FORTRAN IV programs have been developed for processing and evaluating major and trace element data produced in the analysis of rock samples. The GEOIC system consists of three stages. The first is concerned with the processing of analytical data produced in the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of fused samples for major elements and pressed powder briquettes for trace elements. In the second stage, the major and trace element results are linked together by a tabulation program which creates an input file for CIPW norm programs. The tabulation program will sort also the analyses into groups according to an 8 character “group identifier” keyword attached to each analysis. Average analyses are calculated also for each group. The tabulation program combines the major, trace and normative data to produce a data base file as well as a tabulated output file for dispatch to a line printer. In the third stage, the data base file serves as the input to interactive programs for graphical and statistical evaluation of the geochemical data. The graphics program allows the user to plot rapidly binary and ternary diagrams for all samples or plotting may be restricted to specified groups or only to the group averages. The statistical program allows the user to calculate various parameters as well as a correlation coefficient matrix for all samples, for selected groups or for only group averages.The group identifier keyword attached by the user to each sample analysis facilitates the division of the suite of samples under study into groups and subgroups. This important feature adds considerable flexibility to the processing and evaluation of data via the tabulation, graphics and statistics programs.The tabulation program will accept also free-format major and trace element data produced by analytical methods other than XRF. The second and third stages of the system may be used, therefore, as a general purpose geochemical data processing and evaluation package.  相似文献   

为了简化文件系统的实现,支持超大规模数据集的流式访问,HDFS牺牲了文件的随机访问功能,而在实际场景中很多应用都需要对文件进行随机访问。在深入分析HDFS数据读写原理的基础上,提出了一种面向HDFS的数据随机访问方法。其设计思想是为Datanode添加本地数据访问接口,用户程序可以读取Datanode上存放的数据块文件以及把数据写入到Datanode上的数据块存放目录。文件的首副本由用户程序直接产生,其余副本在首副本写入完成之后采用数据复制的方式生成。此外,为数据块添加了权限管理功能,Datanode上的文件副本属于用户所有。若名字空间中文件权限发生变化,文件对应的数据块权限也会改变。测试表明,数据读取性能提升了约10%,数据写入性能提升了20%以上,在高并发下写入性能最大可提升2.5倍。  相似文献   

The computer program PALMAGFISHERANAL was written in WATFIV to analyze paleomagnetic directions. It is based on the method of Fisher, and has been extended to assess whether the population of directions is distributed randomly. Limitations of Fisher's technique are obvious in results of the analysis of artificial test data. The tabulated output lists all directions, mean directions and statistics and results of the randomness test in a cumulative fashion. Any directional data distributed on a sphere can be analyzed using PALMAGFISHERANAL, which is useful in both research and teaching.  相似文献   

ExFAT是一个支持更大的存储容量,又具有更快的存取速度的文件系统,特别适合大容量移动存储的需要。随着ExFAT文件系统的广泛应用,其数据安全问题日益突出,尤其是DBR遭到破坏后,整个分区都无法正常访问,给用户的数据安全带来严重的威胁。目前针对ExFAT文件系统的数据恢复软件有R-Studio4.6、D-Recovery For ExFAT,这两款软件能够对ExFAT分区下删除或格式化的文件进行恢复,但都不能保证100%的恢复。而实际上DBR遭到破坏后,只要不点击格式化,就完全没有必要进行数据恢复,只需要通过分析、计算,然后手工重建ExFAT文件系统的DBR即可。文中首先介绍ExFAT文件系统的结构,然后对其DBR进行分析,最后系统介绍DBR手工重建的步骤、参数计算的方法,结合校验值计算函数开发了校验值计算工具,并具体应用到DBR的重建过程中,具有较强的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

A computer program is presented for finding influence lines for plane truss member forces on a time sharing system. The program is interactive; requesting data from the user as needed. The output can consist of either printed influence line ordinales on a printing terminal or plotted influence lines on a graphic terminal.  相似文献   

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