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Early attempts at controlling the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the Great Lakes in the 1950s centered on a variety of mechanical and electrical devices to prevent migration of adults into tributary streams to reproduce. Although some of the devices were effective, it became obvious that barriers alone were not an adequate solution to the lamprey predation problem. Researchers screened over 6,000 chemicals before they found 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), a toxicant to which sea lamprey larvae and adults are particularly sensitive. Bayer 73 enhances lampricidal activity when used in combination with TFM. In 1970, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required additional studies to support continued use and registration of TFM. Most of these studies have been completed, but the EPA could cancel the existing registration in the event of unforeseen problems or hazards associated with its use. Therefore, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission continues to support research on lamprey control techniques, such as new formulations of TFM and Bayer 73, sterile male techniques, and attractants and repellents. Development of an integrated management program to combat the sea lamprey is being planned. This concept involves the systematic application of multiple techniques in a way that will exert maximum impact on the sea lamprey. Possible programs may involve chemical, biological, and physical control techniques, each of which would be subject to its own registration or regulatory requirements.  相似文献   

Accurate forecasts of the number of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) within a stream that will enter into metamorphosis are critical to currently used methods for allocating lampricide treatments among streams in the Great Lakes basin. To improve our ability to predict metamorphosis we used a mark-recapture technique, involving the marking of individual larval lamprey with sequentially coded wire tags, to combine information regarding individual and stream level parameters collected in year t, with direct observations of metamorphic outcome of lamprey recaptured in year t+1. We used these data to fit predictive models of metamorphosis. The best model demonstrated excellent predictive capabilities and highlighted the importance of weight, age, larval density, stream temperature and geographic location in determining when individual lamprey are likely to transform. While this model was informative, it required data whose measures are not practical to obtain routinely during the larval sea lamprey assessment program. A second model, limited to data inputs that can be easily obtained, was developed and included length of larvae the fall prior to metamorphosis, stream latitude and longitude, drainage area, average larval density in type-2 habitat, and stream lamprey production category (a measure of the regularity with which treatments are required). This model accurately predicted metamorphosis 20% more often than current models of metamorphosis; however, we recommend further validation on an independent set of streams before adoption by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for ranking streams.  相似文献   

Pheromonally-mediated trapping is currently being developed for use in sea lamprey control in the Laurentian Great Lakes. To identify and test lamprey pheromones a practical procedure was needed to isolate relatively large quantities of pheromone from lamprey holding water. The present study developed such a technique. It employs Amberlite XAD7HP, an adsorbent resin which we found can extract over 80% of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone from larval holding water at low cost and with relative ease. This technique allowed us to collect tens of milligrams of all three components of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone, eventually permitting both identification and successful field testing. This technique might also be used to collect pheromones released by other species of fish.  相似文献   

黄河口水沙变异与调控II--黄河口治理方向与措施   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
1986年以来,黄河口的来水来沙条件发生了显著的变化。本文在对黄河口水沙变异特征、影响黄河口来水来沙的因素及水沙变异造成河口演变新特点等方面进行深入研究的基础上,提出了对黄河口治理的新认识和新时期黄河口治理的方向。分析了稳定黄河口流路的思路与方案,采用数学模型对清水沟流路使用年限及长期稳定清水沟流路方案进行了研究,认为长期使用清水沟流路(3汊或4汊)是可能的,把钓口河流路作为长远的备用流路和分洪道也是必要的。  相似文献   

In 2011, a vertical‐slot fish pass was built at the Coimbra Açude‐Ponte dam (Mondego River, Portugal), approximately 45 km upstream from the river mouth. The performance of this infrastructure for sea lamprey passage was evaluated between 2011 and 2015 using several complementary methodologies, namely radio telemetry [conventional and electromyogram (EMG)], passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry and electrofishing surveys. During the study period, the electrofishing revealed a 29‐fold increase in the abundance of larval sea lamprey upstream of the fish pass. Of the 20 radio‐tagged individuals released downstream from the dam, 33% managed to find and successfully surpass the obstacle in less than 2 weeks, reaching the spawning areas located in the upstream stretch of the main river and in one important tributary. Fish pass efficiency was assessed with a PIT antenna installed in the last upstream pool and revealed a 31% efficiency, with differences between and within migratory seasons. Time of day and river flow significantly influenced the attraction efficiency of the fish pass, with lampreys negotiating it mainly during the night period and when discharge was below 50 m3 s?1. Sea lampreys tagged with EMG transmitters took 3 h to negotiate the fish pass, during which high muscular effort was only registered during passage, or passage attempts, of the vertical slots. The use of complementary methodologies provided a comprehensive passage evaluation for sea lamprey, a species for which there is a considerable paucity of valuable data concerning behavioural, physiological and environmental influences on obstacle negotiation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

人民治黄50多年来,水利部黄河水利委地勘测规划设计研究院(简称黄委院)通过探索多沙河流治理开发的新途径,创造同一批高新科技成果,提高了治黄科技水平,在黄河规划研究方面,通过三门峡和小浪底工程建设总结出多泥沙河流水库建设与运行经验,开展了“黄河水资源经济模型研究”、“黄河下游防洪工程优化调度”等多项研究工作;在工程地质勘探方面,对泥沙夹层、构造软弱等特殊岩层的岩体抗滑稳定性研究取得重大进展,结合小浪  相似文献   

万家寨引黄工程的调度控制和运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万家寨引黄工程调度控制和运行系统是一个复杂的自动化监控系统,分为6个单元:①万家寨水库—申同嘴水库;②申同嘴水库—分水闸;②南干一级、二级泵站—头马营隧洞出口;④汾河河道和汾河水库;⑤北干运行单元;⑥供电系统。包括系统的安全运行,稳定运行,经济运行,设备的安全运行,系统的集中、统一控制及调度5个部分。  相似文献   

The St. John's Bayou water control structure near New Madrid, MO, connects the main Mississippi River to two large backwater areas called the New Madrid Floodway and St. John's Bayou. While this area has been altered, the New Madrid Floodway and St. John's Bayou account for the only substantial portion of the historic Mississippi River floodplain that remains and provides the only critical connection between backwater/floodplain habitat and the river. Fish passage was evaluated during April–December 2010 using ultrasonic telemetry. Stationary receivers were placed strategically at five locations above and below the structure in St. John's Bayou, in the floodway and the outlet to the Mississippi River. A total of 100 individuals representing 14 species were tagged. Total number of detections during an 8‐month period was 1 264 717. Fifteen individuals representing five species moved into the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; seven individuals returned to St. John's Bayou. Thirteen of the 14 species moved upstream through the structure. Of the 85 individuals that stayed in the bayou, 29 fish passed through the structure for a total of 92 passage events. The downstream : upstream passage was roughly 50:50. Passage was correlated with river rise, with frequency of passage being higher in spring, but passage occurred each month during the study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

薛松贵 《人民黄河》2012,34(11):1-6
从防洪减灾、水沙调控、水资源管理与调度、水资源保护、水土保持、数学模型研发等方面凝练了近期黄河水利科技的主要进展。提出了当前及今后一段时期的主要需求,包括:①黄河水沙变化及趋势预测;②流域水沙调控理论与技术;③支撑最严格的水资源管理技术;④黄河泥沙处理与资源利用技术;⑤黄河下游河道改造与滩区治理;⑥黄土高原砒砂岩区抗蚀促生技术;⑦黄河数学模拟系统建设等。  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998 two workshops were held to evaluate how consistent observers were at classifying sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) marks on Great Lakes lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) as described in the King classification system. Two trials were held at each workshop, with group discussion between trials. Variation in counting and classifying marks was considerable, such that reporting rates for A1–A3 marks varied two to three-fold among observers of the same lake trout. Observer variation was greater for classification of healing or healed marks than for fresh marks. The workshops highlighted, as causes for inconsistent mark classification, both departures from the accepted protocol for classifying marks by some agencies, and differences in how sliding and multiple marks were interpreted. Group discussions led to greater agreement in classifying marks. We recommend ways to improve the reliability of marking statistics, including the use of a dichotomous key to classify marks. Laboratory data show that healing times of marks on lake trout were much longer at 4°C and 1°C than at 10°C and varied greatly among individuals. Reported A1–A3 and B1–B3 marks observed in late summer and fall collections likely result from a mixture of attacks by two year classes of sea lamprey. It is likely that a substantial but highly uncertain proportion of attacks that occur in late summer and fall lead to marks that are classified as A1–A3 the next spring. We recommend additional research on mark stage duration.  相似文献   

从维持黄河健康生命角度看黄河水沙调控体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把黄河水少、沙多、水沙关系不协调的自然特性作为解决黄河问题的主要矛盾,分析了当前黄河的健康状况,认为协调水沙关系是维持黄河健康生命的根本.从维持排洪输凌、输沙和保证河道低限水量等三个方面,分析了黄河健康生命对水沙调控体系的要求,提出了黄河水沙调控体系的总体布局和运用目标.水沙调控体系总体布局:以干流龙羊峡、刘家峡、大柳树、碛口、古贤、三门峡、小浪底七大控制性骨干工程为主体,海勃湾、万家寨水库为补充,与支流陆浑、故县、河口村、东庄水库共同构成.目标是维持黄河健康和支撑经济社会发展.  相似文献   

本文综述40多年来长江中下游河道演变研究的进展、河道整治规划与治理的成就。对存在问题、治江方向与途径进行探讨。认为应加强重点河段治理方向与工程措施的研究,完善工作体制,加快治江步伐。  相似文献   

黄河下游长历时中小洪水防洪调度预案编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了黄河下游发生4 000 m3/s以下长历时、中小流量洪水时河势的变化规律和出险情况,指出了防汛指挥调度的主要内容.对黄河防洪工程日常观测及发生一般、较大、重大险情时的物资、通信、交通、后勤、夜间照明、信息反馈、军民联防、大型机械设备等保障措施进行了详细说明.实践表明,该预案提高了防汛工作效率,确保了黄河安全度汛.  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源多维临界调控方案评价研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以水资源可再生性和可持续发展理论为指导,在分析调控措施、调控方案、调控机制和过程特点的基础上,提出了黄河流域水资源多维临界调控方案评价的概念,建立了调控方案评价指标体系的结构,并根据调控方案评价过程和理论,研究提出了流域水资源多维临界调控方案评价的模型体系。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源多维临界调控方案风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河流域水资源多维临界调控所依据的各种条件和关系广泛存在着不确定性,必将导致调控效果的风险。从水资源系统风险的定义出发,提出了黄河流域水资源调控方案风险分析的概念;在分析了黄河流域水资源调控风险来源的基础上,研究建立了调控方案主要风险因素辨识模型体系;根据风险行征,研究了调控方案风险计算模型,从而为黄河流域水资源调控方案风险分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

在回顾黄河下游河道与滩区治理研究现状、研究的总体目标、面临的主要现实问题基础上,指出需要解决的关键科学问题有:黄河下游中水河势稳定控制与特殊洪水行洪共适应机制及实现技术;常态中小流量下黄河下游河槽输沙能力提升的机理与技术;黄河下游宽滩区稀遇洪水行洪空间确定方法及其良性治理模式。需要开展的研究内容包括黄河下游未来洪水条件及其灾害情景、滩槽演变趋势及河槽变幅、河道输沙阈值及水沙调控作用潜力、河势稳定制导与输沙能力提升技术、滩区功能约束及其良性治理体系、综合治理决策支持系统开发及治理方案优化、河势控制与滩区治理示范研究等。最后介绍了项目组通过近期集中研发攻关与强力推进,在学科基本理论、河道冲淤预测方法与输沙效率、河道整治治导线流路规划设计方法、治理方案效果初步研究等方面取得的进展。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源多维调控效果评价指标体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对流域水资源多维调控问题的特点,对其评价指标体系建立的方法和原则进行了分析,同时以黄河流域水资源多维临界调控项目为背景,从调控方案实现的经济、社会、生态环境效果及水资源利用效率等方面人手,建立了黄河流域水资源多维调控效果评价指标体系,并对指标的量化方法进行了相应的分析。通过黄河流域调控方案评价应用,证明建立的指标体系和提出的量化方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of economy, demand of water resources is becoming larger and larger, and over-exploitation of groundwater is common in many areas. Due to over-exploitation of groundwater over many years, a number of potential adverse hydrogeological problems have raised. To reduce such adverse effects, it is necessary to carry out strict groundwater management in over-exploited areas. And to achieve the strictest management of groundwater, it is critical to determine control levels of groundwater including the blue line levels (proper levels) and red line levels (warning levels). According to the establishment of evaluation model of shallow and deep groundwater exploitation and utilization risks, it can be observed that the groundwater level index factor is included in the evaluation index system in different groundwater function zones. Therefore, there is a corresponding relationship between the risk grade and groundwater level of different underground aquifers. The risk grade of different groundwater function zones in Tianjin is divided into five grades, which contributes to the risk management of groundwater, avoiding the arising of a wide range of risk management measure. However, to determine the key groundwater level, the standard of five grades cannot meet the requirements. The risk grades need to be divided more subtly. Hence, in this paper, the risk grade was divided according to the standard of sixteen grades based on that of five grades in the first place. The higher the grade is, the greater the risk. And then the occurrence frequency of risk grade for each aquifer was counted in each administrative district or country. The corresponding water level of the risk grade, whose occurrence frequency was the highest, served as the base level. The water level of groundwater that would be exploited and utilized in the future cannot be below this base level. In consequence, this water level that served as the red line level was the minimum requirement in the planning years, while the corresponding water levels of other risk grades that were inferior to this risk grade can all be seen as red line levels. And the planning period the long-term corresponding groundwater level of the aquifers under mining-banned condition can be used as blue line control levels of the different planning years. Finally, according to the determinate range of red line level change amplitude in each district or country, as well as the ultimate restoration aim of groundwater levels (blue line levels), corresponding measures were taken step by step to achieve the overall rising of groundwater levels. The obtained determinate control levels can provide a scientific basis for dynamic management of groundwater.  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源多维临界调控风险估计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以黄河流域为背景,根据流域水资源多维临界调控问题的特点,在对调控目标与风险辨识有关问题研究的基础上,提出了基于人工神经网络模拟的蒙特卡罗风险估计方法,在理论上解决了复杂流域水资源多维临界调控系统风险估计问题。  相似文献   

贵州省位于祖国西南腹地,总面积17.6万km~2,其中山地61.7%、丘陵30.8%、山间平坝7.5%,平均海拔1170m,年平均降雨量1100~1300mm。贵州省水力资源丰富,理论蕴藏量1875万kW,经济开发容量达1683万kW,其中,中小水电资源就达674万kW,十分有利于地方水电开发建设。  相似文献   

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