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李健 《材料研究学报》1994,8(6):559-562
用内耗方法分析了非晶聚合物聚苯乙烯(PS)的物理老化对动态力学弛豫过程中的主转变内耗峰(α峰)的影响,说明老化过程(时效)和α峰的参数变化之间存在着规律性的联系.从另一方面证明了前人通过热焓分析和微蠕变等静力学参量分析得到的非晶聚合物老化过程的规律,特别是说明了老化过程对在玻璃化转变温度(Tg)以上的α峰参数的影响原因是存在着一个与α峰相叠加的过程内耗峰(淬火峰).  相似文献   

<正> 1 引言γ-Fe-Mn 合金与Cr 均系典型的巡游电子能隙型反铁磁性物质。出于反铁磁性理论研究及发展反铁磁新功能合金的需要,较系统地研究过Al、Si、Cr 及Mn 对γ-Fe-Mn 基合金顺磁-反铁磁性转变及电阻率反常行为的影响。Al、Si 为非过渡族元素,Mn、Cr 为反铁磁性元素,如进一步研究周期表中位于Mn、Fe 左侧的3d 电子未满顺磁性元素V 的影响是有一定意义的,但迄今尚未见报道。  相似文献   

用TGA、X-ray衍射、密度试验等方法,研究了在不同张力状态下,粘胶纤维热处理过程中的结构与机械性能。发现减小张力能够获得性能较好的炭纤维(CF)。  相似文献   

在Ti(AlMn)中有两种不同层次的层状结构。HREM观察分析表明在这两种不同层次的层状结构中α2-γ相界面具有台附特征并可以用O点阵理论来解释。在细层次中的α2-γ片层具有一定的弹性形变,因而α2-γ仅有少量的台阶位错。另外,在细层次的α2-γ复合界面上,还发现层错桥连两个台阶位错的复合缺陷,结构,所有这些结果都表明细层状结构在形变的过程中具有集体行为。  相似文献   

借助透射电镜和X射线衍射仪探讨了氢对Super-α2合金β固溶后时效组织的影响,结果表明,氢使时效组织显著细化,使析出相呈细小板条状规则排布,此外,氢还促进B2相转变为O相。  相似文献   

研究了长期时效对生长态γ/γ′-α~(Mo)内生复合材料的组织结构的影响。时效温度为750,850和950℃,时效时间长达1000h。研究发现,在750℃时效过程中,先后有 Ni_3Mo 亚稳相、Ni_2Mo 亚稳相和 Ni_3Mo 相出现。850℃时效,加剧了上述相变过程。在950℃时效,有σ-NiMo 和α~(Mo)相析出。所有试样的γ′相区变化都不明显,从而延缓了α~_(Mo)纤维的相变过程。  相似文献   

A high quality multilayer organic thin film electroluminescence (EL) device was prepared by LB film and vacuum evaporation technique. The uniform blue-green emission was observed under the positive DC voltage of less than20V in ambient room light. The mechanism of the EL device was discussed after measuring the Ⅰ—Ⅴcurves, absorption spectrum, fluorescent emitting spectrum and electroluminescent spectrum.  相似文献   

对δ-Al2O3纤维/Al-12Si复合材料室温拉伸强度的分析表明,在实验条件下该复合材料存在δ-Al2O3纤维的最小体积分数Vmin和临界体积分数Vcrit,并求出其基体强度δm和室温强度σc-δ-Al2O3纤维体积分数Vf直线方程及纤维的临界长度lc和复合材料的剪切应力τP确定复合材料的ROM预测曲线,应首先判断σm是否等于未增强合金的强度σum才能得出正确的结论。  相似文献   

The chemical states of C on Ni (poly) were studied by AES and molecular beam techniques. These experiments were performed on a molecular beam-surface scattering apparatus. It is found that there are four different chemical states of C on Ni surface, i. e. carbidic C, graphitic C, CO adsorption and hydrogenateed C (CH x). The adsorbed CO and carbidic C are chemically active and can be hydrogenated with H_2 beam. But graphitic C is chemically inert and can not be hydrogenated with H_2 beam. The chemical states of hydrocarbon CH_x formed by a mixture beam of (CO H_2) on Ni are also studied. It is suggested that these species are intermediates of Fisher-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis.  相似文献   

用膨胀仪测定了含氢Super-α2/β相变点;用X射线衍射仪探讨了氢对α2和β相晶格常数的影响。结果表明,随氢含量增加,Super-α2的α/β相变点显著降低,β相晶格常数显著增大,α2相的晶格常数α增大,而C变化不大。  相似文献   

用化学沉淀法和升温水解法合成了纯α-Fe2O3和SnO2掺杂的α-Fe2O3。用XRD和TEM研究了参杂方式对α-Fe2O3微观结构的影响。用静态气敏测试方法研究了掺杂方式对α-Fe2O3气体灵敏度和电阻的影响。结果表明:水解法α-Fe2O3颗粒微细(~40nm),阻值适中(数百kΩ),而且气体灵敏度高。  相似文献   

A potential heat-resistant ductile eutectic composite,/-, in the Ni-Al-Mo ternary system has been thermally cycled in the temperature range 200 to 1000° C for up to 1000 cycles in an attempt to examine dimensional as well as microstructural stability of the composite under thermal fatigue conditions. The composite examined has two types of initial microstructure; in one, blocky -Ni3Al encircles individual-Mo fibres (as-grown condition) whereas in the other, is in the form of fine cuboidal particles uniformly distributed in an Ni-rich fcc matrix (heat-treated condition). Dilatometric measurements upon temperature cycling show that the composite is stable against thermal ratchetting irrespective of initial microstructural conditions. However, the cycling induces microstructural change, which is characterized by segmentation of-Mo fibres or formation of a detrimental brittle phase identified as an intermetallic-NiMo that consumes-Mo fibres whether the fibres are encircled by or not. Post-cycling tensile tests at room temperature show that the fibre damage in the former has no fatal effect on tensile strength and ductility. A beneficial effect of the-encircling configuration is discussed on the basis of the recognition of a peritecto-eutectoid reaction:++ that has been disregarded.  相似文献   

An investigation of the influence of multiple strain-anneal cycles on the 1000° C creep behaviour of the directionally solidified eutectic alloy /- has been undertaken. Cycles consisted of swageing at room temperature or 900° C by about 5 to 10% per pass followed by annealing at 900° C, and were repeated to total strains of approximately 10, 30 and 50%. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of strain-annealed materials revealed that three-dimensional dislocation networks were introduced into the matrix, but very little work remained in the fibres. Constant-velocity creep testing indicated that all thermomechanical processing schedules improved the creep strength for strain rates 2 x 10–6sec–1; however only strain-annealing with a total of 13% work at room temperature (RT13) improved the behaviour at strain rates 2 x 10–7sec–1. The advantage of RT13 processing over as-grown materials at lower strain rates was confirmed by constant-load creep testing. It was also shown that 900° C annealing slightly improves the 1000° C creep properties in comparison to as-grown alloys. TEM of crept materials indicated that the active creep mechanism had been changed from dislocation pile-ups at fibres in as-grown alloys to dislocations being stopped by sub-boundaries in the matrix for RT13.  相似文献   

测量制备态和退火的Fe76.5-xCu1NbxSi13.5B9(x=0.10、3.0、5.2、7.2)合金Mossbauer谱,结果表明,晶化后Nb、B等元素向晶界区扩散,在残余非晶形成了富Nb、B区和Nb、B区、Nb抑制非昌相的晶化和Fe2B相的析出,并对磁织构有一定的影响。  相似文献   

A conventional X-ray diffractometer has been used to determine the γ/γ lattice misfit and γ volume fraction for a Ru-containing nickel-based single crystal superalloy at room temperature.The rocking curve was used to characterize the distribution of subgrains.The diffraction peaks obtained by ω-2θ scan were used to determine the γ/γ lattice misfit and γ volume fraction.A three peaks fitting model was proposed.The peak fitting results are in good agreement with the model.The X-ray diffraction results indicate that the nickel-based single crystal superalloy was not a perfect monocrystalline material,which is comprised of many subgrains;and each subgrain also consists of large numbers of mosaic structures.In addition,two anomalous reflection phenomena were found during the experiment and discussed with respect to their occurrence and impact on the measurement.The experimental results show that the γ/γ lattice misfit and γ volume fraction will be various at the different regions of its dendritic microstructure.The average γ/γ lattice misfit and γ volume fraction of the experimental alloy are approximately-0.2% and 70%,respectively.Furthermore,the γ volume fraction calculated by atom microprobe(AP) data is also basically consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   

用拉伸、热处理和大剂量γ射线辐照的方法制备了一系列具有不同平面取向度、不同结晶度和不同分子链长度的PET 试样。短路热释电流温度谱显示对应于玻璃化转变的α峰随平面取向度、结晶度的增大向高温区移动;随γ辐照剂量的增大向低温区移动。随平面取向度和结晶度的提高,被冻结的大分子主链链段偶极热弛豫活化能减小,偶极热弛豫时间常数指数增长。γ辐照对偶极热弛豫运动的影响较小。  相似文献   

Swaging between 750 and 1050 C has been investigated as a means to introduce work into the directionally solidified eutectic alloy /gg- (Ni-32.3 wt % Mo-6.3 wt % Al) and increase the elevated temperature creep strength. The 1000 C slow plastic compressive flow stress-strain rate properties in air of as-grown, annealed, and worked nominally 10 and 25% materials have been determined. Swaging did not improve the slow plastic behaviour. In fact large reductions tended to degrade the strength and produced a change in the deformation mechanism from uniform flow to one involving intense slip band formation. Comparison of 1000 C tensile and compressive strength-strain rate data reveals that deformation is independent of the stress state.  相似文献   


The thermal behavior of graphite, C60 fullerene, fullerene black (carbon soot containing fullerenes), extracted fullerene black and diamond has been analyzed to 1000°C by TGA–DTA (thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis) under a nitrogen flow at a heating rate of 20°C/min. Very small weight losses have been recorded in the case of graphite and diamond. Furthermore no diamond graphitization has been observed. The sublimation of pure C60 and the fullerene fraction of fullerene black (both pristine and extracted) has been observed and discussed.

The combustion reaction in air flow of graphite, C60 and C70 fullerenes, fullerene black (both unextracted and extracted), carbon nanotubes and diamond has been studied by TGA–DTA at a heating rate of 20°C/min. C70 fullerene and fullerene black have been found to be the most reactive carbon materials with O2. The role played by C70 in the degradation of fullerites has been discussed. Among the carbon materials examined, the best resistance to O2 attack has been shown by diamond and carbon nanotubes. The behavior of graphite is intermediate between diamond and fullerene blacks. The behavior of C60 fullerene appears closer to that of graphite although it appears to be more reactive with O2. Samples of graphite and carbon blacks N375 and N234 have been studied by TGA–DTA in air flow before and after a radiation treatment with neutrons or γ radiation. The effect of the radiation damage in the combustion reaction of these carbon materials has been discussed.  相似文献   

The influences of the thermal annealing to the gas-sensing properties of SnO_2/Fe_2O_3 multi-layer films, grown by plasma CVD, and to the structure of the transition interface layer between SnO_2 and Fe_2O_3 layers have been studied. The formation of the interface is attributed to the effects of the plasma during the deposition.  相似文献   

The temperature dependencies of the γ(f.c.c.)-Ni/γ′-Ni3Al(L12) interfacial free energy for the {100}, {110}, and {111} interfaces are calculated using first-principles calculations, including both coherency strain energy and phonon vibrational entropy. Calculations performed including ferromagnetic effects predict that the {100}-type interface has the smallest free energy at different elevated temperatures, while alternatively the {111}-type interface has the smallest free energy when ferromagnetism is absent; the latter result is inconsistent with experimental observations of γ′-Ni3Al-precipitates in Ni–Al alloys faceted strongly on {100}-type planes. The γ(f.c.c.)-Ni/γ′-Ni3Al interfacial free energies for the {100}, {110}, and {111} interfaces decrease with increasing temperature due to vibrational entropy. The predicted morphology of γ′-Ni3Al(L12) precipitates, based on a Wulff construction, is a Great Rhombicuboctahedron (or Truncated Cuboctahedron), which is one of the 13 Archimedean solids, with 6-{100}, 12-{110}, and 8-{111} facets. The first-principles calculated morphology of a γ′-Ni3Al(L12) precipitate is in agreement with experimental three-dimensional atom-probe tomographic observations of cuboidal L12 precipitates with large {100}-type facets in a Ni-13.0 at.% Al alloy aged at 823 K for 4096 h. At 823 K this alloy has a lattice parameter mismatch of 0.004 ± 0.001 between the γ(f.c.c.)-Ni-matrix and the γ′-Ni3Al-precipitates.  相似文献   

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