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This paper analyses the renewable energy issues and electricity production in Middle East compared with Iran. Nevertheless, the use of renewable energy has started to be an interesting issue for people and also governments in Middle East, especially in Iran where all different types of renewable energy sources (RES) are available and also possible to implement for gaining required energy. There are many different kinds of renewable energy sources like geothermal, bio fuel, tidal and so on, but wind and solar energies are more available and accessible than other types in Middle Eastern countries. Nowadays, the rapidly increasing demand for electrical energy and the high restriction on pollution levels have led to an increasing interest in large-scale utilization of renewable energies across many countries in Middle East. This paper analyzes the electricity production in Middle East and also reviews different aspects of renewable energy issues in Iran.  相似文献   

The Palestinian Territories relies on Israel for 100% of its fossil fuel imports and for 87% of its electricity imports. Total energy consumption in the Palestinian Territories is the lowest in the region and costs more than anywhere else in the Middle East. The purpose of this paper is to present the current energy situation in the Palestinian Territories, evaluate the potential of renewable energies in meeting part of the energy demand and discuss the challenges and benefits of using these types of energies. It is shown that the main renewable energy sources in the Palestinian Territories are solar, wind and biomass. Using the available renewable energy sources in the Palestinian Territories may significantly decrease the energy reliance on neighboring countries and improve the Palestinian population's access to energy. It is estimated that solar sources have the potential to account for 13% of electricity demand and wind energy for 6.6%. The conversion of animal waste into biogas has the potential to meet the needs of 20% of the rural population. The conversion of unused agricultural residue into biodiesel could replace 5% of the imported diesel.  相似文献   

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries have recently developed renewable energy (RE) markets. However, their rate of investment in renewable energy remains small compared to other regions in the world despite their relatively abundant endowments, particularly in wind and solar. While the literature identifies some barriers to investment in renewable energy, we assume that the investment of MENA countries could be impeded by specific governance factors. Furthermore, we consider recent literature showing that trade openness reduces the negative effects of weak governance. In this paper, we empirically investigate the link between governance, openness, and renewable energy investment in the MENA region using panel data for 15 MENA countries over the period 1996-2013. Our results prove that a higher institutional quality is associated with RE investment in MENA countries. In addition, this relationship seems to be conditional on the trade regime. Our results are robust to several measures of renewable energy investment and governance as well as to an alternative econometric set-up.  相似文献   

To have sustainable electricity generation from renewable energy resources economically competitive, more privatization is needed in this sector. True understanding based on transparent information is one of the salient necessities for the private sector to invest in the energy business. In this article, the researchers are to recognize the targeted factors considered by the private sector in order to improve their participation in the electricity generation markets from renewable sources in the Middle East. The results illustrate that the most important factors are governmental policies, consumption markets, and engineering efficiency. These recognized factors then are classified from different aspects, such as techno-engineering, business and relevant policies, and the environment.  相似文献   

The Middle East region is a key player in the world energy market today. It holds approximately over 50% of the world's proven fossil fuel reserves. Yet, the region is significantly challenged by the large dependence on finite fossil fuel resources in its primary energy supply. The intricate relationship between climate change mitigation and the development of energy systems underlines great uncertainty over the future of energy development in the Middle East. Such uncertainty is greatly linked to growing energy demands and the region's capacity to transition to low‐carbon energy systems. Over the past 20 years, the total primary energy demand in the Middle has almost tripled due to rapid population growth and economic development. Notably, most of the growing energy demand was concentrated in 5 countries, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and the UAE. These 5 countries represented around 82% of the total primary energy demand in 2015, with Saudi Arabia and Iran alone accounted for 60%. The core question of this paper is what are the possible implications of growing energy demands in these countries and which sectors will entail significant increases in the projected energy requirements? The significance of the work presented here stems from analyzing 4 major countries that constitute the largest share in Middle East's total energy consumption and associated emissions. Examining these 4 countries together is important to highlight how future increase in these countries could largely affect the overall energy demand from the Middle East region in the next 20 years. Thus, the scope of the paper is looking at energy demand implications in 4 countries, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Iraq is excluded from the analysis due to the large political uncertainty associated with Iraq's energy development. Here, a regression model is used to forecast energy demand from 5 economic sectors across the 4 countries using projected increase in population and gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030. Results indicate that most of the projected energy demand will be from Iran and Saudi Arabia. In addition, industry and transportation sectors will witness the largest increase among the 5 sectors examined in the paper. For instance, industry and transportation sector will collectively account for 52% and 67% of the projected energy demand in Iran and Saudi Arabia, respectively. Such results are important to highlight when ascertaining sectoral level implications of future energy demands and to determine potential areas where energy savings can be made.  相似文献   

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has rich geothermal energy resources. In Saudi Arabia, the studies on geothermal resources exploration were started in 1980. Saudi Arabia is among the most geothermally active countries in the Middle East. The geothermal power plants are not yet installed in Saudi Arabia. Some direct-use low-grade geothermal applications are already installed in the five last years. Some refreshment and swimming pools are already constructed in the Bani Malik-Jizan area. Geothermal energy can be utilized in various forms such as direct use, electricity generation, space heating, heat pumps, greenhouse heating, and industrial usage. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia government has plans to become completely powered by difference forms of renewable energy such as solid waste, solar, geothermal, and wind.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of renewable energy (RE) deployment in power generation for residential consumption in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region under various RE penetration targets. A comparative assessment revealed a great heterogeneity among countries with Turkey dominating as the highest emitter. At the sub-regional level, the Middle East sub-region contributes more than double the GHG emissions estimated for the Gulf and North Africa sub-regions with all sub-regions achieving reductions in the range of 6–38% depending on the RE target penetration and promising up to 54% savings on investment excluding positive externalities associated with the offset of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings.  相似文献   

With limited indigenous conventional energy resources, Taiwan imports over 97% of its energy supply from foreign countries, mostly from the Middle East. Developing independent renewable energy resources is thus of priority concern for the Taiwanese government. A medium subtropical island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Taiwan has enormous potential to develop various renewable energies, such as solar energy, biomass energy, wind power, geothermal energy, hydropower, etc. However, owing to the importance of conventional fossil energy in generating exceptionally cheap electricity, renewable energy has not yet fully developed in Taiwan, resulting from a lack of market competition. Consequently, numerous promotional and subsidy programs have recently been proclaimed by the Taiwanese government, focused on the development of various renewables. This study reviews the achievements, polices and future plans in this area.  相似文献   

Global climate and energy governance have led to the creation of a wide range of international and regional institutions, initiatives and financial mechanisms dedicated to fostering renewable energies. Furthermore, a low-carbon economy has evolved in recent years. The objective of this paper is to assess the potential benefits and merits of these institutions, initiatives and mechanisms from the perspective of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The central questions are if and how these organizations, initiatives and finance mechanisms could support a country from MENA in its efforts to implement large-scale capacities for renewable energy production. For this purpose, Morocco was chosen as a case study. The findings in this paper indicate that the existing institutions and financial mechanisms do not sum up to a coordinated governance approach, although the main needs of a country or region appear to be addressed. The existing institutions and financial mechanisms vary significantly in their ability to support countries, especially those taking the lead in renewable energy implementation.  相似文献   

Algeria plays a very important role in world energy markets, both as a significant hydrocarbon producer and as an exporter, as well as a key participant in the renewable energy market. Due to its geographical location, Algeria holds one of the highest solar potentials in the world. This paper presents a review of the present renewable energy situation and assesses present and future potential of renewable energy sources (RESs) in Algeria. This paper also discusses the trends and expectation in solar systems applications and the aspects of future implementation of renewable energies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region status. The problem related to the use of RES and polices to enhance the use of these sources are also analysed in this paper. In addition the available capacity building, the technical know-how for each RES technology and localizing manufacturing of renewable energy equipments are defined. The co-importance of both policy and technology investments for the future Algerian markets of RES and competitiveness of the solar/wind approach is emphasized. Some examples of policy significantly impacting Algerian markets are reviewed, and the intention of the new Algerian RES initiative is discussed.  相似文献   

Potential of renewable energy systems in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Along with high-speed economic development and increasing energy consumption, the Chinese Government faces a growing pressure to maintain the balance between energy supply and demand. In 2009, China has become both the largest energy consumer and CO2 emitting country in the world. In this case, the inappropriate energy consumption structure should be changed. As an alternative, a suitable infrastructure for the implementation of renewable energy may serve as a long-term sustainable solution. The perspective of a 100% renewable energy system has been analyzed and discussed in some countries previously. In this process, assessment of domestic renewable energy sources is the first step. Then appropriate methodologies are needed to perform energy system analyses involving the integration of more sustainable strategies. Denmark may serve as an example of how sustainable strategies can be implemented. The Danish system has demonstrated the possibility of converting into a 100% renewable energy system. This paper discusses the perspective of renewable energy in China firstly, and then analyses whether it is suitable to adopt similar methodologies applied in other countries as China approaches a renewable energy system. The conclusion is that China’s domestic renewable energy sources are abundant and show the possibility to cover future energy demand; the methodologies used to analyse a 100% renewable energy system are applicable in China. Therefore, proposing an analysis of a 100% renewable energy system in China is not unreasonable.  相似文献   

The European Union has set ambitious targets of raising the share of EU energy consumption produced from renewable resources from 20% by 2020 to 27% by 2030. The aim of this paper is to assess the role of woody biomass in renewable energy as gross final energy consumption in the European Union (the EU-28). The paper identifies leading and lagging countries in biomass development by focusing on their current biomass use and forecasts future perspectives. The research compares and evaluates the role of biomass in renewable energy in the EU-28 focusing on countries' potential resources and policy support. The study shows that all countries are making efforts to reach the 20% target in 2020 and exhibit a trend of increasing renewable energy as gross final energy consumption towards the new target of 2030. Solid biomass plays an important role in reaching the EU's renewable energy targets. The majority of the EU-28 countries are close to reaching their national renewable energy targets and show a very attractive biomass development. Unless energy consumption decreases however, some member states will face serious problems in reaching their renewable energy target in 2020. Following our analysis, the largest problems occur in those MS having a relative high-energy consumption pattern: France, Germany and the United Kingdom. It is unlikely that they can comply with expected renewable energy demand, unless they mobilize more woody biomass from their available domestic potential (France, Germany) or considerably increase their woody biomass imports (mostly wood pellets) from elsewhere (United Kingdom).  相似文献   

Energy is directly related to the most critical social issues which affect sustainable development. Today there is a great incentive for countries to exploit renewable energies in order to slow down the changes in environment and to guard against future trends. This paper presents a review of the assessed potential of renewable resources and practical limitations to their considerable use in the perspective of present scenarios and future projections of the national energy for Oman. Solar and wind are likely to play an important role in the future energy in Oman provided that clear policies are established by the higher authority for using renewable energy resources. Comparison of different solar energy technologies revealed that Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV) technology may constitute a more appropriate choice for large solar power plants implementation in Oman. Moreover, Oman will not be alone in the region in this regard as similar moves are carried out in other Middle Eastern countries. The status of energy conservation and demand-side management are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Increased economic growth and demand for energy in emerging economies is creating an opportunity for these countries to increase their usage of renewable energy. This paper presents and estimates two empirical models of renewable energy consumption and income for a panel of emerging economies. Panel cointegration estimates show that increases in real per capita income have a positive and statistically significant impact on per capita renewable energy consumption. In the long term, a 1% increase in real income per capita increases the consumption of renewable energy per capita in emerging economies by approximately 3.5%. Long-term renewable energy per capita consumption price elasticity estimates are approximately equal to −0.70.  相似文献   

崔成  牛建国 《中国能源》2012,34(5):16-17,47
日本学者最近发表分析文章,就当前中东局势恶化对国际油价的潜在冲击,美国页岩气开发对世界能源中心转移的影响,以及可再生能源发展的主要限制等进行了深入分析,并对3·11东日本大地震后如何增强日本能源自给率等战略性问题提出了自己的见解,其主要观点可供我们在应对全球能源形势变化及制定未来能源安全战略中加以借鉴。  相似文献   

全球能源格局变化及对中国能源安全的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史丹 《中外能源》2013,18(2):1-7
进入21世纪以来,拉美和非洲的石油储产量大幅增长,石油供应向多极化方向发展,石油消费重心正在转向产油国和发展中国家.2000~2011年全球天然气产量增长了35.7%,北美和欧洲天然气探明储量增长居全球领先水平,天然气消费普遍增长.发达国家仍然是能源投资的主体,但同时发展中国家的能源投资也快速增长,发展中国家对煤炭和石油的投资比例均高于发达国家,而发达国家对天然气和电力等清洁能源的投资比例超过了发展中国家.欧美引领着新能源的发展,但由于中国和印度的拉动,亚洲地区有可能成为全球新能源中心.气候变化问题使能源安全的内涵扩展到对环境的影响.此外,中东的石油和天然气消费增速位居全球第一,未来可能会影响对其他地区的出口.世界能源格局的变化使中国能源安全面临一系列新的挑战.首先,作为全球最大的能源消费国,维护全球能源安全是中国的不二选择;其次,维护海外投资利益已成为中国构建新的国际关系的重要考量;第三,需要重新考虑与发达国家和发展中国家的能源外交;另外,如何在国际舞台上发挥主导作用、以何种政治姿态影响和参与全球能源治理,以及如何与周边国家及欧美等国解决能源争端、领土争端和贸易争端,是我国面临的又一挑战.中国要注重能源大国在能源安全中的作用,有区别地与具有不同能源安全利益诉求的国家开展能源外交,在全球能源对话中要积极倡导能源贸易“去政治化”,提出既有利于世界能源安全又有利于我国能源安全的新理念.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years many economies have experienced large increases in economic trade, income and energy consumption. This brings up an interesting question. How do increases in trade affect energy consumption? This study uses panel cointegration data estimation techniques to examine the impact of trade on energy consumption in a sample of 8 Middle Eastern countries covering the period 1980 to 2007. Short-run dynamics show Granger causality from exports to energy consumption, and a bi-directional feedback relationship between imports and energy consumption. Long run elasticities estimated from FMOLS show that a 1% increase in per capita exports increases per capita energy consumption by 0.11% while a one percent increase in per capita imports increases per capita energy consumption by 0.04%. These results are important in establishing that increased trade affects energy demand in the Middle East in both the short and long-run. This has implications for energy policy and environmental policy.  相似文献   

It is known that the supplies of fossil fuels are limited and their utilization as energy sources causes environmental degradation due to incomplete combustion when used as energy source, in addition to this as the world population increases the demand for energy sources increases, therefore the issue of a gradual replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources is of major consideration for most countries: Iran Bing located in Asian Middle East enjoys a great potential for producing some 6500 MW of electricity with wind energy. The feasibility of manufacturing wind turbines is investigated in this article.  相似文献   

The European Commission proposed a renewable energy directive with binding targets for the percentage renewable energy, usually calculated with the primary energy method. This method has the disadvantage that for hydro and wind electricity production is counted, whereas for thermal electricity the higher input to power plants is counted. Therefore, the Commission looked for an alternative: the final energy method. Also this method has disadvantages. Firstly, electricity consumption is weighed equally to fuel consumption for heat and transport, neglecting higher primary energy demand for electricity. Secondly, non-energy consumption of energy commodities is neglected, artificially raising the percentage renewable energy. Therefore, I introduce a simple substitution method, which measures renewable energy by comparison with hypothetical equivalent conventional energy. Calculations for EU-27 show that the method strongly affects the contributions of different sectors (electricity, heat and transport), sources and countries. Concluding, any credible calculation method should reflect the trade off between conventional and renewable primary energy. A simple substitution method fulfills this condition, contrary to the primary and final energy method. Using these biased methods may result in policies that are inefficient in terms of saving conventional fuels and avoiding CO2 emissions, the main underlying goals of the proposed directive.  相似文献   

The hydrogen-based renewable energy resource base is sufficient to meet several times the present world energy demand. This paper analyzes the drivers promoting hydrogen-based renewable energy utilization, focusing on a group of 32 countries by applying panel data techniques. The pooled ordinary least square estimator and fixed effect estimator are employed for comparison. Grey relational analysis is used to explore the relationships at a national level between renewable energy development and its influencing factors. The main results over our time span indicate that: (1) GDP per capita is a significantly positive contributor to renewable energy consumption, while oil price does not present a strong relationship in the use of renewables; (2) social awareness about climate change and concerns for energy security is not enough to motivate the switch from traditional to renewable energy sources; (3) the role of urbanization in renewable energy consumption relies on different stages of the urbanization process, resulting in opposite trends in renewable energy development between developing and developed countries. The results show that the market mechanism is not entirely responsible for encouraging the use of renewables and the role of climate change and energy security concerns in renewables use should be enhanced. By analyzing the results, policy implications are provided for the sustainable development of renewable energy.  相似文献   

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