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Recently software crowdsourcing has become an emerging area of software engineering. Few papers have presented a systematic analysis on the practices of software crowdsourcing. This paper first presents an evaluation framework to evaluate software crowdsourcing projects with respect to software quality, costs, diversity of solutions, and competition nature in crowdsourcing. Specifically, competitions are evaluated by the min-max relationship from game theory among participants where one party tries to minimize an objective function while the other party tries to maximize the same objective function. The paper then defines a game theory model to analyze the primary factors in these minmax competition rules that affect the nature of participation as well as the software quality. Finally, using the proposed evaluation framework, this paper illustrates two crowdsourcing processes, Harvard-TopCoder and AppStori. The framework demonstrates the sharp contrasts between both crowdsourcing processes as participants will have drastic behaviors in engaging these two projects.  相似文献   

针对现有软件众包平台对任务发布次序考虑不足的问题,提出一种基于任务发布者权重与任务权重的软件众包任务发布优先级(TRP)计算方法。首先,基于半正弦曲线的时间权重函数度量任务发布者的活跃度及其任务累积成交额,以此计算任务发布者权重;然后,根据系统架构图和数据流图度量模块复杂度、设计复杂度和数据复杂度,得到任务复杂度,并结合任务报价及任务期限,计算任务效益因子和任务紧急程度因子,计算任务权重;最后,根据任务发布者权重和任务权重计算任务发布优先级。实验结果表明,该算法不仅具有较高的有效性和合理性,而且任务成功分配率最高可达98%。  相似文献   

余敦辉  王意  张万山 《计算机应用》2018,38(12):3612-3617
针对现有软件众包平台对工人能力考虑不足,导致分配给工人的任务完成质量低下的问题,提出了一种软件众包工人能力动态度量算法(ADM),实现工人能力的动态度量。首先,基于静态技能覆盖率,实现工人初始能力的计算;其次,对于工人历史完成的单个任务,综合任务复杂度、任务完成质量及任务开发时效,实现开发能力的计算,并根据时间因子计算随时间衰减的开发能力;然后,根据所有历史完成任务的时间先后顺序,实现能力度量值的动态更新;最后,基于历史任务技能覆盖率,计算工人对于待分配任务的开发能力。实验结果表明,与用户可靠性度量算法相比,所提出的能力动态度量算法具有较好的合理性与有效性,使能力度量吻合度平均值最高达到90.5%,能有效指导任务分配。  相似文献   

面向对象软件度量工具的设计实现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用软件度量工具对程序源代码的各类质量属性度量,对于提高程序质量具有重要意义。提出了一个适用于多种面向对象程序设计语言的软件度量工具的灵活软件结构,该结构的核心是以数据库为中间件。给出了该工具的结构,总结了该结构的特点和实用性,给出了以图形形式显示的分析结果和度量指标与质量特征之间关系的实验结果。  相似文献   

Our paper describes the requirements and possibilities of integration of metrics tools in the field of software quality assurance. Tools for the support of the measurement process are herein classified as Computer Assisted Software Measurement and Evaulation Tools (CAMETools). Software measurement regarded as a special type of metrics application provides a great amount of basic information for the evaluation of the software development process or the software product itself. Our paper examines the effectiveness and destination of software measurement in tool-based software development and is based on an analysis of more than 20 CAME tools in the Software Measurement Laboratory at the University of Magdeburg. CAMEtools are useable for the process, product, and resources evaluation in all phases of the software life cycle (including the problem definition) for different development paradigms. The efficiency of CAME tools is described on the basis of a general measurement framework. This framework includes all steps in the software measurement and evaulation process: metrics definition, selection of the evaluation criteria, tool-based modelling and measurement, value presentation and statistical analysis. The framework includes the main aspects of the process evaluation techniques (Capability Maturity Model, ISO 9000-3 etc.) and product evaluation (ISO 9126, etc.). It is not a disjointed set of aspects: our measurement framework represents an incremental technique for the application of quantification of quality aspects in a required quality assurance  相似文献   

一种软件过程质量的度量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种软件过程质量度量的流程,建立了一个以生命周期为基础的软件过程质量度量模型,将软件过程质量要素分解成了共性软件过程质量要素和个性软件过程质量要素两大类,分析了相应的质量要素、质量子要素和度量元,给出了相应的度量方法。最后利用该度量方法对某公司5个软件项目需求阶段的过程质量及软件开发后期需求稳定性因子进行了度量,经数据分析发现软件开发后期的需求稳定性因子与需求阶段的过程质量是正相关的,从而表明了提出的度量方法和度量模型是有效的。  相似文献   

刘安战  郭基凤 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(8):2422-2427,2432
为了更好地评价众包软件开发者的能力,分析了众包模式下软件众包开发的三个基本要素,即大众开发者、任务发布者、众包平台,提出了一种软件众包开发者能力价值率模型。该模型将软件众包任务从子任务、时间阶段、质量特性三个维度进行细分,首先评价众包原子单元,进而综合评估整个众包软件的质量。模型在评价过程中充分考虑了开发者的价值贡献因素,推演了开发者能力价值率的计算方法。验证实验表明软件众包开发者的综合能力价值率随着任务量的增加,其变化和能力大小关系趋于一致,所设计模型具有更好的稳定性,能够有效地评估软件众包开发者能力。  相似文献   

针对现有软件选型手段存在的缺乏统一标准、主观性和片面性较强的问题,建立了软件选型过程模型,设计了基于模糊综合评价的软件选型度量模型,讨论了软件选型度量模型的三个层次,进而开发了可操作的软件选型度量原型系统,并通过实验验证了该系统的有效性。  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing has been a helpful mechanism to leverage human intelligence to acquire useful knowledge.However, when we aggregate the crowd knowledge based on the currently developed voting algorithms, it often results in common knowledge that may not be expected. In this paper, we consider the problem of collecting specific knowledge via crowdsourcing. With the help of using external knowledge base such as WordNet, we incorporate the semantic relations between the alternative answers into a probabilisticmodel to determine which answer is more specific. We formulate the probabilistic model considering both worker’s ability and task’s difficulty from the basic assumption, and solve it by the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. To increase algorithm compatibility, we also refine our method into semi-supervised one. Experimental results show that our approach is robust with hyper-parameters and achieves better improvement thanmajority voting and other algorithms when more specific answers are expected, especially for sparse data.  相似文献   

软件质量是软件的生命,它直接影响软件的使用与维护,软件开发人员、维护人员、管理人员和用户都十分重视软件的质量.质量低下的软件不但影响基于计算机系统的工作效率,而且还可能给用户带来灾难性的后果,因而,提高软件产品质量已成为软件工程的一项首要任务.为此,首先讨论了软件度量的概念,接着分析了确定权值的基本原则、软件质量评价工具、面向对象度量方法,最后做了总结.因此本文具有深刻的理论意义和广泛的实际应用.  相似文献   

浅谈软件质量度量和软件产品评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件质量度量和软件产品评价系列标准是国际标准化组织ISO/IEC JTC1近年来在软件工程标准方面的研究重点之一,对于通过量化手段进行软件产品的度量和评价,规范软件产品的质量管理,这两个系列标准提供了一条可以参考的实施途径。本文在多年跟踪研究国际上软件工程标准和制定软件工程国家标准的基础上,对ISO/IEC JTC1近年推出的ISO/IEC 9126和ISO/IEC 14598系列,以及正在研制的ISO/IEC 25000系列标准进行综合介绍。  相似文献   

日本在软件项目开发上强调质量第一。主观上,诚信及服务型社会的氛围促使每个开发人员自觉提高质量;客观上,通过采用合理的项目开发过程、配备质量管理人员、开发中及时寻求技术支援、基于概念清晰的软件架构进行开发、利用多种测试手段充分测试、重视文档等手段来进行质量控制。  相似文献   

日本在软件项目开发上强调质量第一。主观上,诚信及服务型社会的氛围促使每个开发人员自觉提高质量;客观上,通过采用合理的项目开发过程、配备质量管理人员、开发中及时寻求技术支援、基于概念清晰的软件架构进行开发、利用多种测试手段充分测试、重视文档等手段来进行质量控制。  相似文献   

优序法在软件质量评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
优序法是一种用于评价的较好方法,目前已在管理成果评价等方面得到了应用,该方法同样达用于软件质量评价,该方法应用简单,即能处理定性问题,又能处理定量问题,文章给出了优序法在软件质量和评价中的应用。  相似文献   

软件质量的重要性和必要性已被越来越多的软件开发人员所认识。拓宽、融合、改进、完善Logiscope和McCabe的软件度量体系,选取16个度量元作为评价软件质量的度量指标,进而建立评分值分布函数模型,并通过测试9个不同型号的软件确定出模型参数,同时依据度量元权值的不同,对软件进行综合评分,以量化数据的形式计算出软件程序代码的质量水平。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术和共享经济模式的快速发展,作为一种新型的群体计算模式,近年来众包(Crowdsourcing)已经得到了广泛的应用并成为研究热点.针对众包应用的特点,为确保众包任务的完成质量,现有研究从工作者能力评估的角度出发已提出了各种不同的众包任务分配方法.首先介绍了众包的概念和分类,阐述了众包平台的工作流程及其任务...  相似文献   

面向对象软件度量技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了OO度量评价规则和标识一组OO度量套件的方法,一组切实可行的OO度量套件及其形式化描述方法,评价OO关键概念和结构特性。质量度量模型是软件质量评价体系中的关键技术,采用层次结构的度量模型。通过质量度量模型,就建立了软件内部属性和外部属性间的客观的定量的联系。OO软件度量框架用以规范化地帮助评测软件产品质量的过程。  相似文献   

模型立足于为资源有限的软件企业提供灵活的软件产品大规模定制及演化方案。采用以软件产品线原型为中心的振荡上升模型来实现软件大规模定制,在大规模定制的过程中不断提升整个软件产品线的质量,并同步完成产品线的升级维护工作。整个模型考虑了软件企业在各种资源上的不足,尽量设计得轻型、敏捷,以便能容易地应用于实践。  相似文献   

Software product line (SPL) is a set of software applications that share a common set of features satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment. SPL engineering is a paradigm to develop software applications that commonly use a feature model to capture and document common and variable features, and their relationships. A big challenge is to derive one product among all possible products in the SPL, which satisfies the business and customer requirements. This task is known as product configuration. Although product configuration has been extensively investigated in the literature, customer's preferences are frequently neglected. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to configure a product that considers both qualitative and quantitative feature properties. We model the product configuration task as a combinatorial optimization problem, and heuristic and exact algorithms are proposed. As far as we are concerned, this proposal is the first work in the literature that considers feature properties in both leaf and nonleaf features. Computational experiments showed that the best of our heuristics found optimal solutions for all instances where those are known. For the instances where optimal solutions are not known, our heuristic outperformed the best solution obtained by a one‐hour run of the exact algorithm by up to 67.89%.  相似文献   

在借鉴现代工业的组织体系、管理规范、生产流程的基础上,针对基于软件产品线体系结构的软件工程方法和开发过程进行了系统研究,提出了基于产品线体系结构而实现软件工程化生产的N-生命周期模型.该模型的建立,对研究基于软件产品线体系结构的集成化软件工程环境,进而实现软件产品的工业化生产是非常有益且重要的.  相似文献   

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