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The German architect and city planner Hans Bernhard Reichow (1899-1974) published his book Organische Stadtbaukunst: Von der Gro g stadt zur Stadtlandschaft (The organic art of building towns: from the metropolis to the city landscape) in 1948. This presented a uniquely comprehensive discussion of the concept of the Stadtlandschaft (city landscape) in urban planning, an issue which was at the focus of debate in relation to the post-war reconstruction of Germany. Reichow was radically opposed to the idea of the metropolis and proposed the establishment of a new-style Stadtlandschaft , composed of residential cells that were kept closely attuned to their natural landscapes. Discussions from a quarter of a century earlier seemed to reappear in that concept, such as the call for the metropolis to be abolished in the revolutionary years of 1918-1919 following the First World War - a call which, however, gave way to a more pragmatic approach during the Weimar Republic. It is astonishing that the idea of a tabula rasa was maintained by Reichow for so long. There is also another perturbing aspect: Reichow gave his idea the same name as the concept which Nazi town planners had adopted as their own. How was it possible for Reichow to incorporate a new version of the concept of Stadtlandschaft into planning the reconstruction of the new Germany? This article shows, based on the example of Reichow, how concepts of urban planning are carried through history, with new political interpretations being continually attached to them. It deals with the question of continuity at the level of the planners and examines specifically how this continuity and adaptability of the concept of Stadtlandschaft was possible. Reichow's concept is introduced in the first part of this article in order to trace the roots of Stadtlandschaft within history in the second part of the article; finally Reichow's work is put in a theoretical context.  相似文献   

The paper examines the connection of language and urban form in the work of the German architect and urban planner Rudolf Schwarz. Schwarz, who is credited with having exerted major influence on the protagonists of modern architecture such as Mies van der Rohe, was one of the most famous architects in postwar Germany and the author of the 1950 plan for the rebuilding of Cologne's destroyed inner city. From the 1950s onwards, Cologne's once dense mediaeval nucleus was restructured by a network of six-lane thoroughfares and various sequences of scattered concrete blocks. This redesign, as radically modern as it may seem, was closely tied to Schwarz's traditionalist conception of language. His linguistic arguments were influenced by a century-long tradition among conservative German intellectuals, who strove for a deeper and unmediated understanding of the world through verbal communication. Claiming an intrinsic relationship between the structure of German grammar and of the phenomena it captures, they believed in the ‘rootedness’ of their nation in its geographic environment through language. In that respect, Schwarz's conception and use of language – which was in many ways exemplary for German city planners in the postwar era – laid the groundwork for the modernist transformation of the city and thus for a dilemma that haunted German urban planning in the decades that followed.  相似文献   

The paper examines the connection of language and urban form in the work of the German architect and urban planner Rudolf Schwarz. Schwarz, who is credited with having exerted major influence on the protagonists of modern architecture such as Mies van der Rohe, was one of the most famous architects in postwar Germany and the author of the 1950 plan for the rebuilding of Cologne's destroyed inner city. From the 1950s onwards, Cologne's once dense mediaeval nucleus was restructured by a network of six-lane thoroughfares and various sequences of scattered concrete blocks. This redesign, as radically modern as it may seem, was closely tied to Schwarz's traditionalist conception of language. His linguistic arguments were influenced by a century-long tradition among conservative German intellectuals, who strove for a deeper and unmediated understanding of the world through verbal communication. Claiming an intrinsic relationship between the structure of German grammar and of the phenomena it captures, they believed in the 'rootedness' of their nation in its geographic environment through language. In that respect, Schwarz's conception and use of language - which was in many ways exemplary for German city planners in the postwar era - laid the groundwork for the modernist transformation of the city and thus for a dilemma that haunted German urban planning in the decades that followed.  相似文献   

<正>张·鲁道夫·弗拉基米洛维奇(Rudolf V.Zhang),男,1941年生,教授,工学博士,俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院麦尔尼科夫冻土研究所前任所长,俄罗斯工程院院士,国际工程院通讯院士,俄罗斯工程院萨哈共和国(雅库特)分院院长,俄罗斯工程冻土领域的权威专家,曾获"俄罗斯联邦荣誉科学工作者"的荣誉称号。独立或合作完成140多篇论文、3项发明,11项  相似文献   

重新设计纽约F.A.O.Schwarz的时候,Rockwell团队希望打造一个引人入胜的纽约屋。原有的空间是开放的.拥有流畅的循环路线.店外也可以很好地看到店内的景象。该建筑位于第五大街.外形像个巨大的浴缸,空间内明亮而且活泼。室内.大体量的入口大厅让人联想到大的购物中心,  相似文献   

In a search for a domestic architecture that embodied contemporary culture, both Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolf Schindler interpreted the spatial programme of modern life through the conventional construction methods of the American light timber frame. Since its invention in 1833, this American residential construction system has undergone numerous modifications and improvements, yet remains substantially unchanged. For modern architects, this standardised framing system was applauded as it met many of the criteria for industrialisation, and yet it is also remarkably adaptable. For Wright and Schindler, the flexibility of this construction assembly afforded both interpretation and innovation.  相似文献   

In a search for a domestic architecture that embodied contemporary culture, both Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolf Schindler interpreted the spatial programme of modern life through the conventional construction methods of the American light timber frame. Since its invention in 1833, this American residential construction system has undergone numerous modifications and improvements, yet remains substantially unchanged. For modern architects, this standardised framing system was applauded as it met many of the criteria for industrialisation, and yet it is also remarkably adaptable. For Wright and Schindler, the flexibility of this construction assembly afforded both interpretation and innovation.  相似文献   

为防范串联电弧故障引起的事故,研究Schwarz 电弧仿真模型。利用Schwarz 电弧模型对非线性负载电路进行模拟仿真和对比,分析出故障电路时电压和电流波形的特点。采用小波分析算法对电流进行分解,计算不同频段的能量。结果显示,在线性负载电路出现电弧故障时d6 频段前后能量变比系数大,非线性负载电路出现电弧故障时Ea6 和d5 频段前后能量变比系数大。利用这个特点,通过检测d6、Ea6 和d5 频段的电流能量,可以判断电路是否发生故障,有助于防范串联电弧故障引起的火灾事故。  相似文献   

Culture is an all-pervading construct of human existence but its conceptualization is contested. As such, it is problematic to define or measure culture as different paradigms adopt radically different approaches. Emic approaches are, essentially, inward-looking and, via a constructivist paradigm, assert that a culture can be investigated validly only from that culture’s own perspective (idiographic). Etic approaches are concerned with an outside view, especially for cross-cultural investigations, and so tend to adopt a positivist perspective using surveys, models and dimensions (nomothetic). With increasing acceptance of varying conceptualizations, multiple methodologies and methods of research, founded on alternative philosophical stances, differing approaches to researching culture are pursued. However, several important issues of debate remain and are addressed, especially surrounding the seminal work of Geert Hofstede. Further concerns relate to levels of analyses (notably, the ecological fallacy and its reverse), scales of measurement for data collection and analysis, and their combination into indices. How people adapt to and accommodate different cultures is addressed, including structuring of organizational relationships (alliances, etc.) and the enduring debate over whether culture can be managed and the likely consequences of cultural management endeavours. Thus, the approach of positive criticism is adopted in this review of theory and literature to address the main issues in both the topic of culture and its philosophical underpinnings, and of how research methodologies and methods have been used in researching culture. Aspects of good practice and of less good practice are identified throughout to assist researchers and to stimulate further rigorous research into culture in construction. Primary findings emphasize the imperative of coherent and consistent uses of models and levels of analysis, care and rigour in use of scales and attention to the impacts of language and culture on data from respondents.  相似文献   

曲向渊 《山西建筑》2010,36(13):4-5
介绍了绿色建筑的概念和目标及价值标准,阐述了绿色建筑应遵循的各种原则,并对绿色建筑的发展进行了总结和探讨,指出其是提高生活条件,促进经济发展的重要手段,对社会可持续发展有重要作用。  相似文献   

楼梯是建筑中的垂直交通设施,它的设计合理与否直接影响建筑的功能、经济、安全疏散等重大问题.根据现行规范规定,经过多年研究,提出楼梯实际设计中的一些方法.  相似文献   

姚丹健 《山西建筑》2005,31(21):30-31
探讨了科学发展观的基本内涵,分析了我国城市规划中存在的一些问题,提出把科学发展观作为城市规划的指导思想,把科学发展观贯穿于城市规划的整个过程和各个方面.  相似文献   

In 1903, the world's first garden city was founded in Hertfordshire, England. The utopian dream to combine the best of town and country living was about to be progressed from concept to reality. A hundred and ten years later, Letchworth Garden City is a thriving town of 33,000 people who enjoy living in a place of beauty, underpinned by a strong sense of identity and community. This paper examines how the legacy of the original garden city masterplan by Parker and Unwin is protected. It considers how the town manages its architectural heritage while striving to maintain its economic viability and responsiveness to today's challenges. The paper also discusses how a Community Benefit Society – The Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation – manages the town's social reinvestment model, which ensures that commercial earnings within the town are shared for the benefit of local communities. The paper looks at the Heritage Foundation's governance structure and how it is accountable to the local residents and businesses. A case study summarizing a community consultation exercise to consider the future of the town centre is also included.  相似文献   

时代与传统的舞台——新湖北剧场设计构思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了新湖北剧场的设计,依其特有的历史,地理环境,进行了独特的设计构思,功能布局,场地设计及其室内声学设计。  相似文献   

高层建筑分散筒结构体系概念及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先阐述了分散筒结构体系的基本概念,然后通过对某高层建筑采用分散筒和框架-核心筒结构两种不同的结构方案进行抗风、抗震性能分析,分析结果表明:在大致相同混凝土用量和使用面积下,分散简体系比框筒周期短;在水平荷载作用下,分散简体系比框筒位移小。  相似文献   

Inter-firm collaboration has increased significantly in the last decades. The concept of ecosystem has emerged to explain the nature and implications of businesses’ increasing reliance on networks. The ecosystem concept is intended to be generalizable across sectors, but research on ecosystems has focused on high-tech industries. Moreover, the construction industry has special features that differentiate it from other industries. In this paper, the concept of the ecosystem is introduced and developed in the context of the construction industry and the relationship between ecosystem characteristics and value creation in construction networks is examined. Based on a multiple-case study of six networks in the Finnish and Swedish construction industry, it is suggested that the ecosystem concept is applicable and offers a useful analytical lens for understanding value creation in the construction industry. The results suggest that operating according to ecosystem principles is positively connected to value creation in construction networks. Based on a cross-case analysis, a conceptual framework is presented on the main connections between ecosystem characteristics and value creation. The relevance of the ecosystem concept for the construction industry is predicted to grow in the future, as previous studies suggest that ecosystem-like features are being increasingly employed in construction networks.  相似文献   

从建筑在经济、社会、环境三个方面可以具有的可持续功能价值入手,结合可持续建筑设计的一般特征,对可持续建筑设计的思想和基本原则进行分析,归纳了"三合七要"的设计观念,并对其内容及关系进行了初步阐释。  相似文献   

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