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Focusing upon a period during which the planning discipline emerged and was consolidated in Latin America from the 1920s through the 1950s, this article aims to identify some of the impulses behind the widening of the scope of planning activities undertaken by planners of capital cities, from the local and urban to the regional and territorial. The author uses a comparative perspective to analyze this tendency toward the enlargement of the territorial extent of the plan, interpreting it as part of the process through which Latin America’s urban modernization proceeded while also relating it to the epistemological and professional shift from urbanismo towards planificación and planejamento. While factors such as the emergence of planning offices in some capital cities and the emergence of the first courses in planning in university curricula are considered, the article focuses mainly on the the approaches of pioneers in Latin American planning to this transition, in particular Carlos Contreras and Hannes Meyer in Mexico City, Carlos della Paolera in Buenos Aires, Karl Brunner in Bogotá and Santiago de Chile, and Maurice Rotival in Caracas.  相似文献   

The countervailing cellular automata (CVCA) is a loose coupled program designed to work in conjunction with SLEUTH (an urban cellular automata simulation model). CVCA operationalises a set of landscape ecological strategies for urban planning. CVCA first assesses a landscape against a set of landscape metrics. It then evaluates the proposed urban cells from SLEUTH against the metrics and allocates future land uses according to a suite of planning strategies (offensive, defensive, protective, opportunistic). This paper describes the development of CVCA, the theory behind the landscape strategies, and the actions taken to bring CVCA into a computable environment. An application of CVCA in two metropolitan areas in Portugal (Porto and Lisbon) is made and discussed. The results of implementing it are then discussed and evaluated. The paper concludes that the implementation of the cellular automata model CVCA, loose coupled with SLEUTH (a cellular automaton urban model), provides a robust and useful application of landscape ecological strategies in metropolitan planning. The applied strategies vary locally as a function of the specifics concerning particular patterns and processes to be promoted. Besides the quantitative analysis they provide, these patterns and processes can also be assessed and compared in terms of the resulting images of urban growth, the location and the shape of corridors, buffers, and the relative importance of the different landscape ecological planning strategies.  相似文献   

城市总体规划与土地利用总体规划的冲突与矛盾是近年来城市规划实施中遇到的突出问题之一。本文分析了两规在指导思想、工作内容、发展规模、空间布局等方面的矛盾冲突,总结了上海"两规合一"实践中关于战略引领、城乡统筹、生态优先、转型发展、管理创新的基本做法,并对"两规合一"后城市规划在管控能力、配给能力、政策能力和实施能力等方面的新变革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

由郑肇经先生编写1927年由商务印书馆出版的《城市计画学》一书,在中国现代城市规划学科发展历史上,奠定了现代中国城市规划学科第一版的根本框架.全书指出了城市规划学科面临的三项基本工作内容:现有城市的改善提升、未来城市的设计建设以及城市建设管理与条例.本文针对这本手头可发现的现代中国最早出版的城市规划学科著作,进行了阐述和初步分析其时代背景、其作者郑肇经先生,及其对现代中国城乡规划学所发挥的历史性作用,以期弥补学科文脉,追本溯源,明确未来走向,引起同行的共同思考.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experience of managing a process of extremely rapid urban development in one of the Gulf States. In such situations of rapid urbanization, past planning models have not proved appropriate and many planning professionals working in such situations have not been exposed to more recent theoretical developments in the field. In this context, urban planning professionals have been required to invent new approaches for specific contexts, for which the models provided in their training had left them unprepared.  相似文献   

市场经济下中国城市规划理论发展的逻辑   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
城市规划的三个形式(开发控制、规划方案和规划过程)对应于城市化的三个阶段(初始期、快速发展期和稳定饱和期),开发控制是市场经济下城市规划的重要形式和手段,而城市规划方案理论的发展深化必定由市场实践所推动.市场经济作为一种生活方式已经构成对不具备完善的现代开发控制机制的中国城市规划的最大挑战,规划部门对"规划师规划城市,开发商建设城市"的规划和开发两元分离现象毫无警觉,一些规划方案编制方法仍然如旧,犹如在计划经济时代.认识市场经济下的规划实施过程,及其背后的城市建设制度,如何提高建设美好城市的能力是发展中国城市规划理论的根本方向.  相似文献   

This article reviews the history of the governance approaches and planning and funding tools utilised for regional public land acquisition in Perth and Sydney. Focus in this analysis is placed on the hypothecated land tax model used in Perth of the Metropolitan Region Improvement Tax (MRIT). The main outcome of the comparison and contrast of the approaches taken in Perth and Sydney is to present the case for the extension of the “Perth model”, which includes the MRIT, to other Australian cities. The benefit, from the perspective of the implementation of public policy and strategic metropolitan planning, of the availability and utilisation of a hypothecated tax for public land acquisition, is a key conclusion of this article.  相似文献   

尹明 《工业建筑》2014,(8):167-170
《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)》提出,推动有条件地区经济社会发展、土地利用和城市总体规划等"多规合一"。提出了"三规合一"的概念,分析了面临的主要问题,探索了推进"三规合一"的路径。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the urban history of Juiz de Fora, a city with some 500,000 inhabitants in southeastern Brazil, and discuss how strategic decisions about the planning and construction of roads and highways can determine ways of life in a city. While paths may integrate landholdings and territories, they may also segregate communities and environments, causing deep rifts in the fabric of urban and land areas. The growth of Juiz de Fora is particularly marked by the construction of paths. This article reviews the local urban history from the establishment of paths in the city, to an analysis of the major impact and benefits they have had, notably on the local economy and demographics, as well as on the conservation of the local environment: Issues that are frequently relegated to a secondary role in the cost-benefit analysis of the city's planning decisions. After analysis of the case study, the authors concluded that citizens should be included on the agenda of the city, from spectators to actors of daily urban life.  相似文献   

本文结合笔者多年城市规划实践,详细阐述新形势下城乡一体化规划的重要性,并在现阶段存在问题分析的基础上,对实现城乡一体化规划与建设的原则特点与具体措施建议进行了深入探讨和总结。  相似文献   

克劳德·尼古拉斯·勒杜的绍村理想城不但"是工业时代的第一座理想城市"①,而且"肯定是最迷人的一个".该文通过对这一理想方案的评述,探讨了其规划设计主题,并初步勾勒了勒杜式的建筑师理想国.  相似文献   


The nineteenth-century master plans for European cities influence their development beyond their intended lifespans and provide a variety of robust urban fabrics to this day. The Hobrecht Plan for Berlin's urban expansion (1862) was intentionally conceived to adapt to an uncertain future, remaining influential even today. For a considerable time, the Hobrecht Plan was disregarded and considered irrelevant across the spectrum of development plans in Europe. This article presents a comprehensive re-assessment of the Hobrecht Plan with an emphasis on its intrinsic value. The plan defined a new set of urban patterns, forms and spaces in 15 section plans and a range of public space typologies defining Berlin's cityscape. The plan developed a spatial and structural framework using three different urban design elements: the ring boulevard, the harbour square, and the neighbourhood square. These key organizing elements have helped public spaces remain the effective planning units of Berlin's neighbourhoods. This analysis provides insight on how contemporary master plans can better formulate long-term strategies to address complexity, adaptability, and flexibility. The article presents novel outlooks on Berlin's city structure and new knowledge of Hobrecht's contribution to the planning discipline.  相似文献   

Using archival evidence from Hastings' unpublished writings, as well as from representative Townscape publications, this essay chronologically traces the genesis and development of Townscape as social and political project within the history of British planning theory. Revising recent scholarship on Townscape, the article posits that Townscape embraced a conservative project, in many ways resistant to the emerging welfare state and to the dominant government consensus for regionalist principles of post-war reconstruction. It argues that Townscape posited an anti-collectivist model of society, bound together, not through a consensus of aims or viewpoints, but through a composite ecology of individualizing difference, developed according to one's unique cultural role or ‘bias’. Paralleling conservative British political discourses of the period, Townscape aestheticized and naturalized such differences through a tri-partite model of social types and a metaphorical construction of society as nature. Understanding the central significance of this social and political symbolism allows for new understanding of Townscape's construction of social complexity, as well as its use of organic analogies to describe social difference.  相似文献   

Jean‐François Gravier and Armin Meili were two leading pioneers of planning in France and Switzerland. Gravier was the famous author of Paris et le désert français, first published in 1947; Meili was the author of the first national conception of planning in Switzerland and was very active in planning policy in the 1940s. Each has deeply influenced the implementation of planning policy in his country and both have constructed their theories around a criticism of the city: Paris for Gravier; big cities, in general, for Meili.

This paper first describes the recurrent critiques of the city in the thoughts of these authors. From sterility to unhealthiness, they combine moral and physical criticisms. Although they belong to different countries and different political cultures, their thoughts take root in surprisingly common backgrounds based on the strength of ruralism and the political context of fascism. Finally, an analysis of their similar propositions concerning town and country planning policies is offered. The lessons of Gravier and Meili are based on different myths which the article will attempt to analyse.  相似文献   

The allocation of a significant portion of post-natural disaster financing to housing reconstruction in poorer countries is examined. Many poorer countries are reliant on external assistance in the form of loans or grants to meet their post-disaster reconstruction needs. Today, half of all the post-disaster borrowing provided by the World Bank is earmarked for the reconstruction of housing. Should this high proportion of limited reconstruction funds be allocated to a fundamentally private sector need? Is such an allocation economically efficient? After exploring these questions, an alternative solution is examined for government funds to be allocated to high economic return projects (e.g. infrastructure) and to meeting the needs of the poor. The allocation of funding to housing, much of which is captured by the economic and social elite, seems a misallocation of scarce resources. This is particularly the case since the funding available for post-disaster reconstruction by the international financial institutions is constrained and unable to meet anticipated future demand.  相似文献   

Policies related to urban development and regeneration have prompted a need for greater levels of information concerning vacant land and property. A need is identified to create efficient use (and reuse) of existing real estate. Drawing on information primarily collected for property taxation, a methodology is presented to create comprehensive data sets relating to vacant non-domestic buildings to help identify the type, size and location of long-term vacant property. The case is made for this methodology to be extended and for improved access to comprehensive data to enable scarce real estate resources to be used in a more sustainable manner.  相似文献   

Peter Murray pays tribute to Monica Pidgeon (1913-2009). Editor of Architectural Design for almost three decades, Monica was responsible for establishing Architectural Design as the premier international architectural magazine. Murray highlights her immense contribution to architecture over the years, as well as evoking the experience of working for Monica as one of her ‘boys’, or technical editors. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main focus of Mario Cucinella's work is an overlapping preoccupation with technology and the natural environment. In his hands buildings are transformed into complex climatic machines. Anna Giorgi explains how, when combined with an instinctive sense of place, these concerns allow Cucinella's buildings to remain open objects, fragments of a greater natural or urban system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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