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This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the causes of stigma as it afflicts severely disadvantaged housing estates. It begins with a review of the literature on stigma and housing estates, identifying a lack of research and analysis of the causes of stigma specifically, yet a subtle adherence to pathological explanations. The remainder of the paper discusses evidence from a research project on stigmatised estates in the UK, identifying and counterpoising various perspectives on the causes of stigma. It concludes by offering an alternative framework for understanding the phenomenon of stigmatised estates which moves beyond pathological explanations to focus on the roles and contributions of external actors and influences.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to reclaim the democratic legitimacy of self-selecting and informed publics in citizen engagement in housing development planning. It argues for an approach to public participation in which the issues, and the articulation of conflicting attachments to those issues, are understood as the occasion for democratic politics. The article illustrates this approach in an analysis of the use of direct democracy to decide housing allocations in the policy of neighbourhood planning in England. Drawing on literature from Science and Technology Studies and actor–network theory, it evidences the public articulation of house-building as a matter of concern and identifies the agency of housing in enrolling publics, translating interests and in fostering debate and contention. It concludes that the articulation of conflicting interests can deepen democratic engagement in housing development planning and open up the exclusions through which this issue is currently framed.  相似文献   

通过对珠江三角洲(Pearl River Delta,PRD)10个住区的问卷调查和实地调研,采用文献研究和数理统计等方法,分析了该地区9类居民休憩活动的时间分配特征.研究结果表明:性别、年龄、职业和学历等个人或家庭因素对休憩活动类型的选择、活动持续时间有影响,但对各类活动影响的程度有所不同;居民休憩行为在多方面影响住区规划设计.指出了住区规划设计中应注意的若干问题,最后提出了住区规划应树立更全面的科学观和以人为本的观念.  相似文献   

The purposes, tasks and stages of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) practice for housing development projects have been considered. The implementation of the EIA of these projects is proposed in three stages:

  1. Identification of the existing state of the environment.

  2. Identification of natural and anthropogenic factors which are of significance for designing housing developments and the arrangement of recreation facilities.

  3. 3. EIA of the existing development projects.

The approach given is illustrated by the EIA of four development projects in one of the Vladivostok “microdistricts”, 2,3 km2 in area, designed for 22,000 residents. A set of ten maps has been compiled for the future construction area which illustrates spatial spreading and significance of each factor for the housing development. Possibilities are shown for the increase of positive characteristics and the neutralization of considerable negative characteristics of the natural environment by means of town planning. Measures are proposed to improve the environment for recreation facilities.  相似文献   

Since the approval of the European Landscape Convention, social perception has been accepted as one of landscape’s defining components and, therefore, any strategy for its planning, protection or management has to be in possession of knowledge produced by citizen participation procedures. The Convention did not formally state what these procedures are and no methodology has been agreed upon for guaranteeing their inclusion in landscape analysis and praxis. This article puts forward a methodological proposal to this end that has been designed, tested and put into practice in the compiling of the Landscape Catalogue of the Province of Seville (Andalusia, Spain). Arguments put forward to support the methodological choices made are evaluated with the aim that this proposal might be of use for other initiatives to create a theoretical and practical corpus for social participation in landscape policies.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of some key aspects of the different contemporary approaches being utilised across the Australian States to redevelop public housing estates. Questions are raised about the effects of the projects on existing and future tenants, both in terms of the strategies used to address particular concentrations of disadvantage on the estates and the success in maintaining the current and future supply of public housing stock. In addition, the study points to the need for further evaluation of the approaches used in redevelopment, as currently little is known about the success or otherwise of the projects.  相似文献   

吴建中 《山西建筑》2006,32(24):42-43
分析了我国建立公众参与与小城镇规划制度的优势环境,论述了建立二者的必要性,提出了具体建立措施,以发挥公众参与在城镇规划领域的作用,促使小城镇规划切实可行。  相似文献   

Planning and building legislation is often divided between two institutional systems and mutually contradictory discourses. While the discourse related to building legislation focuses on efficiency, the planning discourse focuses on democracy. The two discourses are institutionally divided with two national governance systems in Norway. These governance systems meet in local development plans where planning and building are often fully integrated. How do these two discourses affect the development of national legislation and local planning? We find both the planning and building systems increasingly framed by the discourse related to efficiency.  相似文献   

Urban self-organization (USO) is an important topic within the field of contemporary participatory planning. This article aims to investigate the role of certain socio-psychological traits embedded within the notion of USO. We will argue that USO builds upon on the relationship between processes of community organizing, socio-spatial proximity and, most intriguingly, collective intentionality. The intellectual and sensory experience of self-organizing processes is examined through the help of three spatially anchored community initiatives within The Netherlands. We suggest that our investigation into collective intentionality of USO has a promising role in setting the future research agenda for supporting a more inclusive planning theory and practice.  相似文献   


There is a growing recognition globally that young people are under-represented or excluded from planning processes, and that this exclusion could have lasting impacts on their development as citizens and their interaction with the built environment. This article focuses on the extent to which youth participation is institutionalized in local government planning efforts in the United States and what explains this institutionalization. Consequently, what are the barriers and local attitudes towards youth participation? The primary data collection for this study is through an online survey that was sent to the census of California local governments. Results show that institutionalization of youth participation in local governance, through local prioritization of youth participation and emphasis of such participation in master plans, is low. Multiple linear regression is used to isolate the factors affecting institutionalization. Anticipated benefits are many, and barriers are primarily capacity related.  相似文献   

Trust is a central element of planning practice because the profession is positioned at the nexus of public and private interests, has a crucial role in the contested management of space, and seeks to promote democratic governance and public participation in local decision making. While trust (social and interpersonal) is often cited as a central factor contributing to the success or failure of participatory planning processes and of plan implementation, its role in planning has not been fully conceptualized. Building on the literature on trust in governance, this paper highlights key characteristics and paradoxes of trust, discusses the importance of trust for cooperation and planning, and presents the factors that hinder and promote trust. This discussion provides the bases for planning practice and research aimed at effective trust building.  相似文献   

Many plans and strategies these days are underpinned by ‘visions’. This article examines the cultural and policy shift in planning in the UK toward more integrated and participative practice, and the potential role of visioning in this new climate. Reviewing examples of vision planning in the US, where the process has a longer lineage, it argues that these interventions suffer from a lack of evaluation of the effects of ‘visioning’. Yet this visioning approach has been adopted in certain cities and towns in Northern Ireland in recent years. This article assesses the impact of this approach in a detailed case study and finds the impact to have been modest.  相似文献   

在社会参与视角下推进高等学校治理模式由传统单一权力中心向多元共治过渡,可以有效助推教育治理体系和治理能力的现代化。将政府和高校以外的第三方社会力量纳入到高校治理的权责体系中,可以使其摆脱"行政化"和"封闭化"倾向。要克服高校治理中既有社会参与思维的局限性和路径的匮乏,须以体系化、规范化的制度供给来保障社会参与的权责和利益实现,构建"政府—社会—高校"三者之间顺畅的权责平衡和协作共赢关系。具体包括明确社会力量在参与高校治理中的法律空间、规范社会参与高校治理的权责体系,以及拓展和改进社会参与高校治理的思维及方式。  相似文献   

Two trends in contemporary governance practice are mirrored in recent UK efforts in transport policy and practice: first, a concern to develop strategies in more participative and deliberative ways; second, a re-territorialisation of the state with greater attention to regional levels. This article discusses these issues through assessing a single regional transport strategy-making effort. The article argues that the process has achieved some of its aims and is a useful effort at generating awareness of, and interest in, this aspect of strategic policy making. However, the case highlighted shows how important it is to develop an appropriate collaborative process if a policy mechanism is to endure. This requires greater attention to: the purposes of participation in strategy development; the skills, practices and roles needed by the animateurs of such processes; the system of formal decision-making institutions and mechanisms arising from re-territorialisation in the UK case; and reconceptualising participatory processes in more deliberative ways. The article concludes with an assessment of ways forward both specifically for the development of strategic transport policy and for stakeholder engagement in similar exercises in other policy areas.  相似文献   

基于战略思考的小城镇规划探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐小锋 《山西建筑》2011,37(35):30-31
基于战略思考对小城镇发展的重要意义,以晋城市北留周村特色城镇规划为例,从战略角度思考小城镇规划设计,指出应结合小城镇实际情况,在客观分析的前提下合理制定城镇设计目标,生态景观格局及城镇风貌总体框架。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the interrelationships between concepts such as human and social capital, community well-being, citizen participation, community capacity building and community engagement. Working from this discussion a research agenda is presented relating to citizen participation in local governance with particular emphasis on the role of local government in building human and social capital, thereby contributing to the well-being of communities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the interrelationships between concepts such as human and social capital, community well-being, citizen participation, community capacity building and community engagement. Working from this discussion a research agenda is presented relating to citizen participation in local governance with particular emphasis on the role of local government in building human and social capital, thereby contributing to the well-being of communities.  相似文献   

Urban interventions in deprived neighbourhoods rank high on the agenda in European countries. This article explores what aspects of targeted urban-area interventions involve and appreciate local people during the intervention process so that they become motivated to continue to take care of and develop their area afterwards. Local social sustainability stands out as a necessary prerequisite for continued upkeep of upgraded urban neighbourhoods. The analysis builds on a ‘most different approach’, a comparison of interventions in the far south (Lisbon) and north (Oslo) of Europe. The article concludes that in addition to relevant goals and progress, local support was conditioned on how goals, organization and participation were worked out and implemented.  相似文献   


Games invite people to escape reality, test new skills, and have fun. Location-based games can also encourage players to explore their environment and make new connections between what they see around them and what they envision to be possible. I designed three mobile-based games that challenge urban planners and policymakers to experience the complex cultural economies of Rye Lane, a rapidly evolving, multicultural London high street. The games invite players to learn from its micro businesses in ways that can inform more nuanced conceptions of the street and policies to support it. The goal of the games is to foster productive feedback loops between street-level practices and city-making policies.  相似文献   

浅谈校园空间规划的历史   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张鸿 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):62-63
分析了当前国内校园规划的历史、空间形态的原型与形成原理,并从现代教育理念、校园规划理论与实务等层面探讨了大中学校校园整体规划的问题,并指出校园规划设计是校园建设的关键。  相似文献   

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