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袁涛 《华中建筑》2011,29(5):53-58
该文以柯布西耶建筑实践中窗的设计为考察对象,通过对他不同时期设计实践的比较分析,试图呈现一条基于"窗框"的观察视角与演变线索.  相似文献   

王验阳 《新建筑》2014,(2):8-13
以勒·柯布西耶的名著Veune Architecture在国内外不同版本的比较为线索,通过对该书文本的再阅读,讨论了勒·柯布西耶这部具有现代建筑划时代意义的理论著作的思想内涵,同时对我国建筑学界基于1927年英文译本而形成的译名《走向新建筑》的得失进行分析,阐述了对这部已在中文建筑学语境中具有广泛影响的著作的书名进行重新翻译的必要性和可能性.  相似文献   

结合<明日之城市>的翻译工作体会,介绍了该书的创作背景和主要内容,并对勒·柯布西耶的现代城市规划思想进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

金秋野 《华中建筑》2006,24(2):43-44
该文通过纪念勒·柯布西耶逝世40周年,指出在当今的建筑发展历程中更加全面地重新认识柯布西耶的可能性、意义和途径,并指出柯布西耶的建筑的真情感属性,正是他的作品超越时间的原因。  相似文献   

黄居正 《华中建筑》2006,24(8):24-25
勒·柯布西耶,一位现代建筑的先驱者和革命者。同时,在他身上,又体现了机器时代的科学理性与欧洲传统文化及古典精神之间的矛盾和融合。他创造并发展出了符合工业社会要求的多米诺体系、新建筑五要点等现代建筑的形式、结构以及空间语言,并把时间要素纳入到空间体系中去,使建筑成为了一门时间的艺术。  相似文献   

For Brazil, which is currently the world's eighth largest economy and is tipped to become the fifth, the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016 represent a unique opportunity. Fernanda Canales looks at Rio de Janeiro 2016 in light of Mexico City 1968, and considers how the Games should provide an occasion for both urban regeneration and also recasting the city's often previously conflicting image for an international audience. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper closely examines a plan drawing of the city of Adelaide, South Australia, made by the architect Le Corbusier in 1950, shortly before he took up the commission to design the city of Chandigarh in the Indian Punjab. A series of parallels are made between the Adelaide drawing and the production of the Chandigarh master plan, which are used to re-open questions of Le Corbusier's famous design for the city and aspects of his urbanism. In doing so the paper also points to Adelaide's peculiar status as an exemplar for critical modernist agendas regarding the organisation and planning of cities subscribed to by Le Corbusier and earlier city reformers like Ebenezer Howard. The paper concludes by offering a fresh assessment of the role of technique and process in Le Corbusier's urban projects including Chandigarh, which the architect's Adelaide drawing can help to evidence.  相似文献   

现代性与新精神柯布的新建筑思想及其矛盾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童明 《时代建筑》2008,(3):64-71
现代建筑理念的形成与发展只有被放置于现代性的时代背景中才能得以充分理解,而柯布西埃作为最负众望的现代建筑大师之一,其新精神概念及新建筑思想是现代主义建筑的重要里程碑之一。文章通过针对勒·柯布西耶的文本及作品的解读,着重梳理了作为一名现代主义者的柯布西耶的理性思想脉络,并试图分析其中的基本原则和矛盾性。  相似文献   

Le Corbusier's urbanism is routinely met with a backlash of criticism, which often overlooks the complexity of his work. There is a tendency to focus on the characteristics of his proposal for Paris in 1925 or on the ideas of CIAM's Athens Charter. However, such affirmations ignore the conceptual and qualitative evolution of his urban proposals. In this sense, the research hypothesis is that Corbusian urban models go beyond the Plan Voisin, diffused by urban planning theories as the unique paradigm of his urban ideas.Through analysis and characterisation of the inner-city urban plans of Le Corbusier, this report seeks to demonstrate the existence of other models and compares them to those often showcased in the partial examination of Le Corbusier's urbanism. The following parameters will be analysed: (1) population densities and areas for (2) buildings, (3) vehicles, and (4) pedestrians.The results of this research indicate the need to parameterise and analyse Le Corbusier's cities beyond a single case to demonstrate the diversity and evolution of his urbanistic work. This process seeks to dissipate the common view that falsely extrapolates ideas of his urban planning, largely that of his first proposal, for Paris.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):239-262
Urban spatial expansion resulting from urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is not going to stop or stabilize in the near future. Efforts should therefore be concentrated on accommodating this phenomenon through the promotion of sustainable urban planning and development. Relying on secondary data, this paper examines models of indigenous African urban forms and architecture to understand these forms and their characteristics, and how these models and associated management, design, and planning principles can be adopted in contemporary SSA urban development in the quest to achieve sustainable urban development. This paper argues that planning is culturally and contextually defined and the specificities of a place are critical in planning. Developing strategies based on indigenous urban forms which embody local peoples’ culture, aspirations, experiences, and values is consistent with the concept of sustainable urban development. The article concludes that there exist clear elements of socially, politically, economically, culturally, and environmentally sound and responsive sustainable planning principles to be derived from indigenous urban forms and architecture which can inform current urban development process in SSA.  相似文献   

In July 2014, the oldest slum in Rio de Janeiro, Morro da Providência (“Providence Hill”), received a cable car meant to facilitate up- and downhill commuting for residents of this hilltop community adjacent to downtown. Socioeconomic indicators suggest that this community was an ideal recipient of such a project, which facilitated mobility to center-city transit and potential employment. Yet the resulting impact on the adjacent built environment may have negatively impacted small-business vitality and development opportunities for residents of the community. Using social indicators and urban design analysis, this paper examines the distributional and design implications of these choices and proposes improvements.  相似文献   

郑光复 《华中建筑》2005,23(3):134-135
该文通过对杨廷宝、梁思成、柯比西耶及路易斯·康的建筑哲学的异同比较,概述了建筑设计实践中深涵建筑哲学这一理论.  相似文献   

杨远帆 《华中建筑》2012,(11):11-15,32
勒·柯布西耶的马赛公寓是继承了诸多前人意志的作品。这种继承不仅是从形式上,更是从"社会关系改革"这一目标出发的继承。该文从历史上追述柯布西耶马赛公寓灵感来源和设计动机,以展示"居住单元"这一通过建筑改造社会的卓越尝试的历史背景和来龙去脉,以还原一个较为真实和详细的研究马赛公寓的语境。  相似文献   

The study of the relationship of climate and indoor thermal environments in architecture is essential to understand the inhabitants' sensory perception. This is even more relevant when working in the existing housing stock in view of the new challenges posed by the conservation of the 20th century architectural heritage and the adaption of these buildings to our current comfort and environmental criteria. This article aims to develop a balanced understanding of the approach of Modernist architecture to climate, indoor atmospheres and inhabitants' thermal comfort. To do so, we complement the quantitative approach of environmental assessment methods with the qualitative angle of the history of sensory and architecture. The goal is to understand the environmental performance of architecture for dealing nowadays with thermal comfort issues while respecting its cultural and historical values. Two modernist houses have been selected as case studies: the Villa Curutchet of the master Le Corbusier and the Villa Chupin of his disciple André Wogenscky. As a result, the article reveals potentialities and constraints in terms of thermal comfort when working with Modern Architecture.  相似文献   

文脉主义中的建筑与城市   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵立强 《山西建筑》2004,30(17):13-14
在“现代建筑”运动的发展下,从建筑和城市所面临的一系列问题出发,提出了文脉的观点,论述了文脉主义的建筑和城市,并对当前我国城市发展中存在的问题,提出了相应观念和对策。  相似文献   

在中西园林文化交流背景下,重点围绕18世纪法国地图学家、版画家及建筑师勒胡日出版的《英中式园林》丛书,介绍了丛书出版的时代背景,对书中表现中国园林的版画进行了研究,推测考证其原画来源,从表达技巧以及构图模式等方面进行多版对比分析,展示了勒胡日在《英中式园林》中对中国园林认知的表达。同时还解析了《英中式园林》在欧洲出版并传播的意义,以期对中西园林文化交流以及中国园林对世界影响的历史研究做出补充完善。  相似文献   

This micro-narrative explores transatlantic meetings of influential European and American figures at Cornell University in the 1970s. It focuses on Colin Rowe, Oswald Ungers, and Rem Koolhaas, respectively authors of the widely known books Collage City (1978), The City within the City (1977), and Delirious New York (1978). The article argues that their time in the USA led them to produce a body of urban thought that may be seen as a tipping point in design, both for European cities and the USA urban landscape. The twentieth-century discourse on the city is markedly transnational and has often sought a neutral logic for configuring the built environment, yet it also bears the marks of the places in which it was conceived. The disillusionment with the universalizing and technocratic discourse of modernism was already tangible throughout the European debates on the city at the time. The Cornell period incited these three figures to abandon a societally engaged approach to the city in architecture in order to develop a body of work that reclaimed architecture and urban space as domains of cultural meaning. From a background of the social agendas of Europe and confronted with the unselfconscious American environment, Rowe, Ungers, and Koolhaas developed a specifically architectural perspective on planning and urban ideas.  相似文献   

What will be the outcome of the large-scale construction programmes and under-delivered promises undertaken in preparation for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games? Ana Luiza Nobre , Associate Professor of Architectural History at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and Head of Research and Education at the Instituto Moreira Salles, gazes into her crystal ball and asks what the ongoing legacy of Rio 2016 might be.  相似文献   

苏心 《建筑与文化》2015,(2):180-181
基于空间句法理论,通过对北京和天津历史城区三个不同时期的空间形态和城区活力的演变过程进行描述、分析和对比,来解释历史城区的空间形态对城区活力的影响作用机理。以此丰富对城市发源地的历史城区的认识了解,促进对这些珍贵的历史文化遗存的更新与保护。  相似文献   

This paper compares four layers of the urban form of Athens in Greece and Alexandria in Egypt and uses the palimpsest analogy and a methodology that combines town plan analysis and GIS to investigate the interactions between the symbolic significance of heritage, urban form, and the distinctive spirit of place. The analyses reveal that the spirit of place remains constant as the urban form is reshaped. They also reveal that reinterpretations of the symbolic significance of tangible and intangible heritage, combined with innovative designs and urban rituals, transform the emerging urban form into a contemporary cosmic one.  相似文献   

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