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The formation of new microvasculature by capillary sprouting at the site of islet transplantation is crucial for the long-term survival and function of the graft. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an endothelial cell-specific mitogen with potent angiogenic and vascular permeability-inducing properties, may be a key factor in modulating the revascularization of islets after transplantation. In this study, we examined the gene expression of VEGF mRNA in three tumor cell lines and in isolated whole and dispersed rat islets in vitro by Northern blot hybridization in normoxic (5% CO2, 95% humidified air) and hypoxic (1% O2, 5% CO2, 94% N2) culture conditions. Increased expression of VEGF mRNA was observed in beta-TC3, RAW 264.7, and IC-21 tumor cell lines when subjected to hypoxia. With isolated whole islets in normoxic culture, a threefold increase in VEGF mRNA (P < 0.001) was seen at 48 h as compared with freshly isolated islets. This response was similar to the 3.8-fold increase observed with islets subjected to hypoxia. Dispersed rat islet cell clusters cultured on Matrigel for 24 h under hypoxic conditions showed a 3.4-fold increase (P < 0.01) in VEGF mRNA compared with those cultured in normoxia. This correlated with increased VEGF secretion as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunohistochemical studies revealed the presence of increased expression of VEGF protein near the center of islets after 24 h of normoxic culture. Islet cell clusters on Matrigel showed intense cellular localization of VEGF in both beta-cells and non-beta-cells. These findings suggest that rat islet cells, when subjected to hypoxia during the first few days after transplantation, may act as a major source of VEGF, thereby initiating revascularization and maintaining the vascular permeability of the grafted islets.  相似文献   

1. Gemfibrozil (Lopid) is extensively used as lipid-regulating agent in the Western World, and its beneficial effect is demonstrated in human studies such as the Helsinki Heart Study. However, the mechanism of its hypolipidaemic action is not fully understood. In the present paper, to elucidate the hypolipidaemic mechanism, we examined the effects of gemfibrozil on lipid metabolism in the normocholesterolaemic and hypercholesterolaemic stroke-prone spontaneously hypersensitive rat (SHRSP). 2. Gemfibrozil effectively increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction rich in apoE (apoE-HDL) and significantly decreased very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) in normocholesterolaemic SHRSP. In the liver of normocholesterolaemic SHRSP, gemfibrozil significantly reduced the activity of microsomal acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase. 3. Gemfibrozil markedly reduced atherogenic beta-very low density lipoprotein (beta-VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) in hypercholesterolaemic SHRSP fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet (HFC diet). On the other hand, it significantly increased the contents of apoA-I, A-IV and E in the HDL fraction compared with the control group, suggesting that gemfibrozil effectively increases anti-atherogenic HDL subfractions rich in apoA-I, A-IV or E. In the liver of hypercholesterolaemic SHRSP, gemfibrozil markedly prevented lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

The profile of endothelin-1 (ET-1) release from cultured vascular endothelial cells (ECs) obtained from deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats, was examined and compared with that from normotensive sham rats. ET-1 release from ECs was increased in a time-dependent manner, and the level of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats was higher than that of sham rats. Incubation of ECs with transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 or thrombin resulted in a significant increase in the ET-1 release, while FK409, a novel nitric oxide donor, produced a dose-dependent decrease in the release. In the case of ECs from DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, the potencies of TGF-beta 1- or thrombin-induced action was much less than that seen with sham rats, while the difference of reactivity to FK409 was not observed between ECs of DOCA-salt rats and sham rats. Thus, ET-1 production in ECs appears to be up-regulated in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. In addition, there seems to be an abnormalities in the signaling pathway via TGF-beta 1- or thrombin-induced enhancement of ET-1 production in ECs of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats.  相似文献   

Cerebral ischemia induces a massive efflux of glutamate causing delayed neuronal death in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) but not in Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY). It is obvious that L-N-nitroarginine (L-NNA; NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor), benzamide (poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase inhibitor), and growth factors are involved in reducing neuronal cell death due to toxic conditions, especially phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI3)-kinase activity; however, no studies have clarified whether genetic vulnerability to neurotoxic states is present in cortical neurons isolated from SHRSP. For this purpose, we prepared cortical neurons from WKY and SHRSP (15 weeks of gestation) to test the genetic vulnerability involved in the pathogenesis of stroke as well as apoptosis of cortical neurons isolated from SHRSP. We also examined the mechanisms necessary to reduce apoptosis under neurotoxic states using ultrastructural and biochemical techniques. Cortical neurons from SHRSP were in fact found to be more vulnerable than neurons from WKY and resulted in apoptosis when treated with nitric oxide (NO)- and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-mediated neurotoxic agents. Growth factors, especially insulin-like growth factor (IGF), rescued neurons from NO- and NMDA-mediated neurotoxicity, particularly those from SHRSP. Conversely, benzamide and L-NNA reduced NMDA-mediated neurotoxicity but not NO-mediated toxicity. The ability to protect neurons from neurotoxicity was as follows: IGF-->nerve growth factor epidermal growth factor-->L-NNA-->benzamide. In addition, it was demonstrated that wortmannin, a PI3-kinase inhibitor, lessened the protective effects of these growth factors against NO-mediated toxicity. The data thus indicate that genetic factors related to neuronal vulnerability to apoptosis are involved in the pathogenesis of stroke lesions in SHRSP. PI3-kinase activity, which is stimulated by growth factors, is closely related to protective effects against NO- and NMDA-mediated toxicity in cortical neurons, especially those isolated from SHRSP. Moreover, the genetic vulnerability observed in SHRSP neurons is possibly linked to the inadequate activation of signaling pathways in the downstream of protein tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

1. Kinase assay in myelin basic protein (MBP) containing polyacrylamide gels revealed that endothelin-1 (ET-1) and ET-3 increased MBP kinase activities in glomerular mesangial cells (MC) from Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats and spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP). ET-1 stimulated MBP kinase activities more potently than ET-3. 2. Immunoprecipitation with anti-41-kDa MAPK antiserum showed that the MBP kinases activated by ET-1 correspond to 43- and 41-kDa MAPK. 3. Since Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, a direct activator of protein kinase C, also activated MAPK, protein kinase C was suggested to mediate ET-induced activation of MAPK. 4. These results suggest that MAPK may mediate the ET actions in glomerular mesangial cells from normotensive rats as well as spontaneously hypertensive rats. Since ET is produced by vascular endothelial cells of the kidney and glomerular mesangial cells, the ET signalling pathway may have some physiological and pathophysiological significance in vivo glomerulus.  相似文献   

1. The relaxant effects of dopamine (DA) on the intrarenal arteries obtained from 6 month old stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) and age-matched Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were pharmacologically investigated in vitro. 2. DA (10(-7)-3 x 10(-5) mol/L) produced endothelium-independent relaxation on the arterial rings which had been incubated with phenoxybenzamine (2 x 10(-6) mol/L) and precontracted with KCl. 3. DA-induced relaxation was greater in the arterial rings from SHRSP than in those from WKY. SKF 38393 (10(-8)-10(-6) mol/L) partially mimicked DA-produced relaxation in both groups. SCH 23390 dose-dependently inhibited DA-induced relaxation with pD'2 value of 9.33 for SHRSP and of 9.26 for WKY. 4. There were no significant differences between SHRSP and WKY in the relaxation caused by forskolin, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. 5. These results suggested that DA1 receptor-mediated relaxation was increased in the intrarenal arteries from SHRSP, and this increase might not be associated with altered vasodilation mediated by cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is expressed in the heart, and its expression is markedly increased in response to hypoxia. Recently, it was shown that pulsatile myocardial stretch in vivo markedly enhanced VEGF mRNA level in the heart. To investigate whether pulsatile mechanical stretch really stimulates VEGF expression by cardiac myocytes, using an in vitro preparation, we examined the secretion of VEGF into the culture media from cardiac myocytes subjected to pulsatile stretch. We found that pulsatile mechanical stretch induced rapid secretion of VEGF by cultured rat cardiac myocytes and mRNA expression of VEGF and VEGF receptors in the cardiac myocytes. We also found that the stretch-induced secretion of VEGF was at least in part mediated by TGF-beta. These data provide the direct evidence that mechanical overload itself can induce VEGF secretion by cardiac myocytes, which may play a role in ameliorating the relative myocardial hypoxia.  相似文献   

To detect genetic loci responsible for stroke susceptibility, we produced 107 male F2 progenies crossed between stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP/Izm) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY/Izm) and followed them up until they developed cerebral stroke. One hundred and twenty-five simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were analyzed in these F2 rats. Nine of 107 F2 rats suffered from macroscopically overt stroke. In these 9 rats, the segregation ratio of 3 genotypes at 6 SSR marker loci on chromosomes 2, 4, 9, and 10 was highly distorted from the expected value (the observed sp/sp:sp/wky:wky/ wky ratio was either 6:3:0 or 6:2:1, while the expected was 1:2:1, p < 0.01 by chi 2 test). Further, the brain weight was significantly heavier (p < 0.001) in the F2 rats suffering from stroke, suggesting that the brain weight was a parameter for stroke. The brain weight of F2 rats cosegregated with D4Mit19, D4Mgh7, and D4Mgh8 (p = 0.0015, 0.0014, and 0.0040 by ANOVA, respectively) on chromosome 4 supporting genetic effects of this genetic loci on the pathogenesis of cerebral stroke. Blood pressure did not cosegregate with these markers on chromosome 4. These results suggest that a region on chromosome 4, independently of hypertension, determines genetic susceptibility to cerebral stroke.  相似文献   

Disproportionate fetal and placental growth are associated with the development of hypertension in the rat and human. Here we report differences in fetal, neonatal, and placental growth, and in metabolism and endocrinology, between the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), a genetic model for human essential hypertension, and the control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) strain. Gestation in SHR (23 d) was longer than in WKY by 20 h. Body weights were lower in the SHR from fetal d 16 to 20 and on postnatal d 15. However, on fetal d 22 and postnatal d 1, there was no significant difference in body weight between SHR and WKY. SHR placentas were larger than those of WKY at d 20, and by term there was a difference of 30% (p < 0.01). Other indices of disproportionate growth were hypertrophy of the fetal heart and kidney and decreased ponderal index in the SHR neonate. Blood glucose in SHR fetuses was lower than in WKY fetuses (p < 0.05), whereas blood lactate was higher (p < 0.05) and fetal hematocrit was reduced (p < 0.001). These findings suggest undernutrition and placental insufficiency may occur in SHR fetuses. Plasma IGF-II was increased on the last day of gestation in both strains, whereas IGF-I was unaltered. Fetal liver IGFBP-2 mRNA and plasma IGFBP-2 levels were reduced in SHR on fetal d 20 and 22 (p < 0.01). Differences in growth and endocrine and metabolic parameters suggest abnormal perinatal physiology in the SHR, which may influence the later development of hypertension.  相似文献   

1. Noradrenergic (NA) nerve fibre distribution was investigated in the epicardium and myocardium of the heart in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) and was compared to that in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Fluorescent NA nerve fibres in the left and right epicardium of both strains aged 10, 30, 60, 90 and 180 days, and in the myocardium of left and right ventricles and the ventricular septum of both strains aged 30, 90 and 180 days were examined by the glyoxylic acid method. The distribution densities of NA nerve fibres were measured by quantitative image analysis. 2. The distribution pattern of NA nerve fibres in the epicardium of both strains showed a constant meshwork pattern throughout the entire examination period. 3. In the myocardium, NA nerve fibres were distributed irregularly between myocytes of both strains in all ages examined. 4. The densities of NA nerve fibres in the epicardium of SHRSP were significantly higher (P < 0.01 and 0.05; Student's t-test, 6 d.f.) than those of WKY at all ages examined except left epicardium at 90 days of age. 5. The densities in the right myocardium in 30 and 90 day old SHRSP were significantly higher (P < 0.05; Student's t-test, 6 d.f.) than those of WKY. 6. NA hyperinnervation in the epicardium and the myocardium of SHRSP may be assumed to be caused by the hyperfunction of the stellate ganglia which innervate the heart and may give rise to hypertrophy of the heart in SHRSP by a trophic effect of NA nerve fibre.  相似文献   

1. The levels of the neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor (NGF) in the mesenteric vascular bed of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) were greater than those in the corresponding vascular bed of normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). 2. Administration of angiotensin II (200 ng/kg per min, by minipump) for 2 weeks to juvenile WKY rats increased the levels of NGF in the mesenteric vasculature to those seen in untreated SHR. 3. Administration of the angiotensin II receptor antagonists losartan (30 mg/kg per day, p.o.) or PD144277 (10 mg/kg per day, p.o.) to juvenile SHR for 4 weeks reduced the levels of NGF such that they were indistinguishable from the values obtained for normotensive WKY rats. 4. The results confirm the elevated level of NGF in the mesenteric vasculature of the SHR and suggest that angiotensin II may play a role in regulating the abnormal concentrations of the protein in this tissue.  相似文献   

Specific features usually allow recognition of entrance and exit wounds in bones. Exits are often more irregular, and usually larger than entrances. The aim of this paper is to compare the size of 17 entrance and exit gunshot wounds from a series of 13 forensic cases. The results of this work confirm the usually accepted fact that exit wounds in bones tend to be larger than the entrances resulting from the same shot. In all but one case the exits were larger than the entrances in this study. Though the bullet loses velocity after penetrating, the ballistic behavior (deformation and instability of the projectile) explains this tendency.  相似文献   

The changes of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) beta receptor gene expression in hypoxic rats lungs was examined. Northern blots analysis revealed that normal lungs expression PDGF-beta receptor mRNA, with the longer of hypoxia the level of the mRNA increased rapidly. It reached a maximum at day 4, and was 1.34 fold as compared with the control (P < 0.05). Immunohistochemistry investigation showed that PDGF-beta receptor mainly distributed on smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells of middle and small arterial trees in rat lung. With hypoxia, the distribution of PDGF-beta receptors did not change, but it was more intense and reached a maximum at day 7, and was 2.40 fold as compared with the control (P < 0.05). The results suggested that increased expression of PDGF receptor gene may play a role in hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling.  相似文献   

The effects of taurine on the regression of pre-established hypercholesterolemia were examined in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Hypercholesterolemia was induced by feeding a hypercholesterolemic diet to SHRSP for 30 days. Then, the diet was switched to normal chow with or without 3% taurine, and the effects were followed up for another 30 days. During regression serum cholesterol level was rapidly decreased, and was accelerated by taurine. A similar accelerated decrease in cholesterol content by taurine was seen also in tissues including the liver, intestine, and aorta. In the liver, acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity was significantly low in the taurine-supplemented group, parallel with the hepatic cholesteryl ester content. On the other hand, hepatic cholesterol 7 alpha-hydoxylase activity maintained a higher level in the taurine-supplemented group. These results showed that taurine accelerates the regression of hypercholesterolemia, and suggested that this effect is related to the increase in cholesterol catabolism to bile acid through the enhancement of 7 alpha-hydoxylase activity.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effectiveness of chronic blockade of the renin angiotensin system with either valsartan or benazeprilat on survival, blood pressure and end-organ damage in salt-loaded stroke-prone SHR. Valsartan or benazeprilat given continuously by subcutaneous osmotic minipump beginning at 10.5 weeks of age lowered blood pressure, as determined by radiotelemetry, prevented proteinuria, prolonged survival and decreased the severity of histopathological changes in the heart and kidney. These results indicate that angiotensin receptor blockade affords a similar degree of protection as inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme in salt-loaded stroke-prone SHR. Furthermore, our results are consistent with a primary contribution of angiotensin II to the maintenance of blood pressure and support a principal role for angiotensin II-dependent mechanisms in the development of end-organ damage in the salt-loaded stroke-prone SHR.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF) are known to be angiogenic growth factors in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we have investigated the relationship between VEGF expression and PD-ECGF expression in human breast cancer tissues using immunocytochemical methods. Of 152 primary breast cancers, 84 (55.3%) and 71 (46.7%) were positive for VEGF and PD-ECGF, respectively. Fifty-three (63. 1%) of 84 VEGF-positive tumors had a PD-ECGF-positive phenotype, whereas only 18 (26.5%) of 68 VEGF-negative tumors had a PD-ECGF-positive phenotype. There was a significant correlation between the VEGF expression and PD-ECGF expression (P < 0.01). As a single factor, VEGF expression and PD-ECGF expression were significantly associated with an increase in the microvessel density assessed by the immunocytochemical analysis using antifactor VIII-related antigen mAb. Interestingly, in addition, of 53 tumors with more than 100 microvessel counts/1 mm2, 40 (75.5%) had both VEGF- and PD-ECGF-positive phenotypes. It was found that VEGF and PD-ECGF were frequently coexpressed in highly vascularized tumors with high microvessel counts. It is suggested that VEGF and PD-ECGF might cooperatively function in the neovascularization of human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF) was isolated as an endothelial cell mitogen from platelets. In this study, we investigated the expression of PD-ECGF and counted microvessels in 58 oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) specimens by an immunohistochemical technique to examine their prognostic significance and performed tumor in vitro sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and cisplatin as determined by a bioluminescence assay of the ATP values of tumor cells after continuous exposure. The percentage of PD-ECGF-positive tumor cells (PD-ECGF score) was correlated with the frequency of the recurrence of disease (P=0.0043) but not with sex, tumor size, metastasis, or clinical stage. Overall survival of the high PD-ECGF expression group (>40% PD-ECGF score) was shorter than the low expression (<40%) group (P=0.0365). Vessel count was correlated with lymph node metastasis and clinical stage. The survival of patients with hypervascularity (more than the median of intratumor vessel counts, >82) was shorter than that of those with hypovascularity (vessel count <81, P=0.0446). However, there was no association between PD-ECGF expression and vessel count. Cox proportional multivariate analysis showed that PD-ECGF expression was the most significant independent prognostic indicator for overall survival. The susceptibility to 5-FU cytotoxicity in the extremely high PD-ECGF expression groups (>70% of PD-ECGF score) was significantly higher than that in the low group, whereas there was no difference in their sensitivity to cisplatin. These results showed that carcinoma cells with high PD-ECGF expression were sensitive to 5-FU in spite of poor prognosis. These data provide further information when deciding on adjuvant therapy for oral and oropharyngeal SCCs.  相似文献   

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