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Hodges JT  Looney JP  van Zee RD 《Applied optics》1996,35(21):4112-4116
We have investigated the effects of laser bandwidth on quantitative cavity ring-down spectroscopy using the (r)R transitions of the b(ν = 0)?X(ν = 0) band of molecular oxygen. It is found that failure to account properly for the laser bandwidth leads to systematic errors in the number densities determined from measured ring-down signals. When the frequency-integrated expression for the ring-down signal is fitted and measured laser line shapes are used, excellent agreement between measured and predicted number densities is found.  相似文献   

We report on use of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) as a means to detect and quantify ion sputtering of refractory metal species. CRDS measurements are made with a neodymium:YAG-pumped optical parametric oscillator laser system in the 375-400 nm region. CRDS sputtering measurements are presented for argon ions incident on iron, aluminum, molybdenum, and titanium. The measurements are based on absorption from fine-structure levels of the electronic ground-state multiplets. For each species, characteristic spectra are provided, the dependence of sputtered particle number density on the beam current is examined, measured densities are compared with a sputter model, and detection limits are determined. For iron, aluminum, and titanium we probe multiple fine-structure levels within the ground-state multiplet and obtain information on their relative populations.  相似文献   

Fiber-loop cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) is a highly sensitive spectroscopic absorption technique which has shown considerable promise for the analysis of small-volume liquid samples. We have developed a new light coupling method for fiber-loop CRDS, which overcomes two disadvantages of the technique: low efficiency light coupling into the cavity and high loss per pass. The coupler is based on a 45° reflective notch polished between 10 and 30 μm into the core of a large-core-diameter (365 μm) optical fiber, and allows for nearly 100% light coupling into the cavity, with a low loss per pass (<4%). The coupler has the additional advantage that the input and output light is spatially separated on opposite sides of the fiber. The detection sensitivity of a fiber-loop CRD spectrometer employing the new coupling method is established from ring-down measurements on aqueous rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) at 532 nm. The results are compared with data obtained using the same light source and detector, but a conventional bend-coupled small-core-diameter (50 μm) optical fiber loop. With our new coupler, a detection limit of 0.11 cm(-1) is found, which corresponds to detection of 0.93 μM Rh6G in a volume of only 19 nL. This is an improvement of over an order of magnitude on our bend-coupled small-core optical fiber results, in which a detection limit of 5.3 cm(-1) was found, corresponding to a detection of 43 μM Rh6G in a volume of 20 pL.  相似文献   

Cavity ring-down spectroscopy was explored as a means to measure atmospheric optical extinction. Ambient air was sampled through a window on the campus of the University of Florida and transported to a ring-down cell fashioned from standard stainless steel vacuum components. When a copper vapor laser operating at 10 kHz is employed, this arrangement allowed for nearly continuous monitoring of atmospheric extinction at 510 and 578 nm. We have characterized the system performance in terms of detection limit and dynamic range and also monitored a change in atmospheric extinction during a nearby wildfire and fireworks exhibition. The sensitivity and compatibility with automation of the technique renders it useful as a laboratory-based measurement of airborne particulate matter.  相似文献   

We have developed an instrument to measure trace concentrations of small hydride species in gases using continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy with near-infrared diode laser excitation. An rms baseline equivalent absorbance of 9.2 x 10(-11) cm(-1)/square root(n) is found, where n is the number of ring-down transients. When the 1396.376-nm absorption line of water is used, this corresponds to a noise equivalent moisture concentration in nitrogen gas of 68 pptv/square root(n). Water vapor concentration is detected over a range extending from 3 to 1000 ppbv and found to depend linearly on the concentration as determined by a calibrated commercial moisture sensor.  相似文献   

Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is applied to the liquid phase by placing the target solution directly into the optical cavity. We demonstrate that solutions in the cavity can be stirred and more importantly monitored in a flow. We report a minimum detectable absorption of 10(-6) cm(-1) for a range of organic solvents. This detection limit corresponds to picomolar concentrations for strong absorbers.  相似文献   

Spuler S  Linne M 《Applied optics》2002,41(15):2858-2868
A numerical simulation of pulsed cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) is developed with the commercially available software package GENERAL LASER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. The model is verified through a series of numerical experiments. Several issues of concern in CRDS are investigated, including spatial resolution, misalignment, non-Gaussian beam input, and the effect of flames inside a ring-down cavity. Suggestions for the design of pulsed CRDS instruments are provided.  相似文献   

The application of evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (EW-CRDS) in monitoring electrogenerated species within a thin-layer electrochemical cell is demonstrated. In the proof-of-concept experiments described, ferricyanide, Fe(CN)6(3-), was produced by the transport-limited oxidation of ferrocyanide, Fe(CN)6(4-), in a thin-layer solution cell (25-250 microm) formed between an electrode and the hypotenuse of a fused-silica prism. The prism constituted one element of a high-finesse optical cavity arranged in a triangular ring geometry with light being totally internally reflected at the silica/solution interface. The cavity was pumped with the output (approximately 417 nm) of a single-mode external cavity diode laser, which was continuously scanned across the cavity modes. The presence of electrogenerated ferricyanide within the resulting evanescent field, beyond the optical interface, was detected by the enhanced loss of light trapped within the cavity, as measured by the characteristic cavity ring down. In this way, the EW-CRDS technique is sensitive to absorption in only the first few hundred nanometers of solution above the silica surface. The cavity ring-down response accompanying both cyclic voltammetric and step potential chronoamperometry experiments at a variety of electrode-surface distances is presented, and the results are shown to be well reproduced in modeling by finite element methods. The studies herein thus provide a foundation for further applications of EW-CRDS combined with electrochemistry.  相似文献   

The presence of trace water vapor in process gases such as phosphine, used for compound semiconductor epitaxial growth, can negatively affect the optical and electrical properties of the final device. Therefore, sensitive H2O measurement techniques are required to monitor precursor purity and detect unacceptable contamination levels. A commercial cavity ring-down spectrometer that monitors an H2O absorption line at a wavelength of 1392.53 nm was investigated for service in high purity PH3. Spectral parameters such as the line shape of water vapor in the presence of PH3 as well as background features due to PH3 were measured at different pressures and incorporated into the data analysis software for accurate moisture readings. Test concentrations generated with a diffusion vialbased H2O source and dilution manifold were used to verify instrument accuracy, sensitivity, linearity, and response time. H2O readings at 13.2 kPa corresponded well to added concentrations (slope=0.990+/-0.01) and were linear in the tested range (0-52.7 nmol mol-1). The analyzer was sensitive to changes in H2O concentration of 1.3 nmol mol-1 based on 3sigma of the calibration curve intercept for a weighted linear fit. Local PH3 absorption features that could not be distinguished from the H2O line were present in the purified PH3 spectra and resulted in an additional systematic uncertainty of 9.0 nmol mol-1. Equilibration to changing H2O levels at a flow rate of 80 std cm3 min-1 PH3 occurred in 10-30 minutes. The results indicate that cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) at 1392.53 nm may be useful for applications such as on-line monitoring (and dry-down) of phosphine gas delivery lines or the quality control of cylinder sources.  相似文献   

We are exploring sensitive techniques for elemental measurements using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) combined with a compact microwave plasma source as an atomic absorption cell. The research work marries the high sensitivity of CRDS with a low-power microwave plasma source to develop a new instrument that yields high sensitivity and capability for elemental measurements. CRDS can provide orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over conventional absorption techniques. Additional benefit is gained from a compact microwave plasma source that possesses the advantages of low power and low-plasma gas flow rate, which are of benefit for atomic absorption measurements. A laboratory CRDS system consisting of a tunable dye laser is used in this work for developing a scientific base and demonstrating the feasibility of the technique. A laboratory-designed and -built sampling system for solution sample introduction is used for testing. The ring-down signals are monitored using a photomultiplier tube and recorded using a digital oscilloscope interfaced to a computer. Lead is chosen as a typical element for the system optimization and characterization. The effects of baseline noise from the plasma source are reported. A detection limit of 0.8 ppb (10(-)(10)) is obtained with such a device.  相似文献   

Manne J  Sukhorukov O  Jäger W  Tulip J 《Applied optics》2006,45(36):9230-9237
Breath analysis can be a valuable, noninvasive tool for the clinical diagnosis of a number of pathological conditions. The detection of ammonia in exhaled breath is of particular interest for it has been linked to kidney malfunction and peptic ulcers. Pulsed cavity ringdown spectroscopy in the mid-IR region has developed into a sensitive analytical technique for trace gas analysis. A gas analyzer based on a pulsed mid-IR quantum cascade laser operating near 970 cm(-1) has been developed for the detection of ammonia levels in breath. We report a sensitivity of approximately 50 parts per billion with a 20 s time resolution for ammonia detection in breath with this system. The challenges and possible solutions for the quantification of ammonia in human breath by the described technique are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a spectrometer for sensitive absorption measurements in liquids across broad spectral bandwidths. The spectrometer combines the unique spectral properties of incoherent supercontinuum light sources with the advantages of cavity ring-down spectroscopy, which is a self-calibrating technique. A custom-built avalanche photodiode array is used for detection, permitting the simultaneous measurement of ring-down times for up to 64 different spectral components at nanosecond temporal resolution. The minimum detectable absorption coefficient was measured to be 3.2 × 10(-6) cm(-1) Hz(-1/2) at 527 nm. We show that the spectrometer is capable of recording spectral differences in trace levels of blood before and after hemolysis.  相似文献   

We describe the use of liquid-phase continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy for the detection of an HPLC separation. This technique builds on earlier work by Snyder and Zare using pulsed laser sources and improves upon commercially available UV-visible detectors by a factor of up to 50. The system employs a compact doubled-diode single-mode continuous-wave laser operating at 488 nm and a previously described Brewster's-angle flow cell. Ring-down time constants as long as 5.8 micros were observed with liquid samples in a 0.3-mm path length cell. The baseline noise during an HPLC separation was only 2 x 10(-7) absorbance units (AU) peak to peak, as compared to 1 x 10(-5) AU for a state-of-the-art commercial UV-visible detector.  相似文献   

Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) is an extremely sensitive absorption technique that has been applied primarily to gas samples, which are characterized by having narrow absorption features. Recently, CRDS has also been applied to liquid samples, which have broad absorption features. The use of small inexpensive diode lasers as light sources for liquid samples is demonstrated. The low cost coupled with the ease and technical straightforwardness of application gives this technique wide appeal.  相似文献   

Naik SV  Laurendeau NM 《Applied optics》2004,43(26):5116-5125
We report quantitative, spatially resolved measurements of methylidyne concentration ([CH]) in laminar, counterflow partially premixed and nonpremixed flames at atmospheric pressure by using both cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and linear laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) in the A-X (0, 0) band. Three partially premixed (phiB = 1.45, 1.6, 2.0) flames plus a single nonpremixed methane-air flame are investigated at a global strain rate of 20 s(-1). These quantitative measurements are compared with predictions from an opposed-flow flame code when utilizing two GRI chemical kinetic mechanisms (versions 2.11 and 3.0). The LIF measurements of [CH] are corrected for variations in the electronic quenching rate coefficient by using predicted major species concentrations and temperatures along with quenching cross sections for CH that are available in the literature. The peak CH concentration obtained by CRDS is used to calibrate the quenching-corrected LIF measurements. Excellent agreement is obtained between CH concentration profiles measured by using the CRDS and LIF techniques. The spatial location of the CH layer is very well predicted by GRI 3.0; moreover, the measured and predicted CH concentrations are in good agreement for all the flames of this study.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method for measuring optical loss simultaneously at multiple wavelengths with cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRD). Phase-shift CRD spectroscopy is used to obtain the absorption of a sample from the phase lag of intensity modulated light that is entering and exiting an optical cavity. We performed dual-wavelength detection by using two different laser light sources and frequency-division multiplexing. Each wavelength is modulated at a separate frequency, and a broadband detector records the total signal. This signal is then demodulated by lock-in amplifiers at the corresponding two frequencies allowing us to obtain the phase-shift and therefore the optical loss at several wavelengths simultaneously without the use of a dispersive element. In applying this method to fiber-loop cavity ring-down spectroscopy, we achieve detection at low micromolar concentrations in a 100 nL liquid volume. Measurements at two wavelengths (405 and 810 nm) were performed simultaneously on two dyes each absorbing at mainly one of the wavelengths. The respective concentrations could be quantified independently in pure samples as well as in mixtures. No crosstalk between the two channels was observed, and a minimal detectable absorbance of 0.02 cm(-1) was achieved at 405 nm.  相似文献   

Fan HF  Li F  Zare RN  Lin KC 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(10):3654-3661
Evanescent-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy has been applied to a planar fused-silica surface covered with crystal violet (CV+) cations to characterize the silanol groups indirectly. A radiation-polarization dependence of the adsorption isotherm of CV+ at the CH3CN/silica interface is measured and fit to a two-site Langmuir equation to determine the relative populations of two different types of isolated silanol groups. CV+ binding at type I sites yields a free energy of adsorption of -29.9 +/- 0.2 kJ/mol and a saturation surface density of (7.4 +/- 0.5) x 10(12) cm(-2), whereas the values of -17.9 +/- 0.4 kJ/mol and (3.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(13) cm(-2) are obtained for the type II sites. The CV+ cations, each with a planar area of approximately 120 A2, seem to be aligned randomly while lying over the SiO- type I sites, thereby suggesting that this type of site may be surrounded by a large empty surface area (>480 A2). In contrast, the CV+ cations on a type II sites are restricted with an average angle of approximately 40 degrees tilted off the surface normal, suggesting that the CV+ cations on these sites are grouped closely together. The average tilt angle increases with increasing concentration of crystal violet so that CV+ cations may be separated from each other to minimize the repulsion of nearby CV+ and SiOH sites.  相似文献   

The feasibility of liquid-phase evanescent-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (EW-CRDS) for surface-binding studies under flow-injection analysis (FIA) conditions is demonstrated. The EW-CRDS setup consists of an anti-reflection coated Dove prism inside a linear cavity (with standard or super-polishing of the total internal reflective (TIR) surface). A teflon spacer with an elliptical hole clamped on this surface acts as a 20 muL sized flow cell. The baseline noise of this system is of the order of 10(-4) absorbance units; the baseline remains stable over a prolonged time and the prism surface does not become contaminated during repeated injections of the reversibly adsorbing test dyes Crystal Violet (CV) and Direct Red 10 (DR10). At typical FIA or liquid chromatography (LC) flow rates, the system has sufficient specificity to discriminate between species with different surface affinities. For CV a much stronger decrease in ring-down time is observed than calculated based on its bulk concentration and the effective depth probed by the evanescent wave, indicating binding of this positively charged dye to the negatively charged prism surface. The amount of adsorption can be influenced by adjusting the flow rate or the eluent composition. At a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, an enrichment factor of 60 was calculated for CV; for the poorly adsorbing dye DR10 it is 5. Super-polishing of the already polished TIR surface works counter-productively. The adsorbing dye Crystal Violet has a detection limit of 3 muM for the standard polished surface; less binding occurs on the super-polished surface and the detection limit is 5 muM. Possible applications of EW-CRDS for studying surface binding or the development of bio-assays are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitryl chloride (ClNO(2)) is an important nocturnal nitrogen oxide reservoir species in the troposphere. Here, we report a novel method, thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectroscopy (TD-CRDS), to quantify ClNO(2) mixing ratios with tens of parts-per-trillion by volume (pptv) sensitivity. The mixing ratios of ClNO(2) are determined by blue diode laser CRDS of NO(2), produced from quantitative thermal dissociation of ClNO(2) in an inlet heated to 450 °C, relative to NO(2) observed in an unheated reference channel. ClNO(2) was generated by passing Cl(2) gas over a slurry containing a 1:10 mixture of NaNO(2) and NaCl. The TD-CRDS response was evaluated using parallel measurements of ClNO(2) by chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) using I(-) as the reagent ion and NO(y) (= NO + NO(2) + HNO(3) + ΣRO(2)NO(2) + ΣRONO(2) + HONO + 2N(2)O(5) + ClNO(2) + ...) chemiluminescence (CL). The linear dynamic range extends from the detection limit of 20 pptv (1 σ, 1 min) to 30 parts-per-billion by volume (ppbv), the highest mixing ratio tested. The ClNO(2) TD profile overlaps with those of alkyl nitrates, which has implications for nocturnal measurements of total alkyl nitrate (ΣAN = ΣRONO(2)) abundances by thermal dissociation (with detection as NO(2)) in ambient air.  相似文献   

A novel method for applying cavity ring-down spectroscopy in the liquid phase, compatible with LC analyses, is presented. The core of the setup is a home-built cavity ring-down flow cell (cell volume 12 microL) that is constructed using a silicon rubber spacer, which is clamped leak-tight between two high-reflectivity mirrors. The mirrors are in direct contact with the liquid flow, which provides for a small path length and short ring-down times. Inside the cavity there are no windows, reflection losses, or Brewster angles to be considered. Due to the small size of the presented cavity geometry, the setup can be implemented in conventional-size LC apparatuses. With a flow injection setup, a detection limit of 2.5 nM was obtained for Crystal Violet in ethanol, and the linear dynamic range of the system is at least 2 orders of magnitude. The method has the potential to become a powerful alternative for commercial LC UV/visible absorbance detectors.  相似文献   

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