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海洋浪溅区的混凝土结构,由于长期受到氯盐的侵蚀和海浪冲刷作用,导致混凝土结构发生钢筋锈蚀、保护层胀裂剥落等耐久性破坏,无法满足长期服役要求。本工作选取3种不同矿渣掺量的高性能矿渣混凝土进行实验室自然扩散和海洋浪溅区现场暴露试验,基于可靠度理论和修正氯离子扩散理论的ChaDuraLife V1. 0寿命分析软件,对海洋浪溅区的高性能矿渣混凝土结构进行寿命分析与研究。结果表明:随着服役时间的延长,海洋环境下高性能矿渣混凝土结构的失效概率逐渐增大,可靠度指标逐渐降低。随着矿渣掺量和保护层厚度的增大,高性能矿渣混凝土结构的服役寿命呈增长趋势。海洋浪溅区环境下,矿渣含量为35%、粉煤灰含量为15%、强度等级为C50的高性能矿渣混凝土在保护层厚度取7 cm、8 cm和9 cm的情况下,其服役寿命分别可以满足50 a、100 a和120 a的使用寿命要求。同时,建议将GBT50476-2008《混凝土结构耐久性设计规范》中规定的浪溅区混凝土最小保护层厚度和28 d氯离子侵入指标DRCM最大值进行修正,以满足其规定的设计使用年限要求。  相似文献   

随着我国"海洋强国"战略的实施,海洋工程结构基础设施建设规模空前,滨海环境下混凝土材料耐久性问题也逐渐引起人们的重视.氯离子侵蚀是导致海洋环境下钢筋混凝土结构耐久性能劣化的主要因素,因此,针对滨海环境下钢筋混凝土中氯离子侵蚀规律的试验研究引起了广泛关注.实海暴露试验存在受区域影响较大、推广性差、试验周期长和影响因素复杂等缺点,不能为寿命预测模型建立提供充足的数据基础,而室内模拟加速试验可有效弥补实海暴露试验的不足.以实海暴露试验为依据,通过研究二者之间的相似性,构建实际海洋工程结构的寿命预测模型,进而将室内模拟试验结果应用到现场实际情况中,可准确地实现海洋环境下基础设施建筑结构服役寿命的预测.目前,学者们已对海洋潮汐区环境混凝土抗氯盐侵蚀性能的实海暴露试验与室内模拟加速试验开展了大量的研究,并取得了丰富的成果.一方面,建立了相应的相似性模型,进而从理论方面分析实海暴露环境和人工模拟环境下混凝土中氯离子的侵蚀规律,为寿命预测模型的建立奠定理论基础;另一方面,试验设备得到不断的研发升级,为获取更加准确可靠的试验数据提供了一定技术支持.针对海洋潮汐区环境条件,对流区深度、表面氯离子浓度、扩散系数和氯离子浓度峰值等参数是建立寿命预测模型的关键要素,本文主要考虑这几方面的影响,分析总结了实海暴露环境下氯离子侵蚀规律,从实海暴露试验与室内模拟试验的角度出发,总结了海洋潮汐区环境混凝土抗氯盐侵蚀性能的研究进展,基于相似性理论分析探讨了氯盐侵蚀规律的相似性,并进行了讨论和展望.  相似文献   

针对现有模型无法合理考虑胶凝材料种类和暴露时间对潮汐区混凝土海洋环境作用的耦合影响,基于631组海洋潮汐区野外暴露试验数据,本研究建立了海洋潮汐区混凝土表面氯离子浓度的多因素时变模型。首先分析了暴露时间和材料因素对表面氯离子浓度的影响规律,然后通过引入时间系数和稳定系数修正表面氯离子浓度的多因素模型,进而根据两阶段非线性回归分析确定待定模型参数,从而建立了一种能够综合考虑胶凝材料种类和暴露时间耦合影响的潮汐区混凝土表面氯离子浓度多因素时变模型,最后通过与潮汐区野外试验数据和现有计算模型的对比分析,验证表明该模型能够综合考虑水胶比、胶凝材料种类和暴露时间等因素的耦合影响,具有广泛适用性。  相似文献   

氯离子传输并诱导内部钢筋锈蚀是海洋环境高速铁路桥梁混凝土结构耐久性失效的主要原因之一,增大混凝土氯离子传输阻力是提升混凝土结构服役寿命的根本途径。纳米技术与纳米材料的发展为混凝土材料高性能化提供了新的可能。本工作研究了纳米氧化铝(NA)对砂浆氯离子电迁移系数(DRCM)与自然扩散系数的影响,基于氯离子等温吸附曲线,建立了考虑氯离子结合参数的氯盐传输模型,分析了NA对氯盐侵蚀环境下混凝土结构服役寿命的影响。结果表明:适宜掺量的NA可降低砂浆氯离子传输性能;承台桩基础混凝土钢筋保护层厚度为60 mm时,在C45混凝土中掺入2%(质量分数)NA后,仅考虑氯离子侵蚀时混凝土预期服役寿命由68年提升至107年。NA为提升海洋环境下高速铁路混凝土结构服役寿命提供了新的技术途径。  相似文献   

为研究荷载对钢筋锈蚀速率及结构耐久性的影响,在潮汐区与盐雾区开展不同荷载条件下氯离子扩散试验,荷载大小分别为无荷载、0.3倍和0.5倍混凝土抗折强度.在混凝土中掺入氯盐,开展不同浓度氯盐条件下的钢筋锈蚀试验.通过氯离子扩散试验得到荷载对氯离子扩散影响系数与荷载大小的关系,修正菲克第二定律中的氯离子扩散系数.钢筋锈蚀试验中测试不同时间下混凝土构件中钢筋的锈蚀电流密度,拟合出钢筋锈蚀电流密度与氯盐浓度和锈蚀时间之间的关系.结合混凝土中考虑荷载影响的氯离子扩散模型与钢筋锈蚀模型,给出荷载作用下混凝土中钢筋锈蚀速率的计算方法.该方法对于海洋环境中荷载作用下钢筋混凝土结构耐久性寿命计算具有重要意义.  相似文献   

针对海洋盐雾环境,开展不同荷载水平作用下混凝土中氯离子扩散试验,测试混凝土中不同深度的氯离子含量,总结混凝土中氯离子扩散规律,拟合氯离子扩散荷载影响系数与构件应力状态之间的关系式。结果表明,拉应力作用下混凝土中氯离子含量增加,氯离子扩散系数增大;压应力作用下混凝土中氯离子含量降低,氯离子扩散系数减小;氯离子扩散系数随着时间增加逐渐减小,表面氯离子浓度随着时间的增加逐渐增大。考虑荷载影响的氯离子扩散模型可为预测实际工程受荷混凝土结构的使用寿命提供参考。  相似文献   

张跃  申林方  王志良  董武书 《材料导报》2021,35(16):16035-16041
对于长期暴露在氯盐环境下的混凝土结构,在外界温度影响下氯离子的侵蚀作用非常复杂,会影响钢筋锈蚀进程及其耐久性.为此,基于格子Boltzmann方法,采用双分布函数分别描述混凝土温度场和氯离子浓度场的演化过程,考虑外界温度的时变效应,建立氯离子侵蚀混凝土的数值模型.在此基础上,讨论水灰比、饱和度和昼夜温差等因素对氯离子侵蚀机制以及混凝土服役寿命的影响.研究表明:随着水灰比的增大,氯离子扩散系数逐渐增大,从而加剧了氯离子的侵蚀作用.混凝土饱和度越大,氯离子的扩散速率越快,从而导致混凝土的服役寿命缩短,当饱和度超过75%时,混凝土的服役寿命变化趋势逐渐趋于稳定.此外,昼夜温差越大,其对扩散系数的影响越显著,但总体而言,昼夜温差的变化对混凝土服役寿命的影响并不突出.  相似文献   

张杰梁 《中国计量》2009,(10):85-86
氯离子引起的腐蚀严重影响到混凝土结构的持久性,为了提高钢筋混凝土构筑物的持久性,需掌握和了解氯离子在混凝土中的扩散行为及其规律,以便根据这些规律进行混凝土结构耐久性设计和服役寿命预测。混凝土氯离子扩散系数测定仪可定量评价混凝土抵抗氯离子扩散的能力.为氯离子侵蚀环境中的混凝土结构耐久性设计与施工以及使用寿命的评估与预测提供基本参数。  相似文献   

鞠学莉  吴林键  刘明维  张洪  李婷婷 《材料导报》2021,35(24):24075-24080,24087
合理评估和预测海洋环境下考虑氯盐侵蚀的钢筋混凝土(RC)码头结构服役寿命,对港口正常、安全运营意义重大.根据混凝土多相复合材料的细观组成结构,建立考虑粗骨料为凸多边形的混凝土细观数值模型.基于氯离子侵蚀混凝土的有限元数值模拟仿真方法,评估得到混凝土细观模型中氯离子一维、二维侵蚀的浓度分布,并建立氯离子一维、二维侵蚀模型.以沿海某RC高桩码头工程中方桩构件为例,根据建立的氯离子侵蚀模型并结合钢筋锈蚀速率模型,预测RC方桩构件的服役寿命.结果表明:在氯离子二维侵蚀下RC方桩的服役寿命预测值较一维侵蚀提前了约34%,RC结构的服役寿命大幅缩短.建议在RC码头耐久性设计过程中充分考虑氯离子侵蚀维度对结构物服役寿命的影响,以保障RC码头结构的运营安全.  相似文献   

利用废弃骨料制作再生混凝土是建筑固废弃物的再生资源利用途径之一,其在氯盐侵蚀环境条件下的耐久性规律与普通混凝土不同。本文以模拟海洋侵蚀环境,通过改变水灰比及NaCl溶液浓度,分析各因素对钢纤维再生混凝土氯离子扩散行为的影响规律。结果表明:浸泡液浓度越大,进入混凝土内部的氯离子越多,随着深度的增加氯离子含量逐渐减少;较低的水灰比与适量钢纤维的掺入均可以有效降低氯离子扩散系数,提升钢纤维再生混凝土的抗氯盐侵蚀能力;氯离子扩散系数随着NaCl溶液浓度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

夏辉  周新刚  李克非 《工程力学》2013,30(9):227-233
基于氯离子扩散传输机理,利用有限体积法(FVM)推导了二维矩形和圆形截面混凝土氯离子扩散传输离散方程。根据FVM的数值模拟计算结果,研究了暴露条件及混凝土组成材料对具有不同截面形状的混凝土构件中氯离子含量及使用寿命的影响。数值模拟计算表明,不仅暴露条件、混凝土组成材料等对海工混凝土结构的耐久性有重要影响,而且其影响程度与混凝土构件截面的几何形状有关,有比较明显的几何形状效应。圆形截面由于有近似的一维扩散传输特征,在相同条件下,混凝土中的氯离子含量小于矩形截面,其使用寿命比矩形截面的大,但两种截面的差别在不同暴露条件和混凝土组成材料时又有显著的不同,大气区以及掺矿渣时更为明显。  相似文献   

Chloride-induced corrosion is the main factor in determining the durability and service life of the reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments. Recognition of chloride diffusion phenomenon in concrete and developing a prediction model that can estimate the service life of the concrete structures subject to long-term exposure is vital for aggressive marine environments. The present study focuses on developing such a prediction model of chloride diffusion coefficient for silica fume concrete under long-term exposure to a durability site located in the southern region of Iran. All investigations are based on 16 concrete mix designs containing silica fume with variable water-to-binder ratios exposed to sea water for maximum period of 60 months. This empirical model is developed by applying regression analysis based on Fick’s second law on the experimental results and is compared with previous studies in this area. This comparison indicates that the predicted chloride diffusion coefficient level is within a ±25% error margin in the specimens. The results indicate that reducing the water-to-binder ratio and adding the silica fume to a dosage of 10% reduces the chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete. This study also confirms that the chloride diffusion coefficient increases with temperature and decreases over time.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the corrosion process for estimating the service life of concrete structure is of great importance to civil engineers. In this paper, the effects of different exposure conditions (i.e., tidal and splash zones) on macrocell and microcell corrosion of rebar in concrete were examined on concrete specimens with different w/c ratios in the Persian Gulf region. Experimental techniques such as macrocell corrosion rate measurement, Galvanostatic pulse, electrical resistivity, half-cell potential measurement, and numerical techniques were used to determine the corrosion rate and time-to-corrosion-initiation of rebar. Results showed that corrosion rates in the splash zone were higher than the ones in the tidal zone. This indicates that the propagation of corrosion in the splash zone is faster than the one in the tidal zone. There was also a strong correlation between the experimental results and those obtained from a numerical model in both tidal and splash zones.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that chloride concentration and water influential depth change linearly in convective zone, the chloride convection zone depth is used in Fick’s diffusion law to investigate the chloride diffusion characteristic of concrete at tidal zones. In this study, an artificial simulation environment and field tests were carried out to validate and calibrate the rationality of the chloride convection zone depth model. The distribution model of surface chloride concentration in concrete was determined by exploring the correlations among chloride concentration, elevation, time and linear distance from seaside. The results illustrated that the depth of chloride convection zone on the concrete surface varied and manifested in terms of a function of water influential depth. The relation between the surface chloride concentration and the linear distance from the seaside followed an S-curve function equation. The similarities and differences regarding the characteristic of chloride diffusion in concrete between experimental and in-situ test were discussed for surface chloride concentration, chloride convection zone depth and chloride diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

There are three fundamental physical types for repairs by surface treatment on concrete, i.e., coating, penetrant, and sealer. Due to the inconsistency in using the penetrant-based model in a previous study, three limitations occur. To avoid the limitations, this paper proposes a simple pseudo-coating model embedded in a Fick-based time-dependent approach for modeling the performance of surface-coated concrete in the tidal zone subjected to chloride attack. In addition, the time-dependent regression equation is also developed and combined in computation. To validate the approach, the chloride diffusion predicted by the developed approach is compared to that measured in the previous study. From the study, it is found that the nonlinear and linear surface chloride functions are suitable for uncoated and coated concrete, respectively. The sensitivity analysis shows that the chloride content in concrete is most sensitive to the time-dependent parameter in the surface chloride functions. The surface coating can either decrease or increase initial surface chloride, and the deterioration rate of the surface coating depends on coating materials. By considering the change of the surface chloride after surface treatment, two criteria are proposed to assess the lifetime of coating materials, i.e., equivalent amount of surface chloride, and equivalent instantaneous slope of surface chloride. And, the lifetime is calculated and compared to other literatures. The service life extension of concrete structures with different surface coatings is also compared. The benefit of combining the repair by surface coating with the durability design by increasing concrete cover is also shown.  相似文献   

The objectives of this investigation were to study the effect of W/B ratios and fly ash finenesses on chloride diffusion coefficient (Dc) of concrete under marine environment. Original and classified fly ashes were used as a partial replacement of Portland cement type I at 0%, 15%, 25%, 35%, and 50% by weight of binder. Water to binder ratios (W/B) were varied as 0.45, 0.55, and 0.65. Concrete cube specimens of 200 mm were cast and removed from the molds after casting 1 day and then cured in fresh water for 27 days. After that, the specimens were placed to the tidal zone of marine environment in the Gulf of Thailand. Subsequently, the specimens were tested for chloride penetration profile after being exposed to the tidal zone for 2, 3, 4, and 5 years. The regression analysis of investigated data was carried out and Fick’s second law of diffusion was applied to calculate the chloride diffusion coefficient (Dc) and chloride concentration at concrete surface (Co) based on one-dimensional analysis. The results showed that Dc of all concrete mixtures decreased with an exposure time and the decrease of W/B ratio resulted in the decrease of Dc. When the W/B ratio of concrete was reduced, the decrease of Dc in cement concrete was higher than that of the fly ash concrete. The use of fly ash with high fineness clearly reduced the rate of chloride ingress into concrete. In addition, fly ash with high fineness has more effective on reducing of Dc in concrete with higher W/B ratio than that with lower W/B ratio.  相似文献   

The durability performance of reinforced concrete (RC) building structures is significantly affected by the corrosion of the steel reinforcement due to chloride penetration, thus, the chloride ion diffusion coefficient should be investigated through experiments or theoretical equations to assess the durability of an RC structure. This study aims to predict the chloride ion diffusion coefficient of concrete, a heterogeneous material. A convolutional neural network (CNN)-based regression model that learns the condition of the concrete surface through deep learning, is developed to efficiently obtain the chloride ion diffusion coefficient. For the model implementation to determine the chloride ion diffusion coefficient, concrete mixes with w/c ratios of 0.33, 0.40, 0.46, 0.50, 0.62, and 0.68, are cured for 28 days; subsequently, the surface image data of the specimens are collected. Finally, the proposed model predicts the chloride ion diffusion coefficient using the concrete surface image data and exhibits an error of approximately 1.5E−12 /s. The results suggest the applicability of proposed model to the field of facility maintenance for estimating the chloride ion diffusion coefficient of concrete using images.  相似文献   

Today, it remains unclear how ‘green’ concrete with high volumes of fly ash really is, especially when subject to chloride-induced corrosion. This paper presents chloride diffusion test results for high-volume fly ash and fly ash + silica fume concrete. Apparent diffusion coefficients and surface concentrations were compared with those for traditional concrete. Instantaneous chloride diffusion coefficients and ageing exponents were estimated and critical chloride contents for submerged exposure conditions were experimentally verified. The estimated time to chloride-induced steel depassivation for the two concrete types with fly ash (60 to more than 100 years) was much longer than for traditional concrete (24–32 years). As a consequence, global warming potentials (GWPs) calculated for the required concrete volume per unit of strength and service life indicate that an important reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is possible for both concrete types with high volumes of fly ash (GWP –50 to −82%).  相似文献   

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