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文章详细介绍了磁悬浮离心鼓风机结构组成、运行原理以及设备优缺点,与常见的罗茨风机和离心风机进行了性能比较。在此基础上,介绍了磁悬浮离心鼓风机在山东某水泥厂风机改造中的应用,通过改造,设备运转平稳,节能效果明显,现场噪音明显下降,在风量提高17%的情况下,节能16.67%,每年节电近259200 kWh。  相似文献   

循环氮气鼓风机原采用进口罗茨鼓风机,因机械密封故障频发,严重影响装置的运行,同时罗茨鼓风机运行噪音大,污染环境,需对原机组进行改型。机械密封频繁损坏,对机封进行国产化改造,未收到良好效果,对机械密封损坏形态进行分析,确认罗茨鼓风机不适应催化剂粉尘的工作状况。对离心风机结构、特点进行分析,经过调研,将罗茨鼓风机改型为闭式后弯叶片离心风机。在现场试运行中,改型鼓风机出现振动大,处理后振动消除。经运行验证,改型鼓风机故障率低,轴封不易损坏、寿命长,机组可靠性高,机组噪音小,机组改型获得成功。  相似文献   

董建华 《化肥设计》2002,40(2):37-38
离心鼓风机或压缩机已广泛地应用于化工行业。其转速较高,通常在 3000 r/min以上,多级离心鼓风机可达5000 r/min以上。对于转速较高的风机,其支撑通常采用滑动轴承,即启动停车时采用静压润滑,正常运转时采用动压润滑。风机正常运行后,轴与轴瓦之间形成油膜支承,风机运行平稳,安全可靠,使用寿命较长。但是,滑动轴承的润滑供油系统较复杂,如果不了解各部件的作用,就不能有效地对其进行维修保养,很容易出现故障,严重时会导致风机停止运行,从而对整个工业装置造成不可估量的损失。本文通过对鼓风机润滑系统的…  相似文献   

硫酸生产中正确选择与合理使用离心鼓风机是十分重要的。只有充分发挥离心鼓风机的效能,才能既满足硫酸生产要求,又有利于节约电能。本文就离心鼓风机的特性,结合实践,谈如何选择与使用。 一、风机的特性及选择 离心鼓风机的特性可从它的特性曲线和规范(风机的标牌)中了解到。比如D250-12型风机的特性曲线和规范,可见图1、表1。  相似文献   

介绍了66型焦炉用离心鼓风机由D160-2.25型改用D100-32型的运行情况,建议风机的含量不宜选得过大,以便降低生产运行费用。  相似文献   

介绍了离心鼓风机基本动力学方程、特性曲线、影响特性曲线的因素以及离心鼓风机的选用原则。在使用中,要求离心鼓风机进口含尘量≤100mg/m^3,电动机功率一般为设计工况点所需功率的1.15 ̄1.3倍,可在风机进口管道设置一蝶阀以满足风机启动和小范围的性能调节。  相似文献   

我厂的两座焦炉(2×35孔)始建于1972年,焦炭生产能力为20万t/a,煤气用罗茨鼓风机压送,1986年将罗茨鼓风机改为D300-42型离心鼓风机。随着第三座焦炉的投产,我们于1994年又增建了1台Q=110m3/min的罗茨鼓风机。1997年以后,由于第四座焦炉的建成投产,焦炭生产能力已扩大到40万t/a,煤气处理量也相应增加到2.34万m3/h,为彻底解决风机能力的不足问题,决定用D630-27型离心鼓风机代替D300-42型鼓风机。风机的性能如下:介质焦炉煤气进口介质密度0.4143kg…  相似文献   

曹中军 《水泥》1992,(12):21-24
目前,我国水泥立窑的供风设备几乎全部采用罗茨鼓风机。这种风机体积大、配套功率大、效率低(只有50%左右)、噪音高、价格昂贵、维修不便,给生产带来许多困难。特别是随着运行时间的延长,运行效率还要逐步下降。因此,在水泥行业罗茨鼓风机的能耗占有很大比例。河南省利剑(集团)公司新乡市鼓风机厂1991年研制、开发了SNL-11№9.4D水泥立窑专用离心风机,我厂负责了产品工业性运转试验工作,9月28日在我厂φ2.5×10米盘塔式机立窑上开始替代罗茨鼓风机,使用效果良好。该水泥立窑专用离心风机于1991年12月13  相似文献   

污水厂离心鼓风机选型中风量和风压的计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对污水处理厂离心鼓风机在使用状态与标准状态下,温度、压力等条件发生变化时,导致风机性能也发生变化的情况,探讨了设计选型时,鼓风机容积流量、出口压力的计算方法,结合工程热力学原理及离心鼓风机的工作原理,推导了计算公式,并通过实际工程中选型设计的计算范例,说明了计算公式的使用方法。  相似文献   

对离心鼓风机非标准条件下运行工况进行了分析,提出鼓风机冬季超负荷运行解决办法,并介绍了鼓风机管路设计及操作管理需注意的问题。  相似文献   

针对辽阳石化蒸汽裂解装置离心式压缩机在正常运行过程中出现的润滑油系统压力异常波动现象,通过对压缩机工艺设备影响因素逐一排除分析,确定润滑油系统自力调节阀故障是引起油压波动的主要原因,采取针对性检修和技改措施后,最终解决了这一顽疾.  相似文献   

介绍了氯气压缩机组润滑油系统的充、抽气密封结构以及润滑油被氯气污染后的故障现象和危害;以3H-3/4500型离心式氯气压缩机组为例,分析了在开停车、运行过程及检修期间润滑油被氯气污染的原因,并提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

带串级调速装置的风机系统的使用与改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风机系统由离心风机、三相绕线异步电机和晶闸管串级调速装置组成,具有结构简单、投资省、操作方便、调速范围宽、自动化程度高等特点,适合于在风量及风压波动的冶炼烟气制酸装置中使用。介绍了使用过程中存在的一些问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

The advent of more stringent standards to reduce particulate emissions has increased the need to control the contribution that consumption of lubricating oil in engines makes toward particle emissions. Although many studies have been done in this area, the main mechanism by which lubricating oil contributes to particle formation is not well understood. In this study, the impact of lubricating oil on particle emissions from diesel fuel combustion was investigated. Combustion of D-2 diesel fuel with two concentrations of Pennzoil 10W40 motor oil (0.5 and 2 wt%) was studied over a temperature range of 1200-2300 °C at pressures of 5, 14 and 24 atm. All experiments were conducted in a modified single pulse reflected shock tube. The fuel and lubricating oil mixtures were injected using a high pressure fuel injector. The addition of lubricating oil led to higher particulate yields at higher combustion pressures. The increase was more evident with higher lubricating oil concentrations. However, at lower pressures, neither concentrations of lubricating oil had any impact on particulate yield. The results agree with previous studies where an increase in particulate yield was observed with an increase in lubricating oil consumption and pressure. The results observed confirm the hypothesis that lubricating oil present in the combustion chamber during the combustion process could contribute to particle emissions.  相似文献   

K02101压缩机油箱上部油雾风机电机出现异常后,为保障压缩机正常运转,提出使用真空喷射器在线替换油雾风机的改造方案,抽出油箱内的油气并维持负压,消除了轴承箱大量漏油的隐患,避免了装置的停车。  相似文献   

针对开采中后期的中深度油层开发的实际现状,需要小排量高扬程的潜油离心泵。通过对影响潜油离心泵提液性能的叶导轮结构尺寸和性能参数的研究,开发研制出单级高扬程潜油离心泵叶导轮,同时进行高扬程潜油离心泵耐高压密封工艺研究,并形成综合配套工艺。该小排量高扬程潜油离心泵在现场应用增油提液效果良好,性能稳定,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a complete methodology for assessing flammability hazards of typical fuels (ie, transformer oil, hydraulic oil, gear oil, and lubricating grease) used in a wind turbine nacelle by combining different experimental techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis and cone calorimetry. Pyrolysis properties (onset temperature, temperature of maximum mass loss rate, and mass residue) and reaction‐to‐fire properties (ignition time, heat release rate, mass loss rate, and smoke release rate) were determined and used for a preliminary assessment of thermal stability and flammability hazards. Additional indices, for ignition and thermal behavior (effective heat of combustion, average smoke yield, and smoke point height, heat release capacity, fire hazard parameter, and smoke parameter, were calculated to provide a more advanced assessment of the hazards in a wind turbine. Results show that pyrolysis of transformer oil, lubricating grease, hydraulic oil, and gear oil occur in the range of 150°C to 550°C. Lubricating grease and transformer oil show the higher and lower thermal stabilities with maximum pyrolysis rate temperatures of 471°C and 282°C, respectively. The measured relation between ignition time and radiant heat flux agrees well with Janssens method (a power of 0.55). The aforementioned indices appear to provide a reasonable prediction of performance under real fire conditions according to a full‐scale fire test documented by Declercq and Van Schevensteen. The results of the study indicate that transformer oil is the easiest to ignite while lubricating grease is the most difficult to ignite but also has the highest smoke production rate; that transformer oil has the highest heat release rate while gear oil has the lowest; and that the fire hazard parameter is the highest for transformer oil and the smoke parameter is the highest for lubricating grease. The potential of this type of work to design safer wind turbines under performance‐based approaches is clearly clarified.  相似文献   

异常振动是离心式鼓风机最常见的故障之一,尤其对服役年限较长的老旧设备更是如此。通过对开工锅炉离心式鼓风机振动严重超标的原因分析,针对性地提出了对鼓风机叶轮进行整体矫正、电机轴矫直及改变叶轮安装位置的处理措施,取得了很好的减振效果,彻底解决了鼓风机振动超标的故障。  相似文献   

介绍了广西银亿400kt/a硫磺制酸工程调速式汽轮机驱动离心风机试车情况。根据制订的试车方案,顺利实施了汽轮机单机试车、风机与汽轮机联机试车、风机带负荷吹扫设备和管道等试车步骤。对试车过程中遇到问题进行了分析及处理,建议增设风机进口阀门并调整焚硫炉进气管道阀门位置,以利于风机试车和正常生产。  相似文献   

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