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The ability to solve complex scientific problems is regarded as one of the key competencies in science education. Until now, research on problem solving focused on the relationship between analytical and complex problem solving, but rarely took into account the structure of problem-solving processes and metacognitive aspects. This paper, therefore, presents a theoretical framework, which describes the relationship between the components of problem solving and strategy knowledge.  相似文献   

This study investigated how students with different prior knowledge and metacognitive skills benefited from continuous and faded domain-general and domain-specific scaffolds. Students’ scores on a multiple-choice pretest, inventory of metacognitive self-regulation, and solution forms were analyzed. Results indicated that while students with lower regulation of cognition and objectivity benefited more from the domain-general scaffolds than the domain-specific ones, students with lower prior knowledge, knowledge of cognition, and problem representation took advantage of both domain-general and domain-specific conditions. Moreover, while students with lower prior knowledge, regulation of cognition, and problem representation took advantage of both continuous and faded domain-general scaffolds, students with lower knowledge of cognition and objectivity benefited more from the domain-general continuous conditions. In addition, students with lower prior knowledge, knowledge of cognition, and objectivity might have difficulties when the domain-specific conditions are faded. On the other hand, results of the study suggested that scaffolds did not substantially benefit the students with higher prior knowledge and higher metacognitive skills.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of Web-based Chemistry Problem-Solving, with the attributes of Web-searching and problem-solving scaffolds, on undergraduate students' problem-solving task performance. In addition, the nature and extent of Web-searching strategies students used and its correlation with task performance and domain knowledge also were examined. We recruited a total of 183 undergraduate students, all of whom are taking the freshman chemistry course, to participate in the study to solve three chemistry tasks across a semester. Mandated screen-capture software captured participants' on-screen Web-searching processes were recorded every five seconds. Results demonstrated that students' problem-solving performance was significantly improved from task 1 to 3, and students with more domain knowledge outperformed students with less domain knowledge. Students with higher problem-solving performance employed more existing knowledge and metacognitive Web-searching strategies; and students with lower problem-solving performance employed more cognitive Web-searching strategies. In addition, students' problem-solving performance was correlated with their domain knowledge, use of existing knowledge, and metacognitive Web-searching strategies. Moreover, students' use of existing knowledge was the major factor for predicting their problem-solving performance according to the regression model.  相似文献   

Economic forces, competitive pressures and technological advances have created an environment within which firms have developed new ways of organizing (e.g. virtual work settings) and managing their resources (e.g. knowledge management) in order to maintain and improve firm performance. Extant research has highlighted the challenges associated with managing knowledge in virtual settings. However, researchers are still struggling to provide effective guidance to practitioners in this field. We believe that a better understanding of individual virtual competency is a potential avenue for managing the complexity of knowledge transfer in virtual settings. In particular, we suggest that optimal knowledge transfers can be achieved by individuals armed with the right personal capabilities and skills for virtual work, particularly when those knowledge transfers are emergent, bottom-up and cannot be specified a priori. The virtual competency exhibited by individuals can be the key to overcoming the constraints of knowledge transfers with such characteristics because underlying competency can facilitate effective action in unfamiliar and novel situations. In this conceptual research, we develop a theoretical model of individual virtual competence and describe its role in the communication process, which underpins effective knowledge transfer in virtual settings. Additionally, we consider the antecedent role that prior experience in virtual activity plays in aiding workers to develop virtual competence, which in turn engenders effective knowledge transfer. We conclude with implications for future research and for practicing managers.  相似文献   

By comparing two-dimensional (2D) chemical animations designed for computer’s desktop with three-dimensional (3D) chemical animations designed for the full immersive virtual reality environment CAVETM we studied how virtual reality environments could raise student’s interest and motivation for learning. By using the 3ds maxTM, we can visualize the chemical phenomena easily and quickly without knowing any special computer language and export the application to files which are compatible with the CAVETM (Object or OpenGL files). After the participation in 3D animations at the CAVETM students comprehended the molecules’ structure and their changes during a chemical reaction better than during the 2D animations on the computer’s desktop, as the limitations of human vision had been overcome. Furthermore, the students were enthusiastic, as they had the feeling that they were inside the chemical reactions and they were facing the 3D molecules as if they were real objects front of them.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of an interactive videodisc for Open University physics students and its educational evaluation. The evaluation was aimed at finding out whether students appreciated the interactive presentation and whether they found the videodisc medium a feasible, enjoyable and useful method of learning. The Water videodisc explores the complex physical nature of water, ice and steam. The videodisc creates a problem-solving environment based around four problems, two mostly practical and two largely theoretical. They range from a study of the cost-effectiveness of obtaining fresh water by towing an iceberg to Australia from the Antarctic, to consideration of why it is that ice floats on water. The associated computer software controls the videodisc player and, by accepting commands from the keyboard, allows the students freely to explore the data on the disc or to obtain their own data by carrying out simulated experiments. The software provides the basic route and guidance on how to approach the various problems, but students are always free to move around the information/simulated laboratory environments at will. The software was coded using the C language and is presented in the Open University context on IBM-PC-compatible micros using the MIC-2000 interface. A detailed evaluation was carried out by questionnaires to both students and tutors. One area investigated was the effect of varying the size of the student group working on a single keyboard and player. Another part of the evaluation concerned students' reaction to the novel, flexible problem-solving environment presented by the videodisc, their perception of the disc's usefulness as a learning tool and their assessment of its relevance to the rest of their coursework. On the whole, the videodisc was received enthusiastically by both students and tutors. 95% of students had found the physics problems involving, more than 96% said they had enjoyed the sessions and 94% considered that the videodisc medium was useful and a good way to learn.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2005,44(2):97-113
The assessment of learners’ metacognitive knowledge level is crucial when developing computer-assisted language learning systems. Currently, many systems assess learners’ metacognitive knowledge level with pre-instructional questionnaires or metacognitive interviews. However, learners with limited language proficiency may be at a disadvantage in responding to verbal-report interview or questionnaire probes. The goal of this study is to present a neural network model that assesses automatically the learner’s metacognitive knowledge level by observing his/her online browsing behavior. The model is implemented through a multi-layer feed forward neural network. An experiment was conducted to examine the suitability of this model in different Web page structures. One hundred and forty-six college students were categorized into three groups according to three Web page structures: networked, hierarchical, and linear. The experiment results verified the suitability of the proposed model, and the MSEs of assessment of the three groups showed no significant differences with respect to the Web page structures.  相似文献   

E-commerce is a fundamental method of doing business, such that for a firm to say it is trading at all in the modern market-place it must have some element of on-line presence. Coupled with this is the explosion of the “population” of Massively Multiplayer On-line Role Playing Games and other shared virtual environments. Many suggest this will lead to a further dimension of commerce: virtual commerce. We discuss here the issues, current roadblocks and present state of an e-commerce transaction carried out completely within a virtual environment; a virtual transaction. Although technically such transactions are in a sense trivial, they raise many other issues in complex ways thus making V-transactions a highly interesting cross-disciplinary issue. We also discuss the social, ethical and regulatory implications for the virtual communities in these environments of such v-transactions, how their implementation affects the nature and management of a virtual environment, and how they represent a fundamental merging of the real and virtual worlds for the purpose of commerce. We highlight the minimal set of features a v-transaction capable virtual environment requires and suggest a model of how in the medium term they could be carried out via a methodology we call click-through, and that the developers of such environments will need to take on the multi-modal behavior of their users, as well as elements of the economic and political sciences in order to fully realize the commercial potential of the v-transaction.  相似文献   

In this virtual environment, customized scientific visualization tools offer specialists new ways to work cooperatively, which opens the door to more comprehensive analysis and, perhaps, reduced costs. Implementing the Responsive Workbench required close attention to several important elements: its components, a typical setup, the user interface, feedback speed and real-time rendering  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ metacognitive listening strategies awareness and podcast-use readiness in using podcasting technology for learning English as a foreign language. One hundred and forty-one EFL students completed Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) that assessed their awareness and perceived use of listening strategies in five components including planning-evaluation, directed attention, person knowledge, mental translation, and problem solving. They also completed a questionnaire that assessed their readiness to use podcasting in terms of familiarity, attitude, and experience. Information on participants’ frequency of podcast use for learning English, frequency of the internet use, and digital device ownership was also obtained. The result of the analysis revealed that podcasting use was significantly related to metacognitive listening strategies awareness in general and its entire components except mental translation strategies while the strongest correlation was found with problem solving strategies (r = .49, p < 0.01). Podcasting use was also found to be significantly related to perceived podcast-use readiness and internet use hours. Further, multiple regressions showed that perceived podcast-use readiness, problem solving, and person knowledge -in order of power prediction- were good predictors of podcasting use for learning English as a foreign language.  相似文献   

This study aims to design and implement new learning methodologies and resources that seek to advance the development and assessment of one of the fundamental students’ competencies from any Business Administration Degree, such as critical thinking, that is, this is an exploratory study on computing for human learning, specifically, learning of key competencies for business. We are going to use audiovisual case methodology through the use of short film clips, usually real stories, to help students understand the practical implications of theoretical concepts explained in the classroom. A theoretical model test uses data from 32 business students from the Open University of Catalonia. The first results show positive attitudes toward a new technological resource ‘audio-visual cases’. They indicate that the use of this tool can improve the comprehension of a problem and its origins and, at the same time, stimulate learning. In addition, this tool helps to develop critical thinking competency. This study offers important contributions to an e-learning environment and their applicability to the workplace, since it is the first type of research about the impact of audiovisual cases in the acquisition of critical thinking competency. Furthermore, this methodology promotes collaborative learning.  相似文献   

This paper aims to better understand the development of students’ metacognitive learning processes when participating actively in a CSCL system called KnowCat. To this end, a longitudinal case study was designed, in which 18 university students took part in a 12-month (two semesters) learning project. The students followed an instructional process, using specific features of the KnowCat design to support and improve their interaction processes, especially peer-learning processes. Our research involved both supervising the students’ collaborative learning processes throughout the learning project and focusing our analysis on the qualitative evolution of their interaction processes and of their metacognitive learning processes. The results of the current research suggest that the pedagogical use of the KnowCat system may favour and improve the development of the students’ metacognitive learning processes. In addition, the implications of the design of CSCL networks and related pedagogical issues are discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally understood that virtual reality simulations have a high computational cost. Hence, they rarely can reduce completely all the incoherence within the cross-modal sensory outputs provided. The main research approaches to date have consisted in technically reducing possible mismatches, however minimal research has been conducted so as to analyse their influence on human capabilities. Thus, the objective of this study is to provide further insights to the designers of virtual reality about the negative influence of simulation lags and interesting design implications. To clearly show this, we have investigated the importance of coherent sensory feedback by incorporating time delays and spatial misalignments in the feedback provided by the simulation as a response to participant′s actions to mimic computationally expensive environments. We have also evaluated these misalignments considering two typical interaction setups. In particular, the sensory mismatches influence has been assessed in human factors, such as the sense of presence, task performance and delay perception. Our experimental results indicate that the closer the interaction conditions are to real configurations the higher the sensory requirements are regarding accuracy. The implications of this study offer the designer guidelines to prioritise the reduction of those mismatches in the sensory cues provided depending on the simulations goals.  相似文献   

In most frame-based reasoning systems, the information being manipulated is represetned using frames, but the problem-solving knowledge that manipulates the frames is represented as production rules. One problem with this approach is that rules are not always a natrual way to represent knowledge; another is that systems containing lots of rules may suffer from problems with “exponetial blowup” in the amount of computation required. This paper describes a way to address these problems by organizing the problem-solving knowledge not as rules, but in a particular kind of frame hierarchy. the approach described in this paper has been implemented in a problem-solving system called SIPP (Semi-Intelligent Process Planner), which produces plans of action for the manufacture of metal parts. the paper gives an overview of SIPP, compares its knowledge representation and problem solving methods to approaches used in other knowledge-based systems, and describes goals for further research.  相似文献   

Literature about metacognition suggests that learners develop personal beliefs about the educational technologies that they are asked to employ and that such beliefs can influence learning outcomes. In this perspective, opinions about the psychological effects of computer-supported instructional tools were analysed by means of a questionnaire which included items about the motivational and emotional aspects of learning, the behaviour to have during the learning process, the mental abilities and the style of thinking required, and the cognitive benefits. Items were presented five times: each time they made reference to a different kind of tool (online courses, hypertexts, Web forums, multimedia presentations, and virtual simulations). The questionnaire was filled out by 99 undergraduates attending engineering courses. Results showed that students ranked the psychological effects of the computer-supported tools in a relative different order according to the kind of tool and attributed distinctive effects to each tool. Gender and expertise played a minor role in modulating undergraduates’ beliefs. Implications for instruction were discussed.  相似文献   

Virtual environments (VEs) provide an inexpensive way of conducting ecologically valid psychological research. The present study used a VE to demonstrate conditioned suppression, a behavioral model of anxiety, in a first-person perspective video game. During operant training, participants learned to shoot crates to find gold bars and thus score points in the game. Next, during Pavlovian conditioning, a colored light (i.e., conditioned stimulus: CS+) was followed by a white noise unconditioned stimulus (US) while a different colored light (CS−) was not paired with the US. Probe trials in a final testing phase were then used to assess suppression. We found significant suppression of accurate responding (shots hitting the designated targets) during the presence of the CS+ relative to the CS−, both in terms of total hits and hits as a proportion of total shots. Importantly, this effect emerged despite the overall level of operant responding being undiminished during the CS+. Our findings are consistent with related studies examining human behavior in real environments, and demonstrate the potential of VEs in combination with a modestly aversive CS to allow a detailed behavioral profile of anxiety to emerge.  相似文献   

image-based control or visual servoing approach. It consists of positioning a camera according to the information perceived in the image. This is thus a very intuitive approach of animation. To be able to react automatically to modifications of the environment, we also considered the introduction of constraints into the control. This approach is thus adapted to highly reactive contexts (virtual reality, video games). Numerous examples dealing with classic problems in animation are considered within this framework and presented in this paper. Published online: 19 July 2001  相似文献   

An individual’s computing capability has an effect on his performance of given tasks in a business environment that is heavily dependent on computing. Extracting factors affecting an individual’s task performance is important research work as this research can lead to more efficient and effective performance of tasks. We present in this paper, based on our study, the effect factors of an individual’s task performance based on his computing competency. We developed a theoretical model composed of four independent factors and two dependent factors to investigate the correlation between these factors and an end-user task performance. The 213 participants completed surveys of four domestic-Korean-based companies were analyzed by using structural equation modeling and a second-generation multivariate technique. The results indicated that these four independent factors had effects on end-user computing competency and that computing competency significantly affected a user’s task performance. These findings contribute to research related to task performance and an expanded understanding of the factors that improve an end-user’s task performance in terms of his or her computing competency.  相似文献   

Yan Jin 《Digital Creativity》2019,30(2):107-126
With recent breakthroughs in VR devices, new potential of CAD as a design tool is anticipated. Based on the influence of design tools in ideation, we compared the problem-solving styles of WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) and VRE (Virtual Reality Environment) for an apartment flat design task. Function-Behaviour-Structure ontology analysis revealed that WIMP was problem-driven with clear divisions between problem analysis and solution building, while VRE was predominantly solution-driven with frequent modifications of solutions. Such procedural characteristics led to uneven outcomes wherein spatial efficiency was better in WIMP while arrangement was more diversified in VRE. When the key factor was high manipulability of user interface in VRE, the result suggests that higher usability does not always produce desired outcomes. Time for problem analysis and a match between the tool and given problem must be taken into account.  相似文献   

This study investigates ways of using key terms to represent and assess community knowledge in an online knowledge building environment. Knowledge Forum – an environment specially designed to support advances in community knowledge – incorporates key-term analytic tools. In the current study these tools were used to determine if key-term measures complement conventional online behavioral measures in assessing community knowledge advances. Discourse rated as more reflective and depth-oriented showed higher percentages of shared key terms and higher frequency use of shared key terms than less reflective, shallower discourse. Limitations and possibilities for using key terms for automated assessment and visual representation of community knowledge are discussed.  相似文献   

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