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Many students who participate in online courses experience frustration and failure because they are not prepared for the demanding and isolated learning experience. A traditional learning theory known as self-directed learning (SDL) is a foundation that can help establish features of a personalized system that helps students improve their abilities to manage their overall learning activities and monitor their own performance. Additionally, the system enables collaboration, interaction, feedback, and the much-needed support from the instructor and students' peers. A Web 2.0 social-technology application, MediaWiki, was adopted as the platform from which incremental features were developed to utilize the fundamental concepts of SDL. Students were able to customize content by setting specific learning goals, reflecting on their learning experiences, self-monitoring activities and performances, and collaborating with others in the class. SDL skills exist to some degree in all learners, this study finds that students' SDL abilities can improve when a course adopts a personalized and collaborative learning system that enables the students to be more proactive in planning, organizing, and monitoring their course activities.  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法具备以学生为主体、以教师为主导和以任务为主线等教学特色,有利于激发大学生的求知欲望,能够培养大 学生的自学能力、协作能力和解决问题能力。以沈阳农业大学机床电气控制课程为例,开展任务驱动教学法应用研究,教师通过设 计教学任务,把关键的知识点融合到教学任务中;大学生通过分析任务、完成任务等环节进行机床电气控制知识的学习和应用。评 价教学任务要注意将过程评价与结果评价相结合,这样能够使大学生产生学习的成就感,进一步激发他们的学习兴趣。通过拓展 任务,兼顾学习能力较强的大学生,更好地引导他们对任务进行深入思考。  相似文献   

With the steady development of online education and online learning environments, possibilities to support social interactions between students have advanced significantly. This study examined the relationship between indicators of social presence and academic performance. Social presence is defined as students' ability to engage socially with an online learning community. The results of a multiple regression analysis showed that certain indicators of social presence were significant predictors of final grades in a master's level computer science online course. Moreover, the study also revealed that teaching presence moderated the association between social presence and academic performance, indicating that a course design that increased the level of meaningful interactions between students had a significant impact on the development of social presence, and thus could positively affect students' academic performance. This is especially important in situations when discussions are introduced to promote the development of learning outcomes assessed in courses. Another implication of our results is that indicators of social presence can be used for early detection of students at risk of failing a course. Findings inform research and practice in the emerging field of learning analytics by prompting the opportunities to offer actionable insights into the reasons why certain students are lagging behind.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how interactivity influence learners' use of interactive functions in the course-management system (CMS) and their online learning performance. A two-tier mediation framework is proposed to examine the mediating effects of different actual-use records concerning the CMS's interactive functions. Data are collected from 381 undergraduate students who enrolled in a general-education asynchronous online course from three universities in Taiwan. The results indicate that the relationships among students' self-reported use of interactive functions, students' perceptions of the usefulness of interactive functions, and students' actual-use logs have some direct influences on students' online learning performance (online-discussion scores, exam scores, and group-project scores). In addition, students' actual-use logs (the number of times of log-ins to the online course, the number of times students read learning materials, and the number of postings on the discussion board) have a mediated effect on students' self-reported frequency of logging into the CMS, students' self-reported frequency of using the learner–instructor/learner–learner interactive functions, and online learning performance. The findings and implications could constitute a useful guide for educational practitioners and designers concerned with the effective integration of interactivity into future online courses.  相似文献   

This study investigates how university students on distance learning courses experience interaction with their peers. Students on two distance learning courses at The Open University (UK) were interviewed, to investigate learners' experience of interaction on these courses. The analysis, using a grounded‐theory approach, reveals disparities between course designers' and students' reasons for integrating computer‐mediated interaction within the courses. It draws attention to the significant affective challenges that online students face when working together, and demonstrates a need to pay attention to their problems with self‐presentation. The study also reinforces the socio‐cultural view that it is important to consider the various contexts in which online learning takes place. Distance students have opportunities to structure their own learning contexts, and this allows them to source face‐to‐face learning interaction and other forms of support as they engage with individuals in their everyday environment.  相似文献   

Previous evaluation studies have rarely used authentic online texts and investigated upper secondary school students' use of evaluation criteria and deep reasoning. The associations between internet-specific epistemic justifications for knowing and credibility evaluation of online texts are not yet fully understood among adolescents. This study investigated upper secondary school students' (N = 372) abilities to evaluate self-selected authentic online texts and the role of internet-specific epistemic justifications in students' evaluation performance when solving a health-related information problem. Students selected three texts with Google Custom Search Engine and evaluated their credibility. Students' evaluation performance across the three texts was determined according to the different aspects evaluated (author, venue, intentions, evidence and corroboration) and the depth of their evaluations. Students also filled in the Internet-Specific Epistemic Justifications (ISEJ) inventory previously validated with pre-service teachers. The results revealed considerable differences in students' abilities to evaluate online texts. Students' beliefs in justification by authority and justification by multiple sources positively predicted their evaluation performance similarly in both topics. The findings suggest that the ISEJ inventory is also valid for upper secondary school students. Students should be explicitly taught to evaluate different credibility aspects and scaffolded to deeply engage with online information.  相似文献   

This study examined students' engagement characteristics in online courses and their impact on academic achievements, trying to distinguish between course completers and noncompleters. Moreover, this research is intended to differentiate between those who pass the final exam and those who do not. Four online courses were examined with a similar pedagogical model (Nstudents = 646) using learning analytics methods. The results revealed significant differences between students who completed the courses and students who did not, in all 13 variables. Completers' learning activities were more than twice as high, except for writing in the forums. Course subject and ongoing task and assignment submissions predicted course completion, whereas, in addition to these variables, engagement with course materials and reading the forums predicted final exam success, as well. Thus, the prediction of success in final exam emphasized the significant importance of engagement in various activities in the online course.  相似文献   

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic crisis, students from higher education institutions around the world are forced to participate in comprehensive online curriculums. In such a scenario, it is worth investigating how students perceived their learning outcomes and satisfaction based on this method of teaching and learning online. This study aims to explore the role of six factors, namely, system quality, course design, learner-learner interaction, learner-instructor interaction, learner-content interaction, and self-discipline, on university students' perceived learning outcomes and their effect on student satisfaction with online curricula during the COVID-19 epidemic. A structural equation modelling technique was used to assess survey questionnaires obtained from 457 validated students at a Public University in China. The results demonstrated that these determinants had a positive effect on satisfaction and learning outcomes, whereas learner-instructor interaction had no significant effect. Furthermore, the strongest determinant that affected not only students' satisfaction but also their learning outcomes was the learner-content interaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate not only the effectiveness of dynamic versus static visualizations on learning star motions but also the influence of students' spatial abilities with these two types of visualizations on their learning. We assigned 155 fifth-grade students to either a dynamic or a static condition. We used a science achievement test to measure student learning outcomes by assessing knowledge acquisition. We classified students as having either a low or high spatial ability based on their test scores for primary mental abilities, specifically spatial relations. The results showed that dynamic visualizations were more effective than static visualizations for learning complex concepts involving star motions. Furthermore, learners' spatial abilities had a positive effect on their learning outcomes but did not moderate the effectiveness of dynamic versus static visualizations for learning in this domain. Our findings suggest that when designing instructional materials, the dynamic properties of visualizations should be aligned with the dynamic nature of the subject matter. We conclude that students' spatial abilities are beneficial to learning, especially when they are studying a complex domain that demands spatial changes and moving processes; therefore, our findings support the importance of assessing spatial ability in learning with visualizations.  相似文献   

Providing adaptive features and personalized support by considering students' learning styles in computer‐assisted learning systems has high potential in making learning easier for students in terms of reducing their efforts or increasing their performance. In this study, the navigational behaviour of students in an online course within a learning management system was investigated, looking at how students with different learning styles prefer to use and learn in such a course. As a result, several differences in the students' navigation patterns were identified. These findings have several implications for improving adaptivity. First, they showed that students with different learning styles use different strategies to learn and navigate through the course, which can be seen as another argument for providing adaptivity. Second, the findings provided information for extending the adaptive functionality in typical learning management systems. Third, the information about differences in navigational behaviour can contribute towards automatic detection of learning styles, helping in making student modeling approaches more accurate.  相似文献   

The current study investigated college students' experiences of a gamified informatics course. We surveyed 139 students aged 18–31 years (M = 20 years, SD = 1.5) enrolled in an undergraduate informatics course focused on social networking technologies. Surveys were conducted at 3 time points during the course (beginning, middle, and end). Overall, we found positive trends with respect to students' perceptions of gamification's impact on their learning, achievement, and engagement in the course material. Although students who played and identified variously with recreational games were more alike than not, we did uncover one notable difference with respect to how students' gaming frequency impacted their engagement in the course. Nongamers expressed somewhat less motivation to do well in the course than frequent gamers. For all other measures of engagement, however, nongamers appeared to be equally engaged by the gamified format of the course as gamers. There were virtually no differences between male and female students' perceptions of gamification. This study contributes new insight into the conditions under which gamification succeeds or fails in educational settings. These insights will be useful to designers and instructors of gamified learning environments as they seek to engage and support a variety of learners.  相似文献   

Online learning often requires learners to be self-directed and engaged. The present study examined students' self-regulatory behaviors in online video-based learning environments. Using an experimental design, this study investigated the effects of a newly designed enhanced video learning environment, which was designed to support or scaffold students' self-regulated or self-directed learning on students' learning behaviors and outcomes. In addition, correspondence between students' self-regulation strategies in traditional learning environments and observed self-regulated learning behaviors in the enhanced video environment were examined. A cross-sectional experimental research design with systematic random assignment of participants to either the control condition (common video) or the experimental condition (enhanced video) was utilized. Undergraduate and graduate students participated in the study (N = 80). Study results indicate that the newly designed enhanced video learning environment was a superior instructional tool than the common video learning environment in terms students' learning performance. In addition, there was correspondence between graduate students' self-reported self-regulation and observed self-regulation, with those high on seeking/learning information and managing their environment/behavior more likely to engage more in interactive note-taking.  相似文献   

When students exhibit control and employ a strategic plan of action over a situation they are said to be demonstrating agency (Bandura, 2001). The current work is comprised of two studies designed to investigate how agency manifests within students' choice patterns and ultimately influences self-explanation quality within the game-based system iSTART-2. In Study 1, 75 college students interacted freely within iSTART-2 for 2 h. Random walk and Entropy analyses were used to quantify the amount of control demonstrated in students' choice patterns, as well as to determine the relation between variations in these patterns and self-explanation performance within iSTART-2. Overall, students who demonstrated more controlled choice patterns generated higher quality self-explanations compared to students who exhibited more disordered choice patterns. This link between performance and controlled choice patterns is hypothesized to be driven, in part, by students' experiences of agency. That is, engaging in controlled patterns should be advantageous only when doing so is a result of students' strategic planning. In Study 2, this hypothesis was tested by assigning 70 students to a choice pattern (i.e., controlled or disordered) that had been yoked to students from Study 1, thus removing students' ability to exert agency over the iSTART-2 system. Results revealed no differences in self-explanation quality between the groups assigned to controlled and disordered choice patterns. Collectively, findings from these studies support the notion that success within game-based systems is related to students' ability to exert agency over their learning paths.  相似文献   

Large lectures are the predominant way of teaching first-year students at universities in Norway. However, this forum for education is seldom discussed as a context for a formative feedback practice. The purpose of this sequential mixed methods study was to address whether and how a student-response system can open for a formative feedback practice in lectures and thereby support students' ability to monitor their own learning, as well as supply insight into how students engage with the feedback in their course work. The context for the study was large lectures (150–200 students) in a qualitative method course for first-year psychology students. Findings from the survey (n = 149) showed a positive correlation between the extent to which students report that they use clickers to monitor their own learning, and the extent to which they report that they used the feedback in their own course work. However, findings indicate that students valued the process of monitoring their own learning during the lectures to a greater extent than they actually used the feedback in their course work. Findings from interviews (n = 6) illustrated various ways students applied feedback in their course work.  相似文献   

This study develops an instrument—the Online Instructor Role and Behavior Scale (OIRBS)—and uses it to examine students' perceptions of instructors' roles in blended and online learning environments. A total sample of 750 university students participated in this study. Through a confirmatory factor analysis, the OIRBS was validated in five constructs: course designer and organizer (CDO), discussion facilitator (DF), social supporter (SS), technology facilitator (TF), and assessment designer (AD). The results show that the five factor structures remained invariant across the blended learning and online learning. Both students in blended learning environments and students in online learning environments exhibited the greatest weight in the CDO dimension, followed by the TF and DF dimensions. In addition, students in the online learning environments scored higher in the DF dimension than did those in the blended learning environments.  相似文献   

The abundant scientific resources on the Web provide great opportunities for students to expand their science learning, yet easy access to information does not ensure learning. Prior research has found that middle school students tend to read Web‐based scientific resources in a shallow, superficial manner. A software tool was designed to support middle school students in reading online scientific resources through three key strategies: making explicit a skim–read–summarize structure for online reading, using prompts to guide students' reading and foster articulation of thinking, and connecting reading to learning purposes. This study examined the differences between regular and guided online reading performed by eight pairs of sixth graders in a science inquiry project. The students' online reading processes and conversations were captured by a screen‐recording programme. Analysis of 60 h of screen videos showed that the students' online reading in the regular condition was cursory, fragmented, and opportunistic, while the structured online reading was more deliberate, thorough, and purposeful. Overall, the results suggest that middle school students' online reading of scientific resources needs to be guided.  相似文献   

Universities expand their online graduate programs daily, which challenges academic librarians to maintain research support and information literacy instruction for the growing number of online students. Performance support offers a scalable solution to the problems of limited time and staffing that academic librarians face. When embedded in the learning management system throughout a course or program, performance support provides point of need research help and scaffolds students' information literacy development. Librarians are able to focus their limited time helping students with their more advanced research needs.  相似文献   

Collective academic supervision (CAS) is a collective model for students' academic supervision to reduce their isolation and as a measure to establish a congenial culture and to develop networks with their peers. Most studies focus on the benefits of online CAS, leaving the pedagogical process and students' learning experiences understudied. This research examines the participation and learning experience of a cohort of Master of Education (MEd) students in online supervision that took place on a Moodle platform. This article reports a case study of Moodle-based CAS in Hong Kong that aims to train postgraduate students into teacher-researchers. A class of MEd students and their supervisors were observed, and their online dialogues were analysed. The bio-ecological student engagement model was used to explain the online supervision process. The results indicated that the students' learning was situated and embodied in the online social processes facilitated by peers' and supervisors' replies. The online interaction behaviours mainly included proposing questions or problems, providing information or solutions, and making comments. The findings have provided an exemplary case regarding the application of the online learning environment in supporting CAS and active research-based learning. The productive online CAS seems to benefit both teacher candidates and their supervisors by promoting the co-construction of the knowledge and skills of educational research, although more evidence is needed.  相似文献   

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