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As more interactive surfaces enter public life, casual interactions from passersby are bound to increase. Most of these users can be expected to carry a mobile phone or PDA, which nowadays offers significant computing capabilities of its own. This offers new possibilities for interaction between these users’ private displays and large public ones. In this paper, we present a system that supports such casual interactions. We first explore a method to track mobile phones that are placed on a horizontal interactive surface by examining the shadows which are cast on the surface. This approach detects the presence of a mobile device, as opposed to any other opaque object, through the signal strength emitted by the built-in Bluetooth transceiver without requiring any modifications to the devices’ software or hardware. We then go on to investigate interaction between a Sudoku game running in parallel on the public display and on mobile devices carried by passing users. Mobile users can join a running game by placing their devices on a designated area. The only requirement is that the device is in discoverable Bluetooth mode. After a specific device has been recognized, a client software is sent to the device which then enables the user to interact with the running game. Finally, we explore the results of a study which we conducted to determine the effectiveness and intrusiveness of interactions between users on the tabletop and users with mobile devices.  相似文献   

These days we are witnessing a spread of many new digital systems in public spaces featuring easy to use and engaging interaction modalities, such as multi-touch, gestures, tangible, and voice. This new user-centered paradigm — known as the NUI — aims to provide a more natural and rich experience to end users; this supports its adoption in many ubiquitous domains, as it naturally holds for Pervasive Displays: these systems are composed of variously-sized displays and support many-to-many interactions with the same public screens at the same time. Due to their public and moderated nature, users need an easy way of adapting them to heterogeneous usage contexts in order to support their long-term adoption. In this paper, we propose an End-User Development approach to this problem introducing TAPAS, a system that combines a tangible interaction with a puzzle metaphor, allowing users to create workflows on a Pervasive Display to satisfy their needs; its design and visual syntax stem from a study we carried out with designers, whose findings are also part of this work. We then carried out a preliminary evaluation of our system with second year university students and interaction designers, gathering useful feedback to improve TAPAS and employ it in many other domains.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors reflect on their experiences of deploying ubiquitous computing systems in public spaces and present a series of lessons that they feel will be of benefit to researchers planning similar public deployments. They focus on experiences gained from building and deploying three experimental public display systems as part of the e-Campus project. However, they believe the lessons are likely to be generally applicable to many different types of public ubicomp deployment. This article is part of a special issue on Real-World Deployments.  相似文献   

本文在VB.NET环境中使用DirectX和多线程技术设计了一个虚拟仪器的图形显示面板,效果清晰,显示速度高。使用DirectX技术实现对显卡内存的直接操作,避免了绘图中的闪烁;使用多线程技术实现了数据采集和显示同时进行,避免采集过程的丢帧。  相似文献   


Passive usage of social network services (SNSs) refers to individuals’ browsing behavior and information consumption without active interaction with other SNS users. Using the data collected from 295 users of WeChat, the most popular SNS in China, the authors identify two types of passive use and test their different consequences. Confirmatory factor analysis in Study 1 shows passive WeChat use includes two subdimensions, namely, passive social and nonsocial use. Passive social use means browsing friends’ posts, whereas passive nonsocial use refers to browsing information on WeChat official accounts. The partial least squares structural equation modeling results in Study 2 suggest that both social and nonsocial use have positive effects on users’ social capital and online well-being, and further increase their continuance usage of SNSs. However, passive social use is also associated with users’ depressed mood, which in turn decreases their continuous usage intention. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the correlation between users’ psychological traits and their social network sites (SNS) usage patterns, and the correlation between SNS usage patterns and the development of social capital as it relates to Facebook. Individual personality traits, including user innovativeness and public individuation, are proposed to be positively correlated with SNS usage patterns such as usage rate and diversification of use. This study specifically classifies social capital into two types—bridging vs. bonding—based on Social Capital Theory, and examines the correlation between SNS usage patterns and social capital development. To investigate the proposed hypotheses of this study, SNS users in Korea were surveyed and a structural equation model was used to analyze and verify the hypotheses. The results showed that users exhibiting both a high degree of innovativeness and public individuation use SNS more frequently and in more diverse ways than users who exhibited lower degrees of innovativeness and public individuation. It was also found that SNS usage patterns are correlated with social capital. The results of this study contribute to SNS-related research work as this study focuses on the development of social capital—a key concept behind the creation and use of SNS—and allows for a deeper understanding of how the psychological traits of individual users affect SNS usage patterns and the development of social capital. This study also offers insights to the corporate sector by providing practical guidelines on how to utilize SNS more effectively.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical characterization of user actions at the web browser. The study is based on an analysis of 4 months of logged client-side data that describes user actions with recent versions of Netscape Navigator. In particular, the logged data allow us to determine the title, URL and time of each page visit, how often they visited each page, how long they spent at each page, the growth and content of bookmark collections, as well as a variety of other aspects of user interaction with the web. The results update and extend prior empirical characterizations of web use. Among the results we show that web page revisitation is a much more prevalent activity than previously reported (approximately 81% of pages have been previously visited by the user), that most pages are visited for a surprisingly short period of time, that users maintain large (and possibly overwhelming) bookmark collections, and that there is a marked lack of commonality in the pages visited by different users. These results have implications for a wide range of web-based tools including the interface features provided by web browsers, the design of caching proxy servers, and the design of efficient web sites.  相似文献   

一种Web使用模式挖掘模型的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Web使用模式挖掘是对用户浏览Web后在服务器日志上所留信息的数据挖掘.介绍了挖掘中常用技术及流程,并提出一种Web使用模式挖掘体系结构,介绍了系统的工作原理,对系统设计中的数据清洗和会话识别等关键技术作了详细讨论.  相似文献   

Social media data are increasingly perceived as alternative sources to public attitude surveys because of the volume of available data that are time-stamped and (sometimes) precisely located. Such data can be mined to provide planners, marketers and researchers with useful information about activities and opinions across time and space. However, in their raw form, textual data are still difficult to analyse coherently and Twitter streams pose particular interpretive challenges because they are restricted to just 140 characters. This paper explores the use of an unsupervised learning algorithm to classify geo-tagged Tweets from Inner London recorded during typical weekdays throughout 2013 into a small number of groups, following extensive text cleaning techniques. Our classification identifies 20 distinctive and interpretive topic groupings, which represent key types of Tweets, from describing activities or informal conversations between users, to the use of check-in applets. Our motivation is to use the classification to demonstrate how the nature of the content posted on Twitter varies according to the characteristics of places and users. Topics and attitudes expressed through Tweets are found to vary substantially across Inner London, and by time of day. Some observed variations in behaviour on Twitter can be attributed to the inferred demographic and socio-economic characteristics of users, but place and local activities can also exert a considerable influence. Overall, the classification was found to provide a valuable framework for investigating the content and coverage of Twitter usage across Inner London.  相似文献   

Targeted advertising is a key characteristic of online as well as traditional-media marketing. However it is very limited in outdoor advertising, that is, performing campaigns by means of billboards in public places. The reason is the lack of information about the interests of the particular passersby, except at very imprecise and aggregate demographic or traffic estimates. In this work we propose a methodology for performing targeted outdoor advertising by leveraging the use of social media. In particular, we use the Twitter social network to gather information about users’ degree of interest in given advertising categories and about the common routes that they follow, characterizing in this way each zone in a given city. Then we use our characterization for recommending physical locations for advertising. Given an advertisement category, we estimate the most promising areas to be selected for the placement of an ad that can maximize its targeted effectiveness. We show that our approach is able to select advertising locations better with respect to a baseline reflecting a current ad-placement policy. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work on offline advertising in urban areas making use of (publicly available) data from social networks.  相似文献   

An under-addressed question regarding the usage of small devices is how information gathering from such devices is limited or changed relative to a full-size display? This study explores how factual recall from a text interacts with display size and other text characteristics. In this experiment, participants read several expository texts on either small or normal size displays, and font size was also manipulated within participants. Results indicate that while users are able to accurately diagnose different character sizes, character size does significantly interact with display size to affect remembering. Those character sizes that increased the amount of scrolling on the small device screen produced lower levels of factual recall than typesets that better condensed textual information. These results provide several interesting suggestions for the future design of small devices and mobile interfaces to protect learning.  相似文献   

An insight-based longitudinal study of visual analytics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visualization tools are typically evaluated in controlled studies that observe the short-term usage of these tools by participants on preselected data sets and benchmark tasks. Though such studies provide useful suggestions, they miss the long-term usage of the tools. A longitudinal study of a bioinformatics data set analysis is reported here. The main focus of this work is to capture the entire analysts process that an analyst goes through from a raw data set to the insights sought from the data. The study provides interesting observations about the use of visual representations and interaction mechanisms provided by the tools, and also about the process of insight generation in general. This deepens our understanding of visual analytics, guides visualization developers in creating more effective visualization tools in terms of user requirements, and guides evaluators in designing future studies that are more representative of insights sought by users from their data sets  相似文献   

实验室信息管理系统的研究和开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验室信息管理系统是一个基于网络的自动化信息系统。实验室的特点是人员相对分散,流动频繁,而信息依赖于个人,这些使得手工的数据收集和处理非常困难。LIS采用基于Internet的C/S网络机构有效地克服了这些问题。该文结合实验室信息系统(LabInformationSystem)的开发实践,阐述了实验室对信息系统的需求,建立了实验室信息系统的框架模型,分析了各种数据在实验室信息管理系统中的处理流程,并分析了系统的用户组成和职责,为相关系统的开发和研究提供了范例。  相似文献   

Spatially aware handheld displays are a promising approach to interact with complex information spaces in a more natural way by extending the interaction space from the 2D surface to the 3D physical space around them. This is achieved by utilizing their spatial position and orientation for interaction purposes. Technical solutions for spatially tracked displays already exist in research laboratories, e.g., embedded in a tabletop environment. Along with a large stationary screen, such multi-display systems provide a rich design space with a variety of benefits to users, e.g., the explicit support of co-located parallel work and collaboration. As we see a great future in the underlying interaction principles, the question is how the technology can be made accessible to the public. With our work, we want to address this issue. In the long term, we envision a low-cost tangible display ecosystem that is suitable for everyday usage and supports both active displays (e.g., the iPad) and passive projection media (e.g., paper screens and everyday objects such as a mug). The two major contributions of this article are a presentation of an exciting design space and a requirement analysis regarding its technical realization with special focus on a broad adoption by the public. In addition, we present a proof of concept system that addresses one technical aspect of this ecosystem: the spatial tracking of tangible displays with a consumer depth camera (Kinect).  相似文献   

With the development of inexpensive storage devices, space usage is no longer a bottleneck for computer users. However, the increasingly large amount of personal information poses a critical problem to those users: traditional file organization in hierarchical directories may not be suited to the effective management of personal information because it ignores the semantic associations therein and bears no connection with the applications that users will run. To address such limitations, we present our vision of a semantic desktop, which relies on the use of ontologies to annotate and organize data and on the concept of personal information application (PIA), which is associated with a user’s task. The PIA designer is the tool that is provided for building a variety of PIAs consisting of views (e.g., text, list, table, graph), which are spatially arranged and display interrelated fragments of the overall personal information. The semantic organization of the data follows a layered architecture that models separately the personal information, the domain data, and the application data. The network of concepts that ensues from extensive annotation and explicit associations lends itself well to rich browsing capabilities and to the formulation of expressive database-like queries. These queries are also the basis for the interaction among views of the PIAs in the same desktop or in networked desktops. In the latter case, the concept of desktop service provides for a semantic platform for the integration of information across different desktops and the web. In this paper, we present in detail the semantic organization of the information, the overall system architecture and implementation aspects, queries and their processing, PIAs and the PIA designer, including usability studies on the designer, and the concepts of semantic navigation in a desktop and of interoperation in a network of desktops. This work was partially supported by NSF Awards ITR IIS-0326284 and IIS-0513553. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the First International Workshop on the Semantic Desktop—Next Generation Personal Information Management and Collaboration Infrastructure, Galway, Ireland, November 2005 (in association with the International Semantic Web Conference): “A Multi-Ontology Approach for Personal Information Management,” by Huiyong Xiao and Isabel F. Cruz.  相似文献   

Interaction observation systems for groupware applications capture and process all the actions performed by users engaged in workgroups. These actions are then stored in log documents that enable the work process carried out by the users to be analyzed and the interaction between users to be studied. This article proposes an approach, based on ontological models, which is devised to help the developer of an observation system for a groupware application to structure and record user actions. In order to achieve this aim, we present a specific ontology that shapes the collaborative work process of the users so as to obtain an XML-based log document that stores all the actions carried out by the users and facilitates the subsequent analysis of the system usage and users’ behavior. This approach has been used to improve communication and collaboration capabilities in the COLLECE groupware application.  相似文献   

This study presents a 3D virtual reality (VR) keyboard system with realistic haptic feedback. The system uses two five-fingered data gloves to track finger positions and postures, uses micro-speakers to create simulated vibrations, and uses a head-mounted display (HMD) for 3D display. When users press a virtual key in the VR environment, the system can provide realistic simulated key click haptic feedback to users. The results of this study show that the advantages of the haptic VR keyboard are that users can use it when wearing HMDs (users do not need to remove HMDs to use the VR keyboard), the haptic VR keyboard can pop-up display at any location in the VR environments (users do not need to go to a specific location to use an actual physical keyboard), and the haptic VR keyboard can be used to provide realistic key click haptic feedback (which other studies have shown enhances user performance). The results also show that the haptic VR keyboard system can be used to create complex vibrations that simulate measured vibrations from a real keyboard and enhance keyboard interaction in a fully immersive VR environment.  相似文献   

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