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对于人脸视频中的每一帧,提出一种静态人脸表情识别算法,人脸表情运动参数被提取出来后,根据表情生理知识来分类表情;为了应对知识的不足,提出一种静态表情识别和动态表情识别相结合的算法,以基于多类表情马尔可夫链和粒子滤波的统计框架结合生理知识来同时提取人脸表情运动和识别表情.实验证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

We proposed a facial motion tracking and expression recognition system based on video data. By a 3D deformable facial model, the online statistical model (OSM) and cylinder head model (CHM) were combined to track 3D facial motion in the framework of particle filtering. For facial expression recognition, a fast and efficient algorithm and a robust and precise algorithm were developed. With the first, facial animation and facial expression were retrieved sequentially. After that facial animation was obtained, facial expression was recognized by static facial expression knowledge learned from anatomical analysis. With the second, facial animation and facial expression were simultaneously retrieved to increase the reliability and robustness with noisy input data. Facial expression was recognized by fusing static and dynamic facial expression knowledge, the latter of which was learned by training a multi-class expressional Markov process using a video database. The experiments showed that facial motion tracking by OSM+CHM is more pose robust than that by OSM, and the facial expression score of the robust and precise algorithm is higher than those of other state-of-the-art facial expression recognition methods.  相似文献   

基于嵌入式HMM的脸部表情识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于嵌入式EHMM的表情识别方法。通过分析人脸表情的变化情况,利用DCT提取脸部表情特征构成特征向量,构建嵌入式HMM来识别静态图像中的人脸表情,并在单层嵌入式HMM的基础上提出了更利于区分易混淆表情的双层嵌入式HMM结构。实验表明该方法能有效地识别6种基本表情。  相似文献   

基于信息融合的面部表情识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出用支持向量机融合四种基于不同特征表示的面部表情识别方法进行面部表情识别,即几何表示、PCA人脸表示、ICA人脸表示和FLD人脸表示。在用FLD和ICA提取表情特征前先进行PCA,把训练样本的人脸图像向量投影到一个较低维的空间,以达到降维和去除相关性的目的。然后对每一种表情特征表示都用最小距离分类器进行初步分类,最后用支持向量机融合这些分类结果来进行面部表情的最终识别,实验证明本文提出的方案是有效的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method for pose-invariant facial expression recognition from monocular video sequences. The advantage of our method is that, unlike existing methods, our method uses a simple model, called the variable-intensity template, for describing different facial expressions. This makes it possible to prepare a model for each person with very little time and effort. Variable-intensity templates describe how the intensities of multiple points, defined in the vicinity of facial parts, vary with different facial expressions. By using this model in the framework of a particle filter, our method is capable of estimating facial poses and expressions simultaneously. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. A recognition rate of over 90% is achieved for all facial orientations, horizontal, vertical, and in-plane, in the range of ±40 degrees, ±20 degrees, and ±40 degrees from the frontal view, respectively. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

针对AdaBoost在使用Haar特征时的局限性,提出了Turbo-Boost算法.该算法经过两轮AdaBoost迭代,先从原始的Haar特征空间中筛选出F维主要特征子空间,再从中训练T>F个弱分类器,以进行最终的表情识别.在CAS-PEAL-R1表情库上的10折交叉验证结果表明,Turbo-Boost算法可显著提升识别性能,对微笑、皱眉、惊讶、张口和闭眼5类表情的总体识别准确率达到了93.6%.此外,该算法的识别速度快,可满足实时识别的需要.  相似文献   

为了提高人脸表情识别的准确率和加快处理速度,提出了一种基于优化剪枝GoogLeNet的人脸表情识别方法.利用GoogLeNet网络提取面部特征,其中Inception模块加深学习深度,并利用典型的分类器实现人脸表情分类.改进GoogLeNet网络,添加全局最大池化层并保留检测目标的位置信息,以Sigmoid交叉熵作为训...  相似文献   

基于DCT-BP神经网络的人脸表情识别   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
提出一种基于DCT-BP神经网络的人脸表情识别算法,先对图像进行灰度均衡与图像平滑的预处理,然后利用离散余弦变换提取图像的表情特征参数,变换后的数据量大大减小,而且不会丢失图像所携带的关键信息,最后利用前向反馈神经网络算法进行识别.  相似文献   

基于改进型嵌入式隐马尔可夫模型的表情识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于改进型嵌入式隐马尔可夫模型的表情识别方法.首先通过视频人脸跟踪检验获取关键帧的感兴趣区域.然后利用二维离散余弦变换将人脸图像观测块转化为观测向量.最后实现嵌入式隐马尔可夫进行模型训练与表情识别.实验表明,采用嵌入式隐马尔可夫模型可有效识别表情,改进和优化后的设计方案识别效果良好.  相似文献   

The recognition of facial gestures and expressions in image sequences is an important and challenging problem. Most of the existing methods adopt the following paradigm. First, facial actions/features are retrieved from the images, then the facial expression is recognized based on the retrieved temporal parameters. In contrast to this mainstream approach, this paper introduces a new approach allowing the simultaneous retrieval of facial actions and expression using a particle filter adopting multi-class dynamics that are conditioned on the expression. For each frame in the video sequence, our approach is split into two consecutive stages. In the first stage, the 3D head pose is retrieved using a deterministic registration technique based on Online Appearance Models. In the second stage, the facial actions as well as the facial expression are simultaneously retrieved using a stochastic framework based on second-order Markov chains. The proposed fast scheme is either as robust as, or more robust than existing ones in a number of respects. We describe extensive experiments and provide evaluations of performance to show the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

基于DCT-BP神经网络的人脸表情识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于DCT-BP神经网络的人脸表情识别算法,先对图像进行灰度均衡与图像平滑的预处理,然后利用离散余弦变换提取图像的表情特征参数,变换后的数据量大大减小,而且不会丢失图像所携带的关键信息,最后利用前向反馈神经网络算法进行识别。  相似文献   

孙晓  潘汀  任福继 《自动化学报》2016,42(6):883-891
深度神经网络已经被证明在图像、语音、文本领域具有挖掘数据深层潜在的分布式表达特征的能力. 通过在多个面部情感数据集上训练深度卷积神经网络和深度稀疏校正神经网络两种深度学习模型, 对深度神经网络在面部情感分类领域的应用作了对比评估. 进而, 引入了面部结构先验知识, 结合感兴趣区域(Region of interest, ROI)和K最近邻算法(K-nearest neighbors, KNN), 提出一种快速、简易的针对面部表情分类的深度学习训练改进方案——ROI-KNN, 该训练方案降低了由于面部表情训练数据过少而导致深度神经网络模型泛化能力不佳的问题, 提高了深度学习在面部表情分类中的鲁棒性, 同时, 显著地降低了测试错误率.  相似文献   

In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVISs) integrate most of the secondary functions available within vehicles. These secondary functions are aimed at enhancing the driving experience. To successfully design and evaluate the performance of these systems, a thorough understanding of the task, user, and system is required. This article presents a review of these three variables in the context of IVISs, which aims to enhance understanding of this specific task–user–system interaction. A framework for modeling system performance for the task–user–system interaction is also proposed. This will allow designers and evaluators of IVISs to make predictions about system performance and to design systems that meet a set of criteria for usable IVISs.  相似文献   

基于D—S证据理论的表情识别技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王嵘  马希荣 《计算机科学》2009,36(1):231-233
在情感计算理论基础上,提出了基于D-S理论的信息融合的表情识别技术,设计并实现了系统IFFER.在表情识别模块中的分类器训练采用JAFFE表情库.识别中首先利用色度匹配及亮度匹配将人脸图像进行眼部及嘴部的分割,再分别用训练好的眼部SVM分类器及嘴部SVM分类器进行识别,将识别后的结果利用D-S证据理论进行融合.实验结果表明,对分割后的两部分图像进行识别,无论从训练上还是识别上,数据的维数都大大减少,提高了效率.在识别率上,融合后的结果相对于融合前的有显著的提高.  相似文献   

2017年人工智能正式升级为中国国家战略,作为人工智能领域中重要的研究方向,人脸表情识别受到了国内外研究者们的广泛关注.然而传统的人脸表情识别技术无法适应自然环境下的表情识别需求.因此非正面人脸表情识别方法成为实现表情识别技术实用化突破的重点.但是现有的非正面表情识别研究面临很多困难:头部偏转不仅造成了识别图像的扭曲,...  相似文献   

在三维人脸表情识别中,基于局部二值模式(LBP)算子算法与传统的特征提取算法相比具有特征提取准确、精细、光照不变性等优点,但也有直方图维数高、判别能力差、冗余信息大的缺点.本文提出一种通过对整幅图像进行多尺度分块提取CBP特征的CBP算法,能够更有效的提取分类特征.再结合使用稀疏表达分类器实现对特征进行分类和识别.经实验结果表明,与传统LBP算法和SVM分类识别算法对比,文中算法用于人脸表情的识别的识别率得到大幅度提高.  相似文献   

The challenge of coping with non-frontal head poses during facial expression recognition results in considerable reduction of accuracy and robustness when capturing expressions that occur during natural communications. In this paper, we attempt to recognize facial expressions under poses with large rotation angles from 2D videos. A depth-patch based 4D expression representation model is proposed. It was reconstructed from 2D dynamic images for delineating continuous spatial changes and temporal context under non-frontal cases. Furthermore, we present an effective deep neural network classifier, which can accurately capture pose-variant expression features from the depth patches and recognize non-frontal expressions. Experimental results on the BU-4DFE database show that the proposed method achieves a high recognition accuracy of 86.87% for non-frontal facial expressions within a range of head rotation angle of up to 52°, outperforming existing methods. We also present a quantitative analysis of the components contributing to the performance gain through tests on the BU-4DFE and Multi-PIE datasets.  相似文献   

汽车信息系统的安全工作主要集中在分析、挖掘车载信息系统及其功能组件现存的安全漏洞及可行攻击方式的实验验证,缺乏全面、系统的车载信息系统安全测评体系及评估方法。论文在分析车载信息系统安全现状的基础之上,提出将车载信息系统的安全等级划分为:家用车载信息系统和商用车载信息系统,定义了两个等级车载信息系统的保护能力,并借鉴通用信息系统的安全等级保护要求,提出车载信息系统不同保护等级的基本安全要求,首次建立车载信息系统的安全等级测评体系。进一步建立层次化安全评估模型及算法,实现车载信息系统的定量安全评估。通过奥迪C6的安全测评案例证明,提出的等级测评体系及评估方法是可行、合理的,为分析车辆信息系统的安全状况提供支撑,填补了国内车载信息系统安全测评体系及评估方法的空白。  相似文献   

Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has been an interesting area of research in places where there is human-computer interaction. Human psychology, emotions and behaviors can be analyzed in FER. Classifiers used in FER have been perfect on normal faces but have been found to be constrained in occluded faces. Recently, Deep Learning Techniques (DLT) have gained popularity in applications of real-world problems including recognition of human emotions. The human face reflects emotional states and human intentions. An expression is the most natural and powerful way of communicating non-verbally. Systems which form communications between the two are termed Human Machine Interaction (HMI) systems. FER can improve HMI systems as human expressions convey useful information to an observer. This paper proposes a FER scheme called EECNN (Enhanced Convolution Neural Network with Attention mechanism) to recognize seven types of human emotions with satisfying results in its experiments. Proposed EECNN achieved 89.8% accuracy in classifying the images.  相似文献   

研究人脸表情识别问题,应有效挺取脸表情特征,消除与识别无关的信息.传统的Gabor滤波器在人脸表情特征提取过程中,针对存在提取特征时间较长和特征数据存在冗余性的缺点,提出了一种Gabor和PCA相结合的特征提取,并通过支持向量机进行表情识别方法.方法首先对人脸表情进行预处理得到纯表情图像,采用Gabor提取表情特征,用PCA进行数据冗余处理和用支持向量机识别人脸表情并进行仿真.仿真结果表明,相对于传统的Gabor方法,不仅提高了人脸表情识别的正确率,而且加快了识别的速度.改进办法非常适合于人脸表情图像的分析.  相似文献   

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