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非牛顿流体微观热弹流润滑理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
求得了非牛顿流体线接触微观热弹流润滑的准稳态数值解。结果显示,横向微凸体能够造成强烈的局部动压,且微凸体越高或越窄,动压效应便越强。  相似文献   

The acid number of the mixed solution of 150SN oil and oleic acid characterizes the volume content of oleic acid in the solution, based on which the adsorptive capability of oleic acid is studied on the 45 steel balls and disks. Boundary lubrication tests are carried out on a self designed ball-on-disk machine. The base oil is pure 150SN oil, and oleic acid as additive are added into the lubricant. Disks have surface roughness values (Ra) of 0.8μm and 0.4μm. The electrical contact resistance method is used to determine the lubrication status. Hypothesize that the molecular film is monomolecular layer in condensed state and the opposing surfaces are completely separated by molecular film. A boundary lubrication model is established according to experimental results and hypothesizes. The experimental and calculational results show that the adsorption of polar molecules on steel surface is the main factor to form the boundary lubrication film. Load and sliding speed contribute little to the friction coefficient of boundary lubrication. The properties of steel surface and additive for the lubricant significantly influence on the characters of boundary lubrication. The smaller the surface roughness value is, the smaller the friction coefficient of the boundary lubrication is.  相似文献   

薄膜润滑与润滑状态图   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
讨论了速度、固体表面能、滑动比、润滑剂粘度和化学性能对薄膜润滑状态下油膜厚度的影响,以及弹流润滑向薄膜润滑转化条件和液体膜失效条件。进而提出了新的润滑状态划分准则以及不同润滑机理下膜厚的变化情况。  相似文献   

纳米级混合润滑研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
混合润滑是机械中广泛存在的润滑状态。从试验方面研究了由接触、边界润滑和薄膜润滑组成的点接触区混合润滑状态的特性,提出使用动态接触率来描述混合润滑状态,并研究了各种参数对动态接触率的影响。结果表明,在混合润滑状态下,动态接触率与接触中心平均膜厚成指数函数关系。速度和粘度的增大会减小动态接触率,载荷的增加则会增大接触率,极性添加剂分子的使用会减小实际粗糙峰之间的接触,从而降低动态接触率。另外,低速下,综合粗糙度小的摩擦副表面的接触率要大于粗糙度大的表面的接触率;随着卷吸速度的提高,粗糙度小的表面的动态接触率小于粗糙度大的表面的动态接触率。  相似文献   

FRICTIONINGEARTEETHUNDEREXTREMEPRESSURELUBRICATIONSunDezhi;YaoYuquan;MaXiangui(NortheasternUniversity)AbstractThedatameasured...  相似文献   

基于系统和时变观点的齿轮胶合分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了多种胶合英文术语的定义及相互关系,提出了初期胶合(轻微擦伤)的概念,并认为胶合以轻微擦伤为先导。作者建议对GB3481─83《齿轮轮齿损伤的术语、特征和原因》进行修改。基于系统分析观点,将影响齿轮摩擦学性能的各种因素概括为环境、工况、结构、材料和润滑五个方面,并阐述了这五个方面的内涵。据此,又基于摩擦学的时变观点,阐述了具有时变观点的因素。在上述分析的基础上,提出了系统的和时变观点的齿轮胶合机理分析。  相似文献   

It has already been known for many years that the use of some extreme-pressure (EP), antiwear or friction modifier (FM) additives in mineral oils can produce different kind of boundary or chemical reaction films on sliding contact surfaces of some kinds of steel in boundary lubrication conditions. Using a sliding ball-on-disc configuration lubricated with some kinds of EP or FM, the wear scars on the balls can always reach the same limit size at a specified applied load and sliding velocity. From the fact that the limit sizes of wear scars decrease as sliding speed is increased or applied load is decreased, the load carrying ability of a chemical film can be obtained by extrapolating the data to the condition of zero sliding speed and is so defined that if the contact pressure is greater than this load carrying ability, the contact surfaces will continuously be worn; if the contact pressure is smaller than it, no more wear will occur on the surfaces. Based on this load carrying ability, the hydrodynamic effect of sliding pairs can also be identified. Therefore, the limit size of wear scar at specified sliding speed and applied load can also be predicted in a mixed lubrication condition.  相似文献   

利用Navier-Stockes方程和有限体积法,求解斜面滑块润滑模型的承载力和摩擦力,研究形貌高度较大时,表面形貌影响下非牛顿介质的润滑效果,获得用传统的包含表面形貌统计模型的雷诺方程方法难以获得的流场的细节信息。数值结果显示:在规则横向条纹形貌的作用下,形貌突变处出现压力突变;当形貌高度大于1%油膜厚度时才对润滑结果有较大影响,承载力和压差阻力随形貌高度的增加而增加,摩擦阻力随之下降,总阻力基本保持不变;当形貌高度大于油膜厚度的10% 时,摩擦阻力随之上升,总阻力迅速增加。非牛顿介质幂律模型参数对润滑结果的影响远大于形貌参数的影响,但其并不影响承载力等结果随形貌高度变化的趋势,选择合适的润滑材料参数是改善润滑的关键因素。  相似文献   

An analytical model for full film lubrication of deep drawing is developed, combining the elastic–plastic membrane finite element code of deep drawing together with full film lubrication theory. In full film lubrication, the surfaces are not in contact, and the gap in between includes two types of lubrication: the thick film lubrication regime and the thin film lubrication regime. The film thickness and the strain distribution of full film lubrication are predicted here. The theoretical results show excellent agreement with the experiment data.  相似文献   

The concept of the metallic surfaces polarity in the context of scuffing performance is postulated and elucidated in the presented paper. The machining by grinding and surface treatment by burnishing is applied to control introducing changes in surface polarity and acid/base component of surface free energy is used for their quantitative determination. A clear relationship between the acid/base component of surface free energy and an activation of scuffing for the steel–cast iron friction pairs lubricated by oils with the surface-active sulphur-based additives is found. Obtained results are commented and clarified; thanks to the negative-ion concept of extreme pressure action of organo-sulphur compounds. Additionally, surface reactivity investigations are performed in order to determine the influence of acid/base component of surface free energy on the corrosion wear. It recognised a clear relationship between the acid/base component of surface free energy and the mass decrement of steel surfaces in the hydrochloric acid environment. On the basis of both parts of the investigations (scuffing and reactivity tests), an optimal surface polarity is determined for steel–cast iron friction pairs lubricated by lubricants with surface-active sulphur-based additives.  相似文献   

本文根据作者多年来在齿轮胶合理论与计算方面的研究成果,首次提出了齿轮第三个计算理论体系——新的齿轮胶合强度计算方法。文中给出了校核公式、理论设计计算公式和对比计算公式。  相似文献   

系统时变观点的齿轮胶合机理的求解思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于系统的和时变的观点~[1],提出了表征系统摩擦学状态的参数,并定量地研究了系统运行过程中的摩擦热和摩擦表面力学性能、摩擦体热膨胀、润滑油性能及润滑状态、边界膜润滑能力、接触状态、摩擦系数等的变化及其对系统工作状态的影响,提出了摩擦学系统工作状态参数和不同胶合磨损形式的判别式。在此基础上,提出了预测初期胶合发生及胶合程度的数值计算思路。  相似文献   

Gear tests were performed in a FZG test rig in order to evaluate the influence of the operating conditions (torque, speed and oil bath temperature), gear geometry and base oil viscosity on gear scuffing.A mixed film lubrication model was used to evaluate the normal pressures and shear stresses in several points along the gear meshing line, for each load stage and for all the gear scuffing tests performed.The gear scuffing results were analyzed using two different approaches: one considering global gear parameters defined at the meshing line scale and another based on local parameters at the roughness asperity scale, determined using the mixed film lubrication model.The analysis at the roughness asperity level was used to complete the scuffing study performed with global gear contact parameters, explaining the occurrence of scuffing during ‘running-in’, justifying the zones in teeth flanks where the first scuffing marks appear and supplying indicators for low scuffing resistance at high oil bath temperatures.  相似文献   

薄膜润滑的微极流体模拟   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于向列相润滑分子作用下薄膜润滑的有序模型,利用微极流体(Micropolar fluids)理论分析薄膜润滑的润滑特性,探求薄膜润滑的基本规律。结果表明,薄膜润滑下的摩擦学性质介于弹性流体动力润滑和边界润滑之间,弹流理论不能很好预测膜厚随工况参数的变化情况,而微极流体理论结果和试验值有较好的一致性。薄膜润滑下有序分子的存在所起作用相当于提高润滑剂的粘度,能够增加润滑油膜的厚度从而增加承载能力。在薄膜润滑下必须考虑微粒分子的角动量矩守衡。  相似文献   

纳米级润滑膜的粘度修正与薄膜润滑计算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据纳米级润滑膜的试验测试结果提出薄膜润滑状态的粘度修正公式 ,并在此基础上建立了润滑膜厚度计算的数值计算方程。将该数值计算结果与弹流理论计算值和试验值进行对比表明 ,在薄膜润滑条件下 ,膜厚与速度和润滑油粘度的关系与弹流润滑计算结果相差较大 ,可明显看出弹流润滑向薄膜润滑的过渡 ,所提出的粘度修正式与试验结果则有较好的一致性  相似文献   

有序薄膜润滑的速度场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于有序膜分子模型分析薄膜润滑中的速度场分布。薄膜润滑中有序膜分子的取向与向列相液晶分子有类似性,可用“向矢”表示。利用液晶理论可以分析薄膜润滑的速度场和润滑剂分子的取向,为分析薄膜润滑的特性提供依据。薄膜润滑区别于弹流润滑之处在于有序膜分子的弹性。粘弹比可以很好地表征这种差异。给出了不同粘弹比下的“向矢”角度和等效粘度的分布情况以及速度场的分布情况。  相似文献   

The effects of sliding speed and normal load on friction coefficients of self-mated Si3N4 and SiC sliding in water after running-in in water were investigated with pin-on-disk apparatus at sliding speeds of 30 to 120 mm/s, normal loads of 1 to 14 N in ambient condition. The results showed that, after running-in in water, for two kinds of self-mated ceramics, friction coefficient increases with both decreasing sliding speed and increasing normal load when normal load is larger than a critical normal load. Friction coefficient was independent of normal load when normal load is smaller than the critical load. The lubrication film of Si3N4 under water lubrication exhibited larger load carrying capacity than that of SiC did. Stribeck curves indicated that, for self-mated Si3N4 ceramics, hydrodynamic lubrication will change into boundary lubrication abruptly when the sommerfeld number is less than a critical value; while for self-mated SiC ceramics, hydrodynamic lubrication will change into mixed lubrication and then into boundary lubrication gradually when the sommerfeld number is below critical value.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the damping effects in several different gas chemistries on a vibrating micromachined structure was conducted. A corresponding numerical study using an analytical model was also performed and the results correlated with the experimental observations. The analytical model is based on the compressible Reynolds equation. The theoretical and experimental quality factor show reasonable agreement for different gases. As expected, the quality factor decreases as the gas pressure increases. Both experiments and numerical predictions suggest that these various gases may not affect the mechanical behavior significantly, and could be used for their unique electrical properties, such as permittivities.  相似文献   

The paper describes a large load squeeze film damper (SFD) test rig, details measurements of dynamic loads inducing circular orbits conducted on a large clearance (c=0.250 mm) open ends centrally grooved SFD, and presents the identified experimental SFD force coefficients for operation at three static eccentricities. The rig has a bearing cartridge supported atop four elastic rods and a stationary journal, 0.127 mm in diameter. The damper consists of two parallel film lands, 12.7 mm in length, separated by a central groove, 6.35 mm 9.5 mm in depth. In the journal, three equally spaced holes, 120° apart, supply a light lubricant into the central groove and squeeze film lands. The experimental SFD force coefficients are compared to test results obtained earlier for a damper with the same film land lengths but with a smaller clearance (c=0.140 mm) and against predictions obtained from an advanced physical model that accounts for the flow field in the central groove and the interaction with the adjacent film lands. Dynamic pressures in the film lands and in the central groove are (not) surprisingly of the same order of magnitude. The central groove affects the dynamic forced response of the test damper to generate large direct damping coefficients, ~3.5 times those derived from classical lubrication formulas. Experimental added mass coefficients are ~7.4 times the predictive classical values. Predictions from an advanced model correlate well with the test data when using a shallow groove depth. The measurements and analysis advance knowledge on the dynamic forced performance of SFDs, point out to the limited value of simplistic predictive formulas, and validate the accuracy of a modern predictive tool.  相似文献   

在分析研究了平底从动件凸轮机构中凸轮与从动件之间的油膜的动力性能的基础上,提出了把此油膜看成是存在于凸轮与从动件之间的一个质量—弹簧—阻尼系统的假设,建立了相应的动力学模型和运动微分方程,并运用弹流理论和凸轮机构动力学,对油膜厚度、油膜等效刚度和考虑油膜影响的平底从动件凸轮机构的动力响应进行了计算和分析,所得到的动力响应变化对于设计高速凸轮机构具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

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