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This work investigates the role of the lift force for the stability of a homogeneous bubble column. Instabilities caused by the lift force may be one important reason for the transition from homogeneous to heterogeneous bubble column. On rising bubbles the lift force acts in a lateral direction, when gradients of the liquid velocity are present. Non-uniform liquid velocity fields may be induced if the gas fraction is not equally distributed, e.g. caused by local disturbances. This feedback mechanism is studied in the paper. It was found, that a positive lift coefficient (small bubbles) stabilizes the flow, while a negative coefficient (large bubbles) leads to unstable gas fraction distributions, and thus it favours the appearance of a heterogeneous bubble column regime. The turbulent dispersion force has always a stabilizing action, i.e., it partially compensates the destabilization induced by a negative lift coefficient. A stability analysis for a mono-dispersed system nevertheless showed, that influence of the lift force is much larger, compared to the influence of the turbulent dispersion force, if only bubble induced turbulence is considered. Thus, the stability condition is practically the positive sign of the lift force coefficient. The extension of the analysis to two bubbles classes, from which one being small enough to have a positive lift coefficient, results in a minimum fraction of small bubbles needed for stability. Finally a generalized criterion for N bubble classes and for a continuous bubble size distribution is given.  相似文献   

The lift force acting on bubbles in a swarm has been estimated by analyzing the instantaneous velocity-time data obtained using LDA in a cylindrical bubble column. Phase distinction was achieved through the multiresolution analysis of the velocity-time data. Several important issues related to the transverse motion of bubbles subjected to a shear field have been discussed quantitatively. The actually measured bubble sizes, the respective slip velocity values in transverse and axial directions and the local shear rates (γ) enabled the verification of known formulations for the lift coefficient (CL) for bubbles. At many locations in the column the radial flux of the gas phase by turbulent dispersion and the radial slip were estimated. The radially inward movement of bubbles from low to high axial velocity (from column wall to center, i.e., CL<0) was observed at most of the measurement locations. The local lift coefficient was estimated using the transverse drag force and the values support the results from the material balance approach. The estimated CL values showed a wide variation over the column cross-section.  相似文献   

Bubble column is widely used in both industrial and environmental applications. In this study, we examine the flow dynamics and stability of a bubble column driven by a point air source centrally mounted at the bottom using Phase Doppler anemometry (PDA). The model cylindrical bubble column had an inner diameter of 152 mm and was filled with the liquid to about 1 m height, above the point air source, which was made of a 30-mm diameter perforated air stone. The bubble diameters were within the range of 400–1300 μm. A customized setup was developed for accurate PDA measurements of the two phases, and detailed turbulent characteristics of the liquid phase velocity, bubble diameter, bubble velocity and the slip velocity were collected throughout the column. The comprehensiveness of the data set enabled a close examination of the hydrodynamic stability inside the column. Measurements were taken at three different air rates, namely 0.13, 0.25 and 0.38 L/min (corresponding to average gas volume fractions of 0.0065, 0.0138 and 0.0197, respectively). The results illustrated a large-scale coherent liquid circulation pattern inside the column. The circulation pattern in the upper column was relatively steady, while the pattern in the lower column was strongly unsteady with the probability density functions (pdf) for both the liquid and bubble velocities showing distinct twin peaks. An analysis based on the determination of the bubble drag forces and transversal lift forces is performed by decomposing the twin-peaked pdfs into two separated Gaussian distributions, one for the upward flow due to the bubble rises and the other for the downward flow due to circulation. Through the decomposition, a stability criterion can then be established by choosing the local bubble size as the representative length scale for the turbulent eddies inside the column. The analysis with the criterion illustrates why a steady circulation pattern was achieved in the upper column, and at the same time shows that the instability at the bottom column was induced by the low frequency meandering of the bubble swarm.  相似文献   

In the present work, a computational model based on an Eulerian–Eulerian approach was used for the simulation of the transient two-phase flow in a rectangular partially aerated bubble column. Superficial gas velocities (UG) ranging from 0.24 to 2.30 cm/s were used throughout both the experiments and the simulations. The calculated results were verified by comparing them with experimental data including measurements of gas hold-up, plume oscillation period (POP) and Sauter mean bubble diameter. The study shows the effect of mesh refinement, time-step and physical model selection, the latter regarding the role of bubble size distribution and non-drag forces, on the computational results. According to the results presented here, the representation of bubble populations using multiple size groups (MUSIG model) instead of a single group improves the prediction of the experimental parameters under study. Additionally, the results obtained after including the virtual mass force term do not differ considerably from those obtained including only the drag force. On the contrary, as a consequence of introducing the lift force term into the model, the gas hold-up is overestimated and a non-symmetric bubble plume oscillation appears, a fact that is not experimentally observed.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have been carried out to simulate a turbulent, bubble plume in a liquid pool. A two-fluid enhanced k-? model has been used, with the extra source terms introduced to account for the interaction between the bubbles and the liquid and transient calculations have been performed to study the plume growth, the acceleration of the liquid due to viscous drag, and the approach to steady-state conditions. In order to obtain correct spreading of the plume observed experimentally, it was observed that interfacial forces like lift and turbulent dispersion plays important role. The sensitivity analysis for drag coefficient and two different turbulent dispersion forces is presented. The development of the flow variables has been compared with the experimental data. From the CFD predictions obtained in the present work, it can be concluded that a two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric assumption in this case is justified, with 2D model predictions in good agreement with the experimental data and those of a three-dimensional (3D) model, except for the shear stresses and turbulent kinetic energy. In general, quantitative comparison with the experimental data has revealed that, by applying proper models of inter-phase momentum transfer, and performing simulations based on the two-fluid model, satisfactory predictions of mean flow quantities can be obtained for this application away from the injector.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid bubbly flow in a flat bubble column (“Becker” case with a gas flow rate of 1.6 l/min) is studied by means of large-eddy simulation (LES) combined with Lagrangian particle tracking with two-way coupling. The unsteady two-phase flow considered is relatively dilute in a global sense, but has higher gas clustering locally. The bubble size, of the order of millimeter, is relatively large compared to the smallest liquid fluctuation scales. It is demonstrated that, in such a setting, a single-phase LES along with the point-volume treatment of the dispersed phase can serve as a viable closure model, even though its application assumptions are not fully met. For the backward momentum coupling we used a “particle-source-in-ball” (PSI-ball) concept, which in essence is a generalization of the conventional particle-source-in-cell (PSI-cell) method as well as template-function based treatment. A high prediction accuracy is achieved in an extensive comparison with classical experimental data, covering not only the mean feature of the flow and transient bubble dispersion patterns, but also the second-order statistics of the liquid which is vital in assessing a closure model and has not been enough addressed in the past RANS-based studies.  相似文献   

The ratio of effective drag coefficient to bubble diameter is of critical importance for CFD simulation of gas–liquid flow in bubble columns. In this study, a novel model is proposed to calculate the ratio on the basis of the Dual-Bubble-Size (DBS) model. The motivation of the study is that a stability condition reflecting the compromise between different dominant mechanisms can serve for a closure in addition to mass and momentum conservative constraints, and the interphase momentum transfer should be related to different paths of energy dissipation. With the DBS model, we can first offer a physical interpretation on macro-scale regime transition via the shift of global minimum point of micro-scale energy dissipation from one potential trough to the other. Then the proposed drag model is integrated into a CFD simulation. Prior to this integration, we investigate the respective effects of bubble diameter and correction factor and found that the effect of bubble diameter is limited, whereas the correction factor due to the bubble swarm effect is eminent and appropriate correction factor has to be selected for different correlations of standard drag efficient to be in accord with experiments. By contrast, the DBS drag model can well predict the radial gas holdup distribution, the total gas holdup as well as the two-phase flow field without the need to adjust model parameters, showing its great potential and advantage in understanding the complex nature of multi-scale structure of gas–liquid flow in bubble columns.  相似文献   

In this work, we employ direct numerical simulation of turbulence one-way coupled to Lagrangian tracking to investigate microbubble distribution in upward and downward channel flow. We consider a closed channel flow at Reτ=150 and a dispersion of microbubbles characterized by a diameter of . Bubbles are assumed contaminated by surfactants (i.e., no-slip condition at bubble surface) and are subject to drag, gravity, pressure gradient forces, Basset history force and aerodynamic lift.Our results confirm previous findings and show that microbubble dispersion in the wall region is dominated by the action of gravity combined with the lift force. Specifically, in upward flow, bubble rising velocity in the wall region generates a lift force which pushes bubbles to the wall. In downward flow, bubble rising velocity against the fluid generates a lift force which prevents microbubbles from reaching the viscous sublayer.In the wall region, we observe bubble preferential segregation in high-speed regions in the downflow case, and non-preferential distribution in the upflow case. This phenomenon is related to the effect of the lift force. Compared to experiments, the current lift force model produces larger consequences, this effect being overemphasized in the upflow case in which a large number of bubbles is segregated near the wall. In this case, the resulting bubble wall-peak of concentration outranges experimental results.These results, so deeply related to the lift force, underline the crucial role of current understanding of the fluid forces acting on bubbles and help to formulate questions about available force models, bubble-bubble interactions and two-way coupling which can be crucial for accurate predictions in the region very near the wall.  相似文献   

Dynamic simulation of a 2D bubble column   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper demonstrates how 2D, dynamic simulations of a flat bubble column are feasible, applying state-of-the-art dynamic turbulence models, when an appropriate turbulent dispersion term is applied in the conservation equation for the gas volume fraction. The kω turbulence model yielded a better qualitative prediction of the bubble plume than the kε model, due to the low-Reynolds number treatment of the former model. The simple mixing length turbulence model gave the best prediction of the meandering plume, without any dispersion term. The mixing length model is, however, almost identical to a Large-Eddy simulation when run time-dependent on a fine mesh, and should be applied with care due to the use of a constant turbulence length scale and the inherent 3D nature of turbulence. By refining the mesh to the extreme end, it was shown that an apparently grid independent numerical solution was really grid-dependent, even when dynamic turbulence models were applied. The apparently grid independent solution was computed with an increment in the computational mesh that was of the same size as an equilibrium Kolmogorov length scale.  相似文献   

A bubble column, subjected to low-frequency vibrations, displays maxima in the gas holdup when operated at certain frequencies. These maxima represent various harmonics created by standing waves. The axial distribution of gas holdup was measured for these harmonics to demonstrate that the gas holdup at the anti-nodes is higher than at the nodes; this phenomena is a manifestation of the primary Bjerknes force acting on the bubbles. The Bjerknes force can be exploited to obtain the optimum increase in the gas holdup for a given set of operating conditions.  相似文献   

The macroscopic particle model (MPM) based on the finite volume method is employed to validate a mechanism of lift force-induced particle separation in a curved microchannel. According to the particle velocity at each time step in the unsteady simulation, the MPM gives momentum to those fluid cells touching the particle physical boundary. The summation of the given momentum with the reversed sign is divided by the time step to obtain the hydrodynamic force acting on the particle. Namely, the existence and motion of the particle causes fluid flow around the particle, while the flow field caused by the particle determines the particle motion by means of the hydrodynamic force. Therefore, the MPM can be regarded as implementing a quasi-direct numerical simulation over the static computational cells. The lift force acting on a spherical particle in a shear flow is a purely hydrodynamic force caused by the flow field around the particle. It is expected, therefore, that the MPM could predict the lift force effect without any additional model. At first, it is shown that the MPM is capable of predicting particle migration away from the wall of a straight microchannel due to the lift force. In a curved microchannel, subsequently, the particle trajectories from representative release points predicted by the MPM are compared to those predicted by a common particle tracking method without any lift force model. The MPM predicted that the particle trajectories are confined in the outer region of the channel cross-section. On the other hand, the circulating trajectories predicted by the tracking method tend to expand due to centrifugal force caused by the Dean vortices. It is concluded, therefore, that the lift force due to the steep shear rate is a significant factor to cause particle separation in a curved microchannel.  相似文献   

In this work a detailed experimental hydrodynamic characterization of a needle sparger rectangular bubble column has been performed. The liquid velocity profiles and bubble plume oscillation frequency have been measured by means of laser Doppler anemometry (LDA), and the bubble velocity map by particle image velocimetry (PIV). In this way, the influence of the superficial gas velocity, liquid height and aeration pattern on the column flow structure was analysed. A highly uniform upward flow structure with down flow near the walls was obtained by means of a full-length aeration pattern. This flow structure was preserved even for high gas fractions values. The partial-length aeration patterns with the aerated zone (defined as the aerated width divided by the column width) larger than 0.7 provide a bubble plume and two pure liquid vortical structures in the column bottom, although they are static in nature. With aerated zones lower than 0.6, an oscillating bubble plume is obtained. A non-dimensional analysis of bubble plume oscillation frequency shows a dependence of bubble plume behaviour with the aerated zone. In this way, two different types of bubble plume oscillations, namely confined bubble plume oscillation and free bubble plume oscillation, are introduced and analysed.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of gas-liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column of 400 mm in diameter at the superficial gas velocity were conducted to investigate effects of the configuration of gas distributors on hydrodynamic behaviour, gas hold-up and mixing characteristics. Eight different gas distributors were adopted in the simulation. The simulation results clearly show that the configuration of gas distributor have an important impact on liquid velocity and local gas hold-up in the vicinity of the gas distributor. Comparisons of the overall gas holdup and mixing time among different gas distributors have demonstrated that none of the adopted gas distributors was able to produce the highest interfacial area and also yield the shortest mixing time. The CFD modelling results reveal that an increase in the number of gas sparging pipes used in gas distributors is beneficial in improving the gas hold-up but is disadvantageous in reducing bubble size due to a decrease in turbulent kinetic dissipation. It has been demonstrated from the simulations that the appearance of asymmetrical flow patterns in the bubble column and the adoption of smaller gas sparging pipes for gas distributors are effective in improving the mixing characteristics.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional axisymmetric Eulerian/Eulerian simulations of two-phase (gas/liquid) transient flow were performed using a multiphase flow algorithm based on the finite-volume method. These numerical simulations cover laboratory scale bubble columns of different diameters, operated over a range of superficial gas velocities ranging from the bubbly to the churn turbulent regime. The bubble population balance equation (BPBE) is implemented in the two-fluid model that accounts for the drag force and employs the modified k-ε turbulence model in the liquid phase. Several available bubble breakup and coalescence closures are tested. Quantitative agreements between the experimental data and simulations are obtained for the time-averaged axial liquid velocity profiles, as well as for the kinetic energy profiles, only when model predicted breakup rate is increased by a factor of ten to match the coalescence rate. The calculated time-averaged gas holdup profiles deviate in shape from the measured ones and suggest that full three-dimensional simulation is needed. Implementation of BPBE leads to better agreement with data, especially in the churn-turbulent flow regime, compared to the simulation based on an estimated constant mean bubble diameter. Differences in the predicted interfacial area density, with and without BPBE implementation, are significant. The choice of bubble breakup and coalescence closure does not have a significant impact on the simulated results as long as the magnitude of breakup is increased tenfold.  相似文献   

A general CFD-PBE (computational fluid dynamics-population balance equation) solver for gas–liquid poly-dispersed flows of both low and high gas volume fractions is developed in OpenFOAM (open-source field operation and manipulation) in this work. Implementation of this solver in OpenFOAM is illustrated in detail. The PBE is solved with the cell average technique. The coupling between pressure and velocity is dealt with the transient PIMPLE algorithm, which is a merged PISO-SIMPLE (pressure implicit split operator-semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations) algorithm. Results show generally good agreement with the published experimental data, whereas the modeling precision could be improved further with more sophisticated closure models for interfacial forces, the models for the bubble-induced turbulence and those for bubble coalescence and breakage. The results also indicate that the PBE could be solved out the PIMPLE loop to save much computation time while still preserving the time information on variables. This is important for CFD-PBE modeling of many actual gas–liquid problems, which are commonly high-turbulent flows with intrinsic transient and 3D characteristics.  相似文献   

We investigate experimentally the occurrence of shape oscillations accompanied by path transition of periodically produced air bubbles rising in water. Within the period of bubble formation, the induced velocity is measured to examine bubble-liquid and bubble-bubble interactions. The flow is produced in a small-scale bubble column with square-shaped cross section. A capillary aerator produces bubbles of size 3.4 mm at a frequency of 5 Hz. Measuring techniques employed are high-speed imaging to capture bubble shape oscillations and path geometry, and laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) to measure the velocity in the liquid near the rising bubbles. The experimentally obtained bubble shape data are expanded in Legendre polynomials. The results show the occurrence of oscillations by the periodicity of the expansion coefficients in space. Significant shape oscillations accompanied by path transition are observed as the second-mode oscillation frequency converges to the frequency of the initial shape oscillations. The mean velocity field in the water obtained by LDA agrees well with potential theory. An analysis of the decay of the induced flow shows that there is no interaction between the flow fields of two succeeding 3.4 mm bubbles in the rectilinear path when the bubble production frequency is lower than 7.4 Hz.  相似文献   

刘鑫  张煜  张丽  靳海波 《化工学报》2017,68(1):87-96
目前,多数文献报道了冷态加压湍动鼓泡塔内流动特征,并且通过实验数据回归相关经验关联式。然而,此类关联式适用范围有限,难以直接外推到工业鼓泡塔反应器条件。因此,在FLUENT平台上建立了基于气泡群相间作用力的、动态二维加压鼓泡塔计算流体力学模型。通过数值模拟考察了操作压力为0.5~2.0 MPa,表观气速为0.20~0.31 m·s-1,内径0.3 m鼓泡塔内流场特性参数分布,并且与冷态实验数据进行比较。结果表明,采用修正后的气泡群曳力模型、径向力平衡模型以及壁面润滑力模型描述气泡群相间作用力,能够较为准确地反映平均气含率和气含率径向分布随操作压力和表观气速变化的规律。  相似文献   

二维鼓泡床内气液流动特性实验与数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用高速摄像法测量了0.20 m×0.02 m×2.00 m拟二维床内气泡尺寸分布和流型等变化规律,结果表明,随着表观气速的增大,鼓泡床内依次呈现均匀鼓泡区、过渡区和湍动区3种形式,以气泡个数概率表示的气泡尺寸分布呈对数正态分布。以计算流体力学软件ANSYS CFX 10.0为平台,采用k-ε湍流模型和GRACE曳力模型对气液鼓泡床内流体动力学行为展开了数值模拟,其结果与实验值比较吻合。研究表明,从多相流理论出发的计算流体力学模拟方法可以用来预报鼓泡床内流型过渡等流体动力学特性。  相似文献   

A bubble column slurry reactor (BCSR) model has been developed for the reductive alkylation of p-phenylenediamine (PPDA) with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) to N,N-di-secondary-alkyl-p-phenylenediamine (Di-amine). This particular reaction system is commercially relevant and involves a combination of parallel and consecutive reactions comprising equilibrium non-catalytic (homogeneous) and catalytic (heterogeneous) steps. The proposed model is based on the ‘mixing cell approach’. In this work the mixing cell approach has been extended by including a liquid backflow stream from all but the bottommost mixing cell. The model incorporates the contributions of gas-liquid and liquid-solid mass transfer, heat effects, and complex multistep reaction kinetics. CFD model is used to estimate the extent of backflow among mixing cells and its dependence on operating parameters. The effect of gas and liquid velocities, catalyst loading, inlet PPDA concentration, and temperature on the conversion, selectivity, global rate of hydrogenation, and temperature rise is discussed. The comparison of the current approach with the traditional mixing cell model is discussed. The BCSR model presented here will be useful to provide guidelines for designing and improving overall performance of bubble column reactors.  相似文献   

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