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Investigated whether social cognition is related to effective social behavior, using 2 samples of 9th and 12th graders as Ss. Social competence was defined as the attainment of relevant social goals in specified social contexts, using appropriate means and resulting in positive development. The social goal chosen was being able to behave effectively in challenging social situations involving salient social objects. Nine measures of social cognition and 4 other measures were used to predict 4 measures of social competence, each dealing with performance in specific challenging social situations. Taken together, these predictors accounted for a large proportion of variance in social competence, especially when a composite criterion was used. Significant age and sex differences were obtained for many of the predictor and criterion variables, and there also appeared to be important developmental differences in the validity of social competence judgments. Factor analysis results suggested that social competence represents a domain of human functioning that is at least partly distinguishable from a cognitive or general competence domain. These results were substantially replicated in a 2nd sample. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two goals are set in this commentary on the 3 articles (see records 84-15452, 15476, and 15475) included in this special section. The 1st is to place the articles within a larger context, bringing out their common features and the ways in which they fit within a variety of moves toward exploring the cognitive aspects of family life. The 2nd is to indicate several research possibilities that could extend the studies and the concepts contained in the 3 articles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social functioning deficits have long been a defining feature in schizophrenia, but relatively little research has examined how emotion responsivity influences functional outcome in this disorder. The goal of the current study was to begin to elucidate the relationships between emotion responsivity, social cognition, and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Participants were 40 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and 40 controls. Each participant completed measures of emotion responsivity, social cognition (both emotion and social perception), and functional outcome. Individuals with schizophrenia demonstrated somewhat reduced emotion responsivity for positive and negative stimuli, as well as deficits in both social cognition and functional outcome, in comparison with controls. Additionally, results indicated that both social perception and emotion responsivity were positively correlated with functional outcome. Importantly, the relationship of emotion responsivity to functional outcome was not mediated by social perception and showed a significant relationship to functional outcome independent of social cognition. This finding suggests that emotion responsivity is an important factor in understanding functional outcome in schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study tested two models of how social cognition affects the link between child adjustment and two family risk factors, maltreatment and parental psychopathology. The mediation model proposed that social cognition mediates the link between the risk factors and maladjustment. The compensation model proposed that social cognition compensates for the risk factors. Social cognitive measures were social problem-solving competency and hostile attributional and response biases. In 83 Ss (7 to 14 years of age), maltreatment, but not parental psychopathology, predicted aggression and peer rejection. The adjustment of Ss with a disturbed parent depended on maltreatment status. Risk status did not predict social cognition, so the mediation model was not supported. Consistent with the compensation model, Ss with high social cognitive skills were better adjusted regardless of risk status. Implications for high-risk research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of familiarity with peers on social cognition in children. Second- and fourth-grade children were given information about an unfamiliar peer before viewing a videotape of that peer. Children were then instructed to segment the ongoing behavioral stream of the target peer into units by pressing a button. Extrapolating from research on the influence of expert knowledge on cognition, we predicted that children who were given prior information about the peer would break the behavioral stream into fewer, larger segments than would children in no-prior-information control conditions. We also predicted that prior information would exert more influence on the segmentation of fourth graders than that of second graders. Results were consistent with these hypotheses. These and other results are discussed in terms of developmental and contextual influences on social cognition in children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pattern electroretinograms are small physiologic signals that require good patient cooperation and long recording times, particularly when conditions are not optimal. Six electrodes were compared to evaluate their efficacy. Pattern electroretinograms were recorded in eight healthy volunteers to high-contrast, pattern-reversal checks (40' width) with Burian-Allen, DTL fiber, C-glide, gold foil, HK loop and skin electrodes. Raw data for 320 reversals were analyzed off-line to evaluate signal amplitude, quality, P50 and N95 peak times, artifact rate and electrical noise. Insertion time, impedance and subjective comfort were also assessed. The Burian-Allen contact lens electrode gave the largest signal and lowest impedance but was the least comfortable and had the highest artifact rate (p < 0.01). A skin electrode on the lower eyelid produced the smallest pattern electroretinogram with the poorest quality (p < 0.05). The four other electrodes were foil or fiber electrodes in contact with the tear film, conjunctiva and/or the inferior cornea. The signal from these showed only minor differences. When electrodes are compared for pattern electroretinograms recording, the foil and fiber electrodes do not differ substantially but contact lens and skin electrodes show substantial disadvantages.  相似文献   

Investigations of social support in schizophrenia have been relatively sparse. In this research, patients with 1st-episode schizophrenia or affective psychosis were asked to describe supportive social relationships immediately prior to their 1st lifetime treatment contact and were interviewed 18 months and 5 years later for assessment of their social and occupational functioning. The results indicated that 18-month adaptive functioning was lower than in the year prior to 1st treatment contact but at 5 years rose above that seen both at baseline and 18 months. Moreover, social support from nonfamily members of the social network predicted 5-year adaptive functioning in the schizophrenia (n?=?54) group but not in the affective psychosis (n?=?55) group. Support from family did not predict 5-year outcome in either group. Together, these findings replicate and extend earlier findings that social support predicts outcome in 1st-episode schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Summarizes 3 studies of social cognitive development to illustrate the role of the stimulus environment in shaping the developmental process. These studies build upon a conceptual framework and illustrate an investigative strategy intended to replace exclusively S centered, assimilation-side accounts with a more explicitly transactional model that focuses equal attention on the structural characteristics of both Ss and their social stimulus environments. These studies, which dealt with the experience of crowding (M. J. Chandler et al., 1977), the interpretation of psychological defense mechanisms (M. J. Chandler et al.; see record 1979-25577-001) and the process of moral deliberation (M. J. Chandler et al.; see record 1981-25546-001), followed a common format. The formal structure of children's cognitions and their relevant social environments were characterized, and then problem-solving competence was explored in relation to both of these structural dimensions. Results support the call for a more balanced consideration of the structural features of both subjects and their social environments. (French abstract) (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the issues of social influence, social cognition, stereotyping and prejudice, and social and personal identity in basic behavioral science research for mental health. The significance of social influence for mental and physical health is illustrated by 3 lines of research: impact of persuasive messages, self-persuasion, and resisting pressure to change or conform. Three aspects of social cognition, including accessibility of social beliefs, causal attribution, and standards of self-evaluation, are given, and the prevalence of stereotyping is discussed. The significance of both social and personal identity in mental health is addressed, as well as the issue of coping with challenges to the identity. Directions for future research on social influence and social cognition are outlined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research shows that clinical predictions are less accurate than statistical predictions and are held with unreasonable confidence. Because there are obstacles to the implementation of statistical prediction, factors that improve clinical judgment must be identified. One hundred twelve individuals participated in an experiment investigating the role of complex thought in clinical prediction. Results revealed marked performance differences related to the amount of available clinical information. Participants' assessed need for cognition was associated with their consistency, accuracy, and cue-weighting strategies. Social accountability improved confidence performance under certain task conditions but was unrelated to accuracy. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed, with emphasis on the restructuring of tasks and the selection and training of human forecasters to promote accurate and appropriately confident clinical predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study used a set-theoretical model to construct self-perception structures and person-perception structures for 10 recently hospitalized schizophrenic patients, 10 nonschizophrenic patients recently hospitalized for depression, and 10 nonpsychiatric subjects. Overall self-perception structures were significantly less elaborated in the schizophrenic patients when compared with either the psychiatric or the nonpsychiatric comparison group. No comparable differences were found for measures taken from the person-perception structures. The degree of elaboration of self in the particular context of self as psychiatric patient was found to be correlated (r?=?.74, p  相似文献   

Team cognition in experienced command-and-control teams is examined in an UAV (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle) simulation. Five 3-person teams with experience working together in a command-and-control setting were compared to 10 inexperienced teams. Each team participated in five 40-min missions of a simulation in which interdependent team members control a UAV to take reconnaissance photos. Experienced teams exceeded performance of inexperienced teams, suggesting transfer of previous command-and-control experience. Compared to inexperienced teams, experienced teams had fewer errors on process-related training knowledge, superior team process ratings, and communications containing fewer coordination-related utterances. These findings support the view that team cognition emerges through the interactions of team members, that interactions distinguish high-performing teams from average teams, and that these interactions transfer across different tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a model of how the human cognitive system operates in its natural social context. The model focuses on both input and output variables that have been ignored in the development of most other cognitive theories. On the input end, the model emphasizes the role of prior knowledge and the goal-directed nature of social information processing. On the output end, the model emphasizes various types of social judgments and affective reactions, as well as memory and behavioral decision making. The model is designed to provide a general conceptual framework for integrating much of contemporary social cognition research. As such, it is consistent with, and occasionally subsumes, more molecular theories of specific social phenomena. An indication of the model's applicability to cognitive heuristics, representation of self, and the role of affect in information processing is included. Predictions of the model (e.g., the effects of information on both recall and judgments when the information is processed for different purposes) and the empirical evidence bearing on them are discussed. (4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Manic patients, depressed bipolar patients, and normal controls were compared on measures of social cognition. Manic patients showed a normal self-serving bias on the Attributional Style Questionnaire, but depressed patients attributed negative events more than positive events to self. On an implicit test of attributional style, both patient groups attributed negative events more than positive events to self. Both patient groups showed slowed color naming for depression-related but not euphoria-related words. Manic patients, like normal controls, endorsed mainly positive words as true of self but, like the depressed patients, recalled mainly negative words. Findings from the implicit tests indicate a common form of psychological organization in manic and depressed patients, whereas the contrasts between the scores on the implicit and explicit measures are consistent with the hypothesis of a manic defense. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Implicit cognitive responses to drug use cues and drug outcomes, assessed with measures of memory association, were studied in a sample of high-risk White and Latino adolescents. The utility of these responses as predictors of drug use was examined and compared with potentially confounding predictors, including gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and acculturation. The background variables also served as potential moderators of the effects of implicit cognition. The results revealed that measures of memory association were consistent, direct-effect predictors of marijuana and alcohol use. In addition, these implicit cognitive measures were stronger predictors than were the background variables, and their predictive effects were not moderated by other variables. The results provide further support for the implicit cognition perspective in drug use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rhythm and pitch are the 2 primary dimensions of music. They are interesting psychologically because simple, well-defined units combine to form highly complex and varied patterns. This article brings together the major developments in research on how these dimensions are perceived and remembered, beginning with psychophysical results on time and pitch perception. Progressively larger units are considered, moving from basic psychological categories of temporal and frequency ratios, to pulse and scale, to metrical and tonal hierarchies, to the formation of musical rhythms and melodies, and finally to the cognitive representation of large-scale musical form. Interactions between the dimensions are considered, and major theoretical proposals are described. The article identifies various links between musical structure and perceptual and cognitive processes, suggesting psychological influences on how sounds are patterned in music. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The Whorf thesis on the relationship between language and thought is found to involve the following two propositions: (a) Different linguistic communities perceive and conceive reality in different ways. (b) The language spoken in a community helps to shape the cognitive structure of the individuals speaking that language… . An experiment is described which investigates a part of proposition (a)—the idea that lexical differences are indicative of cognitive differences." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social cognition is the scientific study of the cognitive events underlying social thought and attitudes. Currently, the field's prevailing theoretical perspectives are the traditional schema view and embodied cognition theories. Despite important differences, these perspectives share the seemingly uncontroversial notion that people interpret and evaluate a given social stimulus using knowledge about similar stimuli. However, research in cognitive linguistics (e.g., Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) suggests that people construe the world in large part through conceptual metaphors, which enable them to understand abstract concepts using knowledge of superficially dissimilar, typically more concrete concepts. Drawing on these perspectives, we propose that social cognition can and should be enriched by an explicit recognition that conceptual metaphor is a unique cognitive mechanism that shapes social thought and attitudes. To advance this metaphor-enriched perspective, we introduce the metaphoric transfer strategy as a means of empirically assessing whether metaphors influence social information processing in ways that are distinct from the operation of schemas alone. We then distinguish conceptual metaphor from embodied simulation—the mechanism posited by embodied cognition theories—and introduce the alternate source strategy as a means of empirically teasing apart these mechanisms. Throughout, we buttress our claims with empirical evidence of the influence of metaphors on a wide range of social psychological phenomena. We outline directions for future research on the strength and direction of metaphor use in social information processing. Finally, we mention specific benefits of a metaphor-enriched perspective for integrating and generating social cognitive research and for bridging social cognition with neighboring fields. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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