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Mari Lou Balmer Fred F. Lange Carlos G. Levi 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1994,77(8):2069-2075
Aqueous solutions of zirconium acetate and aluminum nitrate were spray pyrolyzed at 250°C and upquenched to different temperatures to yield metastable solid solutions of composition Zr(1− x ) Alx O(2− x /2) . An amorphous oxide forms first during pyrolysis which subsequently crystallizes as a single phase for x ≤ 0.57 (≤40 mol% Al2 O3 ). The crystallization temperature increased with Al2 O3 content. Electron diffraction, supported by Raman spectroscopy, indicates that the initial phase is tetragonal. At higher temperatures, the initial solid solation partitions to other metastable phases, viz., t -ZrO2 +γ-Al2 O3 , prior to achieving their equilibrium phase assemblage, m -ZrO2 +α-Al2 O3 . Partitioning yields a nanocomposite microstructure with grain sizes of 20–100 nm, compared to the 3 to 5 nm in the initial, single phase. Compositions containing 45 to 50 mol% Al2 O3 concurrently crystallize and partition. The structure selected during crystallization and the partitioning phenomena are discussed in terms of diffusional constraints during crystallization, which are conceptually similar to those operating during rapid solidification. 相似文献
K. J. D. MacKENZIE I. W. M. BROWN R. H. MEINHOLD M. E. BOWDEN 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1985,68(5):266-272
Water is lost in two overlapping steps from well-crystallized pyrophyllite from Coromandel, New Zealand. The pyrophyllite structure survives the loss of the first 30% of the total water content, but the loss of a further 60% water in the second step results in the formation of pyrophyllite dehydroxylate, with corresponding changes in both the 29 Si and 27 Al solid-state NMR spectra. Detailed analysis of the 29 Si chemical shift of the dehydroxylate has allowed the silicate layer structure of this phase to be refined. A similarly detailed interpretation of the 27 A1 spectra is not possible because of electric field gradient effects which result in the loss of ∼90% of the A1 spectral intensity due to the formation of five-coordinate A1 on dehydroxylation. The loss of further water from the dehydroxylate on further heating results in the formation of mullite and cristobalite and is accompanied by changes in the 29 Si and 27 Al spectra which can be accounted for in terms of coordination changes in the structural regions which contained the residual hydroxyls. 相似文献
Quadrupole interactions of 11 B and 27 Al in SiO2 -B2 O3 -Al2 O3 -R2 O glass systems were investigated to determine the structure of these glasses, which should be amenable to chemical strengthening. The ratio of BO4 units to BO3 units approached unity as the R2 O/Al2 O3 ratio for compounds having fixed B2 O3 contents approached unity. Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants ( e2 Qq/h =2.73 to 2.93 MHz) were measured for the NMR spectra of 11 B triangles. The line shapes of 27 Al spectra varied with chemical composition, but a few glasses exhibited 27 Al line shapes similar to those of the AlO4 triclusters in SiO2 -Al2 O3 -Na2 O glasses. Compositional trends in the formation of BO4 and AlO4 were deduced from the NMR spectra. 相似文献
Shinichi Sakida Satoshi Hayakawa Toshinobu Yoko 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2001,84(4):836-842
The structures of M2 O3 –TeO2 (M = Al and Ga) glasses have been investigated by means of 125 Te, 27 Al, and 71 Ga NMR spectroscopies. The structural units of respective cations in M2 O3 –TeO2 glasses were quantitatively analyzed. The fractions of TeO4 trigonal bipyramid, AlO6 and GaO6 octahedra decreased and those of TeO3 trigonal pyramid, AlO4 , AlO5 , and GaO4 polyhedra increased with increasing M2 O3 content. Based on the local structures around Te, Al, and Ga atoms, the structure models of M2 O3 –TeO2 glasses were proposed. 相似文献
We have studied the dielectric properties of a new, cubic pyrochlore-type solid solution Bi(1.6−0.8 x ) Y x Ti2 O(6.4+0.3 x ) (0.03< x <2). The single-phase nature of the pyrochlore solid solution was determined using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. We found that at room temperature and 1 MHz the pyrochlore solid solution exhibited values of the dielectric constant ɛ between 127 and 64, and low dielectric losses, tan δ, of <6 × 10−3 . The temperature coefficient of the dielectric constant τk is, however, strongly dependent on the composition. Below room temperature dielectric relaxation phenomena were observed for the compositions with low x values. 相似文献
K. J. D. MacKENZIE I. W. M. BROWN R. H. MEINHOLD M. E. BOWDEN 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1985,68(6):293-297
Structural models previously proposed for metakaolinite are examined in light of the most recent published experimental data and new information obtained by solid-state high resolution 29 Si and 27 AI NMR. A new model for metakaolinite is proposed, consisting of anhydrous regions of distorted AI-0 tetrahedra containing randomly distributed isolated residual hydroxyls associated with A1-0 configurations of regular octahedral and tetrahedpal symmetry. Such a structure, which can readily be formed from kaolinite by the removal of hydroxyls in certain sequences, accounts for the lack of a well-defined X-ray pattern and the persistence of ∼10% residual hydroxyls in metakaolinite and is consistent with the most recent density data, bond lengths, and the new 29 Si and 27 AI NMR data. 相似文献
Masatomo Yashima Haruo Arashi Masato Kakihana Masahiro Yoshimura 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1994,77(4):1067-1071
A structural phase transition between the cubic (space group, Fm 3 m) and tetragonal (space group, P 42 /nmc) phases in a zirconia–ceria solid solution (Zr1−x Cex O2 ) has been observed by Raman spectroscopy. The cubic–tetragonal ( c–t" ) phase boundary in compositionally homogeneous samples exists at a composition X0 (0.8 < X0 < 0.9) at room temperature, where t " is defined as a tetragonal phase whose axial ratio c/a equals unity. The axial ratio c/a decreases with an increase of ceria concentration and becomes 1 at a composition X'0 (0.65 < X'0 < 0.7) at room temperature. The sample with a composition between X0 and X'0 is t " ZrO2 . By Raman scattering measurements at high temperatures, the tetragonal ( t" ) → cubic and cubic → tetragonal phase transitions occur above 400°C in Zr0.2 Ce0.8 O2 solid solution. 相似文献
The effects of processing conditions on the formation of alumina sols from the hydrolysis of alkoxide precursors have been investigated using 27 Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In the range of acid ratios between ∼0.3 to 1.0 mol of HNO3 per mole of alumina sec-butoxide, the NMR data show that sols processed at 20°C, low temperature (LT), differ greatly from those processsed at 90° to 95°C, high temperature (HT). In the LT sols, the aluminum is predominantly in the form of the polyoxycation species, Al13 O4 (OH)24 (H2 O)x n+ (where n is probably 7), rather than a folded defect boehmite structure as suggested by Pierre and Uhlmann. Furthermore, heating the LT sols at 90°C does not transform them to the HT form directly, but rather results in the growth of new tetrahedral and octahedral alumina species. 相似文献
Daijitsu Harada Yukio Hinatsu Nobuyuki Masaki Akio Nakamura 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2002,85(3):647-652
Powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy were performed for samples prepared in the temperature range 1500–1500°C for the hafnia–europia (HfO2 –Eu2 O3 ) system Eu x Hf1− x O2− x /2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0). The XRD results showed that two types of solid solution phases formed in the composition range 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.725: an ordered pyrochlore-type phase in the middle-composition range (0.45 < x < 0.575) and a disordered fluorite-type phase, enveloping the pyrochlore-type phase on both sides, in the composition ranges 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.40 and 0.60 ≤ x ≤ 0.725. 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy sensitively probes local environmental changes around trivalent europium (Eu3+ ) caused by the formation of these solid solution phases. In addition to the broad, single Mössbauer spectra observed in this study for the Eu3+ , the values of isomer shift (IS) exhibited a pronounced minimum in the neighborhood of the stoichiometric pyrochlore phase ( x ≈ 0.5). Such IS behavior of Eu3+ was interpreted based on the XRD crystallographic information that the ordered pyrochlore phase has a longer (in fact, the longest) average Eu–O bond length than those of the disordered fluorite phases on both sides or the monoclinic (and C-type) Eu2 O3 at x = 1.0. 相似文献
I. W. M. BROWN K. J. D. MacKENZIE M. E. BOWDEN R. H. MEINHOLD 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1985,68(6):298-301
Solid-state 29 Si and 27 Al NMR spectra of kaolinite fired at 800° to 1450°C, interpreted in light of a newly proposed metakaolinite structure and complementary X-ray diffraction results, lead to the following conclusions about the hightemperature reactions: (1) Removal of the final residual hydroxyl radicals of metakaolinite at ∼9707deg;C triggers the separation of a considerable amount of amorphous free silica and the formation of poorly crystalline mullite and a spinel phase. (2) Mullite and spinel form in tandem, the former originating in the vicinity of AI-0 units of regular octahedral and tetrahedral symmetry randomly distributed throughout the metakaolinite structure. (3) The initially formed mullite is alumina-rich but at higher temperatures progressively gains silica, approaching the conventional 3Al2 O3 · 2SiO2 composition. (4) The spinel phase contains insufficient Si to be detected by 29 Si NMR but has a 27 Al NMR spectrum consistent with γ-Al2 O3 . On further heating, the spinel is converted to mullite by reaction with some of the amorpholls silica, the balance of which eventually becomes cristobalite. 相似文献
Danjela Kuer Darko Hanel Janez Holc Marko Hrovat Drago Kolar 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2001,84(5):1148-1154
La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were studied as potential materials for solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. The phase relations in the LaFeO3 –SrFeO3−δ –LaAlO3 system were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. The defect structure of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites was investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy and weight-loss analysis. Relations between the nonstoichiometry and the conductivity of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were investigated. The incorporation of aluminum ( x ) into LaFe1− x Alx O3 was found to have no influence on the defect structure but to decrease the conductivity. The incorporation of strontium ( y ) into La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ promotes the formation of anion vacancies and Fe4+ that lead to higher conductivity. 相似文献
Richard K. Brow R. James Kirkpatrick Gary L. Turner 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(8):2293-2300
A series of x Al2 O3 · (1 − x )NaPO3 glasses (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.275) were prepared and characterized by magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy and by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). 27 AI MAS NMR spectra reveal that: at low alumina contents ( x < 0.125), Al is in dominantly octahedrally coordinated Al(OP)6 structural environments; in glasses with x > 0.125, Al(OP)4 environments are increasingly favored; and at x = 0.275, most Al is tetrahedrally coordinated. 5-coordinated Al environments also appear to be present. Variations in the 31 P MAS NMR spectra are consistent with bonding between neighboring P and Al polyhedra. Quantitative changes in the oxygen bonding, determined from the O 1 s spectra obtained by XPS, also reflect these structural changes. The effects of alumina content on the relative concentration of nonbridging oxygen (PO− ) are quantitatively described by a simple structural model derived from the MAS NMR data. The thermal expansion coefficients and glass transition temperatures are shown to be sensitive to these structural changes. 相似文献
Electrical properties of CeO2 thin films of different Y2 O3 dopant concentration as prepared earlier were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The ionic conductivities of the films were found to be dominated by grain boundaries of high conductivity as compared with that of the bulk ceramic of the same dopant concentration sintered at 1500°C. The film grain-boundary conductivities were investigated with regard to grain size, grain-boundary impurity segregation, space charge at grain boundaries, and grain-boundary microstructures. Because of the large grain boundary and surface area in thin films, the impurity concentration is insufficient to form a continuous highly resistive Si-rich glassy phase at grain boundaries, such that the resistivity associated with space-charge layers becomes important. The grain-boundary resistance may originate from oxygen-vacancy-trapping near grain boundaries from space-charge layers. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy coupled with a trans-boundary profile of electron energy loss spectroscopy gives strong credence to the space-charged layers. Since the conductivities of the films were observed to be independent of crystallographic texture, the interface misorientation contribution to the grain-boundary resistance is considered to be negligible with respect to those of the impurity layer and space-charge layers. 相似文献
Ruzhong Zuo Chun Ye Xusheng Fang Zhenxing Yue Longtu Li 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2008,91(3):914-917
The Cu-modified (Na0.5 K0.5 )0.96 Li0.04 Ta0.1 Nb0.9 O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were fabricated at relatively low temperatures by ordinary sintering. The results indicate that the addition of copper oxide (CuO) does not change the crystal structure and the dielectric–temperature characteristic, but tends to slightly increase the loss tangent and significantly modify the ferroelectric and electromechanical properties. Moreover, the grains get clearly coarsened with increasing CuO content. When doped with <0.25% CuO, the materials get softer with slightly decreased coercive fields ( E c ) and increased maximum electric field-driven strains ( S m ), and thus own enhanced piezoelectric properties; however, as the doping level becomes higher, the materials get harder, possessing larger E c and reduced remanent polarization and S m . The change in the electrical properties can be attributed to both the formation of oxygen vacancies by Cu2+ replacing Nb5+ and the modification of densification. 相似文献