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一种基于两跳邻居信息的贪婪地理路由算法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王建新  赵湘宁  刘辉宇 《电子学报》2008,36(10):1903-1909
 基于地理信息的路由算法由于其高效、低路由开销和良好的可扩展性等特点,在无线传感器网络中得到比较广泛的应用.许多采用贪婪策略作为其基本数据转发机制的地理路由算法都不可避免会遇到路由空洞现象.针对这个问题,本文提出了一种基于掌握两跳邻居节点位置信息的贪婪地理路由算法——Greedy-2算法.该算法能够使节点提前意识到路由空洞的存在,从而尽可能使数据包及时绕开空洞边界节点,减少路由空洞发生的概率,提高分组到达率.对于Greedy-2算法仍然遭遇路由空洞现象的情况,文章提出了一种基于两跳邻居信息的平面化算法PATN,该算法不需要增加额外的平面化开销,即可将网络平面化以采取边缘恢复机制,在UDG网络中保证数据可靠传输.仿真结果表明,与基于一跳邻居节点位置信息的贪婪算法相比,Greedy-2算法可以明显减少路由空洞现象发生的次数,在分组到达率和数据传送的路由跳数方面都有着更好的性能.Greedy-2算法与PATN规则结合后的GPSR-2算法也比GPSR算法有着更优化的路由跳数.  相似文献   

余勇昌  韦岗  武娟 《通信技术》2007,40(11):216-219
在PHGASIS建链方法的基础上提出了一种改进的建链方法;在此基础上提出了一种基于双层链结构并由基站集中控制的负载均衡、能量有效的路由算法(LBEERA),此算法充分利用了簇状路由算法和链状路由算法的优点.LBEERA算法将网络划分为多个簇,每个簇的节点组成一条低层链,每条链的链头节点形成一条高层链.仿真试验发现,相对于LHACH算法和PHGASIS算法,LBEERA算法增加了网络生存时间,减少了包传输时延.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的首要设计目标是能量的高效利用,所以设计其路由协议需要重点考虑能耗问题。针对WSN的GEAR路由协议,提出一种能耗上的改进方案并进行仿真,仿真结果显示,该方案能明显降低能耗。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络节点能耗不均匀,容易形成网络分区的问题,提出了一种基于博弈论的无线传感网络路由选择策略,建立传感器节点之间以剩余能量为效用的博弈模型,求解并确定节点剩余能量最优的路由。仿真结果表明,所提出的路由选择策略可以有效地最大化节点的剩余能量,同时当该模型处于纳什均衡解时,每条路径的能耗处于均衡状态,有效地利用了传感器节点的能量资源,避免了网络能量的空洞,延长了网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络能量均衡路由算法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
设计了一种能量均衡的路由算法.路由的建立分两个阶段,在簇头建立阶段,让候选节点在覆盖范围内以剩余能量的多少和所处位置为标准来竞选簇头,以使簇头分布均匀,平衡网络覆盖;在通信阶段,根据簇头节点的剩余能量大小和其距离基站的远近,采用多跳的簇间通信方式建立路由,以此来降低簇头节点的通信负载.仿真结果表明该算法能够有效降低网络能耗和延长网络生存时间.  相似文献   

无线传感网络由于受能量和通信能力的限制,为了保证感知数据的有效送达,路由方法(协议)的设计显得尤为关键.本文提出了一种基于前向感知因子的能量均衡路由协议FAF-EBRP,它通过感知链路权重和前向区域内的能量密度来决定下一跳节点,并设计了相应的局部拓扑自发重构机制.通过实验对FAF-EBRP和LEACH、EEUC两个典型路由方法(协议)进行了比较,结果表明,FAF-EBRP能使无线传感网络表现出更好的能量均衡性和更长的有效工作时间.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中传感器节点能量有限,为了提高能量利用率,针对现有算法随机选择簇首、簇结构不合理等缺陷提出了一种新的能量有效的分簇路由算法EERA.EERA采用新的簇首选举、成簇,以及构建簇间路由算法,基于节点剩余能量与节点的相对位置选择簇首、成簇,使剩余能量较多的节点优先成为簇首并且各簇首能较均匀的分布在网络区域内;构建簇间路由时将最小跳数路由算法与改进的MTE算法结合起来,在簇间形成最小跳数、最小能耗路径.仿真结果表明,EERA算法可以均衡全网能量消耗,延长网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

无线信道干扰和负载分布的不均衡严重影响无线Mesh网络吞吐量、端到端延时和资源利用率。在已有基于信噪比和邻居节点个数的干扰模型基础上,进一步研究了无线Mesh网络的链路干扰。在综合考虑了无线Mesh网络流间干扰和和流内干扰的基础上,提出路由判据PIL(Path Interfer-ence Level)。在此基础上,提出一种新的基于干扰感知的负载均衡路由协议IA-DSR(Interference-Aware DSR)。IA-DSR考虑无线网络拥塞并选择受到干扰最小的路径。仿真结果表明,在不显著增加开销的情况下,IA-DSR可以有效地提高网络的整体吞吐量,降低网络端到端时延和丢包率。  相似文献   

在基于分簇的无线传感器网络中,为了有效地转发数据,研究者们提出了各种簇组织和簇首选举机制,但是这些机制缺少关注簇首与汇聚节点之间数据传输的可靠性.针对该问题,提出一种可靠的数据路由方案,通过链路代价函数和动态的簇首间路由,控制簇首到汇聚节点的数据转发.仿真结果表明,该方案不仅有效地增加数据包的投递率,也能够均衡网络的能量消耗.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中地理位置和能量路由(GEAR)算法可能产生的路由空洞问题,GEAR算法通过改变自身和邻居节点的代价来解决问题,但同一节点可能会再次遇到同一路由空洞.文中提出了一种基于Diikstra+策略的路由空洞GEAR+算法可以避免上述问题.仿真分析表明,该算法在平均能量消耗和节点发送数据分组的数量上都优于GEAR算法.  相似文献   

空洞问题一直是无线传感器网络中基于地理信息位置路由协议研究的一个热点。文章对ITGR算法提出了改进措施,通过逆路由路径方向寻找新的信标节点更新ITGR算法中的信标节点,从而扩大ITGR算法的目标阴影区域范围,减少算法绕空洞时迂回路径的长度。OMNeT++4.0仿真表明,改进算法可以降低ITGR算法绕空洞的路由路径的平均跳数和长度。  相似文献   

1IntroductionAs the development of MEMStechnology,the microsensors whichintegrate manyfunctions such as sensing,signal processing and communication have been widelyused[1]. Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN) is construct-ed with hundreds to thousands of sensors and one ormore SINKs .Sensors can sense (monitor) many physi-cal signals such as sound,light ,electronics ,tempera-ture and humidity of the objects in a given region[2 ~3].Sensors transfer these signalsinto sensing data and sendsensin…  相似文献   

基于能量优化的无线传感器网络安全路由算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对无线传感器网络路由面临安全威胁和节点能量有限的不足,提出一种基于能量优化的安全路由算法(EOSR).该算法把优化能量、提高路由安全性和缩短传输时延同时作为设计目标,采用多目标决策,在保证安全性和快速传输的同时,让能量储备较多的节点承担较多的数据转发任务,可获得最优路由和延长网络生命期.通过预置公私密钥对,有效地提高了路由的安全性.给出了该算法中路由发现、路由选择和路由删除的具体步骤,通过仿真实验证明该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对一类基于移动代理的无线传感器网络内移动代理的迁移路由问题,提出了一种基于网格和遗传算法的移动代理迁移路由算法.该方法通过改进的自适应遗传算法获取迁移的基路径信息,再结合网络网格化和路由修复策略来实现路由节点失效时的路由修复,从而有效降低能耗和实现成功迁移.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel Energy-Aware Data-Centric Routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks, which we refer to as EAD. We discuss the algorithm and its implementation, and report on the performance results of several workloads using the network simulator ns-2. EAD represents an efficient energy-aware distributed protocol to build a rooted broadcast tree with many leaves, and facilitate the data-centric routing in wireless micro sensor networks. The idea is to turn off the radios of all leaf nodes and let the non-leaf nodes be in charge of data aggregation and relaying tasks. The main contribution of this protocol is the introduction of a novel approach based on a low cost backbone provisioning within a wireless sensor network in order to turn off the non backbone nodes and save energy without compromising the connectivity of the network, and thereby extending the network lifetime. EAD makes no assumption on the network topology, and it is based on a residual power. We present an extensive simulation experiments to evaluate the performance of our EAD forwarding-to-parent routing scheme over a tree created by a single EAD execution, and compare it with the routing scheme over a regular Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Protocol. Last but not least, we evaluate the performance of our proposed EAD algorithm and compare it to the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol, a cluster-based, energy-aware routing protocol specifically designed for sensor networks. Our results indicate clearly that EAD outperforms AODV and LEACH in energy conservation, throughput, and network lifetime extension.Dr. A. Boukerche was partially supported by NSERC, Canada Research Program, Canada Foundation for Innovation, and Ontario Innovation Funds/Ontario Distinguished Research Award.Azzedine Boukerche is a Full Professor and holds a Canada Research Chair Position at the University of Ottawa. He is also the Founding Director of PARADISE Research Laboratory at Ottawa U. Prior to this, he hold a faculty position at the University of North Texas, USA, and he was working as a Senior Scientist at the Simulation Sciences Division, Metron Corporation located in San Diego. He was also employed as a Faculty at the School of Computer Science McGill University, and taught at Polytechnic of Montreal. He spent a year at the JPL-California Institute of Technology where he contributed to a project centered about the specification and verification of the software used to control interplanetary spacecraft operated by JPL/NASA Laboratory.His current research interests include wireless networks, mobile and pervasive computing, wireless multimedia, QoS service provisioning, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, distributed systems, distributed computing, large-scale distributed interactive simulation, and performance modeling. Dr. Boukerche has published several research papers in these areas. He was the recipient of the best research paper award at PADS’97, and the recipient of the 3rd National Award for Telecommunication Software 1999 for his work on a distributed security systems on mobile phone operations, and has been nominated for the best paper award at the IEEE/ACM PADS’99, and at ACM MSWiM 2001. Dr. A. Boukerche serves as an Associate Editor and on the editorial board for ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, The Wiley Journal of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing. He served as a Founding and General Chair of the first Int’l Conference on Quality of Service for Wireless/Wired Heterogeneous Networks (QShine 2004), ACM/IEEE MASCOST 1998, IEEE DS-RT 1999-2000, ACM MSWiM 2000; Program Chair for ACM/IFIPS Europar 2002, IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium ANNS 2002, ACM WWW’02, IEEE/ACM MASCOTS 2002, IEEE Wireless Local Networks WLN 03-04; IEEE WMAN 04-05, ACM MSWiM 98–99, and TPC member of numerous IEEE and ACM conferences. He served as a Guest Editor for JPDC, and ACM/kluwer Wireless Networks and ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks Applications, and the Journal of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing.Dr. Boukerche serves as a Steering Committee Chair for ACM MSWiM, IEEE DS-RT, and ACM PE-WASUN Conferences.Xiuzhen Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University. She received her MS and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from University of Minnesota—Twin Cities in 2000 and 2002, respectively. Her current research interests include localization, data aggregation services, and data storage in sensor networks, routing in mobile ad hoc networks, and approximation algorithm design and analysis. She is a member of the ACM and IEEE.Joseph Linus has recently graduated with a MSc Degree from the Department of Computer Sciences, University of North Texas. His current research interests include wireless sensors networks, and mobile ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

在低功耗自适应分簇(LEACH,Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarch)算法中,由于每一轮循环都要重新构造簇,距离较远的簇头节点可能会因长距离发送数据而过早耗尽自身能量,能量较低的节点当选为簇头节点时将会加速该节点的死亡,影响整个网络的生命周期。针对LEACH算法分簇机制中存在的不足,提出了一种改进的路由算法。仿真结果表明,改进算法通过考虑节点的剩余能量与固定分簇的方法,有效的改善了网络能量均衡,提高了网络生存时间。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中由于衰落信道等原因导致存在大量不可靠的链路,定义了机会节点集,在机会节点集里的节点可以协助完成数据的发送任务.机会节点集的协助机制,一方面利用无线传感网络的节点冗余度大,从而存在节点来协作;另一方面利用了无线信道的广播特性,从而使节点有机会来协助.定义了协助增益来评价协作机制带来的好处,推导出了解析表达式.基于机会节点集的协作机制可以用在大部分现有的路由协议中.仿真表明,采用协作机制后带来的协作增益可达1.18.  相似文献   

一种基于前向感知因子的WSN能量均衡路由方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

孙振  王凯  王亚刚 《电子科技》2019,32(8):27-32
为平衡无线传感器网络中的簇头负载并进一步降低多跳传输能耗,文中提出了一种改进的基于时间竞争成簇的路由算法。该算法通过限制近基站节点成簇入簇,以防止近基站节点成簇入簇的节能收益无法补偿成簇入簇能耗;利用基站广播公共信息和基于时间机制成簇,以减少节点基本信息交换能耗;通过候选簇头中继来平衡簇头负载。候选簇头的评价函数综合考虑了剩余能量和最优跳数的理想路径,以期在保持中继负载平衡的基础上尽量降低多跳能耗。仿真结果显示,该算法较LEACH和DEBUC算法延长了以30%节点死亡为网络失效的网络生存周期,表明该算法在降低节点能耗和平衡负载方面是有效的。  相似文献   

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