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油脂和机体的最佳抗氧化剂—维生素E   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文麟 《陕西粮油科技》1993,18(2):53-55,41

<正>抗氧化剂系指能防止因氧化而导致食品败坏,酸败和脱色的一类物质,它们能抑制或延迟分子氧化,但用“抗氧化剂”这样一个简单术语表示它们复杂的作用似乎过于简单。食品的氧化会导致食品气味和滋味严重劣变,然而这些又是影响消费者接受的重要因素。虽有许多防止食品氧化变质方法,如提高加工工艺水平、冷藏和适宜的阻气包装,但这些方法均不能有效抑制氧化,所以常在食品加工中加入抗氧化剂来抑制氧化。  相似文献   

油脂抗氧化剂的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油脂氧化是影响油脂质量的主要因素,油脂抗氧化剂在油脂储藏和食品加工过程中起作重要的作用。综述了油脂氧化机理、油脂中天然及人工合成抗氧化剂的种类及其抗氧化效果,并提出使用天然抗氧化剂和复配抗氧化剂是油脂工业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

提高维生素E抗油脂氧化效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵贵兴 《中国油脂》2002,27(2):29-30
维生素E对油脂的抗氧化效果是肯定无疑的。然而它的效果与它的同分异构体的含量、添加量以及实验油脂的种类、储存温度等条件密切相关。虽然VE 比合成抗氧化剂的抗氧化效果差些 ,但VE 是天然抗氧化剂 ,添加在食用油或油脂食品中 ,可解除人们的不安心理。为了在实践中更有效地使用VE,对使用柠檬酸或L -抗坏血酸 (VC)作为增效剂提高VE 抗氧化效果进行了研究。研究结果表明 ,以柠檬酸作为增效剂 ,添加于猪油中 ,6 0℃烘箱试验 ,VE 的抗氧化性提高了 ,比单独使用VE 效果好 ;以柠檬酸或VC 作增效剂添加于机榨菜籽油中 ,室温储存 ,VE 的抗氧化效果明显提高。两者均比单独使用VE 抗氧化效果好 ;以柠檬酸或VC 作增效剂添加于精炼棉籽油中 ,室温储存 ,对于提高VE 抗氧化效果不明显  相似文献   

在油脂及富油食品中,为了延长保存期,添加抗氧化剂是必要的。但是,对于人工合成的抗氧化剂,因对人体有影响而日益受到消费者的反对。因此,现在食用油脂抗氧化剂的主角要由天然抗氧化剂来充当。本文所阐述的就是几种天然抗氧化剂的抗氧化特性。通过简单的物理分离而获得的大豆卵磷脂具有很好的抗氧化效能,只需微量的添加量就能显著地改善油脂的氧化稳定性;茴香籽油中的天然抗氧化剂除生育酚类化合物外,还含有:植物甾醇-β-呋喃果糖甙及其脂肪酸酯、香豆素和石竹素;其中特定组成的游离氨基酸的混合物对生育酚类天然抗氧化剂具有特殊的抗氧化增效作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型的复全型抗氧化剂一一煎炸油稳定剂。比较了煎炸油稳定剂与单一抗氧化剂的抗氧化性能,指出煎炸油稳定剂是高效的食用油脂抗氧剂。  相似文献   

油脂天然抗氧化剂研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文介绍油脂天然抗氧化剂种类,及其抗氧化机理和产生的效果,为今后开发利用抗氧化剂提供参考。  相似文献   

油脂类食品酸败与抗氧化剂应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

植物油脂中的天然抗氧化剂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
众所周知,在相同条件下,植物油脂的抗氧化性能胜过一般动物油脂,究其原因,是植物油脂中普遍存在着多种天然抗氧化剂。本文将近年来国内外学者们研究的有关成果作简要介绍。  相似文献   

硒作为油脂抗氧化剂的功用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何东平 《中国油脂》1995,20(3):53-55
硒作为人体的一种必需微量元素,其生化功能是多方面的。而其中最重要的是硒的抗氧化性,是在七十年代才引起人们的注意,本文就硒在油脂中的抗氧化机理、硒作为油脂抗氧化剂的功用、硒在油脂领域的开发与应用作一探讨。  相似文献   

Stability of peroxidized oils and fat to high temperature heating   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fatty acid compositions of extracted and commercial samples of cottonseed oil, groundnut oil, sesame oil and butter fat were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. These fats were subjected to frying temperature (195 ºC) for 3 hours and the peroxide value, iodine value, free fatty acid content and the carbonyl value were determined at hourly intervals. The stability of the oils did not correlate well with the ratio of C18:2 to C81:1 nor with the degree of unsaturation. Also, it was not a function of the susceptibility of these oils and fat to hydrolyse during the heating process. The data suggest that the fatty acids, present in these oils and fat, influence each other's oxidation and thus affecting the rate of oxidation. It appears that one of the major predisposing factors in the degradation of these oils and fat is the amount of saturated fatty acids which are present in contact with unsaturated and peroxidised fatty acids. This explanation has been discussed in relation to the degree of unsaturation of the oils used in the experiments and their vitamin E contents.  相似文献   

微胶囊技术在食品抗氧化剂中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述近年来国内外关于微胶囊技术在黄酮类、生物碱类、色素类、多酚类、粉末油脂、酶制剂等领域的应用情况,指出微胶囊技术在食品工业中应用的局限性和不足,展望该技术的研究和应用前景.  相似文献   

Three interesterified vegetable oils (IVOs) prepared from palm, cottonseed, and olive oil, respectively, have been studied for application to Frankfurters. Beef fat (10%) was replaced by one of the IVOs at 20, 60 or 100%. Fatty acid composition of the lipid fraction in the Frankfurters and saturated/unsaturated ratios were established for all batches. We found that total or partial replacement of beef fat by IVOs did not lead to significant changes in appearance, colour, texture, flavour or sensory score. We conclude that IVOs may be successfully applied as beef fat substitutes in Frankfurters.  相似文献   

维生素与人体健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以前,我们从市场上只能零星购买到种数不多的几种维生素产品。然而,现在的市场,各种维生素保健品成千上万,而且数量还在逐年递增,让我们感到很迷惑,不知道究竟需要补充哪一种营养物质,才能更有益于身体的健康。 据美国国家科学院食品与营养学会(AFNB)建议,食谱中维生素的推荐量(RDA),应该依据人年龄大小的不同而不同,才能保持最佳的身体状态。根据这一提议,美国食品与药品管理委员会对维生素的每日用量做了规定。购买时,瓶子和食品标签上都备有详细说明。 维生素在人体健康中所起的作用不可替代。然而调查表明,即使…  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of oils and frying temperatures on fat content and texture of potato crisps.  相似文献   

齐东梅 《饮料工业》2001,4(3):24-26
水果酸奶是 一类既有独特风味,又富有营养保健功能的饮品,以猃猴桃,鲜牛乳为主要原料试制成了低脂肪低热能型水果酸奶,以满足广大消费者,特别是高血脂患者的需要。  相似文献   

The effects of vegetable oils prepared from olive, corn, soybean, canola, or grape seed, and rice bran fiber on the composition and rheological properties of meat batters were studied. Pork fat at 30% in the control was partially replaced by one of the vegetable oils at 10% in addition to reducing the pork fat to 10%. The chemical composition, cooking characteristics, texture properties, and viscosity of low-fat meat batters were analyzed. The moisture, protein, ash content, uncooked and cooked pH values, b-value, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, and viscosity of meat batters with vegetable oil and rice bran fiber were all higher than the control. In addition, batters supplemented with vegetable oil and rice bran fiber had lower cooking loss and better emulsion stability. Low-fat meat batters with reduced pork fat content (10%) and 10% vegetable oil plus rice bran fiber had improved characteristics relative to the regular fat control.  相似文献   

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