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1 概况 2 展望 2.1 目标任务 根据城乡建设总体安排,“九五”期间,上海计划占用耕地1.3万hm~2,2000年后预计每年占用耕地0.13万hm~2。滩涂开发要与其保持平衡,以确保工业基地建设、农业生产稳定发展以及长江口整治、建港等需要。滩涂开发分三阶段实施:“九五”期间,规划促淤2万hm~2,围海造地0.67万hm~2;2001~2010年,规划促淤5.33万hm~2,围海造地3.3万hm~2;2011~2020年,规划促淤6.67万hm~2,围海造地5.33万hm~2。 21世纪围海造地的海堤建筑标准,重点岸段要  相似文献   

上海市自建国以来至1995年,共围海造地7.23万hm~2,而同期建设用耕地15.14万hm~2,净减少耕地7.91万hm~2,相当于减少目前南汇县、金山区和浦东新区的耕地面积总和。进入90年代,随着上海市社会经济各方面的迅猛发展,城市化范围迅速向郊区和农村扩展,上海耕地呈锐减的趋势,围垦造地步伐远远跟不上经济建设用地的需  相似文献   

本文首先就城市规划与城市土地资源利用的现状做了简要分析,然后就城市土地利用的特点做了更进一步的分析与探讨,并提出了改善城市规划与土地资源利用率的有效对策,希望能为实际工作起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

纵观我国的城市规划中土地资源的利用,存在着一定程度的不合理和资源浪费现象。这种不协调现象,使得城市布局不够合理,城市土地资源不能最大限度发挥其效能。本文旨在浅略探讨城市规划与城市土地资源利用中所存在的问题及其解决途径。  相似文献   

从规划工作的角度出发,对城市规划与城市土地资源利用中存在的城市规划与城市土地资源利用不协调、城市规划制定不科学严谨、土地资源不能合理利用等问题进行了分析,提出了一些解决对策,以改善城市规划与土地资源利用的现状。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国现阶段城市化建设中土地资源利用所存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的建议,以求教于方家.  相似文献   

上海作为特大城市,人地矛盾突出,生态空间紧缺,环境容量有限,如何将生态安全理念与土地使用规划相结合,探索节约集约土地资源的规划思路,是上海贯彻城乡统筹实现城市可持续发展的重要命题.以上海为例,从生态视角对土地作为一种生态资源进行分析,审视以往土地使用规划的传统观念,确立城乡统筹背景下紧凑发展的规划模式;提出上海城乡一体化要从注重对城镇规模的关注转向对生态环境资源的保护,引导城市在空间选择上将有限的土地资源集中到城市化的重点区域和城市生态空间.  相似文献   

随着城市发展步伐的加快,城市建设的速度也在日益加快,伴随而生的就是城市土地资源紧缺的现状。为解决城市建设的困境,提高土地资源的利用率,促使城市规划与土地资源之间的和谐发展,力求使二者相互促进,本文从城市规划的过程以及城市规划与土地规划的衔接两个方面着手,探讨城市规划与土地资源利用协调发展的策略。  相似文献   

配合中国2010年上海世博会的举办,上海今年将在城市的重点地区建设一批骨干性的地下空间工程,逐步形成城市地下空间开发利用的良性运行的初步框架。在规划、设计、开发、建设、运营全过程中,坚持“以人为本”,将地下空间开发利用与“城市,让生活更美好”主题和理念紧密结合起来。  相似文献   

陈前虎  宋小冬 《规划师》2004,20(4):77-79
政府行为理论的缺陷及由此而导致的实践偏差是“圈地运动”存在的根源。建立土地资源配置系统的公共选择机制有助于解决政府调控失效的问题。  相似文献   

从探索上海城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划相互衔接的实践出发,从理论综合和实践分析的角度,总结城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划的目标、特征和实施途径、工作效果,.对探索当前资源约束条件下特大城市"两规合一"的工作方法作了研究.  相似文献   

当前,城市建设用地扩张过快成为城市化快速发展过程中的主要问题之一,地方政府主导的土地财政是其主要成因。而地方政府之所以能够顺利推行土地财政,主要原因:在土地产权制度上,城乡土地产权主体模糊、产权残缺、权力失衡;在土地使用制度上,政府垄断一级市场、土地增值国有;在土地征收制度上,政府征地范围过宽、征地成本低廉、行政强制力主导;在土地财税制度上,税制体系混乱、重流通、轻保有、地方政府缺乏主力税种。最终导致地方政府土地权力过大,且无法通过征收物业税来获取稳定收益,只靠一次性土地出让获益致使用地失控。因此有必要对我国土地制度进行针对性的改革。  相似文献   

上海城市空间环境的当代发展(摘)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者从总体规划和城市设计、城市建筑及国际建筑师的参与、城市空间和历史建筑保护4个方面,论述了上海城市空间环境的当代发展。作者认为,近十年来,上海的城市建设经历了根本性的变化。城市总体规划和城市设计出现了不少新的理念,使城市的结构更为合理。郊区小城镇和黄浦江、苏州河的城市规划和设计为城市的公共开放空间及环境的优化打下了基础。  相似文献   

基于非建设用地的城市用地规模及布局   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采取先从划定非建设用地入手的规划方法,尽可能全面涵盖和明确城市非建设用地的范围,反推有限土地可以承栽的人口规模,这种方法取得了较为实际的理想效果.它除了应用在城市总体规划编制中,还丰富了城市规划理论,可供城市总规修编时参考.  相似文献   

以解决某市湿地公园项目融资问题为主题,引入资源补偿项目(Resource Compensate Project,RCP)融资模式,结合项目实际情况,定量分析住宅用地资源的补偿量,并就特许权协议设计了十二条关键条款。全文思路、方法和特许权协议条款建议可供RCP融资模式应用借鉴。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):422-433
Land use modifications associated with urbanization, such as clearance of vegetation, replacement of previously pervious areas with impervious surfaces and drainage channel modifications, result in increased runoff volumes, which often create flooding hazards and increase pollutant transport. An attempt has been made in the present study to investigate stormwater quality from five different urban sub-watersheds (that differ in land use and development activities) in the city of Patiala, India. The five sub-watersheds have similar geological, topographical and climatic conditions and were chosen to minimize the effect of these characteristics on stormwater quality and quantity. Stormwater samples were collected during six storm events between April 2010 and March 2011 and analyzed for BOD5, COD, TSS, TDS, Oil and Grease, TKN, Total P, Coliforms and Heavy Metals (Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Fe and Cu). Results of the investigation indicate a strong correlation between land use and development activities and the resulting stormwater quality. TSS, COD and Oil and Grease were found to be major pollutants in surface runoff generated from commercial and urbanized catchments (all exceeded the surface water quality standards developed by Central Pollution Control Board, India). The water quality of the smaller residential catchment was better as compared to other catchments. Principal component analysis was investigated to identify linkages between stormwater quality and urban surface types. It was also confirmed through regression analysis that both antecedent dry period and rainfall intensity have telling influence on stormwater quality. Results obtained can provide practical information for improved stormwater management.  相似文献   

The landscape fulfils many different functions and provides multiple benefits in terms of goods and services for human society. For this reason, it must be conserved in its diversity, complexity and functionality. The aim of this paper is to identify which conditions have to be developed to transform the environmental features of a particular area into a source of income for the local population, and thus to set the basis for conserving natural capital by means of a management process. This opportunity results from a change in the willingness to pay (WTP) declared by the actors potentially interested in the characteristics of a given area. Clearly, modifying the WTP may imply, in some cases, the conservation of a specific site through profit-oriented management. This type of activity allows us to minimize the costs for public agencies as well as to ensure long-term sustainability. We evaluate all of this by means of three different contingent valuation surveys conducted in Sinello Valley, which is located in the north-east of Trentino (Italy).  相似文献   

陈诚 《室内设计》2011,(4):58-61
当前我国现代农业园区建设呈方兴未艾之势,其兴起与发展是我国农业发展和农业科技革命的现实需要。本文介绍了农业园区的功能特征、开发模式、规划思路,并通过介绍渝北国家农业园(拓展区)总体规划实践,提出现代农业园区建设与发展遇到的问题及对策建议。  相似文献   

Productivities of 29 crops in the Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities (CEEF) were measured. Rice and soybean showed higher productivities than these given by the Advanced Life Support System Modeling and Analysis Project Baseline Values and Assumption Document (BVAD), but productivities of some other crops, such as potato and sweet potato, were lower. The cultivation data were utilized to develop a 1-week cycle menu for Closed Habitation Experiment. The menu met most of the nutritional requirements. Necessary cultivation area per crew was estimated to be 255 m2. Results from this study can be used to help design the future Advanced Life Support System (ALSS) including the CEEF.  相似文献   

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