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The research in photosynthesis and hydrogen energy production provides a unique opportunity for transforming sustainable solar energy into our energy system. This special issue presented the selected and invited papers from the International Conference on Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability in honor of Nathan Nelson and T. Nejat Veziro?lu which was held on June 19–25, 2016, in Pushchino, Russia. These papers offered readers with some of the most recent and exciting progresses in photosynthesis and hydrogen energy production. The potential limitations and future efforts with open questions were also offered to stimulate the further research endeavors in the field.  相似文献   

Effect on de-hydrogenation efficiency on doping of rare earth elements Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy in MgH2 was studied using density functional theory. Specific storage capacity both in terms of volumetric and gravimetric capacity was also studied. Volumetric capacity was shown to decrease with the trends Dy > Gd > Nd > Pr, in accordance with the increase of unit cell volume, while gravimetric capacity was shown to decrease with the same trend in accordance with their atomic mass number. Analysis of density of states exhibits the presence of H-s states across Fermi energy, only for nearest neighbor H-atoms of rare earth (RE) dopants. These states are formed due to the delocalization of H-s states arising from the shorter MgH bond length, while Mg remain connected with a nearest neighbor H of RE dopant and due to the superposition and hence polarization of H-s states with f-orbital of RE elements across Fermi energy. Accordingly, H2 desorption can be predicted to occur only from the nearest neighbor H atoms of RE dopant. Pr and Nd were shown to affect the dehydrogenation efficiency similarly as La and Ce doping in MgH2 as obtained in our previous work. It is seen that Pr and Nd doping will reduce the H2 desorption temperature as La and Ce in MgH2, while, Gd and Dy doping will act negatively by increasing the de-sorption temperature even in comparison to pure MgH2.  相似文献   

正2016年9月上旬,两年一届的汉堡海事展成功举行。本届展会共有2 200家展商参展,吸引了50 000多位业内人士观展。The Motorship杂志对2016 SMM的主要技术观点做了总结与分析,具体如下。供应商支持数字革命在SMM开幕日,两家直接竞争公司都对The Motorship杂志的记者提到,如今家用轿车采用的计算技术比早期的航天飞机都多,而商船相比较而言,又采用了多少计算技术呢?但如果SMM上发布的新技术的数  相似文献   

The relationship between the hydrogen content of the crystal lattice of PbO2 and the capacity of PAM is still a subject of interest. The present paper concerns the effect of the doping of β-lead dioxide on the composition of PAM gel zones and its relationship to battery performance.Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG) as well as X-ray diffraction analysis were used as techniques of investigation in this study. The results showed that the quantity of water present in the gel zones and PAM discharge capacity are mainly dependant of the nature of the dopant.  相似文献   

A heat sink is a thermal management system for electrical and electronic appliances whose performance is a function of fin geometry, arrangement, and flow field. Earlier research addressed the enhancement in the heat dissipation capacity of the sink with a change in the geometry of the fin. However, the change should increase the heat transfer rate per unit weight and per unit volume. One such attempt is made in the present work, which deals with numerical forced convection heat transfer simulation over a pin fin with three different surface modifications, namely, threads, equilateral triangular perforation, and threads with perforations. A numerical investigation is performed for 0.5773–2.5574 mm pitch of threads, 3–4.8 mm size of perforation, and 2–8 m/s velocities of air. To describe the flow pattern around the fin and its variation with surface modification, streamline profiles are drawn which reveals that the fluid–solid interaction is improved either with threaded or perforated surface and is maximum for threaded–perforated fin. The enhanced convection rates bring down the local fin temperature and the maximum fin temperature, where the drop is more for the threaded surface than that of the perforated surface because of turbulence. A 10° drop in maximum fin temperature is achieved by replacing a plain pin fin with a threaded–perforated pin fin, and the drop is 8° with threads alone and 6° only with perforations. The increased fineness of threads and size of perforation further bring down the maximum fin temperature.  相似文献   

正报告预测2017年我国一次能源生产总量将达36.5亿t标准煤,较2016年有所提高,其中原煤产量36亿t、天然气产量约1500亿m~3,原油约2.0亿t、一次电力约1.9万亿kWh。此外报告指出:在新能源方面,弃风、弃光、弃水"三弃"问题恶化。报告建议通过合理布局、加快送出通道建设、加强电力系统调峰能力建设等方式,提升可再生能源消纳能力,解决"三弃"问题。  相似文献   

该文是一篇近四个月的超级电容器文献评述,我们以“supercapacitor”为关键词检索了Web of Science从2015年11月1日至2016年2月29日上线的超级电容器研究论文,共有830篇,选取了其中100篇加以评论。双电层超级电容器主要研究了新型多孔碳材料、石墨烯等材料可控制备对其性能的影响。赝电容超级电容器的研究主要集中在金属氧化物复合材料、导电聚合物复合材料、杂质原子掺杂碳材料和新型赝电容材料等4个方面。混合型超级电容器包括水系混合型超级电容器和有机系混合型超级电容器两个方面的研究。  相似文献   

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