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The prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the South African urban obstetric population, which consists of white, black, coloured and Asian patients from different socio-economic, cultural and geographical backgrounds, is unknown. Routine screening performed in 3,469 urban pregnant women revealed that 42 patients were HBV surface antigen-positive (a prevalence of 1.21%). Only 2 patients (4.6%) were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive (0.06% of the entire cohort), whereas the remaining 40 were identified as hepatitis B e antibody-positive. Despite a significant increase in the numbers of black patients, there has not been an accompanying increase in the number of HBV carriers. Replicative infection was equally distributed among white and black pregnant women. Because the low prevalence of HBeAg results in lack of perinatal transmission and the prevention of a single case of neonatal hepatitis B infection is costly, we conclude that in South African urban hospitals, routine screening for hepatitis B is not cost-effective.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rocuronium has been reported to have minimal haemodynamic effects. However, this conclusion has been drawn primarily from investigations conducted under narcotic-based anaesthesia. This study was designed to evaluate the cardiovascular effects of rocuronium under isoflurane/N2O/fentanyl anaesthesia and to compare rocuronium's haemodynamic effects to those of vecuronium and pancuronium. METHODS: Anaesthesia was induced with fentanyl 2 micrograms/kg, thiopentone 4 mg/kg, and suxamethonium 0.5 mg/kg in 75 ASA I or II patients. After tracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane 0.5% and N2O 50% in oxygen. Five min after intubation (baseline), patients randomly received either vecuronium 100 micrograms/kg, rocuronium 600 micrograms/kg, rocuronium 900 micrograms/kg, rocuronium 1200 micrograms/kg, or pancuronium 140 micrograms/kg. One min after administration of muscle relaxant, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded and were subsequently measured at 1-min intervals for the next 4 min. RESULTS: HR decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at all times compared to baseline in patients receiving vecuronium. HR significantly (P < 0.05) increased in those receiving rocuronium 1200 micrograms/kg or pancuronium. Patients who received vecuronium had a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in MAP at all times compared to baseline. Comparing results between groups, patients who received rocuronium or pancuronium had significantly (P < 0.05) higher MAP compared to those administered vecuronium. CONCLUSION: The haemodynamic effects of rocuronium and vecuronium are different under balanced anaesthesia. Rocuronium may attenuate the fall in MAP that often occurs under balanced anaesthesia without surgical stimulation.  相似文献   

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a disorder caused by anti-platelet autoantibodies (Ab), most of which are directed against epitopes on platelet membrane glycoprotein complexes GPIIb/IIIa and GPIb/IX. To detect platelet Ab, reliable techniques, such as MAIPA or immunobead assay, have been developed. They all achieve their selective specificity by the use of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) against defined glycoproteins of the platelet membrane. In order to determine the most frequent Ab-specificities, a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, named platelet-glycoprotein-ELISA (P-GP-ELISA), has been developed. It uses purified GPIIb/IIIa and GPIb/IX complexes, respectively, as antigens and enables determination of platelet-associated as well as circulating Ab (IgG, IgM). MoAbs are not required and therefore there is no risk of competition between MoAb and Ab. Levels of Ab in patients with the clinical diagnosis of an idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura were analysed. 92.7% (76/82) platelet eluates with significantly increased levels of Ab against at least one of the glycoproteins were found, whereas no sample from healthy volunteers (0/37) gave a positive result, pointing to a high sensitivity and specificity of the test system. Since its application is also easy and quick, P-GP-ELISA should facilitate detection of Ab against platelet membrane proteins in routine determinations.  相似文献   

A study of the physiological behaviour of the synthetic compound Orthonil (alpha-chloro-beta-(3-chloro-o-tolyl)-propionitrile revealed a strong auxin activity in higher plants. Otherwise, Orthonil appeared not to be a herbicide-auxin. It is metabolized intensively in plant tissues. Among the identified metabolites, two compounds were detected which also exert a high auxin activity. It is concluded that at least a part of the apparent auxin activity of Orthonil may be due to alpha-(3-chloro-o-tolyl) acetic acid, one metabolite of Orthonil. Although Orthonil strongly stimulates elongation growth, this growth is not accompanied by a stimulated ethylene evolution as is the case with other auxins. A possible metabolic pathway of Orthonil is discussed.  相似文献   

Elderly patients may show an age-related decline in physiologic functions, which may be responsible for the prolonged duration of some neuromuscular blocking agents. Previous studies have yielded conflicting results as to the effects of these drugs in the elderly. METHODS: After obtaining informed consent and approval of the Ethics Committee, we compared onset and recovery times of single IV doses of atracurium, rocuronium, and vecuronium given to 108 patients divided into three groups according to age (18-50, 51-64, > or = 65 years). Following oxazepam premedication and fentanyl and thiopentone induction, patients were randomly allocated to receive atracurium, rocuronium or vecuronium (0.5, 0.6, or 0.1 mg/kg, respectively) in < or = 0.8 vol.% enflurane (end-tidal)-nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Muscular relaxation was assessed by electromyographic (EMG) recording of the adductor pollicis muscle after supramaximal single-twitch stimulation of the ulnar nerve every 10 s. Onset time and recovery to 25%, 75% and 90% of twitch control values (DUR25, 75, 90) were recorded. Creatinine clearance predicted from serum creatinine (Ccr) was correlated with recovery from neuromuscular block. RESULTS: Onset time was not different among groups or relaxants. The results showed a prolonged duration of action for atracurium (DUR75, DUR90), rocuronium (DUR25, DUR75), and vecuronium (DUR25) in the elderly. A number of patients did not reach DUR75 or DUR90. There was a significant relationship between age and failure to return to control values during recovery from neuromuscular block, especially after atracurium and rocuronium. Ccr showed a negative correlation with age for all relaxants, but a negative significant correlation between Ccr and recovery was found only for rocuronium. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that onset time for atracurium, rocuronium and vecuronium is not age-dependent. Recovery was prolonged in the elderly for all three relaxants. This effect appears to be secondary to changes in body composition and function accompanying the aging process. Neither atracurium nor vecuronium depends significantly on the kidney for elimination, but the negative correlation between Ccr and rocuronium suggests an appreciable role for the kidney in the elimination of this relaxant. The long recovery times observed in this study could also be related to enflurane anaesthesia. We suggest that failure of EMG responses to return to baseline values during recovery from neuromuscular block may be related to age, especially for atracurium and rocuronium.  相似文献   

The priming principle consists of administering a subparalyzing dose of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug 3-6 min before giving a second dose for tracheal intubation. This study was performed to observe the effects of priming doses of vecuronium and rocuronium on pulmonary function tests and muscular weaknesses in young (25-35 yr of age) and elderly (65-73 yr of age) patients. Ten young and 10 elderly patients were each placed in vecuronium and rocuronium groups. Oxygen saturation and train-of-four (TOF) ratio were determined, and pulmonary function tests were performed. Then 20% of the 95% effective dose (ED95) of the muscle relaxants was given intravenously. All tests were performed again 4 min after vecuronium and 3 min after rocuronium. Other signs of muscular weaknesses were also recorded. Elderly patients showed more signs of muscle weakness in both groups. The TOF ratio was 0.77 and 0.79 in the elderly rocuronium and vecuronium groups, respectively, and 0.89 and 0.90 in the young rocuronium and vecuronium groups, respectively. Dynamic spirometry revealed decreases in forced expiratory volume in 1 s and forced vital capacity in both groups, and no significant changes in peak expiratory flow rate. The expiratory reserve volume was reduced more in the elderly groups. Oxygen saturation decreased in both groups. We conclude that oxygen saturation, pulmonary function, and muscle strength decrease more in the elderly than in their younger counterparts from priming doses of vecuronium or rocuronium. IMPLICATIONS: The priming principle consists of giving a subparalyzing dose of muscle relaxant 3-6 min before giving a second dose for tracheal intubation. We found that priming doses of vecuronium and rocuronium produced greater decreases in oxygen saturation and pulmonary function in the elderly (aged 65-73 yr) than their younger (aged 25-35 yr) counterparts. Priming may not be a safe approach in elderly patients.  相似文献   

We have studied, in adult patients, ASA I-II, the cardiovascular effects of an intubating dose of rocuronium 0.6 mg kg-1. After induction, patients were paralysed with vecuronium and the trachea intubated. Heart rate (HR) and non-invasive mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured every 1 min. After stabilization of HR and MAP, defined as < 3% change over three measurements, rocuronium (n = 20) or saline (n = 10) was injected at random. Mean HR increased initially from 66.6 to 72.1 beat min-1, 4 min after rocuronium, and then decreased gradually to 69.6 beat min-1, that is a net increase of 3.3 beat min-1 over 10 min (P < 0.001), whereas after saline there was a gradual decrease from 65.8 to 60.9 beat min-1 (P < 0.001) over 10 min. From the third minute, HR was significantly higher in the rocuronium group. Mean MAP decreased in both groups within 10 min to a similar extent after rocuronium and saline, that is from 74.9 to 72.1 mm Hg and from 74.7 to 72.2 mm Hg, respectively (both P < 0.001). There were no differences in MAP at any time between the rocuronium and saline groups. We conclude that an intubating dose of rocuronium, in the absence of haemodynamic effects related to paralysis itself, resulted in a limited increase in HR without change in MAP, probably because of its weak vagolytic activity.  相似文献   

We have studied the potency and onset and duration of action of rocuronium in patients anaesthetized with 1 MAC of desflurane or isoflurane (in 66% nitrous oxide). Potency was estimated using the single bolus dose technique. Neuromuscular block was measured by stimulation of the ulnar nerve and recording the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. The ED50 and ED95 of rocuronium were estimated as 138 (95% confidence limits 117-162) micrograms kg-1 and 281 (241-328) micrograms kg-1, and 126 (105-151) micrograms kg-1 and 283 (236-339) micrograms kg-1 during desflurane and isoflurane anaesthesia, respectively. The mean times to onset of maximum block after rocuronium 0.6 mg kg-1 were 1.0 (SD 0.10) min and 1.1 (0.15) min, respectively, during anaesthesia with desflurane and isoflurane. The respective times to recovery of T1 (the first response in the train-of-four (TOF) stimulation) to 25% and 90% were 36 (8.3) min and 54 (15.4) min during desflurane anaesthesia and 31 (8.2) min and 45 (12.7) min during isoflurane anaesthesia. The times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7 were 66 (13.4) min and 52 (16.3) min and the 25-75% recovery indices 14 (5.3) min and 10 (3.2) min, respectively, in the desflurane and isoflurane groups. There were no differences in the estimated potency or onset of action of rocuronium during desflurane and isoflurane anaesthesia. However, duration of action tended to be longer curing desflurane anaesthesia although only the differences in times to TOF ratio of 0.7 and the recovery indices were close to being significantly different (P = 0.0503 and 0.0560).  相似文献   

Past investigations of in vivo arterial behavior have concentrated on determining material properties based upon the maximum and minimum pressure and diameter measured over a pulse cycle. A new in vivo technique, based upon continuous measurement of pressure and flow, has been developed to study arterial compliance throughout the pulse cycle. Compliance in the abdominal aorta of rats showed different behavior during the rising and falling portion of the pressure pulse. Previous investigations of canine arteries which used different methods are consistent with these findings. This study demonstrates the utility of a new measurement technique and shows some trends in compliance within the pulse cycle which have neither been revealed by static tests nor by dynamic tests which focused on pulse averaged values.  相似文献   

Previously published ultrasound screening programmes for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) have concentrated on males in the 65 to 75 year age range, suggesting this as the most cost-effective cohort to target. In this unique study we have broadened the criteria for screening. General practitioners in one health district were approached to supply details of all males aged 50 years and over to be offered aortic ultrasound scanning. Over a period of 18 months, 4145 individuals were asked to attend and 3030 (73%) have attended. Attendance rates were: between 50 and 64 years, 73%; between 65 and 79 years, 75%; for 80 years and over, 64%--significantly less (p = 0.01-0.001) than the other two age bands. Aortic dilatation (diameter > or = 2.5 cm) was found in 6.3% of the 50 to 64 year age group, 16.8% of the 65 to 79 year age group, and 23.3% of the 80 years and over age group. An established aneurysm (> or = 4.6 cm) was found in 0.3%--6 individuals (50-64 years), 2.5% (65-79 years) and 4.1% (> or = 80 years). The results suggest that aortic screening may be worthwhile extending to a wider age band. By focusing follow-up, this should give greater value for younger men in terms of community productivity and allows for selective intervention in the elderly.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the neuromuscular effects, efficacy, and safety of equi-effective doses of rocuronium and atracurium in ambulatory female patients undergoing surgery. METHODS: Forty-one patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaecological surgery were randomized to receive 2 X ED90 rocuronium (0.6 mg.kg-1; n = 20) or atracurium (0.5 mg.kg-1; n = 21) during intravenous propofol/alfentanil anaesthesia with N2O/O2 ventilation. Neuromuscular block was measured with a mechanomyogram eliciting a train-of-four (TOF) response at the wrist. Intubation conditions 60 sec after administration of muscle relaxant and immediate cardiovascular disturbances or adverse events during the hospital stay were noted by blinded observers. RESULTS: Compared with atracurium, rocuronium was associated with a shorter onset time (59.0 +/- 22.2 vs 98.6 +/- 41.4 sec; P < 0.001) and clinical duration of action (33.3 +/- 7.1 vs 44.7 +/- 7.2 min; P < 0.001), but longer spontaneous recovery index (9.6 +/- 2.41 vs 6.9 +/- 1.89 min; P = 0.023) and a similar time to spontaneous recovery to TOF 70%; 53 +/- 6.31 vs 59.2 +/- 7.59 min; P = 0.139). Tracheal intubation was accomplished in < 90 sec in all patients receiving rocuronium but in only 14 of 21 patients receiving atracurium. The incidence of adverse events and the cardiovascular profiles for the two drugs were similar, although one patient receiving atracurium experienced transient flushing of the head and neck. CONCLUSION: Rocuronium has minimal side effects, provides conditions more suitable for rapid tracheal intubation, and is associated with a shorter clinical duration than atracurium. Once begun, the spontaneous recovery profile of rocuronium is slightly slower than that of atracurium.  相似文献   

An infusion of etomidate and fentanyl was compared with halothane or morphine plus nitrous oxide in oxygen for the maintenance of anaesthesia in 200 patients. Cardiovascular and respiratory changes were found to be similar in the two groups. There was a prolongation of recovery time in the etomidate-fentanyl group: this was possibly a result of lack of flexibility in the infusion technique.  相似文献   

The effects of enflurane (efrane) and ether on the cerebral functions were studied by EEG on two similar groups of adult patients. For basic comparison a depth of anaesthesia was chosen which permitted abdominal surgery without the need to administer muscular relaxants. At this level of anaesthesia the typical EEG-changes of paroxysmal type which have been described with enflurane were seen only occasionally. If, however, the depth of anaesthesia was further increased, such EEG-changes indicating increased cerebral excitability were seen more often under enflurane and also appeared under ether anaesthesia. No seizure activity was recorded.  相似文献   

The potency and time course of action of rocuronium were studied in patients anesthetized with 66% nitrous oxide in oxygen and 1.5 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration of sevoflurane or isoflurane, or a propofol infusion. Potency was estimated by using the single-bolus technique. Neuromuscular block was measured by stimulation of the ulnar nerve and by recording the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. The mean (95% confidence limits) of the 50% and 95% effective doses were estimated tobe 142 (129-157) and 265 (233-301) microg/ kg, 165 (146-187) and 324 (265-396) microg/kg, and 183 (163-207) and 398 (316-502) microg/kg during sevoflurane, isoflurane, and propofol anesthesia, respectively (P < 0.05 for sevoflurane versus propofol). The mean +/- SD times to onset of maximal block after rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg were 0.96 +/- 0.16, 0.90 +/- 0.16, and 1.02 +/- 0.15 min during sevoflurane, isoflurane, and propofol anesthesia, respectively. The respective times to recovery of the first response in the train-of-four (TOF) stimulation (T1) to 25% and 90% were 45 +/- 13.1 and 83 +/- 29.3 min, 35 +/- 6.1 and 56 +/- 15.9 min, and 35 +/- 9.2 and 55 +/- 19.4 min. The times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 were 103 +/- 30.7, 69 +/- 20.4, and 62 +/- 21.1 min, and the 25%-75% recovery indices were 26 +/- 11.7, 12 +/- 5.0, and 14 +/- 6.9 min, respectively. There were no differences among groups in the times for onset of action or to recovery of T1 to 25%. However, the times for recovery of T1 to 90%, TOF ratio to 0.8, and recovery index in the sevoflurane group were all significantly longer compared with the other two groups (P < 0.05, < 0.01, and < 0.01, respectively). We conclude that the effects of rocuronium, especially duration of action, are significantly enhanced during sevoflurane compared with isoflurane and propofol anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: In routine clinical use, the effects of rocuronium are enhanced by sevoflurane, in comparison with isoflurane and propofol anesthesia, and the recovery is slower. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring of neuromuscular block during sevoflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the analgesic effects of epidural clonidine in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under combined epidural/general anaesthesia. Forty ASA 1-2 patients were divided into two groups who received epidurally either clonidine 300 micrograms (group 1) or placebo (group 2). Anaesthesia was maintained with oxygen/nitrous oxide, a midazolam infusion, vecuronium, and boluses of fentanyl 100 micrograms administered as needed to maintain cardiovascular stability. The mean (SD) intraoperative fentanyl requirements were 2.05 (0.18) and 3.66 (0.3) micrograms.kg-1.h-1 for groups 1 and 2 respectively (p < 0.001). Patients in Group 1 had a lower heart rate after tracheal intubation and surgical incision (p < 0.02). In the recovery room, pain intensity was lower in group 1 (p < 0.003) and the mean (SD) time until analgesia request was increased from 48.5 (8.4) min in group 2 to 235.7 (33.2) min in group 1 (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that epidural clonidine produces decreased fentanyl requirements, improved cardiovascular stability, reduced pain intensity and effective postoperative analgesia in the recovery room.  相似文献   

We have studied 45 patients, aged 60-95 yr, receiving subarachnoid block for neck of femur fractures. Patient received either colloid (polygeline, Haemaccel) 8 ml kg-1 (n = 15), metaraminol 5 micrograms kg-1 and 1.7 micrograms kg-1 min-1 (n = 15) or a combination of both treatments to maintain systolic arterial pressure (SAP) between 75 and 100% of baseline. If necessary, additional colloid 2 x 4 ml kg-1 or metaraminol 3 x 2.5 micrograms kg-1 was given. Arterial pressure was measured by automated oscillotonometry, central venous pressure (CVP) by a manometer and cardiac index (CI), stoke index (SI) and heart rate (HR) by transthoracic electrical bioimpedance. Systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) was derived. Colloid was less effective than metaraminol (P < 0.05). In the colloid group, SAP and SVRI decreased and CVP, CI and SI increased (P < 0.001). In the metaraminol group, initial decreases in SAP, SVRI and CVP were restored after 10-15 min and HR decreased after 12 min (P < 0.001). In the combined group, initial decreases in SAP and SVRI were restored after 4 and 16 min, and CVP, CI, SI and HR increased (P < 0.001). Metaraminol was more effective than colloid because it increased SVRI, whereas colloid increased CVP without significantly increasing CI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of different local anaesthetics to produce intradermal anaesthesia for venous cannulation and the discomfort associated with skin infiltration. DESIGN: Randomized, double blind study. SETTING: Induction room of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Convenience sample of 600 patients (18-65 years; ASA I-II) scheduled for elective surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received one of six preparations: 0.9% saline, 1% prilocaine (Xylonest), 1% lidocaine (Xylocain), 1% mepivacaine-1 (Meaverin), 1% mepivacaine-2 (Scandicain), 1% procaine (Novocain). A skin wheal was raised on the dorsum of the hand by injecting 0.1 ml intradermally and 0.1 ml subcutaneously via a 27-g hypodermic needle. 60 seconds later an 18-g intravenous cannula was passed through that skin wheal into a vein. MEASUREMENTS: A visual analog scale (VAS) for pain (0 = no pain/10 = most pain imaginable) was used to assess pain elicited by raising the skin wheal and inserting the cannula. MAIN RESULTS: With regard to analgesic potency all five local anaesthetics were comparable (mean VAS-score 1.7-2.09) and effective when compared to 0.9% saline (mean VAS-score 4.2; P < 0.001). Infiltration pain was least with mepivacaine-1 (mean VAS-score 1.0; P < 0.001) and highest with procaine (mean VAS score 2.7; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Of the local anaesthetics tested, Mepivacaine-1 is the drug of choice for skin infiltration as its injection elicits least discomfort.  相似文献   

A previous investigation showed that inflation of a tourniquet did not interrupt onset of vecuronium neuromuscular block. To test the hypothesis that this effect depended on potency, twitch tension was measured in an arm with a tourniquet inflated during onset and compared with a control arm in 30 patients under fentanyl-thiopental-nitrous oxide-isoflurane anesthesia. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg (n = 10), rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg (n = 10), or mivacurium 0.2 mg/kg (n = 10). The electromyographic response of the first dorsal interosseus to single twitch stimulation of the ulnar nerve every 10 s was recorded in both arms. When neuromuscular block was 20% (i.e., twitch tension was 80% of control), the tourniquet was inflated to a pressure of 300 mm Hg. It was deflated 5 min later. In the vecuronium and mivacurium groups, the tourniquet did not influence onset of block. In the rocuronium group, maximum neuromuscular block was (mean +/- SD) 79% +/- 10% in the tourniquet arm, compared with 96% +/- 4% in the perfused arm (P < 0.05). The maximum rate of onset was half that of the perfused arm. The difference in maximum neuromuscular block between arms was 17% +/- 7%, 5% +/- 5%, and 0% +/- 2% in the rocuronium, vecuronium, and mivacurium groups (P < 0.05). To explain that onset of block continues in spite of interruption of blood flow, drug molecules must gain access to the neuromuscular junction via routes other than the circulation. The results of this investigation are consistent with the hypothesis that there is redistribution of drug from extrajunctional to junctional areas during onset of action of muscle relaxants and this process is more important for the more potent drugs (vecuronium and mivacurium) than for rocuronium.  相似文献   

Hypothermia during prolonged surgery may be prevented by active and passive warming methods. We have compared randomly two types of occlusive body wraps in groups of 20 patients. One wrap had additional reflective properties which, by reducing radiative in addition to convective and evaporative heat loss, was expected to improve heat conservation. Patients were studied during hepatopancreatobiliary surgery and both groups were similar in characteristics. Skin and core body temperatures increased and core temperature exceeded 37 degrees C in 40% of patients in both groups. This continuous increase in temperature was unexpected and the observed heat gain may have been stimulated endogenously by the type of surgery rather than that supplied externally. Overall, mean hourly heat gain was similar in both groups: 71 (SD 28) kJ h-1 in the reflective group and 67 (33) kJ h-1 in the other group.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of acute isovolaemic haemodilution on the pharmacokinetics of vecuronium, we studied 13 patients undergoing haemodilution during surgery and 13 control patients. General anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone 4-6 mg kg-1 and fentanyl 2-4 micrograms kg-1, and maintained with enflurane and 60% nitrous oxide in oxygen. The haemodilution patients underwent major elective plastic surgery with an anticipated surgical loss of more than 600 ml. Haemodilution was achieved by drainage of venous blood and i.v. infusion of lactated Ringer's solution and 6% dextran, during which the packed cell volume and haemoglobin concentration decreased from 45% to 28.1% and from 14.7 g dl-1 to 9.1 g dl-1, respectively. After administration of a bolus of vecuronium 100 micrograms kg-1, an improved fluorimetric assay was used to measure the plasma concentrations of vecuronium for 5 h. The results showed that the disposition kinetics of vecuronium were best described mathematically by a three-compartment open model in the two groups. The mean volume of the central compartment and volume of distribution at steady state were 42.3 (SD 11.8) ml kg-1 and 168.4 (31.5) ml kg-1, respectively, in control patients, and significantly greater (55.2 (13.4) ml kg-1 and 225.9 (53.3) ml kg-1) in the haemodilution patients (P < 0.05). The elimination half-life was 50.3 (11.5) min in control patients and significantly greater (68.2 (15.1) min) in the haemodilution patients (P < 0.05). The half-lives of fast distribution and distribution, mean residual time, area under the plasma concentration curve and plasma clearance were unchanged in patients who underwent haemodilution compared with the control group.  相似文献   

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