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烹饪时粗心,设备使用不当,是导致厨房火灾的主要原因。那么,怎样才能防止家庭厨房火灾呢? 首先,千万不要在烹饪时粗心大意,要让孩子们远离炉灶 ; 经常清洁设备,使之没有油垢,不要把锅装得太满,以防止沸溢 ; 使用合适的温度烹饪,不要为节省时间而随意增加热度;使可燃物远离烹饪设备外表。其次,不要把太多电器设备插到一个电源插座上,尤其是发热设备,并要保持发热设备远离墙壁和窗帘 ;如果电气设备内部进水,在再次使用前必须检修;千万不要用烹饪设备来做其功能以外的事,例如给房间升温等。另外,要使用新鲜的油炒菜,并…  相似文献   

姚乐  Luna  张娜 《家饰》2008,(8):84-87
有没有发现,厨房实际上也是一种工作室?切割、洗涤、煎炒烹炸,样样都需要精确的操作。因此,在设计厨房照明时,丝毫不能马虎,这些交织的灯光不只是用来增添情调,更需要设计得周到、实用,让你所有的操作者都能得心应手。  相似文献   

科技正在改变人们的生活,也许过不了多久,市民的厨房电器将“改朝换代”,科学家们为新颖的厨房电器进行了“搜索”。  相似文献   

“好的设计过程是,设计师和房主先摆脱习惯的思维方式,把没有尝试过的新做法运用到房间里。”  相似文献   

张弛 《中国厨卫》2003,(12):40-43
无论烹饪对你来说意味着会——是日常家事,是一种放松,是一种乐趣或仅仅是工作而已,你都不得不承认厨房的重要性。可能你对厨房的风格样式,情调气氛有特殊的要求,可能你需要可提供充足储存空间的小型独立厨房,便于交流的家庭型厨房,或是其它形式的厨房。无论怎样,你一定可以找到符合个人品位和需要的类型。因为,在橱柜产品精彩纷呈的今天,没有什么是不可能的。  相似文献   

易倩 《中国厨卫》2009,(8):48-52
烹饪区是厨房的“心脏”功能部位;同时,亦是体现厨房格调个性的核心区域。在乡村格调的厨房中,烹饪区总是精彩多多。  相似文献   

张弛 《中国厨卫》2003,(9):40-43
简约,顾名思义,一切繁杂的元素都被去掉了,只留下精华部分。这种风格以视觉上的美感使人得到宽松祥和的精神享受。在快节奏的现代生活中,简约风格无疑是人们家居生活中极其重要的部分。这款橱柜拥有一个时尚味很浓的烹饪区,同时以双面凹槽的金属框取代了琐碎繁复的拉手,造型简洁,所有构件都是必需的,并且也是和谐的。橱柜为厨房带来了自然大方的气息。  相似文献   

易倩 《中国厨卫》2008,(11):40-48
烹饪区作为厨房的一大功能区域,其功能与外观直接影响到操作的便捷性和烹饪者的心情。精心打造一个兼具美观与实用的烹饪区,从高度、位置,到五金、电器,面面俱到的贴心设计可以让厨房生活更加得心应手。  相似文献   

沈白 《中国厨卫》2009,(10):34-39
毫不夸张地说,烹饪区是整个厨房的中心,因为厨房里的一切工作,都是在为烹调食物做准备。然而烹调食物的方法繁多,过程也复杂多变,因此想让厨房生活轻松惬意,烹饪区务必要设计得便捷实用。  相似文献   

Singer BC  Delp WW  Price PN  Apte MG 《Indoor air》2012,22(3):224-234
The performance metrics of airflow, sound, and combustion product capture efficiency (CE) were measured for a convenience sample of 15 cooking exhaust devices, as installed in residences. Results were analyzed to quantify the impact of various device- and installation-dependent parameters on CE. Measured maximum airflows were 70% or lower than values noted on product literature for 10 of the devices. Above-the-cooktop devices with flat-bottom surfaces (no capture hood)--including exhaust fan/microwave combination appliances--were found to have much lower CE at similar flow rates, compared to devices with capture hoods. For almost all exhaust devices and especially for rear-mounted downdraft exhaust and microwaves, CE was substantially higher for back compared with front burner use. Flow rate, and the extent to which the exhaust device extends over the burners that are in use, also had a large effect on CE. A flow rate of 95 liters per second (200 cubic feet per minute) was necessary, but not sufficient, to attain capture efficiency in excess of 75% for the front burners. A-weighted sound levels in kitchens exceeded 56 dB* when operating at the highest fan setting for all 14 devices evaluated for sound performance. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Natural gas cooking burners and many cooking activities emit pollutants that can reach hazardous levels in homes. Venting range hoods and other cooking exhaust fans are thought to provide adequate protection when used. This study demonstrates that airflows of installed devices are often below advertised values and that less than half of the pollutants emitted by gas cooking burners are removed during many operational conditions. For many devices, achieving capture efficiencies that approach or exceed 75% requires operation at settings that produce prohibitive noise levels. While users can improve performance by preferentially using back burners, results suggest the need for improvements in hood designs to achieve high pollutant capture efficiencies at acceptable noise levels.  相似文献   

The meaning of home has been the subject of much recent debate. The paper explores this debate and uses empirical data from New Zealand to demonstrate that the meaning of home reflects specific sets of historical and social circumstances and is multi‐dimensional. Key features include home as a cultural value, the investment potential of home and the impacts of gender on the meanings attached to home and home life. The paper explores the meanings of home amongst a group of older New Zealanders interviewed towards the end of 1993 and in early 1994, a time of considerable upheaval within state policy with respect to the elderly. For this group ‘home’ was synonymous with home ownership and reflected deeply held concerns with respect to security, family and continuity. These same concerns it is argued gave rise to the specific pattern of housing tenure, predominantly owner occupation, that developed within New Zealand. Out of these concerns for security and family continuity comes a focus upon bequeathing amongst the older home owners as they consider the passing on of their accumulated assets and other markers of family to the next generation. Changing patterns of family form and the growth of a more individualistic culture, as a result of social and economic restructuring, are expected to profoundly modify the meanings of home held by New Zealanders and lead to increasingly marked intergenerational differences in both the meanings attached to ‘home’ and the importance of inheritance.  相似文献   

方太五腔驱动燃气灶采用5个喷嘴和5个燃烧腔,引射能力强,引射量精确,可以自动调节空气引射量来适应环境的变化,从而实现了无风门设计,在不同的时间段,不同的气源环境,调节大小火时,都可以持久保持充分燃烧状态.满足了中国复杂的气源环境和高强度烹饪方式对火力的需要.冰纯蓝火,持久强劲.其独有的"五腔无风门"设计,完美呈现了方太的全新四大发明,同时体现"五腔驱动燃气灶"的核心技术.  相似文献   

易倩  陈波 《中国厨卫》2007,(11):72-81
陈韵的家如其名.家中的实木家具和精美的饰品在岁月的渲染下.似陈年老酒.愈发香醇动人。[编者按]  相似文献   

设计向商业和工业设计的拓展。麻省理工大学相识后,ArjunDesai和KatherineChia便在不同的领域开始各自的职业生涯:ArjunDesai从事了历史遗迹保护,而她却在MayaLin工作室工作。有时,他们也会在一些别的兼职项目上合作,主要是一些在切尔西和特里贝克地区的阁楼翻新。随着口口相传的口碑,对他们合作项目的需求也在不断增加,  相似文献   

Fenton oxidation of cork cooking wastewater--overall kinetic analysis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
In the present work, the possibility of using chemical oxidation through Fenton's reagent for the pre-treatment of cork cooking wastewaters was exploited. Aiming both the selection of the best operating conditions (pH, Fe2+:H2O2 ratio and initial H2O2 concentration) and the evaluation of the overall reaction kinetics, trials were performed in a batch reactor. Operating at pH = 3.2, H2O2 concentration = 10.6 g/L and Fe2+:H2O2 ratio = 1:5 (by weight), about 66.4% of total organic carbon (TOC), 87.3% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 70.2% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) were removed and an increase of the BOD5/COD ratio from 0.27 to 0.63 was achieved. In the temperature range 20-50 degrees C, the best performance was obtained at 30 degrees C. The kinetic study was undertaken at different initial TOC concentrations and temperatures. Overall kinetics can be described by a second-order followed by a zero-order rate equation and the apparent kinetic constants at 30 degrees C are k = 2.3 x 10(-4) L/mg min and k0 = 26.0 mg/L min, respectively. The experiments performed at different temperatures confirmed the global kinetic model and allowed to calculate the global activation energy for the second-order reaction (70.7 kJ/mol).  相似文献   

本文对家居配饰中主要家具尺寸的选择、家居风格的确定.家居色彩的搭配.材质的选用及细部配饰需注意的问题作了筒略的介绍,旨在为需要进行家居配饰的业主提供一些参考性建议。  相似文献   

长期以来未做任何处理而直接排向大气的厨房油烟,随着人们食用油消费量的增加、住房条件的改善,对大气污染的程度正在日益加重。而随着相关行业标准的渐次出台,以“净化排放”抽油烟机为代表的油烟净化产业,正在释放出巨大的市场潜能,并有望成为家电领域具有广阔前景的新兴产品  相似文献   

草草  夏小茜 《中国厨卫》2007,(12):68-78
三口之家的房子应该是什么样子的?要营造美满的二人世界,要给小孩子一个充满纯真的童话城堡,如何让一所房屋同时成为所有成员的乐土?我们走进这套居室,去体会这个三口之家的美好居家体验!  相似文献   

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