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Face recognition using kernel entropy component analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this letter, we have reported a new face recognition algorithm based on Renyi entropy component analysis. In the proposed model, kernel-based methodology is integrated with entropy analysis to choose the best principal component vectors that are subsequently used for pattern projection to a lower-dimensional space. Extensive experimentation on Yale and UMIST face database has been conducted to reveal the performance of the entropy based principal component analysis method and comparative analysis is made with the kernel principal component analysis method to signify the importance of selection of principal component vectors based on entropy information rather based only on magnitude of eigenvalues. 相似文献
Jian Cheng Author Vitae Qingshan Liu Author Vitae Yen-Wei Chen Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2006,39(1):81-88
It is well known that the applicability of independent component analysis (ICA) to high-dimensional pattern recognition tasks such as face recognition often suffers from two problems. One is the small sample size problem. The other is the choice of basis functions (or independent components). Both problems make ICA classifier unstable and biased. In this paper, we propose an enhanced ICA algorithm by ensemble learning approach, named as random independent subspace (RIS), to deal with the two problems. Firstly, we use the random resampling technique to generate some low dimensional feature subspaces, and one classifier is constructed in each feature subspace. Then these classifiers are combined into an ensemble classifier using a final decision rule. Extensive experimentations performed on the FERET database suggest that the proposed method can improve the performance of ICA classifier. 相似文献
Electrogastrogram (EGG) is a noninvasive measurement of gastric myoelectrical activity cutaneously, which is usually covered
by strong artifacts. In this paper, the independent component analysis (ICA) with references was applied to separate the gastric
signal from noises. The nonlinear uncorrelatedness between the desired component and references was introduced as a constraint.
The results show that the proposed method can extract the desired component corresponding to gastric slow waves directly,
avoiding the ordering indeterminacy in ICA. Furthermore, the perturbations in EGG can be suppressed effectively. In summary,
it can be a useful method for EGG analysis in research and clinical practice. 相似文献
The paper considers partial least squares (PLS) as a new dimension reduction technique for the feature vector to overcome the small sample size problem in face recognition. Principal component analysis (PCA), a conventional dimension reduction method, selects the components with maximum variability, irrespective of the class information. So PCA does not necessarily extract features that are important for the discrimination of classes. PLS, on the other hand, constructs the components so that the correlation between the class variable and themselves is maximized. Therefore PLS components are more predictive than PCA components in classification. The experimental results on Manchester and ORL databases show that PLS is to be preferred over PCA when classification is the goal and dimension reduction is needed. 相似文献
Chao-Fa Chuang 《Pattern recognition》2006,39(9):1795-1798
Facial expression provides a crucial behavioral measure for studies of human emotion, cognitive processes, and social interaction. In this paper, we focus on recognizing facial action units (AUs), which represent the subtle change of facial expressions. We adopt ICA (independent component analysis) as the feature extraction and representation method and SVM (support vector machine) as the pattern classifier. By comparing with three existing systems, such as Tian, Donato, and Bazzo, our proposed system can achieve the highest recognition rates. Furthermore, the proposed system is fast since it takes only 1.8 ms for classifying a test image. 相似文献
应用复小波和独立成分分析的人脸识别 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
结合双树复小波变换(DT-CWT)和独立成分分析(ICA)提出了一种人脸识别新方法。该方法首先应用双树复小波变换提取图像的特征向量,接着通过主成分分析(PCA)降低特征向量的维数,在此基础上应用独立成分分析提取统计上独立的特征向量,然后基于相关系数的分类器对特征向量进行分类。双树复小波变换具有方向与尺度选择性,并能有效的保持图像的频域信息,其与独立成分分析相结合提取的特征具有良好的分类性能。在ORL和AR人脸图像数据库上进行算法验证的结果表明该方法的有效性。 相似文献
Effective recognition of control chart patterns (CCPs) is an important issue since abnormal patterns exhibited in control charts can be associated with certain assignable causes which affect the process. Most of the existing studies assume that the observed process data which needs to be recognized are basic types of abnormal CCPs. However, in practical situations, the observed process data could be mixture patterns, which consist of two basic CCPs combined together. In this study, a hybrid scheme using independent component analysis (ICA) and support vector machine (SVM) is proposed for CCPs recognition. The proposed hybrid ICA-SVM scheme initially applies an ICA to the mixture patterns in order to generate independent components (ICs). The hidden basic patterns of the mixture patterns can be discovered in these ICs. The ICs can then serve as the input variables of the SVM for building a CCP recognition model. Experimental results revealed that the proposed scheme is able to effectively recognize mixture control chart patterns and outperform the single SVM models, which did not use an ICA as a preprocessor. 相似文献
Face recognition with one training image per person 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
At present there are many methods that could deal well with frontal view face recognition. However, most of them cannot work well when there is only one training image per person. In this paper, an extension of the eigenface technique, i.e. projection-combined principal component analysis, (PC)2A, is proposed. (PC)2A combines the original face image with its horizontal and vertical projections and then performs principal component analysis on the enriched version of the image. It requires less computational cost than the standard eigenface technique and experimental results show that on a gray-level frontal view face database where each person has only one training image, (PC)2A achieves 3–5% higher accuracy than the standard eigenface technique through using 10–15% fewer eigenfaces. 相似文献
In this paper, a novel subspace method called diagonal principal component analysis (DiaPCA) is proposed for face recognition. In contrast to standard PCA, DiaPCA directly seeks the optimal projective vectors from diagonal face images without image-to-vector transformation. While in contrast to 2DPCA, DiaPCA reserves the correlations between variations of rows and those of columns of images. Experiments show that DiaPCA is much more accurate than both PCA and 2DPCA. Furthermore, it is shown that the accuracy can be further improved by combining DiaPCA with 2DPCA. 相似文献
The paper is concerned with face recognition using the embedded hidden Markov model (EHMM) with second-order block-specific observations. The proposed method partitions a face image into a 2-D lattice type, composed of many blocks. Each block is represented by the second-order block-specific observation that consists of a combination of first- and second-order feature vectors. The first-order (or second-order) feature vector is obtained by projecting the original (or residual) block image onto the first (or second) basis vector that is obtained block-specifically by applying the PCA to a set of original (or residual) block images. A sequence of feature vectors obtained from the top-to-bottom and the left-to-right scanned blocks are used as an observation sequence to train EHMM. The EHMM models the face image in a hierarchical manner as follows. Several super states are used to model the vertical facial features such as the forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin, and several states in the super state are used to model the localized features in a vertical face feature. Recognition is performed by identifying the person of the model that provides the highest value of observation probability. Experimental results show that the proposed recognition method outperforms many existing methods, such as the second-order eigenface method, the EHMM with DCT observations, and the second-order eigenface method using a confidence factor in terms of average of the normalized modified retrieval rank and false identification rate. 相似文献
在人脸识别过程中,首先利用独立成分分析得到独立的人脸基影像,所提取的特征就是人脸图像在基影像上的投影系数,通过选择合适的特征个数可以达到较高的识别准确率。然后采用支持向量机和核向量机分别对待识别图像在基影像上的投影系数进行分类判决,结果显示二者都能达到较高的识别准确率,但随着特征个数的增加,核向量机的准确率更高,训练时间更短,支持向量更少。实验表明方法可行有效的。 相似文献
In many data analysis problems, it is useful to consider the data as generated from a set of unknown (latent) generators or sources. The observations we make of a system are then taken to be related to these sources through some unknown function. Furthermore, the (unknown) number of underlying latent sources may be less than the number of observations. Recent developments in independent component analysis (ICA) have shown that, in the case where the unknown function linking sources to observations is linear, such data decomposition may be achieved in a mathematically elegant manner. In this paper, we extend the general ICA paradigm to include a very flexible source model, prior constraints and conditioning on sets of intermediate variables so that ICA forms one part of a hierarchical system. We show that such an approach allows for efficient discovery of hidden representation in data and for unsupervised data partitioning. 相似文献
传统的特征抽取算法是基于向量的,在模式是图像时并不方便。二维投影方法利用图像矩阵直接计算,虽然抽取特征速度快,但抽取出的特征是矩阵,对应的特征数量大,影响分类速度。该文结合二者的优点,先用二维投影处理原始图像,降维后再做主分量分析,抽取出少量的特征进行分类,识别率和分类速度均有提高。在ORL人脸库上20次实验的平均识别率达95.83%。 相似文献
The well-known eigenface method uses an eigenface set obtained from principal component analysis. However, the single eigenface set is not enough to represent the complicated face images with large variations of poses and/or illuminations. To overcome this weakness, we propose a second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method that combines the second-order eigenface method (ISO MPG m5750, Noordwijkerhout, March 2000) and the mixture-of-eigenfaces method (a.k.a. Gaussian mixture model (Proceedings IJCNN2001, 2001). In this method, we use a couple of mixtures of multiple eigenface sets: one is a mixture of multiple approximate eigenface sets for face images and another is a mixture of multiple residual eigenface sets for residual face images. Each mixture of multiple eigenface sets has been obtained from expectation maximization learning consecutively. Based on two mixture of multiple eigenface sets, each face image is represented by a couple of feature vectors obtained by projecting the face image onto a selected approximate eigenface set and then by projecting the residual face image onto a selected residual eigenface set. Recognition is performed by the distance in the feature space between the input image and the template image stored in the face database. Simulation results show that the proposed second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method is best for face images with illumination variations and the mixture-of-eigenfaces method is best for the face images with pose variations in terms of average of the normalized modified retrieval rank and false identification rate. 相似文献
Detecting and isolating multiple plant-wide oscillations via spectral independent component analysis 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Disturbances that propagate throughout a plant can have an impact on product quality and running costs. There is thus a motivation for the automated detection of plant-wide disturbances and for the isolation of the sources. A new application of independent component analysis (ICA), multi-resolution spectral ICA, is proposed to detect and isolate the sources of multiple oscillations in a chemical process. Its key feature is that it extracts dominant spectrum-like independent components each of which has a narrow-band peak that captures the behaviour of one of the oscillation sources. Additionally, a significance index is presented that links the sources to specific plant measurements in order to facilitate the isolation of the sources of the oscillations. A case study is presented that demonstrates the ability of spectral ICA to detect and isolate multiple dominant oscillations in different frequency ranges in a large data set from an industrial chemical process. 相似文献
基于Gabor小波特征的多姿态人脸图像识别 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
多姿态人脸识别在很多领域具有重要的应用价值。基于多姿态人脸图像及Gabor小波特点选取离散化参数,对人脸图像进行Gabor小波变换;然后采用两步降维法对变换系数进行降维,基于降维后的Gabor特征表示实现人脸识别。实验将互不相交的两个样本集依次作为训练集和测试集,验证了该方法在人脸识别中对于不同姿态和表情的有效性及鲁棒性。 相似文献
Xiaoming Liu Author VitaeTsuhan ChenAuthor Vitae B.V.K.Vijaya Kumar Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2003,36(2):313-328
In this paper, we present a novel scheme for face authentication. To deal with variations, such as facial expressions and registration errors, with which traditional intensity-based methods do not perform well, we propose the eigenflow approach. In this approach, the optical flow and the optical flow residue between a test image and an image in the training set are first computed. The optical flow is then fitted to a model that is pre-trained by applying principal component analysis to optical flows resulting from facial expressions and registration errors for the subject. The eigenflow residue, optimally combined with the optical flow residue using linear discriminant analysis, determines the authenticity of the test image. An individual modeling method and a common modeling method are described. We also present a method to optimally choose the threshold for each subject for a multiple-subject authentication system. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the traditional methods in the presence of facial expression variations and registration errors. 相似文献
Manuel Graña Darya Chyzhyk Maite García-Sebastián Carmen Hernández 《Information Sciences》2011,181(10):1910-1928
We introduce a lattice independent component analysis (LICA) unsupervised scheme to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data analysis. LICA is a non-linear alternative to independent component analysis (ICA), such that ICA’s statistical independent sources correspond to LICA’s lattice independent sources. In this paper, LICA uses an incremental lattice source induction algorithm (ILSIA) to induce the lattice independent sources from the input dataset. The ILSIA computes a set of Strongly Lattice Independent vectors using properties of lattice associative memories regarding Lattice Independence and Chebyshev best approximation. The lattice independent sources constitute a set of Affine Independent vectors that define a simplex covering the input data. LICA carries out data linear unmixing based on the lattice independent sources basis. Therefore, LICA is a hybrid combination of a non-linear lattice based component and a linear unmixing component. The principal advantage over ICA is that LICA does not impose any probabilistic model assumptions on the data sources. We compare LICA with ICA in two case studies. Firstly, including simulated fMRI data, LICA discovers the spatial location of meaningful sources with less ambiguity than ICA. Secondly, including real data from an auditory stimulation experiment, LICA improves over some state of the art ICA variants discovering the activation patterns detected by Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) on the same data. 相似文献