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长北 《中国生漆》2005,24(2):36-43
本文对《<髹饰录>解说》所解说的漆工艺提出商榷并试作辨正,以就教于海内外方家。  相似文献   

长北 《中国生漆》2006,25(1):40-47
本文对《<髹饰录>解说》所解说的漆工艺提出商榷并试作辨正,以就教于海内外方家。  相似文献   

<正> 我国现存唯一的古代漆工专著,明代著名漆工黄成的《髹饰录》,是漆工经典著作,其内容广泛,涉及髹饰历史、原料、工具、工艺技法、品种及漆工禁忌、过失等各方面。它虽经明代漆工杨明作注并丰富了它的内容,但还不易读懂。国家文物局文物保护科技研究所研究员王世襄老先生从事舌代漆器(工艺美术)的分析研究有三十多年。王老先生在我国著名学者朱启铃先生的鼓励下,著为《髹饰录解说》,并于1983年3月由  相似文献   

王世襄 《中国生漆》2002,21(1):10-13
(一 )在我的自述诗《大树图歌》中有如下一节 :蠖公授漆经 ,命笺髹饰录。两集分乾坤 ,字句读往复。为系物与名 ,古器广求索。为明工与艺 ,求师示操作。始自捎当灰 ,迄于洒金箔。款彩陷丹青 ,犀皮灿斑驳。更运剞劂刀 ,分层剔朱绿。十载初稿成 ,公命幸未辱 !以上概括地讲述了我撰写《髹饰录解说》的经过。蠖公就是朱桂老前辈 ,朱启钤 (桂辛 )先生。他是我国古建筑、髹漆、丝绣等门学术研究的奠基人。和发现宋本《营造法式》自筹资金刊刻行世一样 ,桂老几经周折 ,把我国仅存的一部漆工专著 ,只有孤本藏在日本的明黄成 (号大成 )撰、杨明 (号清…  相似文献   

杜钟勋 《中国生漆》2013,32(1):27-28,49
作者研读了《漆艺髹饰学》、《髹饰录解说》两本漆艺专著,就漆艺技术方面的感想和大家进行探讨。  相似文献   

《髹饰录》是我国现存唯一的古代漆工专著,是一部很有价值的古籍。它反映了我国传统漆工艺的丰富多彩,是研究漆工史的重要文献,为我们继承传统漆工艺,推陈出新,提供了宝贵材料。应许多读者来信,求购《髹饰录》,我部无法满足,特借本刊分期转载之,以飨读者。《髹饰录》分乾、坤两集,共18章,186条。详见下文。  相似文献   

<正> 坤集凡髹器,质为阴,文为阳。文亦有阴阳:描饰为阳。描写以漆。漆,木汁也。木所生者火而其象凸,故为阳。雕饰为阴。雕镂以刀。刀,黑金也。金所生者水而其象凹,故为阴。此以各饰众文皆然矣。今分类举事而列于此,以为《坤集》。坤所以化生万物,而质体文饰,乃工巧之育长也。坤德至哉!质色第三  相似文献   

中国明代的漆艺专著《髹饰录》流传于日本,最早受到日本漆艺研究者的关注。活跃于日本昭和时代的著名漆艺家六角紫水在1932年出版了一部研究东方漆艺的著作——《东洋漆工史》,书末附录了日文版的朱氏丁卯版《髹饰录》,由六角氏对坤集中的内容补充了说明。鉴于文中对不少中日漆艺进行了对照阐述,因而辑录翻译如下,以飨同好。  相似文献   

何豪亮 《中国生漆》2011,30(4):33-34,43
《髹饰录》是现今世界上唯一的一本漆工专著,其价值应当受到重视。本文就拜读《髹饰录》过程中发现的疑问进行列举,以期共同商讨。  相似文献   

何振纪 《中国生漆》2012,31(3):19-23
明代黄成所著《髹饰录》二卷在中国漆艺理论史上扮演着十分重要的角色。然而在19世纪以前此书在国内却销声匿迹,仅一部手抄本流传日本。但到了20世纪,随着世界各地博物馆对中国漆艺收藏的兴趣,《髹饰录》逐渐为学者们所关注。本文旨在针对国外自19世纪至今,海外各方对《髹饰录》所作研究的状况作一个扼要的综合论述。  相似文献   

Conventional diffraction gratings are designed so that most of the light striking the grating is diffracted toward the “first‐order beam” direction, but in practice, some of the light may be diffracted towards the “second‐order beam” direction, so that the light striking a particular sensor pixel may be a combination of both first‐ and second‐order components. This causes errors in the output of diffraction‐grating based UV–visible spectrometers. A new method has been developed to correct such errors by calibrating the optical system with a UV‐excluded standard (such as an orange tile) and a UV‐included standard (such as a white tile). These two calibrations can predict the relationship between first‐order‐only signals and first‐and‐second‐order combined signals at sensor pixels (nominal wavelengths) where there is second‐order light, and thus help correct the second‐order diffraction error. This compensation method applied on the reflectance measurement of a set of color ceramic tiles showed significant improvement on the accuracy of the result. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 42, 189–192, 2017  相似文献   

DXF文件中标题栏及明细表信息获取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力系统企业中大量使用AutoCAD制作的工程图纸,企业实施信息管理系统或ERP系统的过程要求从这些图纸中直接获得其中的物料信息和图纸的一些基本信息。针对这种应用需求简要地分析了DXF文件的格式,然后根据明细表和标题栏的各自不同的特性生成读取信息的方法,该方法可快速地从大量图纸中批量地读取信息,这些信息可以直接为信息管理系统或ERP系统所使用。  相似文献   

Bifunctional catalysts containing (0.1–0.5 wt%) Nickel and 0.1 wt% of Pd supported on H-β zeolite were synthesized by incipient wetness impregnation method and characterized by XRD, TEM, XPS, TPD and TPR techniques. The catalytic activity of Ni containing and Ni free Pd/H-β Catalysts was studied, and it was found that Ni up to a threshold value (0.3 wt% on β) produced increased the n-decane conversion and isomerization selectivity. When Ni content exceeds the threshold value, the conversion increases but isomerized products decrease. Moreover, Ni containing Pd/H-β showed increased sustainability and favored the protonated cyclopropane (PCP) intermediate mechanism in n-decane isomerization. The catalyst containing 0.3 wt% Ni 0.1 wt% Pd is adjudged as one performing better than other catalysts studied because of the isomerized mixture from it shows better octane number.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) has become a key insect pest of agricultural and horticultural crops worldwide. Little is known about host plant resistance to thrips. In this study, we investigated thrips resistance in F 2 hybrids of Senecio jacobaea and Senecio aquaticus. We identified thrips-resistant hybrids applying three different bioassays. Subsequently, we compared the metabolomic profiles of these hybrids applying nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The new developments of NMR facilitate a wide range coverage of the metabolome. This makes NMR especially suitable if there is no a priori knowledge of the compounds related to herbivore resistance and allows a holistic approach analyzing different chemical compounds simultaneously. We show that the metabolomes of thrips-resistant and -susceptible hybrids differed considerably. Thrips-resistant hybrids contained higher amounts of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA), jacobine, and jaconine, especially in younger leaves. Also, a flavanoid, kaempferol glucoside, accumulated in the resistant plants. Both PAs and kaempferol are known for their inhibitory effect on herbivores. In resistant and susceptible F 2 hybrids, young leaves showed less thrips damage than old leaves. Consistent with the optimal plant defense theory, young leaves contained increased levels of primary metabolites such as sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose, but also accumulated jacaranone as a secondary plant defense compound. Our results prove NMR as a promising tool to identify different metabolites involved in herbivore resistance. It constitutes a significant advance in the study of plant–insect relationships, providing key information on the implementation of herbivore resistance breeding strategies in plants. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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