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The effect of the addition of V2 O5 on the structure, sintering and dielectric properties of M -phase (Li1+ x − y Nb1− x −3 y Ti x +4 y )O3 ceramics has been investigated. Homogeneous substitution of V5+ for Nb5+ was obtained in LiNb0.6(1− x ) V0.6 x Ti0.5 O3 for x ≤ 0.02. The addition of V2 O5 led to a large reduction in the sintering temperature and samples with x = 0.02 could be fully densified at 900°C. The substitution of vanadia had a relatively minor adverse effect on the microwave dielectric properties of the M -phase system and the x = 0.02 ceramics had [alt epsilon]r = 66, Q × f = 3800 at 5.6 GHz, and τf = 11 ppm/°C. Preliminary investigations suggest that silver metallization does not diffuse into the V2 O5 -doped M -phase ceramics at 900°C, making these materials potential candidates for low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) applications. 相似文献
Maria P. Seabra Maxim Avdeev Victor M. Ferreira Rob C. Pullar Neil McN. Alford Ian M. Reaney 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2004,87(4):584-590
The microwave dielectric properties and microstructures of compounds in the solid solution series x BaTiO3 –(1− x )La(Mg1/2 Ti1/2 )O3 (BTLMT) have been investigated. The structural phase transitions that occur as a function of x have been studied and are related to changes in the dielectric properties. For compounds where x ≤ 0.1, X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed evidence of 1:1 ordering between Mg and Ti cations. For x ≤ 0.3, XRD and electron diffraction revealed that compounds were tilted in both antiphase and in-phase. However, for 0.3 < x < 0.7, only antiphase tilting was present. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf ) vs the relative permittivity (ɛr ) was linear until x = 0.5 at which point in the solid solution the transition to a nontilted structure resulted in nonlinear behavior. τf values close to zero (−2 ppm/°C) were achieved at x = 0.5 (ɛr ∼ 60), which had a quality factor ( Q · f o ) of 9600 GHz. 相似文献
Pavel Diko Paul.-H. Duvigneaud Alain Lanckbeen ré Van Moer Georges Naessens Robert Deltour 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1993,76(11):2859-2864
Porosity, grain growth, phase composition, and microstructural defects were studied in sintered YBa2 (Cu1−x )3 O7−x ceramics for x values up to 0.3. The porosity of the samples, related to the sintering mechanism, was independent of iron concentration. A linear dependence of the grain size with the inverse of the iron concentration was found, strongly suggesting grain boundary segregation of iron. The solubility limit was estimated to be x = 0.18 at 950°C in O2 . Beyond this limit, a new microstructural component was found consisting of YBa2 (Cu1−x Fex )3 O7−δ , YBaCuFeO5 and Ba(Cu,Fe)O2 . The transition from an orthorhombic twin to an orthorhombic tweed phase and a tetragonal phase was detected by polarized light microscopy. 相似文献
Shrabanee Sen Swapan K. Das Suman Kumari Mishra Abhijit Tarafdar 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2007,90(8):2634-2638
Nanocrystalline 0.65 PbMg1/3 Nb2/3 O3 –0.35PbTiO3 powders were synthesized by citrate gel method. The gel was prepared using citrate (titanium and niobium) and nitrate (lead and magnesium) salts. The hard gel obtained after completion of the reaction was treated to get the desired phase. Thermal analysis of the gel was done to optimize the calcination temperature. The calcined powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The crystallite size and the effective strain were found to be 50 nm and 0.03584 N, respectively. 相似文献
Danjela Kuer Darko Hanel Janez Holc Marko Hrovat Drago Kolar 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2001,84(5):1148-1154
La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were studied as potential materials for solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. The phase relations in the LaFeO3 –SrFeO3−δ –LaAlO3 system were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. The defect structure of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites was investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy and weight-loss analysis. Relations between the nonstoichiometry and the conductivity of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were investigated. The incorporation of aluminum ( x ) into LaFe1− x Alx O3 was found to have no influence on the defect structure but to decrease the conductivity. The incorporation of strontium ( y ) into La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ promotes the formation of anion vacancies and Fe4+ that lead to higher conductivity. 相似文献
Electrical properties of CeO2 thin films of different Y2 O3 dopant concentration as prepared earlier were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The ionic conductivities of the films were found to be dominated by grain boundaries of high conductivity as compared with that of the bulk ceramic of the same dopant concentration sintered at 1500°C. The film grain-boundary conductivities were investigated with regard to grain size, grain-boundary impurity segregation, space charge at grain boundaries, and grain-boundary microstructures. Because of the large grain boundary and surface area in thin films, the impurity concentration is insufficient to form a continuous highly resistive Si-rich glassy phase at grain boundaries, such that the resistivity associated with space-charge layers becomes important. The grain-boundary resistance may originate from oxygen-vacancy-trapping near grain boundaries from space-charge layers. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy coupled with a trans-boundary profile of electron energy loss spectroscopy gives strong credence to the space-charged layers. Since the conductivities of the films were observed to be independent of crystallographic texture, the interface misorientation contribution to the grain-boundary resistance is considered to be negligible with respect to those of the impurity layer and space-charge layers. 相似文献
Sandeep Butee Ajit Kulkarni Om Prakash Ramnath P.R.C. Aiyar Sumesh George Mailadi Sebastian 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2009,92(5):1047-1053
(Ni1− x Zn x )Nb2 O6 , 0≤ x ≤1.0, ceramics with >97% density were prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction, followed by sintering at 1200°–1300°C (depending on the value of x ). The XRD patterns of the sintered samples (0≤ x ≤1.0) revealed single-phase formation with a columbite ( Pbcn ) structure. The unit cell volume slightly increased with increasing Zn content ( x ). All the compositions showed high electrical resistivity (ρdc =1.6±0.3 × 1011 Ω·cm). The microwave (4–5 GHz) dielectric properties of (Ni1− x Zn x )Nb2 O6 ceramics exhibited a significant dependence on the Zn content and to some extent on the morphology of the grains. As x was increased from 0 to 1, the average grain size monotonically increased from 7.6 to 21.2 μm and the microwave dielectric constant (ɛ'r ) increased from 23.6 to 26.1, while the quality factors ( Q u × f ) increased from 18 900 to 103 730 GHz and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf ) increased from −62 to −73 ppm/°C. In the present work, we report the highest observed values of Q u × f =103 730 GHz, and ɛ'r =26.1 for the ZnNb2 O6 -sintered ceramics. 相似文献
Daijitsu Harada Yukio Hinatsu Nobuyuki Masaki Akio Nakamura 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2002,85(3):647-652
Powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy were performed for samples prepared in the temperature range 1500–1500°C for the hafnia–europia (HfO2 –Eu2 O3 ) system Eu x Hf1− x O2− x /2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0). The XRD results showed that two types of solid solution phases formed in the composition range 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.725: an ordered pyrochlore-type phase in the middle-composition range (0.45 < x < 0.575) and a disordered fluorite-type phase, enveloping the pyrochlore-type phase on both sides, in the composition ranges 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.40 and 0.60 ≤ x ≤ 0.725. 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy sensitively probes local environmental changes around trivalent europium (Eu3+ ) caused by the formation of these solid solution phases. In addition to the broad, single Mössbauer spectra observed in this study for the Eu3+ , the values of isomer shift (IS) exhibited a pronounced minimum in the neighborhood of the stoichiometric pyrochlore phase ( x ≈ 0.5). Such IS behavior of Eu3+ was interpreted based on the XRD crystallographic information that the ordered pyrochlore phase has a longer (in fact, the longest) average Eu–O bond length than those of the disordered fluorite phases on both sides or the monoclinic (and C-type) Eu2 O3 at x = 1.0. 相似文献
PAUL F. BECHER 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1983,66(7):485-488
Significant increases in the critical fracture toughness (K IC ) over that of alumina are obtained by the stress-induced phase transformation in partially stabilized ZrO2 particles which are dispersed in alumina. More importantly, improved slow crack growth resistance is observed in the alumina ceramics containing partially stabilized ZrO2 particles when the stress-induced phase transformation occurs. Thus, increasing the contribution of the ZrO2 phase transformation by tailoring the Y2 O3 stabilizer content not only increases the critical fracture toughness (KIC ) but also the K Ia to initiate slow crack growth. For example, crack velocities ( v )≥10–9 m/s are obtained only at K Ia ≥5 MPa.m1/2 in transformation-toughened ( K IC =8.5 MPa.m1/2 ) composites vs K Ia ≥2.7 MPa.m1/2 for comparable velocities in composites where the transformation does not occur ( K IC =4.5 MPa.m1/2 ). This behavior is a result of crack-tip shielding by the dissipation of strain energy in the transformation zone surrounding the crack. The stress corrosion parameter n is lower and A greater in these fine-grained composite materials than in fine-grained aluminas. This is a result of the residual tensile stresses associated with larger (≥1 μm) monoclinic ZrO2 particles which reside along the intergranular crack path. 相似文献
The (YBa2 Cu3 )1−x Nax O7–δ system in the range of x = 0–0.8 was investigated. Experimental data suggest that the sodium doping with x 0.26 does not affect the critical transition temperature Tc , and the crystal structure maintains the orthorhombic lattice with a slightly smaller unit cell. However, sodium doping increases the sintering and grain growth kinetics, resulting in a higher superconducting phase volume and an enhanced Meissner effect. It also lowers the processing temperaturel. The experimental data also suggest that the sodium atoms diffuse into the superconducting YBa2 Cu3 O7−δ crystallites, which stabilizes the orthorhombic phase. The transition temperature (ortho-rhombic to tetragonal) in sodium-doped materials increases with the increasing concentration of sodium. 相似文献
The effects of BaO—ZnO–B2 O3 (BZB) glass addition on the densification and dielectric properties of BaTi4 O9 (BT4) have been investigated. With increasing BaO content in the BZB glass, the softening and melting points of the resulting BZB glass decrease, but the wetting between BZB and BT4 improves cosiderably. Although the densification temperature is reduced from 1300°C for pure BT4 to 925°C for BT4+BZB dielectric ceramics, the enhancement in densification becomes less significant with increasing BaO content in the BZB glass. The above result is attributed to a chemical reaction taking place at the interface of BZB/BT4 during firing, which becomes less extensive with increasing BaO content in the BZB glass. For the BZB glass with a BaO content in the range of 0–20 mol%, the resulting 90 vol% BT4+10 vol% BZB microwave dielectric has a dielectric constant of 28–33, and a product ( Q × f r ) of quality factor ( Q ) and a resonant frequency ( f r ) of 15 000–20 000 GHz at 6.6 GHz. 相似文献
Dunmin Lin Kin Wing Kwok Huyong Tian Helen Wong Lai-wa Chan 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2007,90(5):1458-1462
Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (Na1− x K x )(Nb1− y Sb y )O3 + z mol% MnO2 have been prepared by a conventional solid-state sintering technique. Our results reveal that Sb5+ diffuses into the K0.5 Na0.5 NbO3 lattices to form a solid solution with a single-phase orthorhombic perovskite structure. The partial substitution of Sb5+ for B-site ion Nb5+ decreases the paraelectric cubic-ferroelectric tetragonal phase transition ( T c ) and the ferroelectric tetragonal-ferroelectric orthorhombic phase transition ( T O–F ), and retains strong ferroelectricity. A small amount of MnO2 is enough to improve the densification of the ceramics. The co-effects of MnO2 doping and Sb substitution lead to significant improvements in ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. The ceramics with x =0.45–0.525, y =0.06–0.08, and z =0.5–1 exhibit excellent ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties: d 33 =163–204 pC/N, k P =0.47–0.51, k t =0.46–0.52, ɛ=640–1053, tan δ=1.3–3.0%, P r =18.1–22.6 μC/cm2 , E c =0.72–0.98 kV/mm, and T C =269°–314°C. 相似文献
BaTi2 O5 (BT2 ) is thermodynamically stable over a very narrow temperature range between 1220° and 1230°C: a modification to the BaO–TiO2 phase diagram is proposed. This thermodynamic stability was shown by constructing a time–temperature transformation diagram for the decomposition of BT2 . Once formed, BT2 appears to be stable indefinitely at 1220°–1230°C; at higher temperatures, the decomposition rate increases with temperature; at lower temperatures, the decomposition rate increases with decreasing temperature and passes through a maximum at ∼1200°C; below ∼1150°C, BT2 has long-lived kinetic stability. Kinetic considerations show a nucleation and growth mechanism for decomposition, with a nucleation induction period that is very temperature dependent. BT2 can be prepared by various routes, including solid-state reaction of oxides below ∼1100°C; because it is metastable at all temperatures other than 1220°–1230°C, its formation is an example of Ostwald's rule of successive reactions. Discrepancies in the literature concerning the reported stability range of BT2 can be explained by the complex dependence on temperature and time of both its formation and decomposition, for both of which, the nucleation stage is rate limiting. 相似文献
Crystalline Structure and Dielectric Properties of Li1+x−y Nb1−x−3y Tix+4y O3 M-Phase Solid Solutions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The structure and dielectric properties of the so-called M -phase solid solutions in the Li2 O–Nb2 O5 –TiO2 system have been investigated. Detailed studies of the lattice parameters of these phases agree well with structure models based on intergrowths of LiNbO3 slabs with a titanium-rich corundum-type layer. The relative permittivity ranges from ∼80 to ∼55; microwave quality factors increase with the titanium content, reaching values of Q × f = 9000 at 6 GHz. The temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency changes sign within the solid solution region, thus permitting tunability to a zero value. All the compositions can be sintered to high density at temperatures ≤1100°C. 相似文献
Ruzhong Zuo Chun Ye Xusheng Fang Zhenxing Yue Longtu Li 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2008,91(3):914-917
The Cu-modified (Na0.5 K0.5 )0.96 Li0.04 Ta0.1 Nb0.9 O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were fabricated at relatively low temperatures by ordinary sintering. The results indicate that the addition of copper oxide (CuO) does not change the crystal structure and the dielectric–temperature characteristic, but tends to slightly increase the loss tangent and significantly modify the ferroelectric and electromechanical properties. Moreover, the grains get clearly coarsened with increasing CuO content. When doped with <0.25% CuO, the materials get softer with slightly decreased coercive fields ( E c ) and increased maximum electric field-driven strains ( S m ), and thus own enhanced piezoelectric properties; however, as the doping level becomes higher, the materials get harder, possessing larger E c and reduced remanent polarization and S m . The change in the electrical properties can be attributed to both the formation of oxygen vacancies by Cu2+ replacing Nb5+ and the modification of densification. 相似文献
Pomin Su Anil V. Virkar Camden R. Hubbard O. Burl Cavin Wallace D. Porter 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1993,76(10):2513-2520
Gd2 O3 -doped Bi2 O3 polycrystalline ceramics containing between 2 and 7 mol% Gd2 O3 were fabricated by pressureless sintering powder compacts. The as-sintered samples were tetragonal at room temperature. Hightemperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) traces showed that the samples were cubic at elevated temperatures and transformed into the tetragonal polymorph during cooling. On the basis of conductivity measurements as a function of temperature and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the cubic → tetragonal as well as tetragonal → cubic → teansition temperatures were determined as a function of Gd2 O3 concentration. The cubic → tetragonal transformation appears to be a displacive transformation. It was observed that additions of ZrO2 as a dopant, which is known to suppress cation interdiffusion in rare-earth oxide–Bi2 O3 systems, did not suppress the transition, consistent with it being a displacive transition. Annealing of samples at temperatures 660°C for several hundred hours led to decomposition into a mixture of monoclinic and rhombohedral phases. This shows that the tetragonal polymorph is a metastable phase. 相似文献
Toshiya Hirata 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2000,83(12):3205-3207
Based on the virtual crystal approximation (or Vegard's law), the bond lengths of Ti1− x Sn x O2 were deduced from those of TiO2 and SnO2 , to allow the oxygen position and octahedral distortion to be determined as a function of x . The oxygen positional parameter ( u ) increased linearly when the Sn4+ cation (which has a larger ionic radius) was substituted for the Ti4+ cation, whereas the octahedral distortion exhibited a nonlinear decay with increasing x in Ti1− x Sn x O2 . At the same time, the bond-valence parameter, which relates bond valence to bond length, so that the central atom in the octahedron can retain a constant valence of +4.0, exhibited a correlation with u for Ti1− x Sn x O2 . The present results indicate that the different phonon/physical properties of TiO2 and SnO2 and/or their dependence on x in Ti1− x Sn x O2 can be associated with different octahedral distortions. 相似文献
W. R. Xue Walter A. Schulze † Robert E. Newnham 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(6):1783-1784
The electromechanical properties of PbTiO3 ceramics, modified by substitution of Sm or Gd + Nd (same average atomic radius as Sm) for Pb, were studied in the range of 6% to 14% substitution. The modified PbTiO3 ceramics were stable, and the Curie temperature decreased linearly over this composition range. The 10% Sm composition had a large anisotropy in the coupling factor ratio, k t / k p , and a similar, but weaker, effect developed for 12% (1/2 Gd + 1/2 Nd). This indicates that other than average ion size may influence the electromechanical coupling factor ratio. 相似文献