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Pregnancy is a physiological state associated with significant changes in appetite, thermogenesis, and lipid metabolism, functions which are regulated in part by a hormone, leptin, secreted by adipocytes. Leptin has also been shown to have a role in reproduction, promoting centrally-regulated maturation of the reproductive system and signaling the presence of adequate maternal energy stores for fertility. Here we demonstrate that serum leptin levels are modulated during normal rat pregnancy with a 1.8-fold increase during pregnancy followed by a decrease just before parturition. Leptin receptor mRNA levels in the uterus are also regulated with an increase about 2.7-fold during this same period, whereas there is no change in other tissues examined. The results suggest that leptin may play a role during pregnancy, perhaps regulating energy utilization.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue leptin mRNA levels are decreased by food deprivation or induction of insulin-deficient diabetes. To determine whether plasma leptin concentrations are similarly affected, whether treatment of diabetes with insulin restores plasma leptin, and whether this requires restoration of body weight (lost as a result of diabetes) and/or normalization of glycemia, we measured plasma leptin concentrations in control, untreated streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic, and insulin-treated STZ-diabetic rats. Plasma leptin was markedly reduced in untreated STZ-diabetic rats. Insulin treatment for 4 to 17 days increased plasma leptin approximately twofold above control levels. However, despite the hyperleptinemia, insulin-treated diabetic rats gained weight at a rate equal to that of sham-treated controls. Epididymal adipose tissue leptin mRNA levels in 17-day insulin-treated diabetic rats were equal to but did not exceed sham-control levels, unlike plasma leptin. Plasma glucose concentrations in insulin-treated STZ-diabetic rats were lower than in sham controls. Therefore, to determine whether hypoglycemia may be important in increasing plasma leptin, we measured plasma leptin levels in diabetic rats infused with insulin for 3 hours along with a variable-rate glucose infusion targeting glycemia to 200 or 40 mg/100 mL. Plasma leptin rapidly increased in these rats irrespective of target glycemia. Plasma leptin also increased rapidly in normal rats infused with insulin and glucose (target glycemia, 200 mg/100 mL). We conclude that plasma leptin concentrations are markedly reduced under conditions of insulin deficiency and rapidly increased by insulin treatment. The increase in plasma leptin does not require restoration of body weight and, under glucose clamp conditions, does not depend on target glycemia. Hyperleptinemia in insulin-treated diabetic rats is not explained on the basis of steady-state leptin mRNA levels, at least as reflected in epididymal fat.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin AIc, a normal minor hemoglobin, has glucose linked by a Schiff base to the N-terminal end of the beta chain. The glucose interferes with the binding of 2,3 diphosphoglycerate, probably resulting in an increased affinity of that hemoglobin for oxygen. Hb AIc is increased to twice normal levels in juvenile-onset (insulin-dependent) diabetes. In the present studies, the Hb AIc, when expressed as per cent of total hemoglobin, was found to be elevated slightly in pregnany normal (m = 6.97 per cent), pregnant nondiabetic obese (m = 6.89 per cent), and gestationally diabetic subjects (m = 8.77 per cent) above that of normal females (m = 5.68 per cent). A remarkable difference was observed between the nonpregnant diabetics (m = 12.77 per cent) and the pregnant diabetics (m = 8.46 per cent). This decrease in the level of Hb AIc in diabetics who are pregnant more than 30 weeks may reflect either a better state of diabetic control and/or a compensatory mechanism to protect the fetus by facilitating oxygen exchange from mother to fetus.  相似文献   

The serum leptin profile and its production in adipose tissue during pregnancy and lactation were investigated along with changes in appetite and factors reflecting nutritional status in 11-week-old rats. Serum leptin levels in pregnant rats were stable except on day 20 of pregnancy and significantly reduced during lactation compared to nonpregnant rats (P < 0.001). Circulating leptin levels corresponded with changes in appetite during pregnancy and postparturition. Leptin mRNA in parametrial adipose tissue reflected the circulating levels, also being significantly reduced during late pregnancy and during lactation (P < 0.05). Leptin mRNA expression was observed in placenta, but the amount suggested little influence on circulating leptin levels. These results indicate that reduction in leptin mRNA in parametrial adipose tissue and circulating leptin levels may increase appetite during late pregnancy and lactation and may play a role in regulating metabolic homeostasis around parturition in rats.  相似文献   

We measured serum levels of free leptin, bound leptin, and soluble leptin receptor by specific RIA methods in 20 normal and 19 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus subjects at 20 and 30 weeks gestation and postpartum, and analyzed the data using hierarchical statistical models. Total leptin levels rise from 20-30 weeks gestation (688 +/- 58 to 785 +/- 62 pmol/L, mean +/- SEM; P = 0.009). There is a significant postpartum fall to 445 +/- 47 pmol/L (P < 0.001). This rise is caused by the rise in the bound leptin levels, as there is no significant change in free leptin levels between 20 and 30 weeks (P = 0.17). There is a significant postpartum fall in free leptin levels (P < 0.001). Insulin requirements rise in the third trimester, but despite this there was no significant difference in free or bound leptin levels between the normal and diabetic subjects at any stage [free leptin, 223 +/- 35 and 266 +/- 24, 237 +/- 45 and 223 +/- 27, and 109 +/- 16 and 104 +/- 24 (P = 0.34); bound leptin, 410 +/- 73 and 428 +/- 54, 501 +/- 78 and 562 +/- 71, and 330 +/- 47 and 271 +/- 46 (P = 0.84); for normals and diabetics at 20 and 30 weeks gestation and postpartum, respectively]. Diabetic subjects, however, had significantly higher soluble leptin receptor levels at all stages (P < 0.001), which rose further in the third trimester from 3742 +/- 268 (mean +/- SEM) to 4134 +/- 239 pmol/L, whereas in the normal group there was a fall from 3149 +/- 169 to 2712 +/- 123 (P = 0.05). There is a linear relationship between the soluble leptin receptor levels and the body mass index in the diabetic group only. We conclude that there is no significant difference in free or bound leptin levels between the normal and insulin-dependent diabetic subjects either during pregnancy or postpartum, but female insulin-dependent diabetic subjects have significantly higher soluble leptin receptor levels. We speculate that high soluble leptin receptor levels might be implicated in the development of the leptin resistance in this group.  相似文献   

Leptin is a recently isolated peptide hormone released from adipocytes that has been postulated to play a role in appetite regulation and energy metabolism. Aging affects both food intake and body composition. Body composition is also affected by ethnicity. We have evaluated the relationships between serum leptin levels, age, body composition (by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), and hormonal parameters in a cross-sectional study of 94 women, 53 African-American (AAF) and 41 Caucasian (CF). Our hypotheses were as follows: (1) changes in body composition would be related to age in a sinusoidal pattern, (2) changes in serum leptin would parallel changes in body fat, (3) serum leptin levels would be influenced by body fat distribution, and (4) serum leptin would be related to serum concentrations of sex hormones. Serum leptin paralleled changes in body fat and body mass index (BMI) with age. In the entire group, serum leptin correlated closely with measures of body fat, including BMI and total fat mass, and there was no difference in leptin levels between the two ethnic groups. In simple regression analysis, serum leptin was related to both serum estradiol and testosterone. The relationship between serum leptin and trunk fat was linear in both groups, but significantly different in AAF and CF (P = .014). Serum leptin was associated with the trunk to lower-extremity fat ratio in CF (r = .67, P = .001) but not in AAF. Body fat was increased with advancing age until about 65 years and then declined. Measures of lean body mass declined linearly with age in the entire group, as well as both subgroups. In the entire group, total lean body mass and lean body mass corrected for BMI (lean body mass/BMI) were inversely related to age. In subjects aged less than 60 years AAF were stronger (P < .05) and had both a larger BMI and fat mass (P < .05) than CF. However, the patterns of age-related changes in fat body mass, lean body mass, and BMI were similar in both groups. In the entire group, multiple regression analysis indicated that the age, free thyroxine index (FTI), and leptin concentration were predictors of the body composition and distribution of trunk to lower-body fat. These observations indicate that there is a sinusoidal relationship between body fat and age, with a decline in body fat in extreme old age in both AAF and CF, and that serum leptin concentrations are more closely related to body fat and BMI than to age or ethnicity.  相似文献   

Bile acid concentrations were measured enzymatically in study of women through normal pregnancy. Mean serum bile acid levels increased significantly, from 5.3 (SD 0.9) mumol/l at 16 weeks to 7.2 (SD 1.0) mumol/l at term. Serum bile acid concentrations were greater of older women, than of younger women.  相似文献   

Leptin is a protein encoded by the ob gene that is expressed in adipocytes and regulates eating behavior via central neuroendocrine mechanisms. Serum leptin levels have been shown to correlate with weight and percent body fat in normal and obese individuals; however, it is not known whether the regulation of leptin is normal below a critical threshold of body fat in chronic undernutrition. We investigated serum leptin levels in 22 women, aged 23 +/- 4 yr, with anorexia nervosa. Duration of disease, weight, BMI, percent body fat, and serum leptin levels were determined for each patient. Nutritional status was assessed further by caloric intake and measurement of insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels. Twenty-three healthy women, aged 23 +/- 4 yr, taking no medications, with normal menstrual function and body mass index (BMI) between 20-26 kg/m2 (mean, 23.7 +/- 1.7 kg/m2), served as a control population for comparison of leptin levels. Subjects with anorexia nervosa were low weight (BMI, 16.3 +/- 1.6 kg/m2; normal, 20-26 kg/m2) and exhibited a striking reduction in percent body fat (7 +/- 2%; normal, 20-30%). The mean serum leptin level was significantly decreased in subjects with anorexia nervosa compared with that in age- and sex-matched controls of normal body weight (5.6 +/- 3.7 vs. 19.1 +/- 8.1 ng/mL; P < 0.0001). Serum leptin levels were correlated highly with weight, as expressed either BMI (r = 0.66; P = 0.002) or percent ideal body weight (r = 0.68; P = 0.0005), body fat (r = 0.70; P = 0.0003), and IGF-I (r = 0.64; P = 0.001), but not with caloric intake or serum levels of estradiol or insulin in subjects with anorexia nervosa. The correlation between leptin and body fat was linear, with progressively lower, but detectable, leptin levels measured even in patients with less than 5% body fat, but was not significant when the effects of weight were taken into account. In contrast, the correlation between leptin and IGF-I remained significant when the effects of weight, body fat, and caloric intake were taken into account. In normal controls, leptin correlated with BMI (r = 0.55; P = 0.007) and IGF-I (r = 0.44; P < 0.05), but not with fat mass. These data demonstrate that serum leptin levels are reduced in association with low weight and percent body fat in subjects with anorexia nervosa compared to normal controls. Leptin levels correlate highly with weight, percent body fat, and IGF-I in subjects with anorexia nervosa, suggesting that the physiological regulation of leptin is maintained in relation to nutritional status even at an extreme of low weight and body fat.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine plasma levels of oxytocin in women immediately after delivery. METHODS: Oxytocin was measured in 18 healthy women at 15 minute intervals after normal vaginal deliveries with healthy infants. The mothers had their infants put skin-to-skin on their chests immediately after birth. The infants stayed there up to two hours post partum. RESULTS: There were significant elevations of oxytocin 15, 30 and 45 minutes after delivery (p = 0.007, 0.02 and 0.02 respectively) when compared with average pre partum levels sampled approximately 7-15 minutes before partus. This elevation of oxytocin coincided with the expulsion of placenta. In most women this first elevation was followed by repeated elevations of oxytocin. Oxytocin levels returned to pre partum levels at 60 minutes post partum. CONCLUSIONS: Oxytocin is known to play a role in maternal bonding in animals. Earlier studies indicate that there is a sensitive period for bonding the first hour after giving birth even in women. Our study demonstrates a coincidence of this putative 'sensitive period' and high levels of oxytocin.  相似文献   

The tubular transport of urate and sodium was examined by clearance, free-flow micropuncture, intratubular microinjection and precession techniques in control rats and in rats receiving a new uricosuric diuretic, indanyloxyacetic acid (MK-196). The i.v. infusion of MK-196 (50 mg/kg of body wt/hr) resulted in significant increases in the fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) from 0.98 +/- 0.01 to 11.86 +/- 2.88% (P less than 0.001) and in FEurate from 14.1 +/- 1.03 to 56.0 +/- 2.86% (P less than 0.001). End-proximal tubular fluid to plasma inulin (TF/Pinulin) ratios were 2.43 +/- 0.15 and 2.51 +/- 0.10 in control and drug-treated animals, respectively (P = NS). Total urinary urate recovery after MK-196 administration was higher following microinjections of [2-14C] urate into early proximal tubule sites: 70.5 +/- 2.7% in controls vs. 84.9 +/- 0.9 (P less than 0.001), and after microinjections into late proximal tubule sites: 82.8 +/- 2.9% vs. 91.3 +/- 1.9 (P less than 0.05). Urinary precession of urate from inulin was demonstrable following placement of isotopes of these compounds on the surface of the kidney in controls, but was abolished by MK-196. This agent, therefore, inhibits the reabsorption and secretion of urate in the proximal convoluted tubule, the net effect being a marked increase in urinary urate excretion. By contrast, its inhibitory effect on sodium reabsorption is exerted at a site or sites distal to the accessible portion of the proximal tubule. The demonstration of reduced urate reabsorption and normal sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule suggests that the reabsorption of these constituents of the glomerular filtrate is not intimately linked at this nephron site.  相似文献   

Leptin is a protein encoded by the ob gene and expressed in adipocytes. A sensitive marker of nutritional status, leptin is known to correlate with fat mass and to respond to changes in caloric intake. Leptin may also be an important mediator of reproductive function, as suggested by the effects of leptin infusions to restore ovulatory function in an animal model of starvation. We hypothesized that leptin levels are decreased in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea and that leptin may be a sensitive marker of overall nutritional status in this population. We, therefore, measured leptin levels and caloric intake in 21 women with hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) and 30 age-, weight-, and body fat-matched eumenorrheic controls. Age (24 +/- 5 vs. 24 +/- 3 yr), body mass index (20.6 +/- 1.3 vs. 21.1 +/- 1.5 kg/m2), percent ideal body weight (94.9 +/- 5% vs. 96.3 +/- 6.3%), and fat mass (14.2 +/- 3.6 vs. 15.5 +/- 2.9 kg, determined by dual energy x-ray absortiometry) did not differ between the groups. Leptin levels were significantly lower in the HA subjects compared with those in the controls (7.1 +/- 3.0 vs. 10.6 +/- 4.9 micrograms/L; P = 0.005). Total caloric intake (1768 +/- 335 vs. 2215 +/- 571 cal/day; P = 0.003), fat intake (333 +/- 144 vs. 639 +/- 261 cal/day; P < 0.0001), and insulin levels (5.6 +/- 1.2 vs. 7.4 +/- 3.2 microU/mL; P = 0.015) were lower in the women with HA than in the eumenorrheic controls. The difference in leptin levels remained significant after controlling for insulin (P = 0.023). These data are the first to demonstrate hypoleptinemia, independent of fat mass, in women with HA. The hypoleptinemia may reflect inadequate calorie intake, fat intake, and/or other subclinical nutritional disturbances in women with HA. The mechanism and reproductive consequences of low leptin in this large population of women remain unknown.  相似文献   

In March 1996, an epidemic of Shigella sonnei infection occurred in Ooamishira-sato Town, Chiba Prefecture. Colicine typing, antibiotic resistance patterns, plasmid profiles, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and random amplified poly-morphic DNA (RAPD) were used for the investigation of the epidemic. Ninety-four isolates from patients exhibited three different colicine types and five different antibiotic resistance patterns. But the patterns of plasmid profile, PFGE and RAPD were uniform among the isolates with different colicine type and antibiotic resistance pattern. It is possible that these isolates belonged to a single bacterial clone and circulated through human to human.  相似文献   

We report on catamnestic and clinical results of a 18-24 month follow-up study of 65 alcohol-dependent patients who in 1992-1994 took part in an 8-month outpatient treatment programme. The psychotherapeutic concept of this treatment facility is described. 51 of the 65 patients who had participated in the programme could be subsequently personally interviewed, 7 patients refused to take part, 6 could not be reached and 1 had died. 40 of the 51 patients had properly completed the outpatient treatment. Assuming that all patients who could not be interviewed or refused, were relapsers the abstinence rate was found to be 48% (n = 31). Although selective factors may contribute to this result, the clinical findings so far seem to indicate that outpatient treatment for alcoholics is a promising new therapeutic approach in the treatment of alcoholism. Further studies are needed to assess the possible benefits and the indications for this outpatient treatment in greater detail.  相似文献   

pregnancy zone protein (PZ), low polar estrogen, progesteorne, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone levels during normal menstrual cycles were studied. Serum samples were taken from 12 healthy women of different ages throughout their menstrual cycle. PZ levels showed no significant pattern and no statistically significant association was shown between PZ levels and any of the hormones. PZ levels were higher in older women and varied within each women's cycle. The study results indicate that peak estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle are not sufficient in duration or magnitude to cause increased serum levels of PZ.  相似文献   

Leptin, the obese (ob) gene product, is an adipocyte-derived satiety factor that is involved in the regulation of food ingestion and body weight. To investigate glucocorticoid regulation of leptin synthesis and secretion in humans, we measured plasma leptin levels in patients with Cushing's syndrome with adrenal or pituitary adenoma and in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. Plasma leptin levels in patients with Cushing's syndrome were significantly elevated compared to those in nonobese healthy subjects and obese subjects without any metabolic or endocrine diseases at a given percentage of body fat by analysis of covariance. In patients with adrenal or pituitary adenoma, after the tumor resection, plasma leptin levels were reduced, with a concurrent decrease in plasma cortisol levels. With no significant changes in body weight, plasma leptin levels were also elevated significantly in lean healthy volunteers 24 h after the administration of 1 mg dexamethasone. Dexamethasone potently induced ob gene expression and leptin secretion in the organ culture of human adipose tissue. The data demonstrate that glucocorticoids act, at least in part, directly on the adipose tissue and increase leptin synthesis and secretion in humans.  相似文献   

The aim of this 2-year study funded by the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting was to examine the relationship between teaching, support, supervision and role modelling in student clinical learning within the context of Project 2000 courses. The research, using a two-stage case-study design, employing predominantly qualitative methods of data collection, investigated the perceptions of students, tutors and practitioners of their experiences of these processes in the clinical setting. This paper focuses on the findings obtained from the practitioner data, high-lighting not only the significant role played by practitioners in facilitating student learning, but also the implications for practitioners in undertaking this role. The preparation required for supervising clinical learning, the integration of theory and practice and the organization of patient care have been identified as particularly important to the development of effective clinical learning environments.  相似文献   

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